
1.Fast food is becoming more and (61)more popular in China,especially among children and teenagers.There are several explanations for its popularity.First,it is very convenient and(62)saves a lot of time.You just go into a fast food restaurant to order your food,and your food is ready immediately.(63)Second,you can either eat it there or(64)take it away.Third,the environment of fast food restaurants is both clean and(65)comfortable(comfort).Fourth,excellent service(66)is provided (provide) and the quality of food is high.(67)However,fast food isn't healthy enough.It is usually not a balanced diet and low in nutritional value.Fast food  is only a good choice when you are in a(n)(68)hurry and have it once in a (69)while.So I would say that It's good for people,especially children,to eat fast food as(70)little as possible.

分析 本文主要讲述快餐在中国十分流行,尤其是儿童和青少年喜欢吃快餐.快餐有许多优点,比如:方便,节约时间,既可在快餐店里吃也可以带回家吃.但从营养角度讲,快餐食品却不尽如人意,孩子要尽量少吃快餐.

解答 61.more 考查固定搭配.多音节形容词前加more and more意为"越来越…",是固定搭配.
62.saves 考查动词时态.根据句意:它节省时间.因讲述的是一般事实,用一般现在时,且主语it是单数,谓语动词也应用单数saves.
63.Second 考查序数词.根据上下文,first,third,此处应是second.
64.take 考查动词.根据句意:你既可在快餐店里吃也可以带走.用动词take.
65.comfortable 考查形容词.both…and…意为"既…又…; 两个都",是固定搭配,前后连接两个相同的语法成分,clean和comfortable都是形容词作表语.
66.is provided 考查动词时态和语态.service和provide之间是动宾关系,用被动语态,且讲述的是一般事实,用一般现在时的被动语态,主语service是单数,助动词用单数is.
67.However 考查副词.however表示转折,尤其用于谈及一个既成事实时,表示转折,其意为"可是""仍然"等.可放在句首、句中或句末,通常用逗号与句子其他成分隔开.
68.hurry 考查固定搭配.in a hurry意为"迅速地,匆忙地",是固定搭配.
69.while 考查固定搭配.once in a while意为"偶尔,间或",是固定搭配.
70.little 考查固定搭配.as…as possible意为"尽可能; 尽量",是固定搭配,根据句意:孩子要尽量少吃快餐.用little.

点评 在一篇200词左右的语篇(短文或对话)中留出10处空白,部分空白的后面给出单词的基本形式,要求考生根据上下文填写空白处所需的内容或所提供单词的正确形式,所填写词语不得多于3个单词.要做好语法填空题,理解短文是解题的前提,扎实的词汇、句型和语法知识是基础,英语国家的背景知识是必要的补充.考生须灵活运用语法知识,如单词词性、单词时态、名词单复数、连接词、代词、冠词等判断各空白处应填写的内容.答完后,还要通读全文,核对所填单词形式是否正确,是否符合语境.

9.Welcome to your future life!
You get up in the morning and look into the mirror.Your face is firm and young-looking.In 2035,medical technology is better than ever.Many people your age could live to be 150,so at 40,you're not old at all.And your parents just had an anti-aging (抗衰老的) treatment.Now,all three of you look the same age!
You say to your shirt,"Turn red."It changes from blue to red.In 2035,"smart clothes"contain particles (粒子) much smaller than the cells in your body.The particles can be programmed to change clothes'color or pattern.
You walk into the kitchen.You pick up the milk,but a voice says,"You shouldn't drink that!"Your fridge has read the chip (芯片) that contains information about the milk,and it knows the milk is old.In 2035,every article of food in the grocery store has such a chip.
It's time to go to work.In 2035,cars drive themselves.Just tell your"smart car"where to go.On the way,you can call a friend using your jacket sleeve.Such"smart technology"is all around you.
So will all these things come true?"For new technology to succeed,"says scientist Andrew Zolli,"it has to be so much better that it replaces what we have already."The Internet is one example---what will be the next?
21.What can be inferred from Paragraph 4?C
A.Milk will be harmful to health.
B.More drinks will be available for sale.
C.Food in the grocery store will carry electronic information.
D.Milk in the grocery store will stay fresh much longer.
22.Which of the following is mentioned in the text?D
A.Nothing can replace the Internet.
B.Fridges will know what people need.
C.Jacket sleeves can be used as a guide.
D.Cars will be able to drive automatically.
23.What is the text mainly about?B
A.Food and clothing in 2035.
B.Future technology in everyday life.
C.Medical treatments of the future.
D.The reason for the success of new technology.
16.While it is most sports fans'favorite part of watching their team compete,shouting out  insulting words or encouragement doesn't actually help them win matches,new research suggests.
An experiment conducted earlier this month,provided an answer accidentally to the question whether cheering does actually have an effect on either team's performance.
Originally,the study project started by Brenna Boyd,a research assistant working under a professor in the School of Architectural Engineering,aimed to settle a long-standing argument in American college football over which team has the loudest stadium.She also hoped her study would determine whether crowd noise is harmful to the communications on the field.But since she's more into hockey than football,she did her later experiment in college hockey stadiums.
Boyd and her classmates measured noise levels during college hockey games,including four played by their home team--University of Nebraska team at Omaha's Century Link Centre from November 2014through to March this year.
For the loudest game,the average loudness equivalent level in the student section was 95.5decibels(分贝)-the equivalent of hearing a jackhammer from 50feet away-with a peak of 132decibels,the equivalent of a jet engine about 100feet away.
Ms Boyd's team found that noise levels in the student section were generally louder than the others.However,when the noise levels were analyzed carefully together with events in the game,they found that there wasn't a strong connection between decibel level and goals scored by the home team."There wasn't enough data to see whether loudness was connected with how many goals they achieved during the game.And this conclusion actually attracted a lot more attention than I had expected."Said Ms Boyd.
In surveys given to the players after each match,Ms Boyd found that the majority reported that the crowd was loud but not that distracting-"about 70per cent between silent and loud"-and that the noise levels didn't prevent them from communicating with their teammates or coach while in play.

25.When Brenna Boyd was planning her project,she wanted to find outB.
A.the average loudness of noise during college hockey games
B.which college team stadium has the loudest audience
C.whether cheering affects the outcome of hockey games
D.if sound levels are strongly connected to goals achieved
26.According to this passage,Brenna BoydC.
A.is a professor at the University of Nebraska
B.enjoyed herself watching college football games
C.is surprised by the great attention her research attracted
D.attended four hockey games to measure noise levels
27.Brenna Boyd's experiment found out thatB.
A.crowd noise is harmful to the player on the field
B.college students are passionate cheering home teams
C.college hockey games are noisier than football games
D.loudness level of a jet engine is higher than a jackhammer
28.The underlined word  insulting in paragraph 1can be replaced byA.
A.offending     B.inspiring 
C.amusing       D.disappointing.
6.Every week in China,millions of people will sit in front of their TVs watching teenagers compete for the title Character Hero,which is a Chinese-style spelling bee(拼写大赛).In this challenge,young competitors must write Chinese characters by hand.To prepare for the competition,the competitors usually spend months studying dictionaries.
Perhaps the show's popularity should not be a surprise.Along with gunpowder and paper,many Chinese people consider the creation of Chinese calligraphy(书法)to be one of their primary contributions to civilization.Unfortunately,all over the country,Chinese people are forgetting how to write their own language without computerized help.Software on smart phones and computers allows users to type in the basic sound of the word using the Latin alphabet.The correct character is chosen from a list.The result?It's possible to recognize characters without remembering how to write them.
But there's still hope for the paint brush.China's Education Ministry wants children to spend more time learning how to write.
In one Beijing primary school we visited,students practice calligraphy every day inside a specially decorated classroom with traditional Chinese paintings hanging on the walls.Soft music plays as a group of six-year-olds dip brush pens into black ink.They look up at the blackboard often to study their teacher's examples before carefully attempting to reproduce those characters on thin rice paper."If adults can survive without using handwriting,why bother to teach it now?"we ask the calligraphy teacher,Shen Bin."The ability to write characters is part of Chinese tradition and culture,"she reasons."Students must learn now so they don't forget when they grow up."says the teacher.

28.What can we learn about the Character Hero?B
A.It's open to people of all ages and all walks.
B.It draws great public attention across the country.
C.It aims to spread Chinese culture to the world.
D.It's the most-viewed TV programs in China.
29.Why are Chinese people forgetting how to write the characters?C
A.Chinese people don't refer to dictionaries very often.
B.Chinese people no longer use brush pens or practice calligraphy.
C.Chinese people needn't write by hand as often with the help of technology.
D.Chinese people are using the Latin alphabet instead of the characters.
30.According to Shen Bin,being able to write characters by hand isC.
A.necessary for adults to survive in China
B.a requirement made by the Education Ministry
C.helpful to keep Chinese tradition and culture alive
D.an ability to be developed only when you are students
31.Where does this text probably come from?D
A.A science report.B.Children's literature.C.An advertisement.D.A news report.

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