We hear with our ears, right? Yes, but scientists have known for years that we also hear with our eyes. In a study published in 1976, researchers found that people combined both auditory cues(听力提示) and visual ones,like mouth and face movements, when they heard speech.

A new study that looks at a different set of sensory cues adds to a growing body of evidence that suggests such combination is natural. In a paper, Bryan Gick and Donald Derrick report that people can hear with their skin.

The researchers had volunteers listen to spoken syllables. Meanwhile, they connected the volunteers to a device that would blow a tiny puff (气流) of air onto the skin of their hands or necks. The syllables included “ba” and “pa”, which produce brief puffs from the mouth when spoken, and “da” and “ta,” which do not produce puffs. They found that when listeners heard “da” or “ta” while a puff of air was blown onto their skin, they considered the sounds as “ba” or “pa”.

Dr. Gick said the findings were similar to those from the 1976 study, in which visual cues defeated auditory ones — volunteers listened to one syllable but thought it another because they were watching a video of mouth movements corresponding to the second syllable. In his study,he said,cues from sensory receivers on the skin defeated the ears as well. “Our skin is doing the hearing for us,” he said.

Dr. Gick noted that it would normally be rare that someone actually sensed a puff of air produced by another, although people might occasionally sense their own puffs. “What’s so persuasive about this particular effect,” he added. “is that people are picking up on this information that they don’t know they are using.” That supports the idea that combining different sensory cues is natural.

Dr. Gick said the finding also suggested that other sensory cues might be at work in speech perception(知觉) — that, as he put it, “we are these fantastic perception machines that take in all the information available to us and combine it faultlessly.”

“Da” or “ta” were considered as “ba” or “pa” when __________.

A. they were spoken quickly

B. puffs of air were blown onto the listener’s skin

C. they were pronounced using a special device

D. they were made with face movements

Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Humans combine different sensory cues through experience.

B. Dr. Gick’s new study is more important than the one in 1976.

C. People sometimes can sense their own puffs when speaking

D. Only auditory and visual cues are at work in speech perception.

What is the best title of the text?

A. We Can Hear with Our Skin

B. Our Visual Cues Is Doing the Hearing for Us

C. Facial Expressions Are Important

D. We Are Fantastic Machines

Even before my father left us, my mother had to go back to work to support our family. Once I came out of the kitchen, complaining, “Mom, I can’t peel(剥……的皮) potatoes. I have only one hand.”
Mom never looked up from sewing. “You get yourself into that kitchen and peel those potatoes,” she told me. “And don’t ever use that as an excuse for anything again!”
In the second grade, our teacher lined up my class on the playground and had each of us race across the monkey bars, swinging from one high steel rod to the next. When it was my turn, I shook my head. Some kids behind me laughed, and I went home crying.
That night I told Mom about it. She hugged me, and I saw her “we’ll see about that” look. The next afternoon, she took me back to school. At the deserted playground, Mom looked carefully at the bars.
“Now, pull up with your right arm,” she advised. She stood by as I struggled to lift myself with my right hand until I could hook the bar with my other elbow(肘). Day after day we practiced, and she praised me for every rung I reached. I’ll never forget the next time, crossing the rungs, I looked down at the kids who were standing with their mouths open.
One night, after a dance at my new junior high, I lay in bed sobbing. I could hear Mom come into my room. “Mom,” I said, weeping, “none of the boys would dance with me.”
For a long time, I didn’t hear anything. Then she said, “Oh, honey, someday you’ll be beating those boys off with a bat.” Her voice was faint. I peeked(窥视) out from my covers to see tears running down her cheeks. Then I knew how much she suffered on my behalf(利益). She had never let me see her tears.
【小题1】 Which of the following expressions can be used most suitably to describe Mom’s attitude when she made the child to peel potatoes?

A.Cruel. B.Serious.
C.Cold. D.Strict
【小题2】 What does the sentence “I saw her ‘we’ll see about that’ look” imply(暗示)?
A.Mom believed every aim could be achieved if you stuck to it.
B.The race across monkey bars was not difficult enough for a child to give up.
C.Mom was determined to prove she herself was better than the teacher.
D.What the child had said brought Mom great attraction and curiosity.
【小题3】 When the child looked down at the kids, they were standing with their mouths open because _________.
A.they felt sorry for what they had done before
B.they were afraid the author might fall off and get hurt
C.they were astonished to find the author’s progress
D.they wanted to see what the author would do on the bars
【小题4】The most probable conclusion we can draw after reading the passage is ______.
A.the last incident was sad enough to make Mom weep
B.the child’s experience reminded Mom of that of her own
C.Mom could solve any problem except the one in the last paragraph
D.in fact Mom suffered more in the process of the child’s growth

People are talking about the “new economy.” It’s very different from the “old economy”.
In the old economy, people travel to walk. They buy things in stores. They use the post office, the fax and the telephone to send information. They see people face-to-face at their jobs or in stores. People get information from newspapers, radio, television, books and libraries.
In the new economy, people do business through the “net,” which is a connection of millions of computers everywhere in the world. In the new economy, workers often work at home. They can get information online. They can communicate with employers and co-workers by e-mail. Businesses have “virtual stores”. They are websites on which customers can see the products. Businesses can sell to customers anywhere in the world.
In the new economy, people live a fast paced, convenient and colorful life. The whole world develops more quickly than before. But the new economy is a double-edge sword. Its disadvantage is also obvious. For example, the Internet has led to a huge increase in credit card cheating. Some illegal websites offer some cheap or banned goods or services. Online shoppers who enter their credit card information may never receive the goods they want to buy and their card information could even be for sale in an illegal website. So people in the new economy should be smarter and knowledgeable.
【小题1】The cause of the differences between the new economy and the old economy is ____.

A.the change of people’s ideaB.the business people do
C.the use of the InternetD.the change of people’s life
【小题2】In the old economy, people can do the following things EXCEPT____.
A.getting information from books
B.communicating with friends by telephone
C.meeting people face to face
D.shopping online
【小题3】“But the new economy is a double-edge sword ” in the last passage means_____.
A.The new economy is as sharp as a sword
B.The new economy has advantages and disadvantages
C.The new economy is better than the old economy
D.Both the new economy and the old economy have disadvantages
【小题4】Which of the following is NOT true?
A.People can get all kinds of information on the Internet.
B.Telephone, radio, television, newspapers and so on will disappear in the new economy.
C.People in the new economy should have high quality.
D.Life in the new economy is more comfortable than the one in the old economy.

The "Occupy Wall Street" movement gained more support on Wednesday as unions and students joined in. With the protests developing from a group of young people's camping out near the New York Stock Exchange on September 17 to large-scale (大规模的) movements across the country and around the world, people can't help asking: What has led to "Occupy Wall Street?"

Three years after the severe economic crisis, the U.S. economy now is stuck again. Protesters are not satisfied with the present economic situation since unemployment rate is above 9 percent and economic growth has slowed. The housing market is still struggling for a recovery three years after the bubble (泡沫) burst. People are losing their houses even after they have paid a large amount of mortgage(抵押). It is getting difficult for young people to find jobs. People feared that a similar crisis like the one in 2008 may be already on its way.

It is Wall Street that possessed the most riches. It is Wall Street greed that, at least partly, led to the financial crisis in 2008. It was Wall Street's "fat cats" who take taxpayers' aid money as their own big bonus (奖金). With the growing economic crisis around the world, people realize that Wall Street is responsible for it. So they try to target people who created the crisis.

The majority of the protesters are young people under 30. Many of them are unemployed. Some are students with mountains of loans (贷款). Some are hard-working people about to lose their houses even if they have paid a large amount of mortgage. They are complaining that the hard-working middle class is getting poor, yet Wall Street stays wealthy.

William Cohan, author of Money and Power: How Goldman Sachs Came to Rule the world, wrote recently that Wall Street not only learned nothing from the 2008 crisis, they are also trying to kill all reforms that might "break this dangerous cycle in which bankers get very rich while the rest of working people suffer from their mistakes."

1.. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. The cause of the “Occupy Wall Street” movement.

B. The demand of the protesters of the “Occupy Wall Street” movement.

C. The popularity of the “Occupy Wall Street” movement.

D. The development of the “Occupy Wall Street” movement.

2.. According to the second paragraph, what set off the “Occupy Wall Street” movement?

A. The housing market.                                              B. The bad economic situation.

C. The mortgage                                     D. The high unemployment rate.

3.. We can learn from the passage that Wall Street is the symbol of          in the USA.

A. civilization          B. power                         C. wealth             D. fashion

4. We can infer that William Cohan         .

A. is the organizer of the “Occupy Wall Street” movement

B. lives on Wall Street

C. is against the “Occupy Wall Street” movement

D. approves of the “Occupy Wall Street” movement


It was an afternoon Truman would never forget.

Rayburn and his friend were talking in the office before Truman arrived. The telephone rang. It was a call from the White House asking whether Vice-President Truman had arrived yet. No, Rayburn replied. The caller asked to have him telephone the White House as soon as he arrived.

Truman entered a minute later. He immediately called the White House. As he talked, his face became white. He put down the phone and raced out of the door to his car.

Truman arrived at the White House within minutes. An assistant took him to the president’s private living area. Eleanor Roosevelt, the president’s wife, was waiting for him there. “Harry,” she said, “the president is dead.” Truman was shocked. He asked Mrs. Roosevelt if there was anything he could do to help her. But her reply made clear to him that his own life had suddenly changed. “Is there anything we can do for you ?” Mrs. Roosevelt asked the new president, “You are the one in trouble now.”

Truman had been a surprise choice for vice-president at the Democratic Party nominating convention in nineteen forty-four. Delegates considered several other candidates before they chose him as Roosevelt’s running mate. That was at a time when presidential candidates did not make their own choices for vice-president.

Harry Truman lacked the fame,the rich family and the strong speech-making skills of Franklin Roosevelt.He was a much simpler man.He grew up in the Midwestern state of Missouri.Truman only studied through high school but took some nighttime law school classes.He worked for many years as a farmer and a small businessman,but without much success.

Truman had long been interested in politics.When he was almost forty,he finally won several low-level positions in his home state.By nineteen thirty-four,he was popular enough in Missouri to be nominated and elected to the United States Senate. And he won re-election six years later.

Most Americans, however, knew little about Harry Truman when he became president.They knew he had close ties to the Democratic Party political machine in his home state.But they had also heard that he was a very honest man.They could see that Truman had strongly supported President Roosevelt’s New Deal programs.But they could not be sure what kind of president Truman would become.

At the center of all the action was Harry Truman.It was not long before he showed Americans and the world that he had the ability to be a good president.He was honest,strong and willing to make decisions.

1.When Mrs. Roosevelt said”You are the one in trouble now”,she really meant that         

A.Truman’s life had suddenly changed

B.Truman was at the center of all the action

C.Truman was a surprise choice for vice-president

D.Truman had close ties to the Democratic Party

2.According to the passage,of Truman’s day,the president’s running mate was         

A.decided by delegates

B.recommended by presidential candidates

C.chosen by the Democratic Party

D.elected by vice-president

3.Truman served as the U.S.Senator           

A.for ten years

B.before he was forty

C.before 1943

D.for two terms

4.What’s the best title of the passage?

A.An Unforgettable Afternoon

B.Vital Telephone Call Makes a Difference

C.Truman Makes His Decisions

D.Roosevelt’s Death Makes Truman President


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