
In the ALL-STAR GAME in Denver in 2005, Allen Iverson has ________ other NBA stars and got the MVP.

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此题考查动词辨析。win后接比赛类事物;beat, defeat后接对象或人; defeat应用defeated。


If it’s possible to see red(get angry) about not seeing red, that is what I was doing. We had  26    the timing of our autumn trip to see the changing   27   in the Great Lakes States, and I was really   28   . No matter how I strained my eyes I couldn’t spot red anywhere. Not   29   a bit of golden yellow broke through the dull greenery.

   This vacation was a complete   30   . I sat alone in the backseat of our rented car and got   31  as we drove north through the dull, dark green. In the   32   seat my brother and my father chatted merrily, obviously   33   .

   Then a motto came to mind: “Happiness is a decision.” It must have been something my mother said. She was always passing on words of   34   . When I was a child, she gave me a black book with   35   pages. On the flyleaf she had written, “Look for a beautiful thing and you’ll find it.” I was supposed to   36   a record of the most beautiful thing I saw each day.

   I remembered spending hours discussing what I’d   37   . A baby’s smile? A stone shining with fool’s gold? Pictures in the clouds, or tulips tipping their heads? I found so many beautiful things that it was   38   to pick just one.

   Now, on the road, I played Mother’s game again. I took in the all-green   39   . Thick forests lined both sides of the highway. The long hill pines and spruce were seen   40   . Maple leaves danced in the gentle wind. I felt like a little girl again—   41   by beautiful things.

   Later in the   42   , after we crossed the Upper Peninsula and drove into Canada, I found the bright   43   plants I had been looking for. But by then I’d already seen a million shades of __44   , the infinite variety and beauty that only our heavenly Father can   45   . And that we can always find—if we look closely enough.

26. A. kept    B. missed   C. misjudged    D. seized

27. A. situation    B. weather  C. plants   D. leaves

28. A. upset    B. excited  C. happy    D. sorry

29. A. yet  B. even C. still    D. ever

30. A. success  B. time C. waste    D. pleasure

31. A. sleepy   B. mad  C. patient  D. angry

32. A. front    B. back C. right    D. left

33.A. unconcerned   B. disappointed C. worried  D. surprised

34. A. order    B. advice   C. apology  D. help

35. A. nice B. common   C. missing  D. empty

36. A. set  B. break    C. keep D. put

37. A. brought in   B. written down C. got through  D. referred to

38. A. impossible   B. valuable C. necessary    D. strange

39. A. forests  B. leaves   C. hills    D. scenery

40. A. nowhere  B. anywhere C. everywhere   D. somewhere

41. A. wondered B. surrounded   C. waken    D. treated

42. A. trip B. autumn   C. course   D. game

43. A. leaf B. hill C. highway  D. fall

44. A. red  B. trees    C. green    D. plants

45. A. observe  B. produce  C. find D. provide


I sat in the all-too-quiet waiting room of the cancer center, counting the minutes until my treatment. I thought I'd  36  it two years ago, but it was back. After my   37    diagnosis, Nom and Dad had driven more than l,200 miles from their home to be with me for three  38  while I was getting over from   39   and chemotherapy(化疗). When the cancer returned last, they, once again,   40    it here , too. They waited for hours while I received my treatments------Dad with his   41   and Mom with a magazine.

But now, they were   42   in Westlake.

My children are  43   and my four brothers live far from my home outside Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania.  I knew    44  of them would come if  asked, but I didn't want to  45   them,even with the intense    46  I felt.

I   47   picked one of the magazines on the end table beside me and couldn't help  wishing my  48   were there inside. One publication caught my   49  , a magazine I liked best and had   50    to ages ago. I couldn't tell you the last time when I'd read an issue. I   51   it up and I started right in with the letters to the   52  .

"I love  53   my copy every month," the first letter began. The author mentioned a daughter who  54    in Clinton, Pennsylvania. Huh, that's funny. I thought. That's my town! I read the letter to the end, where my    55   fell upon the author's signature:

"Thank you, Margie and Tom Parrish, Westlake, Louisiana"

Alone? Hardly. Margie and Tom-or as I call them, Mom and Dad-were right beside me,even now.

1.A. treated           B. beaten         C. infected              D. operated

2.A. first             B. terrible        C. invisible               D. last

3.A. days             B. months        C. years                 D. hours

4.A. illness            B. hospital       C. work                 D. surgery

5. A. made             B. put           C. hoped               D. arrived

6.A. pen               B. glasses        C.Bible                D. smile

7. A. in hospital        B. back home     C. at work              D. in town

8.A. youn             B. caring         C. struggling            D. full-grown

9.A. any              B. some          C. none                 D. both

10.A. scare             B. disappoint      C. surprise              D. trouble

11.A. loneliness         B. pride          C. happiness             D. anger

12.A. half-heartedly      B. carefully       C. seriously             D. anxiously

13.A. brothers           B. children       C. friends               D. parents

14.A. thought           B. mind          C. eye                  D. hand

15.A. referred           B. subscribed      C. turned               D. contributed

16.A.put                B.picked         C.set                   D.broke

17.A. editor             B. writer         C. producer              D. reader

18.A. editing            B. sending        C. receiving             D. organizing

19. A. studied            B. worked        C. died                 D. lived

20.A.gaze               B.touch          C.thought               D.sense


If it’s possible to see red about not seeing red, that is what I was doing. We had misjudged the timing of our autumn trip to see the changing leaves in the Great Lakes states, and I was really upset. No matter how I strained my eyes(使劲用眼), I couldn’t see red anywhere. Not even a bit of golden yellow broke through the dull greenery.

This vacation was a complete waste. I sat alone in the backseat of our rented car and got angry as we drove north through the dull, dark green. In the front seat my husband and father chatted happily, obviously unconcerned.

    Then a motto came to mind: "Happiness is a decision." It must have been something my mother said. She was always passing on words of advice. When I was a child she gave me a little black book with empty pages. On the flyleaf (扉页) she had written, "Look for a beautiful thing and you will find it." I was supposed to keep a record of the most beautiful thing I saw each day.

    I remember spending hours deciding what I'd write down. A baby's dimpled smile? A stone shining with gold? Pictures in the clouds, or tulips (郁金香) tipping their heads? I found so many things that it was impossible to pick just one.

    Now, on the road, I played Mother's game again. I took in the all—green scenery. Thick forests lined both sides of the highway. The long conical (圆锥形的) pines and spruce (云杉) was seen here and there. Maple leaves danced in the gentle wind. I felt like a girl again—surrounded by beautiful things.

    Later in the trip, after we crossed the Upper Peninsula and drove into Canada, I found the bright fall plants I had been looking for. But by then I'd already seen a million shades of green, the infinite variety and beauty that only our heavenly Father can produce. And that we can always find-if we look closely enough.

56. What was the purpose of the author's trip?

    A. To see the green forest.

    B. To have a sightseeing across America.

    C. To see red leaves in fall.

    D. To try out the motto her mother gave her.

57. What's the point the author wants to show in the passage?

    A. Nothing is too difficult if you put your heart into it

    B. No pains, no gains

    C. Failure is the mother of success

    D. Beauty exists if you have an eye for it

58. Which of the following can best describe the author's feeling at the end of her trip?

    A. Delighted    B. Angry         C. Disappointed   D. Surprised

59. The underlined phrase "see red" in the first paragraph probably means       .

    A. get discouraged   B. get angry   C. get ashamed     D. get excited

60. What were the author's husband and father unconcerned about?

    A. The waste of their vacation

    B. The writer's loneliness

    C. Not being able to see red leaves

    D. The dull scenery along the high way

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