
Here is some news of the future.

March 20, 2035

There was a lot of news around the life extension drugs that hit the market a decade ago. They didn't promise that you would like forever, but they gave you a chance to extend your life an extra five to ten years. Even though the life expectancy rate at birth has increased greatly, the life expectancy for seniors hasn't improved that much. Basically, you have a greater chance to become a senior, but you will not have a much longer lifespan, and this is where the anti-aging drugs intend to kick in. So, do the anti-aging drugs work? Well,it is too early to tell. But the sales so far are very good.

April 19, 2035

Of the total US population of 378 million, people over 65 years of age now make up 20% for the first time. The senior ratio of only 4.1% by year 1900, and 12.4% 30 years ago.

The number of people above 65 compared to those of what is considered working ages, between 15 and 64, is currently 33.7%. This is up from 18.5% since year 2005, which means that for every retired person there are now two workers, compared to four workers 30 years ago. The number of people above the age of 80 has grown to 23.8 million, making them 6.3% of the total population compared to 3.6% in 2005.

April 12, 2040

Although introduced in the market only five years ago, 10% of all hydrogen fuel now sold in the US is of the environmentally friendly Re-Hydro label, produced through eletrolysis(电解) based on a source of 100% renewable energy. Several producers have turned to producing Re-Hydro, mainly because of lower tax, which also keeps the price of Re-Hydro on the same level as regular hydrogen. Most analysts believe that Re-Hydro will be the dominating fuel in the future.

1.According to News 1 we know that the life extension drugs ____.

A.were first sold in the year 2025.

B.are made to make people live forever.

C.should be taken when people are young.

D.have greatly increased the life expectancy rate at birth.

2.The sales of the life extension drugs so far clearly show that_____.

A.people have no faith in them

B.people want to give them a try

C.they work very well for seniors

D.they have no effect on people’s health

3.What can we learn from News 2?

A.Many Americans will find it hard to find a job.

B.It’s very hard for seniors to pass the age of 80.

C.The US population has been increasing rapidly since 2005.

D.The US population has been aging rapidly since 2005.

4.We can know from the passage that the fuel of the Re-Hydro label is ______.

A.expensive         B.cheap            C.green            D.dangerous

5.What can we infer from News 3?

A.Re-Hydro will be widely used in the future.

B.The government discourages the production of Re-Hydro.

C.Producers are not interested in producing Re-Hydro.

D.Re-Hydro is more expensive than regular hydrogen.










1.A 细节题。根据本部分第一句There was a lot of news around the life extension drugs that hit the market a decade ago.中的a decade ago可知是10年前上市的,也就是2025年,故A正确。

2.B 推理题。根据第一部分最后3行Basically, you have a greater chance to become a senior, but you will not have a much longer lifespan, and this is where the anti-aging drugs intend to kick in. So, do the anti-aging drugs work? Well,it is too early to tell. But the sales so far are very good.可知这种药的销量很好说明人们都想试一试。故B正确。

3.D 推理题。根据第二部分前4行Of the total US population of 378 million, people over 65 years of age now make up 20% for the first time. The senior ratio of only 4.1% by year 1900, and 12.4% 30 years ago. The number of people above 65 compared to those of what is considered working ages, between 15 and 64, is currently 33.7%. This is up from 18.5% since year 2005,可知现在美国的老人占据人口的比例很高,人口老龄化的现象很严重。故D正确。

4.C 细节题。根据第三部分前3行Although introduced in the market only five years ago, 10% of all hydrogen fuel now sold in the US is of the environmentally friendly Re-Hydro label, produced through eletrolysis(电解) based on a source of 100% renewable energy.可知这种新型的燃料很环保。故C正确。

5.A 推断题。根据文章最后一句Most analysts believe that Re-Hydro will be the dominating fuel in the future.可知这种燃料在未来将成为占统治地位的燃料,说明未来会被广泛利用。故A正确。





The United States of America is the most culturally diverse(多样化) country in the world in terms of culture religion, ethnicity(种族) and sexual orientation. As a combination of various races and cultures, America is home to all. The culture here is so unique that citizens can be just as proud of their original cultural heritage(遗产) as they are to be American.
What is now the US was initially inhabited(居住) by native people until the land was settled by various European groups and African slaves. Since the 20th century, the country has become a heaven for people from all over the globe(全球).
The arrival of immigrants(移民) has shifted populations from rural(农村的) areas into cities because immigrants tend to settle in urban areas. At present, 81 percent of the inhabitants in the US live in cities.
Cultural and ethnic diversity adds a unique flavor to cities that is expressed through distinct(独特的) neighborhoods, restaurants, places of worship, museums, nightlife and multicultural learning environments.
Unique musical forms, such as jazz, rock and roll, Chicano music, and the blues, grow in the US by mixing a variety of culturally distinct musical traditions to create a new form.
At the executive (行政的) level, the country is headed by a mixed­race president; two posts(职位) on the Supreme Court are held by members of the country's two largest minorities.There is also diversity in state and local governments.
Without its rich mixture of races and cultures, America would not be the nation that it is today. Founded upon the basis of equality and freedom, America acts as a stage where different cultures not only co­exist peacefully, but develop well.
【小题1】According to the passage, America is a country________.

A.that welcomes people from all over the world
B.where citizens take more pride in their original culture
C.that is mostly settled by Europeans and Africans
D.where 81% of the population are immigrants
【小题2】Where did most people live before many immigrants came to America?
A.In the urban areas.B.In the rural areas.
C.In the southern part of America.D.In the northern part of America.
【小题3】We can learn from the sixth paragraph that________.
A.diversity(多样化) has existed in America in almost every aspect(方面)
B.most posts in American state governments are held by mixed­race people
C.equality and freedom make America a fair country
D.diversity has greatly affected the American political field
【小题4】What's the best title for this passage?
A.The effects of culture and diversity on America.
B.The influence of globalization on America.
C.The political development of America.
D.The bright future of America.
【小题5】We would most probably read this passage in a book about________.
A.science B.historyC.cultureD.amusement

The United States of America is the most culturally diverse(多样化) country in the world in terms of culture religion, ethnicity(种族) and sexual orientation. As a combination of various races and cultures, America is home to all. The culture here is so unique that citizens can be just as proud of their original cultural heritage(遗产) as they are to be American.

What is now the US was initially inhabited(居住) by native people until the land was settled by various European groups and African slaves. Since the 20th century, the country has become a heaven for people from all over the globe(全球).

The arrival of immigrants(移民) has shifted populations from rural(农村的) areas into cities because immigrants tend to settle in urban areas. At present, 81 percent of the inhabitants in the US live in cities.

Cultural and ethnic diversity adds a unique flavor to cities that is expressed through distinct(独特的) neighborhoods, restaurants, places of worship, museums, nightlife and multicultural learning environments.

Unique musical forms, such as jazz, rock and roll, Chicano music, and the blues, grow in the US by mixing a variety of culturally distinct musical traditions to create a new form.

At the executive (行政的) level, the country is headed by a mixed­race president; two posts(职位) on the Supreme Court are held by members of the country's two largest minorities.There is also diversity in state and local governments.

Without its rich mixture of races and cultures, America would not be the nation that it is today. Founded upon the basis of equality and freedom, America acts as a stage where different cultures not only co­exist peacefully, but develop well.

1.According to the passage, America is a country________.

A.that welcomes people from all over the world

B.where citizens take more pride in their original culture

C.that is mostly settled by Europeans and Africans

D.where 81% of the population are immigrants

2.Where did most people live before many immigrants came to America?

A.In the urban areas.                      B.In the rural areas.

C.In the southern part of America.            D.In the northern part of America.

3.We can learn from the sixth paragraph that________.

A.diversity(多样化) has existed in America in almost every aspect(方面)

B.most posts in American state governments are held by mixed­race people

C.equality and freedom make America a fair country

D.diversity has greatly affected the American political field

4.What's the best title for this passage?

A.The effects of culture and diversity on America.

B.The influence of globalization on America.

C.The political development of America.

D.The bright future of America.

5.We would most probably read this passage in a book about________.

A.science           B.history            C.culture           D.amusement


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