
 Good teachers can always find a way to encourage their students to work hard and learn well. That year,in the local school? there was a 6_________ maths teacher,as well as some new pupils. One of the new kids was the most stupid child anyone had ever 7_________ . It made no difference how 8        or how slowly his classmates tried explaining numbers to him;he would always say something very 9 _________. Before this boy 10        ,maths lessons had been the most boring of all. Now there was great 11 . Encouraged by the new teacher ,the children would 12_________ the pieces of nonsense said by the new kid,and they would have to correct his 13 _________. They all wanted to be the 14        one to find what he said wrong , and then think up the best way to 15        it,which didn't seem to make the new kid 16_________ .

  17_________,little Lewis was sure that it would make him feel sad inside. He was sure he would see him 18_________. So,one day? he decided to 19        the new kid when he was on his way home.

  After 20        school,the new kid walked a few minutes to a local park,and there he 21        for a while until someone came along to meet him. To his 22        ,it was the new teacher!

  The teacher gave the new kid a hug,and then they went off 23_________. Walking behind them,Lewis could 24_________they were talking about maths. And that stupid new kid knew everything about it,much more than 25_________else in the class!

6. A. funny   B. new   C. strange   D. good

7. A. needed   B. liked   C. chosen   D. seen

8. A. surprisingly   B. badly

   C. quickly   D. beautifully

9. A. stupid   B. boring

   C. sad   D. dishonest

10. A. cared   B. arrived   C. helped   D. chatted

11. A. luck   B. pity   C. fun   D. pain

12. A. pick out   B. write down   C. throw away   D. listen to

13. A. mistakes   B. jokes   C. conversations   D. stories

14. A. happy   B. noisy   C. first   D. kind

15. A. remember   B. explain   C. experience   D. introduce

16. A. relaxed   B. surprised   C. interested   D. unhappy

17. A. However   B. Therefore   C. Also   D. Still

18. A. walk   B. dance   C. cry   D. smile

19. A. follow   B. ask

   C. tell   D. advise

20. A. showing   B. touching   C. hitting   D. leaving

21. A. guessed   B. waited   C. disappeared   D. shouted

22. A. surprise   B. joy

   C. anger   D. sadness

23. A. anywhere   B. alone

   C. backward   D. together

24. A. lie   B. imagine   C. hear   D. watch

25. A. anyone   B. nobody   C. somebody   D. anything


6. B根据as well as some new pupils的语境可知这位老师也是"新"来的。

7. D这里为了形容那位学生是如何的笨,故说他是所有人"见过"的最笨的孩子。

8. C根据or how slowly的语境可知应选C.表示不管你解释得快还是解释得慢,对于那个学生来说结果都是一样的。

9. A那个学生很笨,故不管你跟他如何解释,他的回答总是显得很"愚蠢"。

10. B根据"Before…"以及"Now..."的语境可知,这里是在对那个笨学生到来之前和到来之后的情况进行对比。

11. C根据maths lessons had been the most boring of all."可知,以前数学课显得很枯燥,而现在,这个笨学生的到来使得数学课变得"有趣"了。

12. D根据"Encouraged by the new teacher..."可知学生们都认真"听"那个笨学.生的回答。

13. A其他的学生听^个笨学生的回答,是为了帮他纠正"错误"。

14. C学生们很积极,故每个人都想"最先"发现那个学生的错误并将之改正过来。

15. B学生们找到那个笨学生所犯的错误后,为了表现自己,应该是给那个学生"解释"他为什么错了。

16. D根据后面那一段的语境可知,这些纠错的行为似乎并没有让这个笨学生"不髙兴"。

17. A根据"…little Lewis was sure that it would make him feel sad inside."可知这里需要一个表示转折的连词。

18. C Lewis肯定那个笨学生内心深处是伤心难过的,故他敢肯定能看到那个笨学生"哭泣"的场景。

19. A为了证实自己的想法,Lewis决定放学后"跟踪"那个笨学生。

20. D这里是指放学后那个笨学生"离开"了学校。

21. B根据"…until someone came along to meet him."可知那个笨学生在那里"等了" 一会儿。

22. A Lewis没想到新来的数学老师会在那里见那个笨学生,故他应该感到很"惊讶"。

23. D根据"Walking behind them…"的语境可知老师跟那个学生是"一起"离开的。

24. C Lewis走在他们的身后,应该是"听"到他们在谈论数学问题,故选C.

25. A根据"And that stupid new kid knew everything about it…"可知,那个笨学生其实比班里任何别的学生数学都要学得好。


 It was a busy morning,about 8:30,when an eld?erly gentleman in his 80s came to the hospital. I heard him saying to the nurse that he was in a hurry for an appointment (约会) at 9 :30.

  The nurse had him take a 6      in the waiting area,7          him it would be at least 40 minutes 8 someone would be able to see him. I saw him 9        his watch and decided,since I was 10        busy―my patient didn't 11        at the appointed hour―I would examine his wound. While taking care of his wound,I asked him if he had another doctor's appointment. The gentleman said no and told me that he 12        to go to the nursing home to eat breakfast with his

  13      He told me that she had been 14        for a while and that she had a special disease. I asked if she would be 15        if he was a bit late. He replied that she 16        knew who he was,and that she had been able to 17        him for five years now. I was 18        and asked him, " And you 19        go every morning,even though she doesn't know who you are?" He smiled and said, " She doesn't know me,but I know who she is.”I had to hold back 20        as he left.

  Now I 21        that in marriages,true love is 22        of all that is. The happiest people don't 23        have the best of everything;they just 24        the best of everything they have. 25      isn't about how to live through the storm,but how to dance in the rain.

6. A. breath   B. test   C. seat   D. break

7. A. persuading   B. promising   C. understanding   D. telling

8. A. if   B. before   C. since   D. after

9. A. taking   B. fixing   C. looking at   D. winding

10. A. very   B. also   C. seldom   D. not

11. A. turn up   B. show off   C. come on   D. go away

12. A. needed   B. forgot

   C. agreed   D. happened

13. A. daughter   B. wife   C. mother   D. sister

14. A. late   B. well   C. around   D. there

15. A. lonely   B. worried   C. doubtful   D. hungry

16. A. so far   B. neither   C. no longer   D. already

17. A. recognize   B. answer   C. believe   D. expect

18. A. moved   B. disappointed   C. surprised   D. satisfied

19. A. only   B. then   C. thus   D. still

20. A. curiosity   B. tears

   C. words   D. judgement

21. A. realize   B. suggest   C. hope   D. prove

22. A. agreement   B. expression   C. acceptance   D. exhibition

23. A. necessarily   B. completely   C. naturally   D. frequently

24. A. learn   B. make   C. favour   D. try

25. A. Adventure   B. Beauty   C. Trust   D. Life

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