

The Best of Alaska

  Nothing evokes(唤起)Alaska like a whale exploding out of the water or an eagle pulling a silver fish from the river.Combine these images with high mountains, brilliant icebergs and wonderful meals and you really do have the Best of Alaska!

  Join us for an unforgettable 7-day excursion(远足)to the last frontier! Additional highlights include:a scenic flight over Glacier Bay National Park, a rafting trip through the heart of the Chilkat Bald Eagle Preserve, historic Skagway, a whale watching cruise and the company of knowledgeable local guides.


  JUNEAU:Juneau, the state capital, is rich in culture and scenic beauty.It is here that we start and end our trip.

  HAINES:Haines is a small community located along the fiords(峡湾).The natural beauty and expansive wilderness found here have made Haines a premier center for adventure in Alaska.In 2004, Haines was listed by Outside Magazine and National Geographic Adventure as one of the best places for recreation and living.The activities listed below are located in Haines.

  ALASKA INDIAN ARTS:Alaska Indian Arts is a nonprofit corporation(公司)dedicated to the preservation and continuation of traditional native craft and culture of the Northwest Native Tribes.Alaska Indian Arts is also the headquarters for several of Alaska’s outstanding craftsmen and artisans.We spend a few hours learning carving, native beading(串珠饰)and culture from these master artists.

  SKAGWAY:Skagway is famous for its role in the Klondike Gold Stampede over 100 years ago.Today, it is a historic yet lively town, which still reflects its gold rush roots and contains colorful shops.In Skagway, we stop by the Klondike Gold Rush National Park Visitor’s Center and ride the White Pass Yukon Route Railway.

  GUSTAVUS:Gustavus is the gateway to the Glacier Bay National Park.We’ll stay at a comfortable lodge here for two nights.This will be the base for both the whale-watching excursion and a full day cruise in Glacier Bay.


  2011:May 16, June 20, July 18, August 15.

  7 days-$3,500, including lodging, all meals, excursions, guides, park fees, sales taxes, and transportation between Juneau, Skagway, Haines, and Gustavus.Not included:alcohol, personal items, airfare to and from Juneau.




  Write:Alaska Mountain Guides & Climbing School

  P.O.Box 1081, Haines AK 99827


You can feel the history of the local place at _________.

[  ]










You can watch a whale exploding out of the water at _________.

[  ]


the Glacier Bay National Park


the Klondike Gold Rush National Park


the White Pass Yukon


the Northwest Native Tribes


According to the advertisement, the participants of the excursion _________.

[  ]


will spend one day experiencing the local culture at Alaska Indian Arts


can contact Alaska Mountain Guides & Climbing School by e-mail or fax


are able to experience some adventurous activities in Haines


can get lots of traditional native artworks free of charge


Which of the following requires participants to pay additional fees?

[  ]


Going from Gustavus to Juneau by train.


A full day cruise in Glacier Bay.


Having the last supper at Juneau.


Flying from Juneau to their hometowns.


It is known from the advertisement that _________.

[  ]


Juneau, as the state capital, is much more beautiful than Haines


the native culture of the Northwest Native Tribes has died out.


Alaska is famous for its culture, history and natural beauty


Skagway was the richest town of Alaska in the past.


The editor must never forget that the success of any newspaper depends on advertising. He is usually anxious to keep the good will of local businessmen for this reason. But if the newspaper is well written and the news items have been carefully chosen to attract local readers, the businessmen are thankful for the opportunity to keep their products in the public eye.

Local newspapers do not often comment on problems of national importance and editors rarely take sides on political questions. But they can often be of service to the community in expressing public feeling on local issues. A newspaper can sometimes persuade the council to take action to provide better shopping facilities, improve transport in the area and preserve local monuments and places of interest.

These papers often sound rather dull and it seems surprising that they all make a profit, but for many people in small towns and villages the death of someone known to them or the fix of traffic lights at a busy corner nearby can sometimes be more important than a disaster in a foreign country.

1. What should the editor remember according to the first paragraph?

   A. Money.               B. Newspaper.

   C. People.               D. Advertising.

2. What is the local newspapers' attitude on national political questions?

   A. They seldom have their own ideas.

   B. They often express their ideas.

   C. They are against one side.

   D. They are for another side.

3. Do businessmen like the local newspapers?

   A. No, they are for business.

   B. Yes, from the advertising on the newspapers they can sell well.

   C. Yes, they can write for the newspaper.

   D. No, they can't get much money from the newspaper.

4. A local newspaper can persuade the council ________.

  A. to provide better shopping facilities

  B. to preserve local monuments

  C. to improve transport in the area

  D. all above



The Key to Your Health

  A car needs gas to run and your body also needs food to work for you.Eating the right kind of food is very important.It can help your body grow strong to take care of what you eat.

  There are four main food groups altogether.The dairy group has food like milk, cheese and sour milk.The other three groups are the meat and fish group, the fruit and vegetable group, and the bread and rice group.Each meal should have at least one food from all four main groups.With all these food together, you will be given enough energy during the day.

  It is easy to get into bad eating habits.You may eat your breakfast in a hurry to get to school on time.Or you may not have time for a good lunch.It may seem easy to finish your supper with fish and chips all the time.But you will find yourself tired in these days and you can not think quickly.

  Watch what you eat will help your body remain healthy and strong.It is also good to take some exercise.It will help you eat more if you take a walk or play games in the open air.Having a good eating habit with some exercise is the key to your health.


Which of the following diets do you think is the best one?

[  ]


Corn, fish, cream and pork.


Eggs, tomatoes and chicken.


Milk, bread, cabbages and beef.


Rice, beancurd, apples, fish and chicken.


Which of the following is a good eating habit?

[  ]


Going to school without any breakfast.


Finishing your lunch in a very short time.


Eating fish and chips for supper all the time.


Having at least one food from all four groups in each meal.


In this passage the writer mainly tells us that ________.

[  ]


right kind of food with exercise will keep you healthy


taking exercise can keep your body strong


every person needs food to grow well


enough energy helps people think more quickly


The underlined word “dairy” in the second paragraph means ________.

[  ]


the shop that sells milk and butter


the food made out of cows such as milk and butter


a farm where cows are kept


a place where milk products are made


What does “watch” mean in the last paragraph?

[  ]


Look at.


Look out.




Take care of.


The Basics of Math-Made Clear

  Basic Math introduces students to the basic concepts of mathematics, as well as the fundamentals of more tricky areas.These 30 fantastic lectures are designed to provide students with an understanding of arithmetic and to prepare them for Algebra(代数)and beyond.

  The lessons in Basic Math cover every basic aspect of arithmetic.They also look into exponents(指数), the order of operations, and square roots.In addition to learning how to perform various mathematical operations, students discover why these operations work, how a particular mathematical topic relates to other branches of mathematics, and how these operations can be used practically.

  Basic Math starts from the relatively easier concepts and gradually moves on to the more troublesome ones, so as to allow for steady and sure understanding of the material by students.The lectures offer students the chance to “make sense” of mathematical knowledge that may have seemed so frightening.They also help students prepare for college mathematics and overcome their anxiety about this amazing-and completely understandable-field of study.

  By the conclusion of the course, students will have improved their understanding of basic math.They will be able to clear away the mystery(神秘性)of mathematics and face their studies with more confidence than they ever imagined.In addition, they will strengthen their ability to accept new and exciting mathematical challenges.

  Professor H.Siegel, honored by Kentucky Educational Television as “the best math teacher in America,” is a devoted teacher and has a gift for explaining mathematical concepts in ways that make them seem clear and obvious.From the basic concrete ideas to the more abstract problems, he is master in making math lectures learner-friendlier and less scary.

  With a PhD in Mathematics Education from Georgia State University, Dr.Siegel teaches mathematics at Central Arizona College.His courses include various make-up classes and a number of lectures for future primary school teachers.

  If the course fails to provide complete satisfaction to you, you can easily exchange it for any other course that we offer.Or you can get your money back.


What does the course Basic Math mainly cover?

[  ]




College Mathematics.




Mathematics Education.


What benefits can students expect from Basic Math?

[  ]


Stronger imaginative ability.


Additional presentation skills.


More mathematical confidence.


Greater chances of becoming teachers.


What can we learn about Professor H.Siegel?

[  ]


He is a guest lecturer at Kentucky Educational Television.


He is to deliver 30 lectures in Basic Math.


He works in Georgia State University.


He specializes in training teachers.


Where is the passage most likely to have been taken from?

[  ]


A news report.


A book review


A lesson plan.


An advertisement

The blue tits(山雀) have been inspecting the nest-box again this year. The male is the house-hunter but the female will make the final choice. He lands at the hole and turns his head to expose his white cheeks as a signal to attract the female from where she has been feeding.
Among many birds that nest in holes, the male has a light-coloured patch on its plumage(鸟羽) which acts as signal for drawing the female’s attention to a suitable nesting-place. Unlike the blue tit, the redstart(红尾鸲) may be only the male that strikingly coloured and the female is not beautiful.
A few years ago I was lucky enough to spot a pair of redstarts in action in a Walsh wood. The male was leading an interested female to holes that he had previously(先前) checked out. He sat at the entrance of each hole and put his head on to show off his white forehead, or his head in to reveal(显露) his tail.
If the female failed to react to his visual signals, the male sometimes sang for extra effect, while gliding towards her on spread wings and tail. Once the female accepts by following the male through the hole the displays stop, you must be at the right place at the right time to watch them.
36. How do the blue tits choose their nest?
A. They choose their nest together.     
B. The male chooses their nest.
C. The house-hunter chooses their nest.
D. The female chooses their nest.
37. The writer was lucky to see ________.
A. how the male made his tricks
B. how an interested female played with the male happily
C. what the male displayed and won the female
D. that the male tried his best but failed to attract the female
38. You can spot a pair of redstarts in a Walsh wood ________.
A. at any time        B. regularly    C. in April    D. occasionally
39. The writer is probably ________.
A. a bird expert     B. a bird-hunter   C. a bird raiser   D. a scientist


The report came to the British on May 21,1941. The German battleship Bismarck, the most powerful warship in the world, was moving out into the Atlantic Ocean. Her task: to destroy the ships carrying supplies from the United States to war-torn England.

The British had feared such a task. No warship they had could match the Bismarck in speed or in firepower. The Bismarck had eight 15-inch guns and 81 smaller guns. She could move at 30 nautical miles(海里) an hour, she was believed to be unsinkable.

However, the British had to sink her. They sent out a task force headed by their best battleship Hood to hunt down the Bismarck. On May 24, the Hood found the Bismarck.

It was a meeting that the German commander Luetjens did not want to see. His orders were to destroy the British ships that were carrying supplies, but to stay away from a fight with British warships.

The battle didn’t last long. The Bismarck’s first torpedo(鱼雷)hit the Hood, which went down taking all but three of her 1,419 men with her.

But in the fight, the Bismarck was slightly damaged (损坏). Her commander decided to run for repairs to France, which had at that time been taken by the Germans. The British force followed her. However, because of the Bismarck’s speed and the heavy fog, they lost sight of her.

For two days , every British ship in the Atlantic tried to find the Bismarck. But with no success. Finally, she was sighted by a plane from Ireland. Trying to slow the Bismarck down so that their ships could catch up with her, the British fired at her from the air. The Bismarck was hit.

On the morning of May 27, the last battle was fought. Four British ships fired on the Bismarck. And she was finally sunk.

1.The Bismarck sailed into the Atlantic Ocean_____.

A. to sink the Hood

B. to gain control of France

C. to cut off American supplies to Britain

D. to stop British warships reaching Germany

2.Many people believed that the Bismarck could not be defeated because she_____.

A. was fast and powerful

B. had more men on board

C. was under Luetjens' command

D. had bigger guns than other ships

3.We learn from the text that on 24 May_____.

A. the British won the battle against the Bismarck

B .the Bismarck won the battle against the British

C. the British gunfire damaged the Bismarch seriously

D. the Bismarck succeeded in keeping away from the British

4.Luetjens tried to sail to France in order to_____.

A. have the ship repaired

B. join the other Germans

C. get help from the French

D. get away from the British

5.Which of the following is the immediate cause of the sinking of the Bismarck?

A. The British air strikes.

B. The damage done by the Hood.

C. Gunfire from the British warships.

D. Luetjen's decision to run for France


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