
5.When I was growing up,I dreamed about becoming a cowgirl,a spy or a great actress.Not a dentist,like my father,or a homemaker,like my mother-certainly not a writer,although I always loved to read.I didn't know anything abut writers,even though I loved to make up stories inside my head.
I made up stories while I bounced (反弹) a ball against the side of our house.I made up stories playing with paper dolls.And I made them up while I practiced the piano,by pretending to give piano lessons.I always had an active imagination.But I never wrote down any of my stories.
When I grew up,my need for story telling didn't go away.So when my own two children started pre-school I began to write and I've been writing ever since!My characters live inside my head for a long time before I actually start to write a book about them.Then,they become so real to me that I talk about them at the dinner table as if they were real.Some people consider this weird.But my family understand.
Many of my books are set in New Jersey because that's where I was born and raised.I lived there until my kids finished elementary school.Then we moved to New Mexico,the setting for Tiger Eyes.I also spent two years in Connecticut,where Just As Long As We're Together and Here's To You,Rachel Robinson are set.I don't think I could set a book in a place without knowing it really well.
Now I live in New York City with my husband,George Cooper.Between us we have three grown children and one grandchild.Our lives are busy,sometimes too much so,but never dull.And yes,I'm still writing.
25.When the writer was young sheC.
A.heard many love stories     
B.enjoyed writing story books
C.never thought of becoming a writer   
D.could make up stories of different people
26.The writer always had a gift forB.
A.playing at home alone     
B.creating all kinds of stories
C.attracting other's attention     
D.solving problems by herself
27The writer started to write whenC.
A.she began primary school     
B.her first grandchild was born
C.her children started preschool    
D.she got married to George Cooper
28.What can be conclude from the text?A
A.It is never too late to learn.
B.Well begun is half done.
C.Actions speak louder than words.
D.Interest is the best teacher.

分析 本文通过讲述作者成长为一名作家的过程(由小时候热爱阅读,喜欢编各种故事---作者的两个孩子上学前班的时候开始从事写作---以生活过的地方为背景,写了大量的书籍---年老了以后一直坚持写作),旨在说明学习永远不嫌晚,要活到老,学到老.

解答 答案:
25.C   细节理解题    根据第一段中的"When I was growing up,I dreamed…Not a dentist,like my father,or a homemaker,like my mother-certainly not a writer,although I always loved to read."可知,尽管作者小时候非常喜爱阅读,但她也没想过要当一名作家;故选C.
26.B   细节推理题    根据第二段中的"I made up stories while I bounced (反弹) a ball against the side of our house…I always had an active imagination."作者无论是在对着房子打球,玩纸娃娃,还是在弹钢琴的时候,总是在用她丰富的想象力编着一些故事,可知:作家总是有着创作各种故事的天赋;故选B.
27.C   细节理解题    根据第三段中的"So when my own two children started pre-school I began to write and I've been writing ever since!"可知,作者是在她的两个孩子上学前班的时候,才开始从事写作的;故选C.
28.A  主旨大意题    A.学习永远不嫌晚;活到老,学到老.B.好的开端是成功的一半. C.行动胜于雄辩.D.兴趣是最好的老师. 通读全文可知,本文通过讲述作者成长为一名作家的过程;其中提到作者是在自己的两个孩子上学前班的时候才开始从事写作的,并且后来还以生活过的地方为背景,写了大量的书籍;直到自己有了孙子以后,还在繁忙的生活中一直坚持写作,旨在说明学习永远不嫌晚,要活到老,学到老;故选A.

点评 做本题时,首先应快速浏览全文,掌握文章大意,并且把握作者的写作思路以及写作意图;其次结合问题,可在文中相应位置通过细节理解,或概括大意找出最恰当的答案;另外,平时需要丰富课外阅读,扩大自己的知识面.

15.While many Chinese overseas artists are switching to other more profitable fields,Huang Shanye,a painter of the Zhuang ethnic group,stands out as an exception.His art has gradually earned him fame over the course of his more than 20 years in the United States.He was even able to leave behind his steady job as an art teacher and fully devote himself to what he describes as a pursuit(追求) of beauty.
The common theme of Huang's many works lies in the combination of traditional Chinese elements and Western painting techniques."I apply Chinese calligraphy(书法),paper cutting,facial makeup of Peking Opera--all the things that I can find in traditional Chinese culture--to Western oil painting,"Huang said at an exhibition held recently in his home county of Montgomery,Maryland in the US,where friends and neighbors had come to view some of his work.
One of Huang's works in the show,which had been featured on the exhibition's flier(广告传单),served as a good example.Titled In Harmony,the painting shows two green dragons facing one another on a golden plate--a characteristic of Chinese tradition.Huang decorated the surface with the words"peace"and"dragon",both in Chinese and in English.Michele Cohen,director of the Betty Mae Kramer Gallery,pointing to Huang's In Harmony,says:"I think this work really shows how an artist can combine one tradition with another,and it really comes out in a mixed form."
In 1998,American composer Silas Huff met Huang at an exhibition and was moved by Huang's sketch Tapestry of Dreams,which was later realized into a large-scale work consisting of a dozen 1-by-1-meter panels of paintings describing the traditions and longings of Huang's people.
Inspired by the work,Huff composed a 25-minute symphony(交响乐),Spring Song Festival,made up of Chinese folk melodies.Ten years later when Huff and Huang reconnected,Huff was able to bring two ballet schools on board and create a ballet based on the symphony.The work was performed at LaGuardia Performing Art Center in New York in the spring of 2009,with Huang's Tapestry of Dreams as a background.
64.What is the theme of Huang's many works?A
A.The combination of traditional Chinese elements and Western painting techniques.
B.The difference between traditional Chinese elements and Western painting techniques.
C.The advantages of traditional Chinese elements and Western painting techniques.
D.The disadvantages of traditional Chinese elements and Western painting techniques.
65.We can inferC.
A.Huff composed a 25-minute symphony,Spring Song Festival after he arrived in China.
B.Huff composed a 25-minute symphony,Spring Song Festival because he graduated in China.
C.Huff composed a 25-minute symphony,Spring Song Festival,because of Huang's work.
D.Huff composed a 25-minute symphony,Spring Song Festival because of money.
66.Which is the best title of the passage?A
A.A Pursuit of Beauty
B.The Life of an Artist
C.True Friends
D.The Differences of Art
67.Michele Cohen,director of the Betty Mae Kramer Gallery,A.
A.thinks highly of Huang's In Harmony.
B.pays no attention to Huang's In Harmony.
C.wants to buy Huang's In Harmony.
D.criticizes Huang's In Harmony.
13.Kenya is losing an average of 100of its 2,000lions each year because of growing human  settlements,increasing farming,climate change and diseases,according to the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS).
"Lions have a special place in Kenyans'life,"said Paul Udoto,a spokesman for the organization."Other than being the symbol of national strength,they are among the Big Five,a main attraction for visitors to Kenya."
There were 2,749lions in Kenya in 2002and Uieir population dropped to 2,280by 2004  and to about 2,000today,according to KWS figures.
"The fall of the lion population is worrying and every effort needs to be made to make sure that Kenya either protects its population of 2,000lions at present or increases the numbers to an ecologically acceptable level,"said Mr.Udoto.
"There is no doubt that the numbers are in free fall.I'd be surprised if they even  last as  long as 20 years,"said Laurence Frank,project director of Living With Lions,a Kenya-based animal protection organization?i?When I first came here 30years ago,I would always hear lions roaring across the land at night and see their tracks in the morning.Now that is very rare.
"The reason is simple.As the numbers of people grow and the numbers of cows increase  they take up much of the lion's space.Alongside that there are other ways,including poisoning 9to kill lions."
Animal lovers are making a new strategy to save the animals.Part of the measures will include tracking lions fitted with radio collars in the Amboseli area in southern Kenya,close to the border with Tanzania.
Wildlife officials in Tanzania face similar challenges in protecting their lions,but there is far less human encroachment (侵入)on the animals'homeland there than in Kenya,

25.What is the main reason of Kenya appreciating lions'existence?D
A.lions are the symbol of the national strength.
B.Lions are among the most endangered animals.
C.Lions are a subject of great concern to Kenyans.
D.Lions are the major appeal for foreign tourists.
26.What does Laurence Frank mean by saying"they even last as long as 20years"?A
A.It is alarming that the number of lions is declining at a high speed.
B.It is amazing that he has tolerated the decline for such a long time.
C.It is fascinating that many evidences have proven the decline trend,
D.It is surprising that a lion should live as long as twenty years in Kenya.
27.In which aspect does the striking difference between Kenya and Tanzania in lion protection lie?B
A.Climate changes.
B.Increasingly fanning.
C.Natural disasters.
D.Outbreaks of epidemics (流行病).
10.A.price      B.tend      C.economical   D.automatically  E.condition
F.decorating  G.interfere  H.collecting     I.mind    J.shiny    K.considerately
When people need to make purchases,whether large-ticket items or small,they don't necessarily consider purchasing that item used.If the thought does end up crossing their(41)I,they may think that finding somewhere to purchase a used item is too much of a trouble,or that the item won't be in the best shape.Whatever the reason,they don't bother,and go straight for(42)Jnew things.What these people don't realize is that when it comes to certain items,there is no point paying full(43)A.For certain items you can find equal quality with second-hand,and for a small part of the cost.And with some online sites,finding those items couldn't be easier.Why pay more when you could be saving loads of money?
Here are some items that you would be much better off buying used:
1.Cars:The new car smell is unforgettable,but what's even more unforgettable is the fact that the minute you drive a brand new car off a lot,its value drops(44)Dby about 20%.You lose 20% in the first few spins of the wheel alone!Unless you have unlimited resources,buying a used car is a clear(45)Cchoice.In addition,insurance is usually a lot less on used cars than new cars.You can find a car in excellent(46)Ethat's a few years old.Definitely worth the savings.
2.Textbooks:These days,even high school text books for advanced courses can cost you more than 200dollars.Mostlikely,attheendofthesemester,that200 will end up sitting at the bottom of a pile of junk in the corner of a room,(47)Hdust.Don't waste money on a new textbook.You can find used textbooks without scribbles on the pages,or anything that will(48)Gwith studies.Choose to either rent,borrow,or buy your text book second hand.
3.Furniture:It's no secret that furniture is pricey,and if you're in the process of(49)Fa new space with new furniture,prepare for your wallet to be drained.However,it doesn't have to be that way.If you're worried about the furniture being worn,just set up a time to go see it before you make the purchase.Flea markets are one of the excellent places for used furniture shopping.Flea markets also(50)Bto have very unique pieces,which you wouldn't be able to find in your department store.
17.It never occurred to anybody,not even the creators that the world would care about the complex lives,loves and sufferings of a group of attractive and witty New Yorkers.But there's no doubt that Friends(老友记)has become more than just a successful situation comedy-it has established itself as one of the last great television phenomena of the last century.Along the way,it has made its half-dozen leading actors famous.
Looking back on the strong friendship between the group of three men and three women who frequently gather at each other's apartments and at Greenwich Village's Central Perk coffee house,Friends was created by television producers,David Crane and Marta Kauffman.In 1993,the pair met producer Kevin S.Bright.Then the three became partners and got a deal to produce a new comedy for Warner Brothers.What they came up with was based on Crane and Kauffman's after-college years,when they hung out at the local coffee house and involved themselves in every aspect of each other's lives.
It didn't take long for viewers to make friends with Friends.The situation comedy quickly became a top ten hit.Critics loved it as well.Entertainment Weekly said the show operated like a Broadway show,with twisty plots and unique jokes.
The television theme song has also been a success with the public.The song's success helped save the television theme song.An ABC(美国广播公司)executive was ready to order very short music intros(前奏) on his network's shows,thinking that viewers would hit the remote control as soon as the opening started.But the success of the Friends theme song led the ABC executive to change his mind--remote controls or not,the TV theme song would stay.
Years have gone by,but Friends remains and will remain an example of a modern US situation comedy that is both hugely entertaining television and nothing short of a genuine latter-day social phenomenon.

28.What is stressed in the second paragraph?A
A.The origin of Friends.
B.The role models of Friends.
C.The popularity of Friends.
D.The brilliance of Friends.
29.Which of the following is TRUE about Friends?D
A.It has a simple but entertaining plot.
B.It is about friendship between college students.
C.It was criticized by Entertainment Weekly.
D.It first came into being in the 1990s.
30.What can we learn from the passage?C
A.Producer,Kevin S.Bright,graduated from the same college as David Crane.
B.ABC once replaced the theme song of its TV show with a short music intro.
C.The ABC executive thought highly of the theme song of Friends.
D.Marta Kauffman expected Friends to achieve great success.
31.What might the author think of Friends?D
A.Its merits outweigh its shortcomings.
B.Its success lies in the lack of good situation comedies.
C.He/she has a reserved attitude towards its success.
D.He/she shows great affection towards it.
15.Smart people may be far happier with their own company than meeting friends.A new study has found that for intelligent people,the more frequently they socialize with friends,the less satisfied they are with life.
The findings come from two evolutionary psychologists who challenge the modern view that the more social contact we have the happier we will likely be.Satoshi Kanazawa of the London School of Economics and Norman Li of Singapore Management University propose that the core social skills developed in our ancient past still have a great influence on our happiness today.They propose that  the"savannah theory"is at the root of modern happiness.This theory dictates that the factors which made early humans satisfied are still true with modern life.
Using data from a long-term study,which surveyed adults from 18to 28,they applied the theory to explain the findings of self-reported levels of life satisfaction.The pair focused on just two of many factors,which they say characterize basic differences between modern life and the way our ancestors lived-population density and how frequently we interact with friends.As might be expected,they found people living in more densely populated areas reported lower levels of life satisfaction.
"For anyone who deals bravely with the boring routine of the rush hour commute in a city,this is no surprise.Also as we might expect,more frequent socialization with friends had a more positive association with levels of life satisfaction.But these two factors interact strongly with intelligence."
The pair explained that among the extremely intelligent more frequent social interaction is actually linked with reduced satisfaction.
They believe there may be a mismatch between the way we have evolved and the rapid lives we lead today-where society has left our minds and bodies struggling to keep up.They also believe smarter individuals may be able to better adapt to the challenges of modern life,and may find it easier to leave ancestral social roots behind in order to move ahead.For the most intelligent among us,it may be that there is conflict between pursuing greater goals and being tied to our evolutionary past.

32.According to the passage,it is commonly believed in the modern world thatB
A.the more frequently people socialize with their friends,the less satisfied they are with life.
B.the more frequently people socialize with their friends,the more satisfied they are with life.
C.the more intelligent one is,the more satisfied he or she is with life.
D.the more intelligent one is,the less satisfied he or she is with life.
33.What does the underlined part in Paragraph 2 indicate?C
A.Early humans and modern humans have the same satisfaction
B.Early humans were more satisfied with their lives than modern humans.
C.What made early humans satisfied still works in the modern life.
D.What made early humans and modern humans satisfied is quite different.
34.According to the new study,the main differences between modern life and early humans'lie inD
A.living conditions and intelligence of friends
B.life satisfaction and frequency of interaction
C.frequency of interacting with friends and intelligence of friends
D.population density and frequency of interaction with friends
35.From the last two paragraphs,it is safe to say thatD.
A.No intelligent people can adapt to the rapid lives they lead today.
B.It is important to keep a balance between our minds and bodies.
C.The extremely intelligent people prefer to bury themselves into various social activities.
D.The most intelligent people may feel dissatisfied with their lives with frequent social activities.

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