In the future, senior citizens will be able to go anywhere using high-tech cameras _______ to their head.
A.attaching | B.attached | C.to attach | D.attaches |

LET YOUR LOVE FOR ANIMALS LIVE ON As someone who loves animals, you care about what will happen to them in the fut ure. CSIA has been treating sick and injured animals since 1938. It's hard to im agine what would happen to the hundreds of thousands of pets who need us every y ear if we no longer existed. But in fact, we simply could not continue if it ?wasn't? for a very special kind of gift people like you leave to us in their wills (遗嘱). Can we depend on your kindness too? If you ?haven't? already done so, please consider including a gift to CSIA in you will. For free information on how to go about it, please call our helpline on 0800 8421950.Your love for animals can live on with a gift in your will to CSIA. CSIA for pets in need of vets (兽医) |
1.This advertisement is trying to persuade people to _______.
A. buy a gift for a pet B. give money for animal care
C. work for an animal hospital D. treat sick and injured animals
2.The advertisement is mainly aimed at _______.
A. vets B. zoo keepers C. old pet lovers D. animal hospital assistants
3.What is CSIA most likely to be?
A.A pet shop. B. An animal hospital.
C. A club for pet lovers. D. A training center for vets.
Below are some classified ads from an English newspaper.
FOR COME to moving sale----Plants, pottery, books, clothes, etc, Sat, Dec. 14#----9a.m.-5p.m.1612 Femdale, Apt. I.800-4696.
USED FUT COATS and JACKETS. GOOD condition. $30-$50. Call 800-0436 after 12 noon. MOVING: Must sell. TV21”, $50; AM/FM radio A/C or battery, $15; cassette tape recorder, $10. Call Jon or Pat, 800-0739 after 5 p.m. or weekends.
SHEEPSKIN COAT: man’s, size 42, I year old. $85. After 6 p.m.,. 800-5224. LOST AND FOUND FOUND: Cat, 6 months old, black and white markings. Found near
LOST: Gold wire rim glasses in brown case. Campus area. Reward, Call Gregg 800-2896.
FOUND: Set of keys on Tappan near Hill intersection. Identify key chain. Call 800-9662.
FOUND: Nov.&----A black and white puppy in Packard-Jewett area. 800-5770. | PERSONAL OVERSEAS JOBS---
THE INTERNATIONAL CEMTER plans to publish a booklet of student travel adventures. If you like to write about your foreign experiences, unusual or just plain interesting. Call us (800-9310) and ask for Mike or Janet.
UNSURE WHAT TO DO? Life-Planning Workshop, Dec. 13th -15th, Bob and Margaret Atwood, 800-0046. ROOMMATES FEMALE ROOMMATE WAMTED: Own room near campus. Available December 1st . Rent $300 per month until March 1st . $450 thereafter. Call Jill for details, 800-7839.
MEED PERSON to assume lease for own bedroom in apt. near campus, $’380/mo. starting Jan. 1st. Call 800-6157 after 5p.m.. | DOMESTIC SERVICE EARLY HOUR WAKE-UP SERVICE: For prompt, courteous wake-up service, call 800-0760. HELP WANTED BABYSLTTER―MY HOME If you are available a few hours during the day, and some evenings to care for 2 school-age children, please call Gayle Moore, days 800-1111, evenings and weekends 800-4964.
PERSONS WANTED for delivery work, Own transportation. Good pay. Apply 2311 E. Stadium. Office 101, after 9 a.m.
TELEPHONE RECEPTIONIST WAMTED. NO experience necessary. Good pay. Apply 2311 E. Stadium. Office 101, after 9 a.m.
HELP WANTED for house cleaning |
45. Where will you post a notice if you need someone to look after your children?
46. A second-hand jacket will probably cost you .
A.$60 B.$40 C.$20 D.10
47. To have your travel notes published, you may contact .
A. Students’ Union B.Gayle Mcore
48. If you want to have someone wake you up in the morning, you may call .
A.800-5224 B.800-5770 C.800-7839 D.800-0760
Below are some classified ads from an English newspaper.
FOR SALE COME to moving sale----Plants, pottery, books, clothes, etc, Sat, Dec. 14#----9a.m.-5p.m.1612 Femdale, Apt. I.800-4696.
USED. FUT COATS and JACKETS. GOOD. condition. $30-$50. Call 800-0436 after 12 noon. MOVING: Must sell. TV21”, $50; AM/FM radio A/C. or battery, $15; cassette tape recorder, $10. Call Jon or Pat, 800-0739 after 5 p.m. or weekends.
SHEEPSKIN COAT: man’s, size 42, I year old. $85. After 6 p.m.,. 800-5224. LOST AND. FOUND FOUND: Cat, 6 months old, black and white markings. Found near Linden and South U. Steve. 800-4661.
LOST: Gold wire rim glasses in brown case. Campus area. Reward, Call Gregg 800-2896.
FOUND: Set of keys on Tappan near Hill intersection. Identify key chain. Call 800-9662.
FOUND: Nov.&----A. black and white puppy in Packard-Jewett area. 800-5770. |
PERSONAL OVERSEAS JOBS---Australia, Europe, S.Ameriea, Africa. Students all professions and occupations, $700 to $3000 monthly. Expenses paid, overtime. Sightseeing, Free information at STUDENTS’UNION.
THE INTERNATIONAL CEMTER plans to publish a booklet of student travel adventures. If you like to write about your foreign experiences, unusual or just plain interesting. Call us (800-9310) and ask for Mike or Janet.
UNSURE WHAT TO DO? Life-Planning Workshop, Dec. 13th -15th, Bob and Margaret Atwood, 800-0046. ROOMMATES FEMALE ROOMMATE WAMTED: Own room near campus. Available December 1st . Rent $300 per month until March 1st . $450 thereafter. Call Jill for details, 800-7839.
MEED. PERSON to assume lease for own bedroom in apt. near campus, $’380/mo. starting Jan. 1st. Call 800-6157 after 5p.m.. |
DOMESTIC. SERVICE EARLY HOUR WAKE-UP SERVICE: For prompt, courteous wake-up service, call 800-0760.
HELP WANTED BABYSLTTER—MY HOME If you are available a few hours during the day, and some evenings to care for 2 school-age children, please call Gayle Moore, days 800-1111, evenings and weekends 800-4964.
PERSONS WANTED. for delivery work, Own transportation. Good pay. Apply 2311 E. Stadium. Office 101, after 9 a.m.
TELEPHONE RECEPTIONIST WAMTED. NO experience necessary. Good pay. Apply 2311 E. Stadium. Office 101, after 9 a.m.
WAITRESS WANTED: 10 a.m.-2 p.m. or 10:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Apply in person. 207 S. Main, Curtis Restaurant.
HELP WANTED. for house
cleaning |
1.Where will you post a notice if you need someone to look after your children?
2.A. second-hand jacket will probably cost you .
A. $60 B.$40 C.$20 D.10
3.To have your travel notes published, you may contact .
A. Students’ Union B. Gayle Mcore
C. The International Center D. Life Planning Workshop
4.If you want to have someone wake you up in the morning, you may call .
A.800-5224 B.800-5770 C.800-7839 D.800-0760
Below are some classified ads from an English newspaper.
FOR SALE Come to our moving sale--Plans, pottery, books, clothes, etc, Sat, Dec. 14#--9a.m.-5p.m.1612 Ferndale, Apt. I.800-4696. USED FUT COATS and JACKETS. GOOD condition. $30-$50. Call 800-0436 after 12 noon. MOVING: Must sell. TV21”,$50; AM/FM radio A/C OR BATTERY, $15; cassette tape recorder, $10. Call Jon or Pat ,800-0739 after 5p.m or weekends. SHEEPSKIN COAT: man’s, size 42, 1 year old. $85. After 6 p.m., 800-5224. LOST AND FOUND FOUND: Cat, 6 months old, black and white markings. Found near Linden and South U. Steve. 800-4661. LOST: Gold wire rim glasses in brown case. Campus area. Reward, Call Gregg 800-2896. FOUND: Set of keys on Tappan rear Hill intersection. Identify key chain. Call 800-9662. FOUND: Nov.8th----A black and white puppy in Packard-Jewett area. 800-5770. | PERSONAL OVERSEAS JOBS---Australia, Europe, S. America, Africa. Students all professions and occupations, $700 to $3000 monthly. Expenses paid, overtime. Sightseeing, Free information at STUDENTS’UNION. THE INTERNATIONAL CEMTER plans to publish a booklet of student travel adventures. If you like to write down your foreign experiences, unusual or just plain interesting. Call us (800-9310) and ask for Mike or Janet. UNSURE WHAT TO DO? Life-Planning Workshop, Dec. 13th-15th. Bob and Margaret Atwood, 800-0046. ROOMMATES FEMALE ROOMMATE WAMTED: Own room near campus. Available December 1st. Rent $300 per month until March1st. $450 thereafter. Call Jill for details, 800-7839. NEED PERSON to assume lease for own beroom in apt. near campus, $380/mo. starting Jan.1st Call 800-6157 after 5p.m. | DOMESTIC SERVICE EARLY HOUR WAKE-UP SERVICE :For prompt, courteous wake-up service, call 800-0760. HELP WANTED BABYSLTTER—MY HOME If you are available a few hours during the day, and some evenings to care for 2 school-age children, please call Gayle Moore, days 800-1111, evenings and weekends 800-4964. PERSONS WANTED for delivery work, Own transportation. Good pay. Apply 2311 E .Stadium. Office 101, after 9 a.m. TELEPHONE RECEPTION-IST WAMTED. NO experience necessary. Good pay. Apply 2311 E.Stadium. Office 101,after 9 a.m. WAITRESS WANTED: 10a.m.-2 p.m. or 10:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Apply in person. 207 S. Main, Curtis Restaurant. HELP WANTED for house cleaning |
1.Where will you post a notice if you need someone to look after your children?
2.A second-hand jacket will probably cost you .
A.$60 B.$40 C.$20 D.10
3.To have your travel notes published, you may contact .
A.Students’ Union B.Gayle Mcore
C.The International Center D.Life Planning Workshop
4.If you want to have someone wake you up in the morning, you may call .
A.800-5224 B.800-5770 C.800-7839 D.800-0760