

This morning after I got the news that my best friend, Sean Misner, who was one of the firefighters, died in an Arizona wildfire in June, I created a Facebook page in his .

Sean and I were like brothers. We met playing baseball when we were eight years old. We life’s ups and downs together. He was 26 when he died.

I was in when I found out the situation. Friends of his photos and information on his page, and I set up a way for people to money to Sean’s wife, Amanda, and their son, right through Facebook.

My sister is a journalist, and she suggested that we arrange everything while the fire was getting national . In the first couple of days, Sean’s page got 2, 000 likes. Today it has more than 27, 000 likes.

When Sean’s family drove his ashes 500 miles from Prescott, Arizona, to his in Santa Ynez, California, firefighters had been standing on every highway overpass (天桥).

I was surprised at how much it me to see that other people cared. Strangers were sending Facebook messages, baby clothes to Amanda and we’ve about $10, 000 for his son’s education. One post is from a little boy in Nevada who said, when he he wants to be a firefighter. It touched me. People posted messages about what a hero Sean was and they were right. There is a lot of on that Facebook page. I one day, when Sean’s son, Sean Jaxon, is enough, he will see how his father was through this page.

During moments when I miss Sean, I visit the , and it makes me smile. On my birthday or his birthday or some date, I’ll read the messages and look at the photos that people have posted. It’s a way for me to keep his memory .

1.A. honour B. absence C. existence D. death

2.A. got through B. passed through C. went through D. looked through

3.A. fear B. horror C. anxiety D. shock

4.A. took B. hung C. developed D. posted

5.A. save B. donate C. make D. earn

6.A. practically B. sincerely C. quickly D. regularly

7.A. attention B. support C. sympathy D. recognition

8.A. office B. home C. school D. community

9.A. entertained B. frightened C. comforted D. astonished

10.A. offering B. intending C. expecting D. conveying

11.A. grasped B. founded C. figured D. raised

12.A. turns up B. picks up C. comes up D. grows up

13.A. deeply B. eventually C. slightly D. gently

14.A. information B. money C. love D. emotion

15.A. believe B. wonder C. doubt D. realize

16.A. tall B. old C. strong D. firm

17.A. excited B. satisfied C. respected D. encouraged

18.A. tomb B. Internet C. page D. reserve

19.A. specific B. special C. available D. accessible

20.A. alive B. awake C. apart D. awful


Modern smart phones are fast becoming the must-have item. But what’s in store for the next generation of smart phones?

Tired of carrying around that heavy wallet? Soon you won’t need to! The next generation of smart phones will have NFC technology, which lets you pay for things with your smart phones. All you do is enter your credit card information into your phone. Then, when you are in a shop that allows NFC payments, you just wave your phone over a special instrument at the checkout. The purchase is instantly charged to your credit card.

Ever seen someone wearing something and wished you knew where to get it? Soon it will be easy with PicCommerce, new technology that uses image-recognition software. Here’s how it works. If you see something you like, simply take a photo of it with your smart phone. Then, your phone will send the image to a special server, which will respond with information about where you can buy it and how much it will cost.

Sick of your smart phone battery going flat? With so many applications draining (消耗) the battery, the latest phones need to be charged every day. But next generation smart phones will come with built-in chips that can connect to an antenna (天线) in your home. And as long as your phone is within range of the antenna, you will be able to charge your smartphone wirelessly, even if it is in your pocket.

Worried about getting your smart phones wet in the rain? A company called Hz0 has invented WaterBlock, new technology that makes your phone completely waterproof. And it’s so effective that your phone will even work underwater.

Fed up with carrying a heavy phone around? Soon, you will be able to get a PaperPhone! “Flexible phones are the future,” said scientist Roel Vertegaal. So, what are the benefits of flexible phones? Well, it means that instead of carrying your phone in your pocket, you could wear it wrapped around your wrist, for example.

Of course, there is just the problem: with so much new smart phone technology around, you will soon need to buy a new phone!

1.To pay with your smart phone, you need to ________.

A. go to a bank

B. store money in the phone

C. buy a special instrument

D. have a credit card

2. We can learn from the 4th paragraph that the next generation of smart phones ________.

A. will have chips instead of batteries

B. may consume less power

C. will be charged easily

D. needn’t be charged frequently

3.Which feature of future smart phones does Paragraph 6 show?

A. They will be cheaper. B. They will be easier to operate.

C. They will be smaller. D. They will be easier to carry.

4.What can be the best title for the text?

A. The Future of Smart phones

B. Basic Functions of Smart phones

C. Advantages of Modern Smart phones

D. The Development of Phone Technology

完形填空,阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

The first day of school our professor asked us to know someone we didn't know. I turned ________ to find a little lady smiling at me .She said, "Hi handsome. I’m Rose, eighty-seven years old. Can I give you a ________ ?"

I laughed and responded, "Of course you ________!" and she gave me a big squeeze.(挤压)

"Why are you in college at such an innocent(无辜的) ________ ?" I asked.

She ________ replied, " To meet a ________ husband, get married, and have a couple of kids..."

"No seriously," I asked.

"I always ________having a college education and now I'm getting one!" she told me.

After class we talked a lot and became instant friends. Every day for the next three months we would ________ class together and then talk nonstop. Actually, she easily ________ friends wherever she went.

________the end of the semester we ________ Rose to speak at our football banquet(宴会).

I'll never forget what she ________ us. As she began to________ her speech, she ________ her cards on the floor. As we laughed she________ her throat(喉咙) and began, "We do not stop playing because we are old; we grow old________we stop playing. There are four ________ to staying young, being happy, and achieving success. You have to laugh and find ________ every day. You have to have a dream. When you________ your dreams, you die”.

She ended her ________ by courageously singing "The Rose."(258words)

1.A. round B.on C. off D. away

2.A.gift B. hug C. kiss D. dream

3.A. must B. may C. will D. should

4.A. time B. year C. age D. period

5.A. interestingly B. seriously C. innocently D. jokingly

6.A. tall B. poor C. rich D. small

7.A. waited for B. heard of C. hunted for D. dreamed of

8.A. attend B. leave C. skip D. have

9.A. had B. made C. found D. became

10.A. At B. By C. In D. To

11.A. invited B. required C. demanded D. told

12.A. gave B. taught C. spoke D. asked

13.A. tell B. deliver C. say D. speak

14.A. put B. lay C. left D. dropped

15.A. cleaned B. washed C. cleared D. opened

16.A. as B. so C. because D. if

17.A. steps B. answers C. secrets D. solutions

18.A. stories B. happiness C. dreams D. humor

19.A. find B. realize C. achieve D. lose

20.A. speech B. story C. dream D. song

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