

  Grandma Moses is among the most famous twentieth-century painters of the United States, yet she did not start painting until she was in her late seventies.As she once said of herself:“I would never sit back in a rocking chair, waiting for someone to help me.” No one could have had a more productive old age.

  She was born Anna Mary Robertson on a farm in New York state, one of five boys and five girls.At twelve she left home and was in domestic(家庭的)service until, at twenty-seven, she married Thomas Moses, the hired hand of one of her employers.They farmed most of their lives, first in Virginia and then in New York state, at Eagle Bridge.She had ten children, of whom five survived; her husband died in 1927.

  Grandma Moses painted a little as a child and made embroidery(刺绣)pictures as a hobby, but only changed to oils in old age because her hands had become too stiff to sew and she wanted to keep busy and pass the time.Her pictures were first sold at the local drugstore and at a market and were soon noticed by a businessman who bought everything she painted.Three of the pictures exhibited in the Museum of Modern Art, and in 1940 she had her first exhibition in New York.Between the 1930’s and her death she produced some 2, 000 pictures.Detailed and lively portrayals of the country life she had known for so long, with a wonderful sense of colour and form.“I think really hard till I think of something really pretty, and then I paint it.” she said.


According to the passage, Grandma Moses began to paint because she wanted to _________.

[  ]


make herself beautiful


keep active


earn more money


become famous


Grandma Moses spent most of her life _________.

[  ]










The underlined word “survived” means _________.

[  ]


graduated from college


examined the condition of the house


lived longer than the other children


gave up themselves to the police


From Grandma Moses’ description of herself in the first paragraph, it can be inferred that she was _________.

[  ]










Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

[  ]


Grandma Moses:Her Life and Pictures


The Children of Grandma Moses


Grandma Moses:Her Best Exhibition


Grandma Moses and Other Older Artists



  Keep it in the air: The Chaoyang Theater is one of the Beijing theaters to present acrobatics(杂技)all year round.

  Top acrobatic artists invited from all over the country perform for Chinese and foreign tourists. The program features trick cycling, leaping through hoops and Chinese magic tricks. Some of the artists have won prizes in international competitions.

  Time: 7∶15 p. m. Daily

  Place: 36, Dongsanhuan Beilu. Chaoyang District

  Tel: 65072421, 65071818

  Use your head: “Green Hat” is a new drama given by a group of young Chinese actors. It's a reworking of American writer Nathaniel Hawthorne's famous novel “The Scarlet Letter”. It describes the heroine's great courage in finding the true love against a backdrop of disapproval.

  Time: 7∶15 p. m. until March 5, except Mondays

  Place: China Children's Theater

  Tel: 66037255, 66037265

  Mix and match: “Story of Puppets” tells of a fairy, Zixia, who looks for love in the human world. After watching a puppet play “Peony Pavilion”, she thinks must be true love in reality, so she uses magic to turn the puppet characters into humans, wanting to fall in love with the puppet opera hero. But things don't go as she planned...

  Li Liuyi, the director of the play has made several successful attempts to merge different traditional Operas in one play. This time he combines Peking Opera, Kunqu Opera, Pingju and an orchestral accompaniment, using the structure of modern drama.

  Time: 7∶30 p. m. until March 10, except Mondays

  Place: Small Playhouse of Beijing People's Art Theater

  Tel: 65250123

  Peking Opera: The Beijing Peking Opera Troupe will give two performances at the Chang'an Grand Theater.

  Each performance consists of two classical excerpts(选段). One is Wenxi(a play focusing on singing and dancing); the other is Wuxi(a play full of acrobatic dancing).

  The first night will be “The Crossroad” and “Presenting a Pearl of the Rainbow Bridge”. And the second night will see the performance of “The Goddess of Heaven Scatters Flowers” and “Havoc in Heaven”.

  Time: 7∶30 p. m. February 27, 28

  Place: Chang'an Grand Theater

  Tel: 86531043

(1)From the ads we can learn that ________.

[  ]

A. “Story of Puppets” is a play held in China Children's Theater

B. the artists who have won prizes will perform magic tricks

C. on March 5 there will be three plays for us to choose

D. the artists in the Peking Opera Troupe are from all over the country

(2)If a tourist wants to see a performance on March 15, he can call ________ to book a ticket.

[  ]

A. 86531043
B. 65250123
C. 66037255
D. 65071818

(3)Which of the following statements is true according to the ads?

[  ]

A. The director of the “Story of Puppets” combines different operas in it.

B. “Green Hat” is based on a famous novel acted by some American artists.

C. Top Acrobatic artists will present their performances around our country.

D. The Peking Opera Troupe will give two performances with the same excerpts.


  Harbour Cruises LTD.

  Dining, Sightseeing and Special Events

  Get on board to experience Vancouver from a different perspective (视角) . Join Harbour Cruises Ltd. for Vancouver's only guided tour of the inner harbour, the always popular dinner cruise, or a luncheon cruise through a quiet coastal mountain bay. Special event cruises are available throughout the year including during the yearly fireworks competition and December's Christmas Carol Ships. Harbour Cruises Ltd. is located next to world-famous Stanley Park.

  Dates of Operation: April-October and December

  Seasonal Hours: 8:00 am-7:00 pm, 7 days a week

  Directions: Drive west on Georgia and turn right at the lights at Denman Street. Take the #135 Stanley Park bus or walk west along Georgia for 15 minutes towards Stanley Park from downtown.

  Information: 604.688.7246

  Reservations: 1.800. 663.1500

  Website: www. boatcruises. com

  Email: tours@boatcruises . com

  #1, North Foot of Denman Street, Vancouver, BC V6G 2w9

  The Lookout

  at Harbour Centre Tower

  Not sure where to start? The Lookout, which is high atop Harbor Center Tower, is your best first choice in Vancouver. Majestic cruise ships, mountains sprinkled with fresh snow and a west coast sunset are but a few highlights of this grand view. Drink your cappuccino, join a free guided tour, learn something new about Vancouver and enjoy the view!

  Dates of Operation: Open 365 days / year

  Seasonal Hours: Winter 9:00 am - 9:00 pm

         Summer 8:30 am - 10:30 pm

  Directions: Located downtown at the SeaBus and SkyTrain station.

  Just steps away from the Cruise Ship Terminal and historic Gastown.

  Information and Reservations: 604.689.0421

  Website: www. vancouverlookout. com

  Email: info@vancouverlookout. com

  555 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, BC V6B 4N4

  Burnaby Village Museum

  And Carousel

  Step back in time to 1925. The museum features a village, a farmhouse and the historic CW Parker Carousel. Costumed townspeople welcome you to exhibits that include a schoolhouse, a blacksmith, a Chinese medicine store and an ice-cream parlour.

  Seasonal Hours: May 4-Sept 2 (11:00 am-4:30 pm)

  Christmas Hours: Nov 23-Dec 13 & Dec31-Jan 4 (12: 00-5:30 pm) and Dec 14-30 (12:00-8 : 00 pm) Closed Dec 24 & 25

  Directions: Take exit 33 from Hwy 1 to Canada Way. Follow the signs along the sidewalk to Deer Lake Park. 20 minutes from downtown Vancouver.

  Information: 604.293.6501

  Telephone: 604.293.6500

  Website: www. city. burnaby. cb. ca

  6501 Deer Lake Avenue, Burnaby, BC V5G 3T6

1.To get a bird's-eye view of Vancouver, you can go to ________.

[  ]

A.Harbour Cruisevs LTD

B.Harhour Centre Tower

C.Burnaby Village Museum

D.Stanley Park

2.If you want to visit one of the places from 8:30 am to 10:30 am on Christmas Day, you can get further information on ________.

[  ]

A.Website: www. vancouverlookout. com

B.Email: info@vancouverlookout. com

C.Website: www. city. burnaby. cb. ca

D.Website: www. boatcruises. com

3.Which of the following statements is true?

[  ]

A.A guide is necessary for people to visit Harbour Center Tower.

B.There is fresh snow at Harbor Center Tower for people to enjoy.

C.Harbour Cruises LTD is closer to downtown than Burnaby Village Museum.

D.The ice-cream parlour provides you local delicious food at lunch time on Christmas Day.

4.The main purpose of the advertisements is to attract tourists to Vancouver ________.

[  ]

A.for the view of mountains

B.for a ship sightseeing

C.for a cultural visit

D.for great fun


  Keep it in the air: The Chaoyang Theater is one of the Beijing theaters to present acrobatics(杂技)all year round.

  Top acrobatic artists invited from all over the country perform for Chinese and foreign tourists. The program features trick cycling, leaping through hoops and Chinese magic tricks. Some of the artists have won prizes in international competitions.

  Time: 7∶15 p. m. Daily

  Place: 36, Dongsanhuan Beilu. Chaoyang District

  Tel: 65072421, 65071818

  Use your head: “Green Hat” is a new drama given by a group of young Chinese actors. It's a reworking of American writer Nathaniel Hawthorne's famous novel “The Scarlet Letter”. It describes the heroine's great courage in finding the true love against a backdrop of disapproval.

  Time: 7∶15 p. m. until March 5, except Mondays

  Place: China Children's Theater

  Tel: 66037255, 66037265

  Mix and match: “Story of Puppets” tells of a fairy, Zixia, who looks for love in the human world. After watching a puppet play “Peony Pavilion”, she thinks must be true love in reality, so she uses magic to turn the puppet characters into humans, wanting to fall in love with the puppet opera hero. But things don't go as she planned...

  Li Liuyi, the director of the play has made several successful attempts to merge different traditional Operas in one play. This time he combines Peking Opera, Kunqu Opera, Pingju and an orchestral accompaniment, using the structure of modern drama.

  Time: 7∶30 p. m. until March 10, except Mondays

  Place: Small Playhouse of Beijing People's Art Theater

  Tel: 65250123

  Peking Opera: The Beijing Peking Opera Troupe will give two performances at the Chang'an Grand Theater.

  Each performance consists of two classical excerpts(选段). One is Wenxi(a play focusing on singing and dancing); the other is Wuxi(a play full of acrobatic dancing).

  The first night will be “The Crossroad” and “Presenting a Pearl of the Rainbow Bridge”. And the second night will see the performance of “The Goddess of Heaven Scatters Flowers” and “Havoc in Heaven”.

  Time: 7∶30 p. m. February 27, 28

  Place: Chang'an Grand Theater

  Tel: 86531043

(1)From the ads we can learn that ________.

[  ]

A. “Story of Puppets” is a play held in China Children's Theater

B. the artists who have won prizes will perform magic tricks

C. on March 5 there will be three plays for us to choose

D. the artists in the Peking Opera Troupe are from all over the country

(2)If a tourist wants to see a performance on March 15, he can call ________ to book a ticket.

[  ]

A. 86531043
B. 65250123
C. 66037255
D. 65071818

(3)Which of the following statements is true according to the ads?

[  ]

A. The director of the “Story of Puppets” combines different operas in it.

B. “Green Hat” is based on a famous novel acted by some American artists.

C. Top Acrobatic artists will present their performances around our country.

D. The Peking Opera Troupe will give two performances with the same excerpts.



  When I was twelve years old, my family were the first black people to move into an all-white part of Grand Rapids, Michigan Many of our new 1 weren't very welcoming. Some of the adults said 2 that we should return where we came 3 . The children sometimes threw stones at me or drove me home from 4 .

  Most of my teachers 5 took no notice of me, but not Dorothy Bean, my history teacher. Miss Bean was angry at how badly I was being 6 , but she didn't say this to me. Miss Bean 7 her respect for me by teaching me just like 8 else. Instead of being unnoticed, I was given a 9 to show that I was smart. Miss Bean was the first teacher who ever made me 10 myself. She insisted on knowing what I thought about difficult questions. Was Thomas Jefferson 11 to buy Louisiana from France? 12 ? She expected me to have an opinion and to be able to 13 it up. Miss Bean was teaching me that thinking for yourself was the real key to 14 .

  One day, when I was not paying attention in class, Miss Bean suddenly 15 an eraser at me. Unbelievably, the eraser hit me right on the hand and 16 my pencil flying. The whole class was 17 at first, then started laughing. This incident became famous in the school and, 18 it happened to me, the students wanted to get to 19 me. So that's the story of how Dorothy Bean made me her target, and how I became just another 20 in school.


[  ]

A.friends      B.schoolmates

C.teachers      D.neighbors


[  ]

A.kindly      B.surprisingly

C.angrily      D.happily


[  ]

A.to      B.from

C.for      D.in


[  ]

A.school      B.street

C.office      D.downtown


[  ]

A.hardly      B.simply

C.never      D.only


[  ]

A.taught      B.considered

C.welcomed     D.treated


[  ]

A.kept      B.expected

C.showed     D.refused


[  ]

A.anyone      B.anywhere

C.someone     D.wherever


[  ]

A.question      B.chance

C.test      D.place


[  ]

A.worry about     B.look about

C.work for      D.think for


[  ]

A.necessary    B.important

C.right      D.known


[  ]

A.How      B.Where

C.When      D.Why


[  ]

A.back      B.set

C.put      D.give


[  ]

A.respect      B.education

C.friendship     D.children


[  ]

A.aimed      B.threw

C.passed      D.found


[  ]

A.sent      B.left

C.made     D.sprang


[  ]

A.excited      B.frightened

C.moved      D.shocked


[  ]

A.so      B.then

C.because    D.whether


[  ]

A.ask      B.know

C.praise     D.understand


[  ]

A.kid      B.problem

C.friend     D.example


阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1~25各题所给的四个选项中,选出一   个最佳答案。

    One cold winter afternoon, the postman was slowly 1 his mail cart up the hill that led out of the small town of Lance. He was walking very 2 because there was a lot of 3 on the 4 . He had only one more letter to deliver, and this 5 for an elderly lady who lived at the top of Lance Hill. Everybody    6 her "Grandma".    

    She had lived 7 ever since her daughter had    8 to Hawaii many years 9 . She used to invite the postman    10 for coffee whenever he 11 her a letter, and she would    12 him about her two grand children in 13 , whom she had    14 seen; however, she had lots of 15 of them, which   she used to 16 him.

       Just as the 17 approached her gate, a small boy came running 18 the hill. Suddenly the boy 19 on the ice and fell. The postman 20 his mail cart fall and hurried across the street to help the 21 . After a quick look, he saw that the boy 22 hurt his leg very badly. In fact, he was afraid that the boy's leg 23 broken. He knew that "Grandma" did   not have a telephone, 24 he stopped a passing driver and asked him   to 25 the boy to Lance Hospital.       

(1)A. pulling   B. dragging  C. leading   D. pushing[  ]
(2)A. quickly   B. carefully C. fast    D. patiently[  ]
(3)A. water     B. mud     C. stones    D. ice [  ] 
(4)A. cart    B. ground  C. field     D. road[  ]
(5)A. is      B. will be   C. would be  D. was [  ]
(6)A. named     B. shouted   C. called    D. said[  ]
(7)A. alone     B. lonely  C. herself   D. along [  ]
(8)A. left    B. come    C. moved     D. been[  ]
(9)A. ago     B. before  C. later     D. since[  ]
(10)A. in     B. there   C. inside    D. up  [  ]
(11)A. took     B. sent    C. wrote     D. brought[  ]
(12)A. introduce  B. talk    C. speak     D. tell[  ]
(13)A. Lance    B. Hawaii  C. the house   D. town[  ] 
(14)A. ever     B. already   C. almost    D. never[  ] 
(15)A. pictures   B. letters   C. news    D. thing[  ]
(16)A. tell     B. show    C. give    D. send[  ]
(17)A. postman  B. lady    C. children  D. boy[  ]
(18)A. up     B. on    C. in      D. down[  ]
(19)A. walked   B. knocked   C. hit     D. slipped[  ]
(20)A. made     B. dropped   C. let     D. had [  ]
(21)A. cart     B. lady    C. boy     D. children [  ]
(22)A. had    B. would   C. should    D. must[  ]
(23)A. would be   B. was     C. must be   D. had been [  ]
(24)A. and    B. but     C. then    D. so  [  ]
(25)A. send     B. bring   C. get     D. take[  ]

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