
The regular use of text messages and e-mails can lower the IQ more than twice as much as smoking marijuana(大麻). That is the claim of psychologists who have found that tapping away on a mobile phone or computer keypad or checking them for electronic messages temporarily knocks up to ten points off the user’s IQ.
This rate of decline in intelligence compares unfavorably with the four-point drop in IQ associated with smoking marijuana, according to British researchers, who have labeled(把……称为)the fleeting phenomenon of enhanced stupidity as “infomania”.
The noticeable drop in IQ is believed to be the result of the constant distraction of “always on” technology when employees should be concentrating on what they are paid to do. Infomania means that they lose concentration as their minds remain fixed in an almost permanent state of readiness to react to technology instead of focusing on the tasks in hand.
The brain also finds it hard to deal with keeping lots of tasks in motion at once, reducing its overall effectiveness. While modern technology can have huge benefits, excessive(过度的)use can be damaging not only to a person’s mind, but to his or her social life.
Eighty volunteers took part in clinical trials on IQ damage and 1,100 adults were interviewed.
More than six in ten people polled admitted that they were addicted to checking their e-mail and text messages so that they examined work-related ones even when at home or on holiday. Half said that they always responded immediately to an e-mail and one in five would interrupt a meeting to do so.
Furthermore, infomania is having a negative effect on work colleagues, increasing stress and disagreeing feelings. Nine out of ten polled thought that colleagues who answered e-mails or messages during a face-to-face meeting were extremely rude. Yet one in three Britons believed that it was not only acceptable, but actually diligent and efficient to do so.
67. What does the underlined part mean?
A.A person’s IQ drops ten points if he or she always checks electronic messages.
B. The person who has a higher IQ enjoys checking electronic messages.
C. The person who has a lower IQ enjoys checking electronic messages.
D. A person’s IQ is ten points higher if he or she always checks electronic messages.
68. What happens to people with infomania?
A. People with infomania can only concentrate on their tasks in hand.
B. people with infomania are addicted to smoking marijuana.
C. People with infomania can’t respond to technology immediately.
D. People with infomania can’t concentrate on their tasks in hand.
69. From the passage, we can learn that ______.
A. about 550 interviewees responded to an e-mail immediately
B. about 670 interviewees responded to an e-mail immediately
C. about 50 taking part in clinical trials on IQ were addicted to checking e-mails
D. about 16 taking part in clinical trials on IQ refused to answer e-mails immediately
70. What is the main idea of this passage?
A. The regular use of text messages and e-mails can be compared to smoking marijuana.
B. Modern technology can damage a person’s mind.
C. The regular use of text messages and e-mails can harm your IQ.
D. Electronic messages have side effects on the user’s life.


67. A项意思与划线部分相吻合;划线部分含义为:为了信息检查它们,那么使用者的智商会减少10%。
68. 第三段:Infomania means that they lose concentration as their minds remain fixed in an almost permanent state of readiness to react to technology instead of focusing on the tasks in hand.
69. 第四段: hile modern technology can have huge benefits, excessive(过度的)use can be damaging not only to a person’s mind, but to his or her social life.
70.第一段:The regular use of text messages and e-mails can lower the IQ
I know what you’re thinking: pizza(比萨饼)? For breakfast? But the truth is that you can have last night’s leftovers in the a.m. if you want to.
I know lots of women who skip breakfast (不吃早饭), and they have a ton of different excuses for doing it. Some say they don’t have time, others think they’re “saying” calories (卡路里),still others just don’t like breakfast food.学科But the bottom line is that eating in the morning is very important when you’re trying to lose weight .“Eating just about anything from 300 to 400 calories would be better than nothing at all,” says Katherine Brooking, R.D. ,  who developed the super-easy eating plan for this year’s “SELF CHALLENGE”. And even pizza can be healthy if it’s loaded with vegetables, and you stick to one small piece.学科Breakfast is one meal I never miss, and the same goes for most weight loss success stories. Research shows that eating breakfast keeps you from overeating later in the day. Researchers at the University of Southern California found that breakfast skippers have a bigger chance of gaining weight than those who regularly have a morning meal.
So eat something in the morning, anything. I know plenty of friends who end up having no breakfast altogether, and have just coffee or orange juice. I say, try heating up last night’s leftovers – it may sound crazy, but if it works for you, do it! I find if I tell myself, “You can always eat it tomorrow.” I put away the leftovers instead of eating more that night. Try it … you may save yourself some pre-bedtime calories. And watch your body gain the fat-burning effects.
小题1:The word “leftovers” in paragraph I probably means  ______.
A.food remaining after a mealB.things left undone
C.meals made of vegetablesD.pizza topped with fruit
小题2:What can we infer from the text?
A.Working women usually have breakfast in a hurry.
B.Many people have wrong ideas about breakfast.
C.There are some easy ways of cooking a meal.
D.Eating vegetables helps save energy.
小题3:According to the last paragraph, it is important to _______.
A.eat something for breakfastB.be careful about what you cat
C.heat up food before eating itD.cat calorie-controlled food
小题4:The text is written mainly for those _______.
A.who go to work earlyB.who want to lose weight
C.who stay up lateD.who eat before sleep
  From the very beginning, Martin felt that he was bound up with(与……紧紧地在一起)his lovely little patient. One day, following some tests , Betty gave the doctor a big hug(拥抱).
  A few months later the doctor removed not only the tumour(肿瘤), but also the entire lower left side of Betty’s gum(牙龈)and jawbone. Because Betty was so young, Martin was hopeful that her jawbone might regenerate.
  Within three months, Betty’s tumour grew as large as an orange, changing the natural appearance of the left side of her small, delicate ( =" thin;" not strong)face. Soon she couldn’t even close her mouth, and as her eating problems worsened, Betty ‘s weight dropped from 20 kilos to 15. Martin knew from experience that it might invade the brain.
  The only other possibility was thorough radiation therapy (放射疗法). Night after night, Betty's father gave her injection, but the tumour remained as big as ever. Then one evening. Morgan noticed that the tumour had begun to change. It was actually becoming smaller! For two months her tumour appeared to be going away for ever. In the coming months, Betty’s tumour continued to appear. She was able to eat solid food once again. Her jawbone was regenerating. The tumour was gone.
 小题1:If Betty’s jawbone didn’t regenerate, the doctors ________ .
A.would rebuild her jaw
B.would continue the treatment
C.would use new medicine
D.could do nothing else
 小题2:If the brain should be invaded, the result would ________.
A.prevent her growth
B.reduce her weight
C.cause her brain damaged
D.affect her eyesight
 小题3:What did the doctors do two months later?
A.They continued their observations.
B.They gave up the operation on Betty.
C.They found out what caused Betty’s strange disease.
D.They declared that Betty’s strange disease was cured.
What is green food? Do you enjoy green food every day? The concept of “green food” was first suggested by the Department of the Ministry of Agriculture in 1990.
Green symbolizes life, health and energy. Nowadays, people demand healthy and fresh food. Having enough food to eat is only a basic requirement, and they need more than this. They want to enjoy unpolluted, safe and nutritious food and eat comfortably. So the government does this through a set of “from the land to the dinner table” quality controls. It requires to change China’s traditional agricultural structures and ensure the food of high quality.
Safe vegetables refers to products without substances harmful to humans. Growing such vegetables requires no strong poisons, thus guaranteeing vegetables fresh and clean. There are strict regulations in place for even applying fertilizer(肥料). The examination of vegetables should reach the state food hygiene(卫生) standard. The following conditions for green food are regulated by the China Green Food Development Center. Firstly, products or raw materials must reach the green ecological environment standard set by the Ministry of Agriculture. Secondly, crop planting, livestock raising, fish breeding and food processing must follow green food operating procedures set by the Ministry. Products must be up to the green food hygiene standard. External packing must be pasted with national standard universal labels, special green food packing decoration and tag regulations.
However, by now, our goal hasn’t been completely realized. When you return home with a full basket, you are still worried about whether what you have bought is green and healthy. Indeed, for the sake of our health, we still have a long way to go.
小题1: According to the passage, we know that green food __________.
A.means the color of food is green
B.mainly refers to green vegetables
C.doesn’t need to be fertilized
D.is examined by a series of standards
小题2:Which of the following isn’t the required standard green food must reach?
A.Green food must not cause ecological destruction.
B.Green food should agree with green food operating procedures.
C.Green food itself should be labeled with special packing decoration.
D.Green food should meet the green food hygiene standard.
小题3: According to the passage, we know the Ministry of Agriculture is a department ____.
A.which governs agriculture
B.which sells food and vegetables
C.which plants green food
D.which examines food standards
小题4:The best title for this passage probably is ___________.
A.Green food and health
B.The green food project
C.The future of green food
D.The regulations of green food
Generations of Americans have been brought up to believe that a good breakfast is essential to one’s life. Eating breakfast at the start of the day, we have been told, and told again, is as necessary as putting gasoline in the family car before starting a trip.
But for many people, the thought of food as the first thing in the morning is never a pleasure. So in spite of all the efforts, they still take no breakfast. Between 1977 and 1983, the latest year for which figures could be obtained(可获得的), the number of people who didn’t have breakfast increased by 33%—from 8.8 million to 11.7 million—according to the Chicago-based Market Research Corporation of America.
For those who dislike eating breakfast, however, there is some good news. Several studies in the last few years have shown that, for grown-ups especially, there may be nothing wrong with omitting(省略) breakfast. “Going without breakfast does not affect work,” said Arnold E. Bender, former professor of nutrition at Queen Elizabeth College in London, “nor does giving people breakfast improve work.”
Scientific evidence linking breakfast to better health or better work is surprisingly inadequate(不适当), and most of the recent work involves(涉及) children, not grown-ups. “The literature,” says one researcher, Dr Earnest Polite at the University of Texas, “is poor.”
小题1:The main idea of the passage is _______.
A.breakfast has nothing to do with people’s health
B.a good breakfast used to be important to us
C.breakfast is not as important to us as gasoline to a car
D.breakfast is not as important as we thought before
小题2:For those who do not take breakfast, the good news is that _______.
A.several studies have been done in the past few years
B.the omission of breakfast does no harm to one’s health
C.grown-ups have especially made studies in this field
D.eating little in the morning is good for health
小题3:The underlined part “nor does giving people breakfast improve work” means _______.
A.people without breakfast can improve their work
B.not giving people breakfast improves work
C.having breakfast does not improve work, either
D.people having breakfast do improve their work, too
小题4:The word "literature" in the last sentence refers to _______.
A.stories, poems, play, etc
B.written works on a particular subject
C.any printed material
D.the modern literature of America
小题5:What is implied but not stated by the author is that _______.
A.breakfast does not affect work
B.Dr Polite works at an institution of higher learning
C.not eating breakfast might affect the health of children
D.Professor Bender once taught college courses in nutrition in London
In real life, the daily struggles between parents and children are around these narrow problems of an extra hour, extra TV show, and so on” said Avi Sadeh, psychology professor at Tel Aviv University. “Too little sleep and more accidents,” he said.
Sadeh and his colleagues found an extra hour of sleep can make a big difference. The children who slept longer, although they woke up more frequently during the night, scored higher on tests, Sadeh reported in the March/April issue of journal Child Development.
“When the children slept longer, their sleep quality was somewhat weak, but in spite of this their performance for study improved because the extra sleep was more significant than the reduction in sleep quality. ” Sadeh said. “Some studies suggested that lack of sleep as a child affects development into adulthood and it’s more likely to develop their attention disorder when they grow older. ”
In earlier studies, Sadeh’s team found that fourth graders slept an average of 8. 2 hours and sixth graders slept an average of 7. 7 hours.
“Previous research has shown children in elementary school need at least nine hours of sleep a night on a regular basis, said Carl Hunt, director of the National Center on Sleep Disorders Research in Bethesda, and high-school-age children need somewhat less, he said, adding the results of insufficient sleep could be serious.
“A tired child is an accident waiting to happen,” Hunt said. “And as kids get older, toys get bigger and the risks higher. ”Hunt also said too little sleep could result in learning and memory problems and long-term effects on school performance.
“This is an important extension of what we already know, ” Hunt said of Sadeh’s research, adding sleep is as important as nutrition(营养) and exercise to good health.
“To put it into reality,” Hunt said, “parents should make sure they know when their children actually are going to sleep and their rooms are conducive to sleeping instead of playing. ”
小题1:What is Child Development?
A A new story                       B A popular book
C. A periodical magazine               D A TV programme
小题2:How many persons are exactly mentioned in the text?
A One          B Two         C Three           D Four
小题3:The underlined phrase “conducive to” (in the last sentence) means ________.
A helping to happen                 B influenced by
C full of                              D acceptable of
小题4:Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?
A.There are some daily struggles between parents and children because of having nothing in common with extra rest time.
B.The children who sleep longer are weak in their study.
C.Lack of sleep as a child has great effect on their development into adulthood.
D.In general, children in elementary school need at least nine hours of sleep a night.
The British National Health Service (NHS) was set up in 1948 and was designed to provide equal basic health care, free of charge, for everybody in the country. Before this time health care had to be paid for by individuals.
Nowadays central government is directly responsible for the NHS although it is administered by local health authorities. About 83 percent of the cost of the health service is paid for by general taxation and the rest is met from the National Insurance contributions paid by those in work. There are charges for prescription and dental care but many people, such as children, pregnant women, pensioners, and those on Income Support, are exempt from payment.
Most people are registered with a local doctor (a GP, or General Practitioner) who is increasingly likely to be part of a health centre which serves the community.
As the population of Britain gets older, the hospital service now treats more patients than before, although patients spend less time in hospital. NHS hospitals—many of which were built in the nineteenth century—provide nearly half a million beds and have over 480, 000 medical staff. The NHS is the biggest employer in Europe although Britain actually spends less per person on health care than most of her European neighbours.
During the 1980s there was considerable restructuring of the Health Service with an increased emphasis on managerial efficiency and the privatization of some services (for example, cleaning). At the end of the 1980s the government introduced proposals for further reform of the NHS, including allowing some hospitals to be self-governing, and encouraging GPs to compete for patients. Patients would be able to choose and change their family doctor more easily and GPs would have more financial responsibility. The political questions continue of how much money should be provided to support the NHS and where it should come from.
小题1: We can know from the first paragraph that ______.
A.the original aim of the NHS was to provide equal basic health care for everybody
B.people didn’t have to pay for health care since the NHS was set up
C.patients were charged for receiving health care before 1948
D.the NHS was an organization which gave free advice to villagers
小题2:What do we know about the NHS?
A.It’s managed by the central government.
B.Its cost is mainly paid for by the National Insurance contributions.
C.It hires more people than any other unit in Europe.
D.Fewer patients go to its hospitals than before because they spend less on health care.
小题3: All the following statements about GPs are true except that they ______.
A.take care of the local people’s health
B.often take part in competitions to see who is the best
C.work under high pressure nowadays
D.have more responsibilities than before
小题4:What does the underlined word “exempt” probably mean?
小题5:The biggest problem for the NHS is ______.
A.many hospitals are too old to be used
B.some services are in the charge of individuals
C.more and more patients go to GPs for treatment
D.there is not enough money for further reform
The Diet Zone: A Dangerous Place
Diet Coke, diet Pepsi, diet pills, no-fat diet, vegetable diet… We are surrounded by the word “diet” everywhere we look and listen. We have so easily been attracted by the promise and potential of diet products that we have stopped thinking about what diet products are doing to us. We are paying for products that harm us psychologically and physically(身体上).
Diet products significantly weaken us psychologically. On one level, we are not allowing our brain to admit that our weight problems lie not in actually losing the weight, but in controlling the consumption of fatty, high-calorie, unhealthy foods. Diet products allow us to jump over the thinking stage and go straight for the scale(秤)instead. All we have to do is to swallow or recognize the word “diet” in food labels.
On another level, diet products have greater psychological effects. Every time we have a zero-calorie drink, we are telling ourselves without our awareness that we don’t have to work to get results. Diet products make people believe that gain comes without pain, and that life can be without resistance and struggle.
The danger of diet products lies not only in the psychological effects they have on us, but also in the physical harm that they cause. Diet foods can indirectly harm our bodies because consuming them instead of healthy foods means we are preventing our bodies from having basic nutrients(营养成分). Diet foods and diet pills contain zero calorie only because the diet industry has created chemicals to produce these wonder products. Diet products may not be nutritional, and the chemical that go into diet products are potentially dangerous.
Now that we are aware of the effects that diet products have on us, it is time to seriously think about buying them. Losing weight lies in the power of minds, not in the power of chemicals. Once we realize this, we will be much better able to resist diet products, and therefore prevent the psychological harm that comes from using them.
51. From Paragraph 1, we learn that ________.
A. diet products fail to bring out people’s potential
B. people have difficulty in choosing diet products
C. diet products are misleading people
D. people are fed up with diet products
52. One psychological effect of diet products is that people tend to _____.
A. try out a variety of diet foods
B. hesitate before they enjoy diet foods
C. pay attention to their own eating habits
D. watch their weight rather than their diet
53. In Paragraph 3, “gain comes without pain” probably means ______.
A. losing weight is effortless
B. it costs a lot to lose weight
C. diet products bring no pain
D. diet products are free from calories
54. Diet products indirectly harm people physically because such products ______.
A. are over-consumed
B. lack basic nutrients
C. are short of chemicals
D. provide too much energy
55. Which of the following shows the structure of the passage?
Imagine your body is like the house you live in.Every day, your family creates rubbish.The rubbish builds up until it is put out for the weekly garbage collection.
Now, say you put three bags of garbage out.but because one of the collectors was away sick, only two bags are collected.You take the leftover bag inside to be put out again next week.The following week you put on another three bags.plus the leftover bag from last week.But again, only two bags are collected.Imagine this cycle is repeated over the following weeks.
This is a simple description of what happens to your body when your kidneys (肾脏)don't work efficiently.Your body is nol thoroughly emptied of waste products.Other areas of the bodv such as blood pressure and red blood cell production are affected and the insidious process that may lead to kidney failure begins.
It's not uncommon for people to lose up to 90% of their kidney function before deveoping any symptoms.There may be no warning signs. This makes early detection (诊查)difficult.
Kidney's main job is to remote toxins(毒素) and unwanted water from our blood.Every day our kidneys clean an average of 200 litres of blood.Kidney failure may be a gradual and silent process, going unnoticed because there is no apparent pain.
Research shows that more than 35% of the patients requiring dialysis (透析)do not see a kidney specialist before they have to do so.Some risk factors for kidney disease such as age and genetic make up are out of our control; however, some changes in lifestyle may help prevent kidney damage.Two major risk factors for kidney disease, diabetes (糖尿病)and high blood pressure, have been on the rise over the last few decades.Both conditions are chiefly affected by being overweight and not getting enough exercises, which are the potential risk factors for the kidney disease.
66.The author gives the example of the house we live in to indicate that ______.
A.it doesn't matter much if the waste in our body is not emptied in time
B.our body will not produce any waste if our kidneys work efficiently
C.it's important for our body to empty the waste in time every day
D.it's safe and harmless for our body to keep some waste
67.The underlined word “insidious” in Paragrap 3 means          .
A.smooth and safe                 B.apparent and fast
C.gradual and unnoticed       D.long and painful
68.We can infer that when we find some symptoms related to our kidneys,          .
A.the kidney failure begins
B.the kidneys can still work properly
C.we have lost about 10% of kidney function
D.the kidneys may have been seriously damaged
69.How many risk factors of kidney disease are mentioned in the passage?
A.Six.     B.Five.  C.Four.  D.Two.
70.Which of the following helps prevent kidney damage most effectively?
A.Go to see a kidney specialist shortly before dialysis starts.
B.Take enough exercise and make early detection of kidney disease.
C.Try to keep low blood pressure and a stable lifestyle.
D.Go to hospital whenever you find any warning signs.

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