

As a nation, we’re getting fatter

  In Britain, people with a healthy body weight are in the minority.

  Nearly two thirds of men(65%)and more than half of women(56%)are either overweight or obese(病态肥胖的).

  Nearly a quarter of men and women(24%)are obese.

  The number of overweight and obese people in the UK is increasing.A recent government report showed that if current trends continue, the majority of people in the country will be obese by 2050, including 60% of men and 40% of women.

  What is a healthy weight?

  You can find out whether your weight is within the healthy range by calculating your body mass index or BMI.Check your BMI using our BMI chart.

  For many people, it’s just not realistic to aim for a so-called “ideal weight” for your height.Instead of focusing on a target weight, it may be more helpful to work on changing your lifestyle, which can help you reach a healthier weight

  Small changes can have big effects

  Most people gain weight throughout their lives, often without realizing it.Very small changes can result in large weight gains over time, For example by simply eating an excess of 50 calories per day – just half a biscuit – you could gain 5 pounds or 2kg over a year.So in 5 years’ time you could be over 25 pounds or 10 kg heavier.

  But good news is that small changes of your lifestyle can lead reduction in body weight.This may sound simple, but in reality it takes commitment and effort to change the habits of a lifetime.The day-to-day choices we make about our lifestyle have the greatest effect on our weight.

  Losing weight and keeping it off!

  The best way to lose weight is to eat healthily, eat smaller amounts and _______.This will help you to take in less energy from food and increase the amount of energy you burn off by being more physically active.

1.What is the main idea of the text?(no more than 15 words)

2.Which sentence in the text is closest in meaning to the following one?

What affects our weight greatly is the way of life that we choose every day.

3.Fill in the blank in the last paragraph with proper words.(no more than 5 words)

4.How heavy could you gain in 10 years if you ate an excess of 100 calories every day according to this passage?(no more than 10 words)

5.Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.


1.What is the main idea of the text?(no more than 15 words)

Our nation is getting fatter.

2.Which sentence in the text is closest in meaning to the following one?

But good news is that small changes of your lifestyle can lead reduction in body weight.

3.Fill in the blank in the last paragraph with proper words.(no more than 5 words)

eat more times

4.How heavy could you gain in 10 years if you ate an excess of 100 calories every day according to this passage?(no more than 10 words)

100 pounds

5.Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.





When your family travels or is away from its usual eating and sleeping routines, probably someone will get sick. It can take time to adapt to the food, water and air in a new environment, and kids can be especially __________________________ travel-related problems, including motion sickness, diarrhea(腹泻),and infections(传染病).

Motion sickness is caused by a disagreement between the eyes and ears: the inner ears notice movement. But the eyes, focused within a car or other vehicles, do not. These different signals coming into the brain cause a lot of problems such as sickness, dizziness, paleness, and cold sweats. Motion sickness often happens on ships and boats, but it can also affect kids when they travel in planes, buses, and cars. Here are some ways to help kids fight motion sickness:

★Before you leave, have your child eat a light meal, as motion sickness seems worse on an empty stomach. Provide foods that are easily digested and avoid fatty foods.

★Try to avoid eating during short trips. For longer trips, have a small amount of drinks and eat light, small meals and snacks.

★If your child is feeling sick, provide some mild foods, like crackers(超薄饼干).

★Encourage kids to look outside the car, rather than inside. They should focus on still objects---not moving ones---or a far point.

★Keep the window open a little to allow fresh air in.

★Use a headrest to reduce head movement.

★Make frequent stops, if your child complains of feeling sick and it’s safe to stop, a short walk for some fresh air might help.

76.What is the best title for the passage?(with in 10 words)

__________                      _    ______________________________________

77.Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?

These mixed signals which enter the brain can lead to a series of illnesses such as sickness, dizziness, paleness, and cold sweats.

__________                      _    ______________________________________

78.Fill in the blanks in the first paragraph with proper words.(with in 10 words)

__________                     _    ______________________________________

79.Please give another suggestion to prevent motion sickness.(with in 30words)

__________                      _    ______________________________________

__________                      _    ______________________________________

80.Translation the underlined sentence into Chinese.

__________                      _    ______________________________________



[1] A healthy weight is a weight that lowers your risk for health problems. For most people, body mass index (BMI) and waist size are good ways to tell if they are at a healthy weight.

[2] If you want to get to a healthy weight and stay there, a healthy lifestyle will work better than dieting. Reaching a certain number on the scale is not as important as having a healthy lifestyle.

[3] Staying at a healthy weight is one of the best things you can do for your health. It can help prevent serious problems, including: heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes and sleep apnea.

[4] But weight is only _________. Even if you carry some extra weight, eating healthy foods and being more active can help you feel better, have more energy, and lower your risk for disease

[5] If you decide that you do need to make some changes, here are three steps to reach a healthy weight:

[6] Improve your eating habits. Do it slowly. You may be tempted to do a diet overhaul and change everything about the way you eat. But you will be more successful at staying with the changes you make if you pick just one eating habit at a time to work on.

[7] Get moving: Try to make physical activity a regular part of your day, just like brushing your teeth.

[8] Changing your thinking. Our thoughts have a lot to do with how we feel and what we do. If you can stop your brain from telling you discouraging things and have it start encouraging you instead, you may be surprised at how much healthier you’ll be in mind and body.    

1.What does the author say about getting to a healthy weight according to Paragraph 2?(no more than 8 words)


2. Complete the following statement with proper words. (no more than 4 words)

If you have some _________ don’t worry, you can still keep healthier by eating

healthier food and being more active.

3. Fill in the blank in Paragraph 4 with proper words. (no more than 6 words)


4.List three steps to reach a healthy weight according to the text. (no more than 15 words)

(1) _________________________________________________________________________



5. What does the word “it” (line2, Paragraph 8) probably refer to? (no more than 3 words)



     A teacher is a person who plays the most important role in the develoment of human beings. The future
of any student depends on the qualities (品质) and dedication (贡献) of a teacher. It is a famous saying that
"A teacher is like a light-house which shows the right path to people in darkess". So to be a teacher is in fact
a great responsibility and it's not easy.
     A good teacher, first of all, must like working with people. He or she must have a great enthusiasm for
the subject being taught-even if you aren't a great expert in a special subject, you can still teach it well if you
enjoy teaching knowledge and are good at communicating with other people.

     As far as nature is involved, the one quality a good teacher must have is patience. You must never be angry
with students because they don't understand something or _____. You must have a sense of humor and create
an atmosphere where everyone knows they can ask questions, try out new ideas and maybe make mistakes.
     Finally, a good teacher must be in charge of the class. It's very good if the students decide some aspects of
how learning takes place, what they learn etc., but the classroom is a much happier and more interesting place
if everyone knows that the teacher is a professional (专业人才), who knows what he is doing and can be
trusted (信赖) to run the lesson effectively. It's the teacher's responsibility to keep the class going. So a good
teacher should be good at dealing with all kinds of situations in class.
1. What is the best title for the passage? (Please answer within 10 words.)
2. Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?
    A teacher must be patient with his students, which is the first imprtant quality of a good teacher.
3. Please fill in the blank in the third paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence. (Please
    answer within 10 words.)
4. Accoding to the passage,what qualities should a good teacher have? (Please answer within 30 words.)
5. Translate the underlined sentence in the second paragraph into Chinese.


[1]A "dad" is the tenth most popular Christmas list request for children with youngsters happy to forget the latest iPad, toy or new pet, a survey has found.

[2] When it comes to Christmas, it might be safe to think children will ask Santa for a long list of toys and games. But a survey of their typical lists for Father Christmas has shown many,  list of toys and games. But a survey of their typical lists for Father Christmas has shown many have more serious concerns, requesting "a dad" instead.

[ 3 ] A study of 2,000 British parents found most children will put a new baby brother or sister at the top of their Christmas list, closely followed by a request for a real-life reindeer (驯鹿) . A pet horse" was the third most popular choice, with a toy car making a surprising entry at number four. Despite their material requests, the tenth most popular Christmas wish on the list is a "Dad".

[4] The survey of consumers at Westfield London and Westileld Stratford City found children aged three to 12 years also wanted a dog, chocolate and a stick of rock. Traditional hopes for a white Christmas were represented by a wish for "snow" in ninth place.

[5] Of the top 50 festive requests, 17 are related to ____________, with some imaginative children hoping for a donkey, chicken and elephant. iPhones and iPads also appeared on the list with some children asking for the moon, a time machine, a lake and a pair of wings. A request for a "mum" reached number 23 on the list.

76.Finish the chart below. (no more than 5 words for each blanks)____________________________

77. What is the main idea of the passage? ( no more than 15 words)

78. Fill in the blank in the last Paragraph with proper words, (no more than 3 words)

79. What do you think of the children's request for a "Dad" as a gift? (no more than 15 words)

80. Translate the underlined sentence in the second paragraph into Chinese.

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