
It was raining as I got off the train in Nashville, Tennessee. I was tired so I went straight to my hotel.
A big, heavy man was walking up and down in the hotel lobby. Something about the way he moved made me think of a hungry dog looking for a bone. He had a big, fat, red face and a sleepy expression in his eyes. He introduced himself as Wentworth Caswell – Major Wentworth Caswell – from “a fine southern family”. Caswell pulled me into the hotel’s barroom and yelled for a waiter. We ordered drinks. While we drank, he talked continually about himself, his family, his wife and her family. He said his wife was rich. He showed me a handful of silver coins that he pulled from his coat pocket.
By this time, I had decided that I wanted no more of him. I said good night.
I was born in the south myself. But I live in New York now. I write for a large magazine. My boss had asked me to go to Nashville. The magazine had received some stories and poems from a writer in Nashville, named Azalea Adair. The editor liked her work very much. The publisher asked me to get her to sign an agreement to write only for his magazine.
I left the hotel at nine o’clock the next morning to find Miss Adair. It was still raining. As soon as I stepped outside I met Uncle Caesar. He was a big, old black man with fuzzy gray hair. Uncle Caesar was wearing the strangest coat I had ever seen. It must have been a military officer’s coat. It was very long and when it was new it had been gray. But now rain, sun and age had made it a rainbow of colors. Only one of the buttons was left. It was yellow and as big as a fifty cent coin.
Uncle Caesar stood near a horse and carriage. He opened the carriage door and said softly, “Step right in, sir. I’ll take you anywhere in the city.”
“I want to go to 861 Jasmine Street,” I said, and I started to climb into the carriage. But the old man stopped me. “Why do you want to go there, sir?”
“What business is it of yours?” I said angrily. Uncle Caesar relaxed and smiled. “Nothing, sir. But it’s a lonely part of town. Just step in and I’ll take you there right away.”
861 Jasmine Street had been a fine house once, but now it was old and dying. I got out of the carriage.
“That will be two dollars, sir,” Uncle Caesar said. I gave him two one-dollar bills. As I handed them to him, I noticed that one had been torn in half and fixed with a piece of blue paper. Also, the upper right hand corner was missing.
小题1:The narrator (故事的叙述者)got to Nashville probably _______.
A.in the morningB.at noonC.in the afternoonD.in the evening
小题2: The narrator didn’t like Caswell mainly because of ________.
A.his appearanceB.his familyC.the way he talked and behavedD.his wife
小题3: The publisher told the narrator to go to Nashville ______.
A.to get a writer to sign an agreement for his magazine
B.to collect some stories and poems from a writer
C.to look for good writers for his magazine
D.to visit his old friend Azalea Adair
小题4: Uncle Caesar’s strange coat ________.
A.was worn by a military officerB.was a new gray coat
C.was an old yellow raincoatD.had only one button left
小题5: From the question “Why do you want to go there, sir?”, we guess that Uncle Caesar _______.
A.wanted to know why the narrator wanted to go there
B.knew the place and was concerned about the narrator
C.would charge two dollars for taking the narrator there
D.must have lived in the neighbourhood before

Many years ago I drove a taxi for extra money. I drove mainly from the downtown to the 16 , beside the Greenwood Racetrack which was in operation at that time.
Each time a taxi drove up to the station, many kids would run along the   17  to the passenger door. One   18   kid would open the passenger door and say, “  19  , sir.” The passenger would always say thanks and give the kid a   20   on his way from the taxi to the entrance of the track. It was a routine that everybody knew.
One day I noticed a boy, who was   21   than most of them but was pushed away by even the smallest kid. He never pushed back.   22  , he would even step aside when others pushed forward. But he never   23  .
Then one morning as I was   24   to the sidewalk, all the other kids were running after a taxi   25  mine. They didn’t notice mine.
The boy saw me and walked toward my taxi. As I pulled up I made sure that I stopped in a 26  with the passenger door right beside him. He   27  the passenger door with a flourish(夸张动作) and said, “Good luck at the track, sir.”
  28 , the man did not tip him a quarter. Instead he   29 , “Get out of my way!” He pushed him aside so   30  that the boy fell on the sidewalk and I knew he was badly hurt. I got out of my car quickly   31  find that the man disappeared in the crowd.
So I looked for the kid. I decided to give him $20 for all his   32 . But he was far up ahead, walking out of the station   33 . The traffic policeman waved at me to get my car going.   34 , I never saw him again. I’d like to find him one day and tell him that if only he had stuck around a little longer I would have given him a whole $20.
I learned an important lesson from the boy. When things seem so   35  that you are ready to give up, that is the time when things are most likely to turn around for you.
A.StopB.WelcomeC.HelpD.Good luck
A.In factB.In generalC.In totalD.In case
A.gave inB.gave awayC.gave upD.gave off
A.pushing upB.speeding upC.keeping upD.pulling up
A.aboveB.besideC.in front ofD.over
A.and toB.but toC.only toD.so as to
A.So farB.From then onC.Once moreD.Just then
In most of the time, I am devoted to my research in the lab with my friend Dave, who loves traveling very much. To make our life colorful and relax ourselves, in July, my friend and I are taking a camping trip. We will travel for four weeks and will tour the United States and part of Canada. We have decided to camp because it does not cost as much as vacationing (度假) in hotels.
We have to plan very carefully in advance. First, the car we are going to drive is very small, so we have decided to take only one small suitcase each and as few camping things as possible. We will take some medicine with us to prevent insects (昆虫) from hurting us, and also food for picnics. Second, there is a lot to see in the United States and Canada, so we have to decide on the direction (方向) we want to drive.
The date we are leaving is July 2, from which day we will have two months off.  We want to see and do many things on our camping tour. We want to climb in the mountains, visit famous caves, and swim in cool mountain rivers. We want to visit many cities and talk to many people, which I am sure can enrich our experience greatly. We also want to find a hotel room if it rains at night. We expect to have an exciting trip.
小题1: The two friends are going to take a camping trip ________.
A.if they have four weeks’ time offB.though it will be a long trip
C.so that they can save moneyD.because it will be warm enough in July
小题2:Which of the following statements is possibly true?
A.They are now on the tripB.They are going to make a tour all over the U.S and Canada.
C.They are quite rich.D.July is drawing near.
小题3: We learn from the second paragraph that ________.
A.they must be ill.B.they will bring a lot in the car.
C.they must have studied the map carefully.D.they must have been hurt by insects.
小题4: It is quite clear that ________.
A.there will be no insects at all.B.they are sure to take some medicine on the trip.
C.the two friends will take turns to drive.D.the two friends will share a suitcase.
小题5: If they are caught in the rain , they will ________.
A.talk to their families while it rains.B.ask others for help.
C.have to stop climbing.D.have to stay in a hotel for the night.
The story I am going to tell you happened about three years ago when I started to learn how to drive. At first, I was very frightened, and I thought I could never learn how to drive a car. Driving a car frightened me because in my home country women never drive, but in the United States every woman has to know how to drive. My husband paid an instructor to teach me how to drive. After that, my husband practiced with me for a long time. My husband always told me that I had to learn. It was important to me and my family.
However, I couldn’t get my license right away. I failed my driving test two times. After practicing for a long time, I decided to go for my third driving test. I had failed my first test because I was very nervous. Everybody encouraged me to continue practicing. Three weeks later, I decided to try it again, but I failed again. After that, I was very embarrassed(困窘的), and I said I couldn’t get it, so I stopped practicing for a while.
Not knowing how to drive was bad because I couldn’t do anything. I had two kids, my husband works, and I have to take care of everything. Driving was so necessary that I decided to try it again. And finally, that time, I passed the test. Now I have my license. I know how to drive, and it has changed my life in some important ways. Now I’m driving to the college, learning English and hoping I will get a good job in the future.
小题1:Why did the author think that she could never learn how to drive a car?
A.Because she was not an American woman.
B.Because she was afraid of a car or a bus.
C.Because in her own country women never drive.
D.Because her husband didn’t know how to teach her.
小题2: The underlined word “instructor” in the first paragraph probably means __________.
A.someone who teaches a special skill
B.someone who teaches a sport skill
C.someone who teaches in an American college
D.the information telling you how to drive a car
小题3: How many persons in the author’s family are mentioned except the author herself?
小题4:The passage mainly shows us that the author failed for quite a few times but she never gave up and __________.
A.she succeeded in driving her car to send her two children
B.she succeeded in driving to the college to get a good job
C.she succeeded in driving to the college and learned English
D.she succeeded in passing driving test and got her license in the end
小题5:The best title of this passage should be “__________”.
A.My Driving LicenseB.My Husband and I
C.Passing the TestD.Never Give Up
The idea about the phoenix goes back to Ancient Egypt, where we find the phoenix described as a handsome, eagle-like bird, with part-golden, part-red plumage, that spent most of its life in the Arabian deserts. It was rarely seen and according to one version of the story, only appeared in Egypt once every five hundred years, when it flew to Heliopolis, “city of the sun”, and deliberately burnt itself to ashes by settling on the altar (祭坛) flame there! However, it seems it did not really die because from those same ashes a young, fully formed phoenix was born and flew away, apparently back to Arabia.
It is pretty obvious that no one has ever seen or will see a living phoenix. The interesting thing is that we can find certain clues which may explain one aspect of the Egyptians’ idea. It may sound unbelievable, but some birds are apparently quite charmed by flames and small fires, especially members of the crow family. One zoologist actually proved this by setting fire to some straw near to a tame(驯养的)rook, a large black bird like a crow. Far from becoming nervous and backing away, the bird deliberately stood over the flames, with raised and vibrating wings. It didn’t get burnt, but the image it presented by its strange behavior was almost exactly like that shown in illustrations of the mythical phoenix!
Why birds should occasionally behave in this strange way is not clear. One idea is that they carefully use the heat of the flames to relieve the annoyance caused by their feather mites (虱) which all birds have. Whatever the reason, it is quite possible that the Ancient Egyptians saw birds behaving in this way, from time to time, and used it as the basis of their phoenix myth, adding fanciful details which closely linked it to their worship of the sun and their belief in resurrection.
Nowadays, the phoenix is much less important to us than it was to the Egyptians. But the logo of modern fire insurance companies, which employ the phoenix as one of their symbols, refers that in one sense the idea of it remains.  
小题1: According to the passage, the phoenix _________ .
A.is a handsome and eagle-like bird living in Arab
B.used to be seen when the Egyptians held religious activities
C.has never really existed in the world
D.is the king of all kinds of birds
小题2: The reason why birds stand above flames is probably that _________ .
A.the phoenix used to do soB.they may get rid of the mites
C.they want to burn their feather D.they can heat themselves
小题3:Which of the following statements is NOT correct?
A.The ancient Egyptians worshiped the phoenix.
B.The scientists have discovered why birds are attracted by fire.
C.The modern people still favor the idea of the phoenix.
D.The mythical tales about the phoenix were based on facts.
小题4:Which of the following is closest to the underlined word “resurrection” in the 3rd paragraph?
A.living foreverB.offering warmth
C.coming back to lifeD.staying healthy
小题5:What does the phoenix probably mean in the logo of a fire insurance company?
A.Our company can protect you from being harmed by fire.
B.If your property is destroyed by fire, we will help you build it up again.
C.Our company will always be energetic and wealthy.
D.If needed, we will save you at the risk of losing lives.
In the United States 84 colleges now accept just women. Most of them were established in the 19th century; they were designed to offer women the education they could not receive anywhere else. At that time major universities and colleges accepted only men. In the past 20 years many young women have chosen to study at colleges that accept both men and women. As a result some women’s colleges decided to accept men students too. Others, however, refused to change. Now these schools are popular again
The president of Trinity College in Washington, D. C. said that by the end of the 1980s women began to recognize that studying at the same school with men did not mean women were having an equal chance to learn. The president of Smith College in Massachusetts says a women’s college permits women to choose classes and activities freely. For example, she says that in a women’s college a higher percentage of students studies mathematics than in a college with both men and women.
Educational experts say men students in the United States usually speak in class more than women students do. In a women’s college, women feel free to say what they think. Women’s schools also bring out leadership capabilities in many women. Women are represented everywhere. For example, at a women’s college every governing office is held by a woman. Recent studies reportedly show this leadership continues after college. The studies show that American women who went to women’s colleges are more likely to hold successful jobs later in life. 
小题1:Some women’s colleges decided to accept men students because_______.
A.teaching women is more difficult than teaching men
B.many young women chose to study at colleges with both men and women
C.study with men is more challenged.
D.women and men can have equal chances of competition.
小题2:From the passage we know that_______.
A.more and more women’s colleges are being established now
B.more and more women like to study in colleges with both men and women
C.there are more women’s colleges than colleges with both men and women in the USA
D.it is better for American women to study in women’s colleges
小题3:According to this passage, if a woman wants to hold successful jobs, she’d better_______.
A.study in colleges with both men and women
B.study in Trinity College
C.learn from the president of Smith College
D.study in women’s colleges
小题4:Most of women’s colleges were established_______.
A.to give women the education they could not receive anywhere else.
B.to separate women from men.
C.to offer women special chances for work.
D.to help women have more study opportunities.
Uncle Tom gave little Vicki Black a birthday gift one week before her birthday. He told her not to open it until her birthday. She knew her mother wouldn’t tolerate any disrespect to the kind man who helped them out after Vicki’s father passed away. Besides, Vicki didn’t want Uncle Tom to get angry. But little Vicky didn’t want to just hold it and guess what was in it. After all, she looked forward to his coming to show her interesting things, like how to turn an old sock into a doll.
All the day, Vicki couldn’t stop thinking about the gift. While her teacher was giving a lecture¸ Vicki sat still in her seat, drawing paper dolls inside the box. When school was done, she raced home. Walking into the room, again, she shook the present, but she heard nothing. Holding her breath, she opened the box and looked inside. Seconds later, she cried. When Mrs. Black saw the box, she said angrily, “Didn’t I tell you to leave it alone?” Vicki sobbed and said, “Mommy, you don’t understand.”
“Don’t cry to me. You have missed everything now, just because you couldn’t wait,” Mrs. Black accused. “What will Uncle Tom think now?”
“Uncle Tom gave me nothing,” Vicki cried and handed the empty box to her mother. “He played a trick on me.”
Mrs. Black said doubtfully, “Uncle Tom is not like that. You must have dropped it.”
Vicki kept crying. Only a rapid knock on the door made the house quiet. It was Uncle Tom. He looked at the empty box. “You have already done it? I told you to wait for your birthday.”
“You didn’t give me a gift.” Fresh tears filled her eyes.
“I try to give you something. I know your birthday is a special day. I tell myself to give you something valuable to last your whole life. I think hard and get the idea to give you an important lesson. If you open it on birthday, I see you learn. Then I will make a big party to celebrate. Maybe next year you listen and then you will understand the gift better.
Vicki’s cheeks flushed.
小题1:We can learn from the text that Vicki_______.
A.often received gifts from her father
B.expected Uncle Tom to give her a doll
C.was sad because of her father’s death
D.liked and respected Uncle Tom
小题2:What do the underlined words “done it” refer to?
A.Guessed the result
B.Opened the box
C.Realized Uncle Tom’s purpose
D.Known what her birthday gift was
小题3:What kind of person is Uncle Tom?
小题4:What did Uncle Tom want to teach Vicki?
A.How to respect othersB.The meaning of gifts
C.How to deal with giftsD.The value of a promise
If you’re networking(建立人际关系)and nothing is happening,you might need to evaluate how you’re doing it.Maybe you show up at each event and still feel challenged by the process.You aggressively talk to people,give out your cards,call endlessly to schedule an appointment but have no real success from your efforts.To help you gain a different future,here are eight habits you should avoid.(避免)
Ineffective networkers:
1.Lack patience.They expect immediate results and want business now, not tomorrow.
2.Constantly“selling”something.They see dollar signs every time they shake hands with someone.
3.Too many choices.If they offer a variety of products,they might try too hard to tell about all of them.Offering too much infomation sends a confusing message making it difficult for people to send references.Opportunities are all around us but when you’ re networking j only focus on one.
4.Change positions too often.If they move from company to company or do something totally different,it might be difficult for people to keep up with them.
5. Lack manners and respect.They interrupt others,talk with food in their mouth,aren’t very polite and appear unprofessional.They call people during dinner or on the weekends without thinking whether the occasion is suitable.
6. Focus on themselves. Too much self-promotion can leave the other person to feel unappreciated. Every sentence begins with“I”and is all about their business.
7.“Taking”instead of“giving”.They don’t realize what other people sense when they are being very selfish.Others may think that they are being taken advantage of.
8.Poor communication and interpersonal skills.They have trouble speaking effectively,building relationships and following up.
Networking is a process that is an investment of time and money.If you find you’re doing any of these habits,consider learning how to improve on these and maximize your results while networking.You’ll start to get better at connecting with people and obtain more opportunities.
小题1:According to the text,some people didn’t succeed in networking because      .
A.they didn’t make effortsB.they didn’t behave effectively
C.they didn’t pay enough moneyD.they didn’t spend enough time
小题2:According to the second habit,we shouldn’t      when we are networking.
A.make friendsB.talk about dollars
C.shake hands with everyoneD.pay attention to money only
小题3:When talking with others,you should       .
A.give out your cards every now and then
B.talk about the quality of your product as much as possible
C.1et other people express themselves completely
D.interrupt others when they make a mistake
小题4:Which of the following is not suitable for a salesman’s behavior?
A.He offers too much self-promotion during the conversation.
B.He considers when he can get what he expects carefully.
C.He only focuses on one opportunity when networking.
D.He keeps his promises and doesn’t expect too much from others.
Why are so many people so afraid of failure? Quite simple because no one tells us how to fail so that failure becomes an experience that will lead to growth. We forget that failure is part of the human condition and that every person has the right to fail.
Most parents work hard at either preventing failure or protecting their children from the knowledge that they have failed. One way is to lower standards. A mother describes her child’s hastily made table as “Perfect!” even though it doesn’t stand still. Another way is to shift(转移)blame. If John fails science, his teacher is unfair or stupid.
The trouble with failure prevention is that they leave a child unequipped for life in the real world. The young need to learn that no one can be best at everything, no one can win all the time and that it’s possible to enjoy a game even when you don’t win. A child who’s not invited to a birthday party, who doesn’t make the honour roll on the baseball team, feels terrible, of course. But parents should not offer a quick comfort, prize or say “It doesn’t matter.” because it does. The young should be allowed to experience disappointment and be helped to master it.
Failure is never pleasurable. It hurts grownups and children alike. But it can make a positive contribution to your life once you learn to use it. Step one is to ask “Why did it fail? Don’t blame someone else. Ask yourself what you did wrong, how you can improve. If someone else can help, don’t be shy about inquiring. Success, which encourages repetition of old behaviour, is not nearly as good a teacher as failure. You can learn from a bad party how to give a good one, from an ill-chosen first house what to look for in a second. Even a failure that seems definitive can cause fresh thinking, a change of direction. After twelve years of studying ballet, a friend of mine applied for a professional company. She asked. That ballet master shook his head. “You will never be a dancer,” he said,” you haven’t the body for it.”
In such cases, the way to use failure is to take stock bravely asking “What have I left? What else can I do?” My friend put away her shoes and moved into dance treatment center, a field where she’s both able and useful. Failure frees one to take risks because there’s less to lose. Often there is recovery of energy — a way to find new possibilities.
小题1:The first paragraph tells us ______.
A.failure is very natural for every person
B.the reason why we don’t know how to fail
C.the reason why so many people are afraid of failure
D.one should be ready to face failure at any time
小题2:How many preventions may parents use when a child fails according to the passage?
A.only twoB.no more than threeC.less than threeD.more than three
小题3: Which statement below does the writer support?
A.Failure is as good an experience as success.
B.Failure is the mother of success.
C.Failure is far from a good teacher like success.
D.Definitive failure gives us nothing but fresh thinking.
小题4: We can learn from the last paragraph that _______.
A.failure is the recovery of energy
B.failure makes one free to do something dangerous
C.failure should be forgotten in our life
D.failure is likely to do us good in life

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