
The simplest way to say it is this: I believe in my mother. My 小题1:  began when I was just a kid. I 小题2: becoming a doctor. My mother was a worker. Through her work, she observed that 小题3: people spent a lot more time reading than they 小题4:  watching television. She announced that my brother and I
小题5:watch two to three TV programs during the week. With our free time, we had to read two books each from the Detroit Public Library and then 小题6: her written book reports. She would mark them up with check marks and highlights. Years later we realized her marks were a 小题7:  . My mother was illiterate (文盲的).
When I entered high school I was an A-student, but not for long. I 小题8:  the fashionable clothes. I wanted to 小题9: the guys. I went from being an A-student to a B-student to a C-student. One night my mother came home after 小题10:  at one of her several jobs and I complained about not having enough Italian knit shirts. She said, “Okay, I’ll give you all the money I make this week scrubbing (擦洗) floors and cleaning bathrooms, and you can buy 小题11:   food and pay the bills. With the money that is 小题12: , you can have all the Italian knit shirts you want.” I was very 小题13:  with that plan, but once I had finished paying for all of the important things, there was 小题14:  left. I realized that my mother was always dealing with money well to be able to 小题15:  a roof over our heads and to put food on the table. I also realized that immediate satisfaction wasn’t going to get me anywhere. _小题16:__ required intellectual (智力的) preparation. I went back to my 小题17:  and became an A-student again. Finally, I 小题18: my dream and I became a doctor. My story is really my mother’s story — a woman with 小题19: formal education who used her position as a parent to change the lives of many people around the globe. Now I believe that there is no job more 小题20:  than parenting.
A.belief B.work C.educationD.promise
A.kept up with B.got used toC.dreamed of D.got tired of
A.lazy B.easy-goingC.successful D.reliable
A.cost B.paid C.tookD.did
A.could onlyB.could not C.must not D.should often
A.read B.giveC.holdD.explain
A.mysteryB.risk C.foolD.trick
A.get rid ofB.hang out withC.test onD.keep in touch with
A.serving B.looking C.workingD.getting
A.your brotherB.yourselfC.meD.the family
A.left overB.paid offC.used upD.carried out
A.buyB.operate C.keep D.send
A.interestingB.gentleC.important D.bitter

We will meet a lot of crossings on the way of our lives.How to choose? The son of a brewer (酿造商), Jim Koch, presents it new  36 .
When Jim was a teenager, his father did everything he could to persuade him  37  becoming a brewer, for he  38  brewing was so labour-costing a job.So  39  studied hard and went to Harvard to study law and business.In his second year, he  40  for he felt strongly that one  41
not wait till 65 to do what he wants in life.He became an instructor of the wilderness-education program.
After over three years, he went  42 , finished Harvard and got a  43  paid job at the Boston Consulting Group,  44  he stayed for five years.Still he was disturbed by  45 , “Is this what I want to be doing when I am 50?”
He  46  that Americans pay good money for beer.He thought why not to make good beer for Americans.Finally, he  47  his job and became a successful beer brewer.
As we all know, success is  48  to talent plus effort.However, in this story, success is applied with new meanings.To try to find what you are  49  and stick to it is what I learned from Jim.
Everyone should introspect (反思) himself from time to time like Jim, especially after he was 50
in one position.One might not be  51  for a job in his whole life.Since one will become 52  in his job, there are two ways which people usually  53 :one is to try to improve himself to 54  up with others still in this job; the other is to leave this job, and then find another one he is interested in.Both of them are  55  only if the job is what one is interested in.
36. A.spirits            B.chances                        C.thoughts                      D.jobs
37. A.into              B.from                             C.of                                    D.in
38. A.mistook                      B.ignored                         C.forgot                            D.thought
39. A.Jim                             B.His father           C.They                             D.One
40. A.put out                 B.left out                          C.dropped out               D.moved out
41. A.must                    B.dare                             C.need                             D.can
42. A.forward                      B.back                               C.on                                   D.away
43. A.lower            B.poorly           C.highly                     D.properly
44. A.where           B.which                            C.when                       D.then
45. A.trouble                       B.doubt                            C.belief                    D.imagination
46. A.supposed                   B.noticed                         C.considered                   D.treated
47. A.lost                     B.got                                 C.continued           D.left
48. A.key                             B.answer                        C.equal                    D.suitable
49. A.into                    B.good at                         C.fit                                   D.able
50. A.put                             B.seated                          C.fixed               D.defeated
51. A.anxious                       B.ready                   C.fit                                   D.important
52. A.successful                  B.interested          C.impossible          D.unable
53. A.build                            B.choose                          C.move                             D.complete
54. A.catch                           B.look             C.hold                                 D.stay
55. A.important                  B.available             C.successful           D.meaningful

On the first day of class, Mr Whiteson gave us a lecture about a creature(生物) called cattytiger, a kind of cat-like animal that completely disappeared during the Ice Age. He passed round a skull (头骨) as he talked, and we all felt interested and took notes while listening. Later, we had a test about that.
When he returned my paper, I was very, very surprised. There was a very large cross through each of my answers. And so it was with everyone else’s in our class. What had happened? Everyone was wondering and couldn’t wait to get the answer.
Very simple, Mr Whiteson explained. He had made up all that story about the cattytiger. There had never been such an animal. So why none of us noticed that and how could we expect good marks for the incorrect answers?
Needless to say, we got very angry. What kind of teacher was this?
We should have guessed it out, Mr Whiteson said. After all, at the very moment he was passing around the cattytiger skull (in fact, a cat’s), hadn’t he been telling us that it completely disappeared during the Ice Age? Clearly he was telling a lie. But we just kept busy making notes and none used his head. We should learn something from this. Teachers and textbooks are not always correct.
1. We failed in the test because we didn’t________.
A. take notes while listening
B. show interest in what Mr Whiteson said
C. listen to the teacher carefully
D. think carefully
2. We got angry because________.
A. Mr Whiteson didn’t tell us the truth about cattytiger
B. we failed in the test
C. we didn’t know why he played the joke on us
D. there was no cattytiger
3. Mr Whiteson gave us a special lesson________.
A. to show his special way of teaching
B. to play a joke on us
C. to help us learn our lessons better
D. so that we would no longer believe him
4. Mr Whiteson meant that________.
A. teachers couldn’t make any mistakes
B. textbooks might be wrong sometimes
C. we should speak up if we thought our teacher or the textbook was wrong
D. we shouldn’t believe our teachers because sometimes they might tell lies

第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分)
Many people have discovered that hobbies can be profitable as well as fun. Some people have such fine collections of bottles, flags, buttons or shells that others are willing to pay to see them or they offer to buy their collections for large sums of money.
Some of the best collections are owned by people who started their hobbies as young boys or girls. Some of the things that American children like to collect are stamps and dolls. Older people also save stamps, but they collect coins and things made of glass more often than dolls.
Painting, writing and taking photographs are the best examples of hobbies that may become occupations. Every writer, artist and photographer probably started as a hobbyist before becoming a professional.Other hobbies that could be profitable include cooking, sewing and making things out of wood.
Many doctors believe that hobbies help to make our lives more enjoyable. They believe that people who raise fish or collect recorders are too busy to spend their time worrying. Doctors also think that an active person, such as a baseball player, should have a restful hobby such as reading, while a person who sits at a desk all day should have lively hobbies such as tennis, golf or swimming. Most people in the United States agree with the doctor. It is difficult to find an American who does not have a favorite hobby.
1 The underlined word “occupations”(paragraph3) can be replaced by _______.
A. lives           B. jobs                C. collections       D. things
2 Doctors believe that people who have hobbies _______.
A. worry too much about themselves          B. are very busy in their lives
C. don’t have time to worry                 D. work busily in their business
3. Almost everyone in the United States_______.
A. starts his hobby during his childhood      
B. has a favorite hobby
C. spends a lot of money on the lively hobby  
D. follows the doctors’ advice to have a hobby
4. What can we learn from the text ?
A. Hobbies can cause us a lot of trouble .
B. Football players should have lively hobbies
C. All of the people started their hobbies from childhood.
D. A writer should have tennis , golf or swimming as his hobbies.

Most of us would say that the older we get, the less we look forward to celebrating another birthday. For children, though, a birthday is that one occasion each year when they are the center of attention all day long.
It’s not surprising, then, that children’s birthday parties have turned into big business in America. Kids—or more likely their parents—often try to outdo one another in putting on the most extravagant birthday party. In the past, you might have hired a man with a horse to come by and give everyone horse rides. Today, you can hire an entire petting zoo’s or a truck filled with animals from abroad.
Barb Hill, a mother of two girls, doesn’t hold extravagant (奢侈的) parties, but she says she does feel pressure to come up with new ideas each year. Her daughter Fiona celebrated her most recent birthday, her eighth, at a sporting-goods store. The kids enjoyed the climbing wall, as well as the pizza and cupcakes. “They always want to do something that nobody else has done yet,” Barb says. You also have to decide how many guests to invite, and if you’re celebrating at a place other than home, that means figuring out how to transport everyone.
William Doherty, a professor at the University of Minnesota, recently started a project called Birthdays without Pressure. Its website (www. birthdayswithoutpressure.org) gives parents the resources to make kids’ birthday parties less stressful and more fun for all. “Our goal was to start a local and national conversation about what’s happened to birthday parties,” Doherty told me. “We’ve succeeded beyond our expectations—tens of thousands of parents are viewing our website, contacting us and taking our online quizzes.”
In the end, most parents would agree that the best parties are usually the ones where the kids have time to hang out and play with each other. After all, isn’t what being a kid is all about?
1. The purpose of this passage is to tell us_________.
A.all the children look forward to celebrating their birthday
B.the children’s birthday parties have turned into big business in America
C.parents would like to make children’s birthday parties less stressful and more fun for all
D.parents don’t know how to hold children’s birthday parties
2. Which of the following sentences is TRUE ______.
A.The girl didn’t enjoy the party held by her mother.
B.The project called Birthdays without Pressure is popular with parents.
C.Children look forward to their birthday parties because they like extravagant parties.
D.Parents feel like hiring an entire petting zoo for their children.
3. The aim of the project called Birthdays without Pressure is to______.
A.attract parents to view the website
B.provide resources for making kids’ birthday parties
C.release parents’ stress of organizing children’s birthday parties
D.hold conversation about what’s happened to birthday parties
4. The best title for this passage may probably be ______.
A project called Birthdays without Pressure
B.Children enjoy their birthday parties
C.  How to hold children’s birthday parties
D.  How children feel about their birthday parties

On any weekend throughout the year one can spend hours browsing through neighborhood flea (跳蚤) markets. These are very popular for those who are in search of bargains and who have a keen eye for picking through what others have discarded. They hunt and search for something they can reuse. Americans love secondhand merchandise (商品) which can be bought cheaply and restored to its original use. In many cases the condition and the quality are still good, though the style might be outdated.
For some people searching through flea markets is a hobby which reaps rewards. They look for possible antiques among the items for sale or for old furniture which can be restored with a little care and used again. Many wise collectors often find rare items worth much more than their bargained price. Since prices are usually not fixed, if one is persistent a bargain can easily be struck. The owner may be selling a rare collectable and may not even be aware of its value. One of the great pleasures of shopping at such markets is the chance to bargain with the shop owner and settle for a price which one can afford and is willing to pay.
Perhaps even more enjoyable than flea markets are the weekend outdoor garage sales which have now become very much a part of American culture. These are held usually in the spring and fall when the weather is still good. Usually a homeowner, having decided that he would like to clear his residence of accumulated items which are no longer useful to him, advertises in a local paper that he is holding a garage sale. More than likely the goods on display are in good condition and great buys can be found if one has the time and patience to search carefully. The home owner places items for sale on display along the driveway leading to his garage or on his front lawn and waits for people to look at what he has to sell. Old magazines, books, paintings, bicycles, ice-skates, items of clothing and electrical appliances of every sort appear on a regular basis. If the owner is in a position where he must sell his home or plans to move soon, then he may be forced to practically give things away at a price far below their true worth.
1. What do you usually do before holding a garage sale?
A. Put on an advertisement in a local newspaper.  
B. Display your goods in front of the garage.
C. Find rare items and fix their prices.         
D. Clear your garage and front lawn.
2. The underlined word “discarded” in Paragraph 1 probably means ____.
A. distributed                B. rejected               C. discovered          D. stored
3. When people shop at a flea market, how can they settle on a price?
A. They can bargain on a price acceptable to both. B. They can question their value.
C. They can expect a 50% discount.             D. They can compare with the other sellers.
4. What do we know about the garage sale?
A. It is only held in the spring of the year.
B. The goods on display are totally useless.
C. Garage sales are popular with Americans.  
D. All the goods are selling far below their real value.

If you're 70 and overweight, you may live longer
A few extra pounds might help you live longer if you're past your prime(壮年) but otherwise healthy, a new study finds.
Physicians routinely follow guidelines issued by the World Health Organization. Because weight depends on height, they use a standard measure called body mass index (BMI), which is calculated as the weight in kilograms divided by the height in meters squared.
Healthy weight is defined as a BMI anywhere between 18.5 and 24.9 in adults, whereas 25 to 29.9 is overweight and 30+ is obese.
The new study suggests that in the elderly, these boundaries may be too narrow. While no one is questioning that extra fat poses health risks in young and middle-aged adults, it may reduce the impact of frailty and old age, geriatrician(老年医学专家) Dr. Thomas Yoshikawa told Reuters Health.
So far, nobody knows exactly how BMI affects lifespan in older people. Some researchers speculate that it acts as an energy reserve that can help the elderly cope with illness.
For the study, Australian researchers followed more than 9,000 men and women who were between 70 and 75 years old at the beginning. The participants reported their height and weight as well as various factors related to health and lifestyle. About 33 percent of the women and 44 percent of the men were overweight.
Over 10 years, more than 2,000 of the participants died. Women who had an active life and didn't smoke were the most likely to be alive at the end of the study.
But neither health nor lifestyle could fully explain why overweight people of both sexes survived longer than their normal-weight peers, who fared no better than obese individuals. In terms of survival, the best BMI was between 26 and 27, well within the overweight range.
The new results agree with earlier research showing that fat may be beneficial in old age.
1.We can learn from the passage that_________.
A. the heavier one is, the better             
B. we shouldn’t lose weight when old
C. one should keep his weight within the recommended range
D. we shouldn’t worry about our weight if we are slightly fatter than normal when old 
2.According to the passage, if a person is 1.5 metres in height and 67.5 kg in weight, his BMI is________.
A.30            B.25           C.45         D. 28
3. What does the author want to tell us most?
A. Fatness has little to do with diseases in old age.        
B. Fatness is not always bad.
C. Fatness may be beneficial instead of harmful in old age.
D. Overweight people of both sexes survive longer than their normal-weight peers.

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
When I was 16 years old,I made my first visit to Disneyland in America.It wasn't the first time I had been _16_.Like most English children I learned French 17_school and I had often been to France,so I  18_  speaking a foreign language to people who didn't understand _19  .But  __20_ I went to America,I was really looking forward to _2l_ a nice easy holiday without any _22_ problems.
_23  wrong I was! The misunderstanding began _24_ the airport。I was looking for a _25_ telephone to give my friend Danny a _26_ and tell her that I had arrived.A  _27  old man saw me looking lost and asked _28_ he could help me.
“Yes,”I said,“I want to give my friend a ring.”“Well,that's nice,”he said,“Are you getting _29 ? But aren't you a bit young?”“_30_ is talking about marriage?”I replied.“I just want to give my friend a ring to tell her I've arrived.Can you tell me  31  there’s a phone box?”“Oh!”he said,“there's a phone downstairs.”
When at last we did meet up,Danny explained the misunderstanding to me.“Don't worry,”she said to me,“I had so many  _32  at first.There are lots of words which the Americans  _33_ differently in meaning from us British.You'll soon get used to  34  funny things they say.Most of the  _35_ , British and American people understand each other!”
16. A.out                   B.away              C.outside                 D.abroad
17. A.from              B.during            C.at                      D.after
18. A.get used to         B.was used to      C.used to                D.used
19. A.English        B.French          C.Russian               D.Latin
20. A.when             B.while               C.if                      D.for
21. A.buying             B.having         C.giving                  D.receiving
22. A.time              B.human         C.1anguage            D. money
23. A. Too                B. What a          C.What                  D.How
24. A.with              B. to                        C.over                         D.at
25. A.cheap             B.popular        C.public                  D.good
26. A. letter               B. ring                  C. news                     D. information
27.A. friendly            B. strange             C. stupid                      D. tough
28.A.how              B. if                     C. where                    D. what
29.A. to marry           B. to be married     C. marrying                 D. married
30.A.You              B.She             C.Who                   D.He
31.A.where          B.in which      C.over there            D.that
32. A.trouble           B.difficulties     C.things                  D.fun
33. A.write             B.speak           C.use                      D.read
34. A.every             B.these           C.some                    D.all the
35. A.chance                 B.situation          C.condition                      D.time
   I had never seen sand dunes(沙丘)before. If you go to the seaside in Britain, you may see some small hills of sand, but nothing very impressive. Of course, Africa is home to many beautiful “sandscapes”, but I was in China, so I went to Dunhuang.
I had spent my first day looking at the beautiful Mogao caves. Now I wanted to experience something very different.
I have been walking in Asia, Europe and America, but nothing prepared me for walking over hills of sand. Whenever I took a step up a hill, my feet would sink into the sand and move backwards. Sometimes it seemed as if I were moving in the wrong direction.
I wanted to see the sunset so I had to climb to the top of the highest sand dune. The sun was beating down upon my back as I walked slowly over the sand. Some plants had managed to survive in the dry ground but not many.
As I climbed higher, the hills of sand became steeper and my feet started to slip further backwards. I ended up with my hands and knees, crawling (爬行)upwards through the top. I just let go if I would fall the way down. But I refused to give up: inch by inch, I made my way to the top of the sand dune.
When I got there I was amazed by what I saw. The sand formed a very sharp point, just like a knife-edge. One side of the dune was bathed in sunshine, the other covered by shade. As I looked into the distance, the same pattern was repeated on all of the hilltops, and the difference between dark and light was beautiful.
As the sun began to sink, the shadows grew longer and the light became warm and orange. The wind had come to life and sand was blown against my legs as I walked along the dunes. Soon it was getting dark and I could only just make out the line of footprints that marked my journey to the top of the hill. I slowly made my way down to the bottom, my path lit by the dying sun.
65 The author probably went to climb the sand dunes __________ after he arrived at Dunhuang.
A. on the afternoon of the first day       B. on the afternoon of the second day
C. on the evening of the second day     D. on the evening of the first day
66. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. Africa has many beautiful sand dunes.
B. The author could see nothing but his own footprints on his way back.
C. The author had seen some kinds of sand dunes before he visited Dunhuang
D. What attracted the author most was that the sand formed a very sharp point.
67. The author got to the top of the highest hill of sand _____________.
A. on his hands and knees all the way
B. with falls to the bottom many times
C. on his hands and knees in the last leg (一段旅程)
D. with a few rests all the way                
68. The author mainly wants to tell readers about_____________.
A. the beautiful sunset         B. his experience of climbing the sand hills
C. the joy of traveling in nature  D. the difficulty of climbing the sand dunes

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