
Dae Jon is the city in South Korea, where I was born and grew up. There was a public park there. It was a very popular place, and I have tons of precious (珍贵的) memories from times spent there.
Our teachers often took us to that park for a spring or fall picnic. When I learned martial arts (武术)—Tae Kwon Do, my master usually took us there to train us. There was a hill there which was not high, so I could reach the peak (山顶) within forty minutes even though I was very young. From the peak, I could see a lot of places if it was a sunny day.
There was a huge rock on the top called Eagle Rock because the shape of the rock looked like the head of an eagle. We spent lots of fun days there. We played hide-and-seek within the limited area, and we sometimes caught frogs and fish in the pond. When we felt thirsty, we enjoyed drinking cold spring water.
When I was a ten-year-old boy, I usually went to the park with my father to exercise early in the morning. It was quite dark, so I sometimes felt afraid, but after I got used to going there, I enjoyed breathing the fresh air and hearing the birds sing.
Recently, I went back to the park to remember my good times there. When I arrived at the entrance, I was surprised because it didn’t seem to be the same as I remembered it. Everything has changed in the thirteen years since I last saw it, but the good memories soon came back. I could almost imagine a boy playing there with a slight smile and shaking hands with me.
小题1:The writer went to the park with his teachers __________.
A.to read booksB.to have a picnic
C.to do morning exercisesD.to catch dogs
小题2:As a child, the writer did the following in the park EXCEPT __________.
A.practicing martial artsB.climbing the hill
C.swimming in the pondD.playing hide-and-seek
小题3:How long has the writer not been there?
A.10 years.B.13 years.C.20 years.D.23 years.
小题4:The writer went back to the park in order to __________.
A.meet his old friends
B.play with his old classmates
C.exercise with his father
D.remember his good times
小题5:The writer was surprised when he got to the park because __________.
A.the park had changed a lot
B.his good memories didn’t come back
C.he didn’t see the boy with a slight smile
D.he couldn’t breathe the fresh air as usual


小题1:细节题。由第二段Our teachers often took us to that park for a spring or fall picnic.一句可知,春秋两季,老师常带他们到公园野餐。故B项正确。
小题3:细节题。由文章最后一段Everything has changed in the thirteen years since I last saw it 一句可知,自从作者13年前最后一次看过公园后,一切都发生了改变。故B项正确。
小题4:细节题。由最后一段第一句Recently, I went back to the park to remember my good times there 可知,作者回到公园是为了重拾儿时的美好记忆。故答案为D。
小题5:细节题。由最后一段When I arrived at the entrance, I was surprised because it didn’t seem to be the same as I remembered it 一句可知,作者感到诧异是因为公园与记忆中的样子似乎不同了。故A项正确。
If your child has mobile internet access, it will be more difficult to monitor(监督) and control his or her internet use. Kids are turning to the internet for everything from hanging out with friends to shopping, which makes it harder for parents to keep track of their online activities. Fortunately, there are many choices for controlling what your kids see on their computers, laptops, and mobile devices.
Content blockers and filters are great tools to use for younger kids. They allow you more control over where they go and what they do online. A content blocker can block some unhealthy websites or limit a child’s search to the kind of sites. A content filter can scan sites and pictures and block those sites that contain certain words, key phrases, or content.
Consider tracking software for older teenagers. This software enables you to see which sites your children have visited, tracking their path online. This tool gives young people more freedom to explore the Internet, but it also allows you to check that they are using the internet responsibly. Let your teenagers know that you trust them, but that you will be regularly checking that they are visiting appropriate sites online.
Even if you use content blockers, filters, and trackers, you know that a lot of kids figure out ways to get around these, so it’s important to remain alert(警惕的). Remember that not all adult sites can be identified by blocker, filter, or tracker software. That’s why it’s important to talk to your kids about what to do when something inappropriate or scary comes up. Nothing can replace involvement and supervision(监督) by adults. Keep monitoring how your kids use the internet on a regular basis without getting into the role of internet traffic police.
小题1:What is the passage mainly about?
A.More and more kids have mobile internet access
B.Some choices for monitoring and controlling kid’s internet use
C.It is difficult to monitor and control kid’s internet use
D.Kids are turning to the internet for everything
小题2:How should parents monitor and control younger kids’ internet use?
A.With tracking software
B.With tracking software and content blockers and filters
C.With content blockers and filters
D.With filters and trackers
小题3:The 3th paragraph is about         .
A.how to monitor and control older teenagers’ internet use
B.how to monitor and control younger kids’ internet use
C.tracking software
D.Content blockers and filters
小题4:Parents should remain alert when they monitor kids’ internet use because      .
A.content blockers, filters, and trackers are useless.
B.lots of kids figure out ways to get around content blockers, filters, and trackers.
C.not all adult sites can be identified by blocker, filter, or tracker software
D.nothing can replace involvement and supervision by adults
小题5:         is the most important for parents to monitor and control kid’s internet use?
A.Tracking softwareB.Content blockers and filters
C.Filters and trackersD.Involvement and supervision by adults
Traveling can be a fun way to gain life experiences, especially during Spring Break — a week-long school vacation in the United States. But what if you're a student and don't have enough money for a trip? Don't worry. Here are some useful suggestions.
●Save: This probably is the most important preparation for traveling. Cut expenses to fatten your wallet so you'll have more choices about where to go and how to get there.
●Plan ahead: Don't wait until the last minute to plan your trip. Tickets may cost more when bought on short notice. Giving yourself several months to get ready can mean security and savings.
●Do your homework: No matter where you go, research the places you will visit. Decide what to see. Travel books will provide information on the cheapest hotels and restaurants.
●Plan sensibly: Write down how much you expect to spend for food and hotels. Stick to your plan or you may not have enough money to cover everything.
●Travel in groups: Find someone who is interested in visiting the same places. By traveling with others you can share costs and experiences.
●Work as you go: Need more money to support your trip? Look for work in the places you visit.
●Go off the beaten path: Tourist sites may be expensive. You may want to rethink your trip and go to a less-known area. Smaller towns can have many interesting activities and sights.
●Pack necessary things: The most important things to take are not always clothes.
Remember medicine in case you get sick, and snacks in case you cannot find a cheap restaurant.
●Use the Internet: The net can help to save money. Some useful websites include www. travelcity. corn, www. bargainslowestfare. corn and www. economictravelcity. com.
By planning sensibly, even students can enjoy the travel. Your travel experiences will be remembered for a lifetime.
小题1:This passage is about ____________.
A.how to plan your travel
B.how to get life experiences
C.how to make your travel interesting
D.how to travel with enough money
小题2: Before your trip, the most important thing you should do is ____________.
A.to make a plan of the route
B.to buy tickets in advance
C.to save money before your trip
D.to get information from the Internet
小题3:The writer advises you ____________.
A.to share costs with friends
B.not to go to well-known places
C.not to visit dangerous places
D.to buy anything you want to buy
On October 12, 1987, some Chinese scientists were working at the computers to look for information they needed. Suddenly they saw a lot of very bright spots(点 )crossing the computers’ screens. At the same time the computers were working much slower. To find out what was happening they stopped their work to check some parts of the computers. To their horror(恐惧), they found out that most of their stored information was got rid of( 除掉) by computer viruses! Obviously all these computers had been infected(感染 ) by computer viruses.
It is said that the computer viruses were made by a group of young man fond of playing tricks. They all had excellent education. They created the viruses just to show their intelligence.(才智)These kinds of computer viruses are named Jerusalem( 耶路撒冷 )Viruses. These viruses can stay in computers for a long time. When the time comes they will attack the computers by lowering the function(功能), damaging their normal programs or even getting rid of all the information.
We now come to know that Jerusalem Viruses often attack computers on Fridays and that they are spreading(传播) to a list of computers. Among the countries that suffering computer viruses are Britain, Australia, Switzerland and the U.S. But till now, how to get rid of the terrible remains a problem.
小题1:The group of young men created the viruses to __________. 
A.damage the computers
B.test their ability
C.play a trick on operators of the computers
D.tell the world that they were intelligent
小题2:According to the passage, computer viruses seem to _______.
A.have been in nature for years
B.be difficult to get rid of at present
C.exist(存在) in any computers
D.be able to be got rid of in the near future
小题3:The most serious damage caused by the viruses is that _______.
A.all the information stored in the computers is gone
B.the computer’s functions are lowered
C.the normal programs are damaged
D.the computers infected by the viruses can no longer be used
小题4:According to the passage, which of the following is true?
A.Four countries found their computers were infected by viruses.
B.The viruses will come to a new computer after staying in the old one for some time
C.The Jerusalem Viruses are a great harm to human health.
D.Scientists are trying to find a way to get rid of the viruses
Friendships can be difficult — because often people aren't as honest and open as they should be. Sometimes, people finally get hurt.
Most problems with friendships come up because people are just too selfish to care about the things that their friends need. They care about their own needs much more, which makes it hard for friendships to work. However, being selfish is part of human nature. A person is put together in order to take care of themselves and their own needs, not necessarily those needs of other people. Even though being selfish is something that all humans are born with, it is something that everyone should be against.
The best thing to remember when you are a friend to anyone is that you need to treat your friends the same way that you'd like to be treated(对待). This is wonderful advice for a friendship, because it is really the only way to make sure that you are giving your friends everything you would want to be given in a friendship. Whenever you have a question about how you should treat a friend, it is easy to find an answer simply by asking yourself what you would like your friend to do for you, if he or she was in your shoes.
Even if you're always thinking about how you'd like to be treated, and your friends are too, there are problems that come up from time to time in each friendship, and it is important to understand how to deal with these problems so that you can build stronger and healthier friendships. Problems like friends getting boyfriends or girlfriends and not spending enough time with their friends, or even friends finding new friends and leaving old friends behind are problems that will probably come up with one or more of your friendships. It is important to know how to deal with these friend problems so that you can keep your friends and make new ones. No one wants to have a broken friendship.
小题1:This passage mainly talks about ________.
A.the importance of friendship
B.the advantages(益处) of friendship
C.the problems of friendship
D.the disadvantages(劣势) of friendship
小题2:According to the writer, problems with friendship may appear when ________.
A.one is honest B.one is selfishC.one is openD.one is kind
小题3:According to the passage, the first and most important thing to be other people's friend is ________.
A.to treat your friend as you like to be
B.to give your friends whatever you have
C.not to hurt your friends' feelings
D.not to think of your own need any more
小题4:What's the purpose of understanding how to deal with friendship problems?
A.To have a comfortable life.
B.To build stronger and healthier friendships.
C.To be treated the way you want.
D.To get a boyfriend or girlfriend more quickly.
We all know that theme parks are places to have fun and amuse ourselves, but among so many exciting rides there are also some dangers, Make sure you know what the safety standards are for all the attractions at the park. If you do that , you will be safe and have fun.
Drink water. Believe it or not , dehydration-- when your body doesn’t have enough water--is the commonest cause of injuries at theme parks. Drinking water while you are at the park is not enough.You must make sure that you drink enough water before your visit.
Use your “common sense”. There are lots of people around , so make sure where your friends or family are .Also ,if you are walking and want to stop , make sure nobody is walking behind you. First step aside,then look behind and if you aren’t in anybody’s way,then stop.It might sound exaggerated(夸张的),but crashes between people can cause accidents.
Follow the instructions. The majority of theme parks have instructions for each ride. Some rides only allow people of a certain height. So make sure you are not too tall or too short before boarding any ride. Also, people with certain diseases or conditions are advised not to go on some rides. Do remember : If you are told not to go on a ride, then DON’T.
Do not ride with a bad atomach or if you’ve just eaten. Rides can make you ill because of their violent changes of direction and your lunch may end up on someone else’s head: surely not a very pleasant experience.
Have fun, relax, and be a little brave!
Some rides might look scary but theme parks are very safe places.
小题1:What is the leading reason for injuries at theme parks?
小题2:According to the author,____.
A.it doesn’t pay to go to theme parks
B.people can have lots of fun in theme parks
C.men are more interested in theme parks than women
D.shy people should not go to theme parks
小题3:Which of the following will the author accept?
A.Children should notplay in theme parks.
B.One shouldn’t eat anything before riding.
C.One must always stay with his friends or family in theme parks.
D.One must read the instructions before playing in theme parks.
Being safe in your everyday life needs knowledge(知识).If you remember the following information,your life will be much safer.
Always notice the environment around you.You shouldn’t walk alone outside.Make sure where the public phones are.If anything dangerous happens,you can find them easily.
Your bag should be carried towards the front of your body instead of putting it on your back.When a bus is full of people, it is easy enough for a thief to take away the things in the bag on your back.
If you are followed by someone whom you don’t know, cross the street and go to the other way,let the person understand that you know he or she is after you.Next,don’t go home at once.You are safer in the street than you are alone in your home or in a lift(电梯).
If you have to take a bus to a place far away, try to get to the stop a few minutes earlier before the bus leaves.This stops other people from studying you.On the bus,don’t sit alone.Sit behind the driver or with other people.Don’t sleep.
小题1:Which of the following is NOT safe when you are out?
A.Go home alone late at night.
B.Make sure where the public phones are.
C.Don’t get to the bus stop too early.
D.Always notice the environment around you.
小题2:When you are followed by someone on your way home,you should  to make yourself safe.
A.run home
B.find a lift and go in
C.turn back and walk towards him or her at once
D.cross the street and go to the other way
小题3:What can you learn from the text?
A.How to notice the environment around you.
B.How to be safe in your everyday life.
C.How to cross the street.
D.How to use the public phones.
This is a true story of how my car got stuck in water and how a stranger helped me during the worst rain storm.
Last Sunday, the sky was grey when I woke up. The weather report said rain was coming, but I couldn’t stay home just because of rain.
Around 8:00 am I had a doctor’s appointment. It wasn’t raining then. At 9:00 I left the doctor’s office to drive to work, and it was raining hard. I just had to go about 5-6 miles down one main road to get to a nearby school, where I could stay until the rain ended. Unfortunately, the road in front of the school was flooded, and my car stopped in the middle.
“Who is going to save me?” I wondered. I shut off the engine and turned on my flashers (车灯). I called 911. They were not helpful. I called my husband, even though he couldn’t come and help me. I was also very close to a police station. But I never saw even one police car. I decided to get out of the car, since it was still pouring.
My best decision of the day had been to wear rain boots. I took my umbrella and quickly got out and ran across the street to a shelter.
Before long, a tow truck(拖车) happened to pass by the street. The driver kindly offered to help me. At that moment, I really needed car pulled out quickly, so I trusted the stranger. He pulled my car and drove me home. After he had dropped my car off, he also helped me check the engine. He said the engine was most likely flooded, but fortunately there was no water inside the car.
Although many years have passed, I still remember that stormy day and the warm-hearted stranger clearly.
小题1:How was the weather when the author got up?
小题2:Which of the following is the correct order about the things that the author did?
① Drove to work.                      ② Drove to the doctor’s office.
③ Ran to a shelter.                      ④ Called 911 for help.
小题3:What did the author do after her car had got stuck in the water?
A.She turned off her flashers.
B.She tried to restart the engine.
C.She went to the police station nearby.
D.She got out of her car.
小题4:How did the stranger help the author?
A.He lent his car to her.
B.He pulled her car out of the water.
C.He drove her to school.
D.He helped her fix her engine.
Mother stayed at home cooking and cleaning while Father left for work. Two or more children took the bus to school. In the evening, all the family members got together at home again. This is what a traditional family was like twenty years ago. But now great changes have happened in British families.
As many as 2 out of 3 marriages now end in divorce(离婚), and many children have to live with one parent and only see the other at weekends or during holidays.
There has been a great increase in the number of working women with children. Many women have to work to support themselves and their children. Even in the family where there is no divorce, both parents have to work in order to survive.
Also women are no longer happy to stay at home taking care of children. Many of them have jobs and some of them can even make more money than men, the traditional breadwinners.
What’s more, the increasing number of single-parent families have caused an increase in the crime rate (犯罪率) among children in a way. It is thought that if a child doesn’t have a father, he or she will be harmed.
However the changes may be good for some people. For women it’s now much easier to have well-paid jobs. Although it is difficult to be a working mother, it is no longer seen as a bad thing for children.
As for some children, they learn how to solve problems by themselves at an early age.
小题1:Which of the following statements is TRUE about a traditional family in Britain twenty years ago?
A.Both the mother and the father had to work to support the family.
B.The father stayed at home taking care of the children.
C.The mother didn’t need to work.
D.A family had only one child.
小题2:Which of the following things is NOT mentioned in the passage ? 
A.The increasing number of divorces.
B.The increasing number of fathers who stay at home.
C.The increasing number of working mothers.
D.The increasing crime rate among children.
小题3:According to the passage, a “breadwinner” refers to a person who ________.
A.has got some breadB.is good at making bread
C.stays at home raising childrenD.works to support the family
小题4:From the passage we can learn that ________.
A.In a family where the parents are not divorced in Britain,the mother doesn’t have to work.
B.Children whose parents are divorced have to start working early.
C.The father is very important to a child’s growth.
D.The changes in British families do no good to people.

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