书面表达请根据以下内容,以“Chopin—a great musician”为题,写一篇100词左右的英语短文,介绍著名的音乐家肖邦。内容包括:
3. 16岁时,肖邦进人华沙音乐学院学习,师从德国音乐家约瑟夫.艾尔斯内(J6zef Eisner) 。
5. 1849年,肖邦逝世于巴黎的寓所中,结束了短短39年的生命。参考词汇:作品composition 华沙音乐学院the Warsaw Conservatory of Music 寓所 dwelling
One possible version :
Chopin a great musician
Chopin,a world-famous composer and pianist in modern times,created nearly 200 musical compositions and they are still popular among people nowadays. He was born in Poland in 1810.
His early training began at home,including receiving piano lessons from his mother. By the age of six,Chopin had created a vSeries of musical compositions,showing outstanding musical talent. When Chopin was sixteen,he attended the Warsaw Conservatory of Music,directed by German composer Jozef Eisner. After that,Chopin went to Vienna,the unquestioned centre of music at that time,where he gave piano concerts and had lots of his works published.
In 1849,Chopin died at the age of 39 in the dwelling of Paris.