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           Mothers who angrily tell off their children when they step out of line may be making behavior problems worse,according to a study. The study by the London School of Economics (LSE) found that too much shouting and giving severe punishments were producing an opposite result. Ignoring naughty children also appeared ter lead to a decrease in discipHne standards.

           Researchers said that “reasoning with children” was more likely to have a positive zVwpacr (影响) on their behavior at a young age. But the study warned that it Was difficult to determine a direct link between one parenting style and its outcomes because of the effect of other causes.

           The latest study was based on an analysis of almost 19,000 children. Data was collected from parents just before their children's first birthdays,and then when iey turned three,five and seven. The study,led by Dr Laure De Preux,assessed the impact of various parenting styles on children.

           Researchers said, “Particularly excessive (过度的) shouting,punishing or ignoring a naughty child increases his behavior problems,and only reasoning doesn't negatively impact the child's behavior.”

           But the study also showed that a large number of other things such as economic conditions also impacted on children's development. The result suggested that wealthier families were able to create a whole environment that clearly benefited the child beyond simple effect of parenting. It said children in poor households in particular were affected by their mother^s parenting styles.

          “In this group,behavior problems are reduced when mothers read to the naughty children,and increased when mothers shout at them,take treats away,or ignore them,” it said.

           It is the latest in a line'of recent studies to assess the link between parenting and children's behavior.

           Two years ago,a report commissioned by the Department for Education found that severe and inconsistent discipline in the home was bringing up a generation of youfng children with anger management problems,poor attention and low levels of learning ability.

5. The underlined part “step out of line” in Paragraph 1

probably means.

   A. behave badly     B. lose confidence

   C. become excited   D. achieve success

6. Which may help solve children's behavior problems?

   A. Punishing them lightly.

   B. Talking with them reasonably.

   C. Ignoring them once in a while.

   D. Exercising strict discipline over them.

7. What did the research focus on?

   A. How mothers looked at their parenting role.

   B. Why many children had behavior problems.

   C. How parenting styles affected children's development.

   D. Why parents gave their children severe punishments.

8. What do we learn about the report in the last paragraph?

   A. Its subject is similar to that of the LSE's  study.

   B. Its findings go against those of the LSE's study.

   C. It shows the benefits of strict discipline.

   D. It has discovered new problems of children.


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           When you haven’t planned out an afternoon or an evening,it can be so easy to turn on the TV and forget other activities or responsibilities. If you want to reduce your time spent in watching TV,read on.

            Keep a diary. Television is able to suck up our time without us realizing it. Just like keeping a food journal, create a TV diary so you can become aware of all the time you spend on the couch. You may realize just how many hours you spend on TV every week.

           Break the binge(狂热活动) . TV binge is more common now than ever before. With full series available on DV   D. once youJ re attracted,it ,s too easy to gulp 办w/2 (大口吞下) an entire season in one day. Do not try to finish all the episodes (集) in one day,and consider that you,11  have more to look forward to at a later date. No need to rush through the whole thing now.

           Give yourself a limit. A lot of new shows are made each year. Limit your TV intake through just watching some of them. The number will be different for everyone,but if you 5 re preparing to watch eight new shows this season,let's take a step back and rethink this with a clear head.

           Get out of the house. You can't watch Tyt if you’ re not at home. Make a point of making plans with friends and family,going for a walk,or planning an extra workout (锻炼) .You’ 11 be amazed at how much you get accomplished when you re not married to your favorite programs. For couples who consider TV watching their time to connect,try a new activity together to shake things up for a healthier cause.

           Combine it with exercise. For the TV shows you just won't  give up,make the time more (积极主动的) by combining it with exercise. Doing the following exercises while watching TV will offer you inspiration.

5. What does Paragraph 2 suggest we do?

   A. Keep a journal of daily life.

   B. Know how long we sit every day.

   C. Write down our time spent on TV.

   D. Record TV shows we have watched.

6. What should we do to avoid TV binge according to Paragraph 3 ?

   A. Only watch a new show in a season.

   B. Avoid having a DVD player at home.

   C. Limit the episodes we watch in a day.

   D. Leave the couch and listen to some music.

7. The text is probably followed by a paragraph about.

   A. some social activities

   B. some beneficial exercises

   C. some interesting TV shows

   D. some tips on a family get-together

8. What would be the best title for the text?

   A. How to watch less TV

   B. How to plan an extra workout

   C. How to combine TV with exercise

   D. How to set a limit on favorite programs



       This is the salamander (蝾螈) capital of the world; the Great Smoky Mountains National Park harbors 30 species,giving it the planet's most diverse population. “Catching” salamanders in the park is illegal.So the only sgfe way for kids to hunt for,capture,examine,and then return salamanders to their habitat unharmed is through the Slimy Salamanders program — one of the many junior rawgers (园林管理员) and Smoky Mountain Field School opportunities available to kids in the park.

        “Studying salamanders helps us understand more about the health of the whole park ,” says ranger Emily Guss,who designed the park* s Slimy Salamanders program. “And from there we can start a discussion with kids about climate change." Kids participating in the program collect important data — identifying species and size 一 that help monitor salamanders’ behavior.

        For the program,kids gather at the Sugarlands Visitor Center,just inside the park's  main Tennessee entrance near Gatlinburg. “Why are you guys here today?” Guss asks.

         Kids scream as one: aSalamanders!

         Guss says, "Yes,but you* re also going to be scientists. So let me see your best scientists’ manners." She presses her lips together and puts her forefinger to them,tips her head slightly,gets a quizzical look on her face,and says, “Hmm." The kids imitate her every action.

         She takes kids to a special secret salamander spot. “Salamanders are amphibians,” Guss explains. “You must handle them gently because their tails can break off. It takes two years to regrow. Sometimes it's a completely different color."

         “A salamander stores fat in his tail,which is his source of energy,” continues Guss. “If a salamander loses his tail,he will lose his energy. That will make it easier for a raccoon 一 a small North American anirhal — to catch and eat him."

          Kids spread out to seaYch for salamanders. They are serious scientists and understand their roles as protectors,stepping carefully,looking down,and helping each other guide swimming salamanders through the water into the bags.

          “Animals always leave clues,but kids rarely look for jthem ,” says ranger Nola Isobe. “If you are observant and know what to look for,you’ 11 see all kinds of amazing things here."

5. What is the purpose of the Slimy Salamanders program?

   A. To raise money for salamanders.

   B. Tp stop illegal salamander hunting.

   C. To lead children study salamanders.

   D. To find more salamanders for the park.

6. Before going to the salamander spot,Guss .

   A. tells kids about scientific tools

   B. stresses the importance of imitation

   C. teaches kids to behave like scientists

   D. introduces some salamander scientists

7. What can we learn about a salamander's tail?

   A. It regrows fast.

   B. It is vital for its life.

   C. It is usually very tough.

   D. It can scare raccoons away.

8. Nola Isobe seems to encourage children to .

   A. help each other   B. be careful searchers

   C. look for new species   D. be friendly to animals


Sunshine Travel Agency 1-800-555-7000 For your next vacation,book (预订) a .wonderful trip with us!


    Stay at the Huntley Plaza in Boston,walk the Freedom Trail,visit ancient buildings. You can even go to a Red Sox baseball game!Your children will have a ball! $179* a night Big Sky,Montana 

    Spend a week at the Big Sky Dude Ranch where you’11 learn to ride horses and camp under the stars. That sounds fim! $89* a night 

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    Meet Mickey Mouse!Spend your days at the theme parks ?) and your nights at the show!Restaurants,Beaches,yímv?rh (烟火) 一 we’ve got it all! $185* a night Lake Tahoe,California See the most beautiful lake in America!Climb mountains,enjoy the beautiful views and go mountain biking. Try the interesting Alpine Slide,It's an experience you’ 11 never forget! $199* a night 

New York,New York State 

    See the Statue of Liberty,the Empire State Building,and Ellis Island!Watch a Broadway show and take a carnage (四轮马车) ride through Central Park!You’ 11 have the time of? your life! $209* a night

    *?ll special prices are not valid (有效的) during the holidays,July 1 — 6 and September 3— 8.


() 51. If you go to Big Sky,you can .

   A. play baseball   B. ride horses C. go mountain biking   D. take a carriage ride

() 52. If you are a show lover,how many trips can .you choose from?

   A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four.

() 53. How much will you pay to spend two nights in Lake Tahoe in February?

   A. $358.   B. $360.   C. $398.   D. $418.

() 54. If you want to enjoy the special prices,you can go on holiday between .

   A. July 2—3   B. July 4—5

C. September 1—2   D. September 6—7

() 55. Where would you most probably read this material?

   A. In a diary. B. In a storybook,

C. In a report. D. In a newspaper.

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