Dear afternoon£¬everyone!
Welcome to the cycling club£®
Don't wait£®Join us now!thank you!
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make more friends ½»ÅóÓÑ
keep fit±£³Ö½¡¿µ
a wide range of ¹ã·º¡
if possibleÈç¹û¿ÉÄÜ
¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍÒ»£ºThis is the ideal place where you can make more friends£¬experience the excitement of discovery£¬and keep fit£®´Ë¾äÓÃÁËwhereÒýµ¼¶¨Óï´Ó¾ä
¸ß·Ö¾äÐͶþ£ºWe have basic training once a week£¬which will be instructed by teachers£®´Ë¾äÊÂÓÉwhichÒýµ¼µÄ·ÇÏÞÖÆÐÔ¶¨Óï´Ó¾ä
½â´ð Good afternoon£¬everyone!
Welcome to the Cycling Club£®This is the ideal place where you can make more friends£¬experience the excitement of discovery£¬and keep fit£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍÒ»£©£¨²Î¼Ó¾ãÀÖ²¿µÄºÃ´¦£©
The Cycling Club has a wide range of activities for members£®We have basic training once a week£¬which will be instructed by teachers£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐͶþ£©£®It will be arranged during the time of after-class physical activities£®We arrange an outdoor cycling trip at weekends every month£®And we will have some races with other teams if possible£®£¨¾ãÀÖ²¿µÄÖ÷Òª»î¶¯ÄÚÈÝ£©
If you are interested in our club£¬you can either come to our club in Room 702£¬on the fourteenth floor£¬Building 5 or call us at 02585559955£®By the way£¬you have to get the equipment ready by yourself£¬but the charge is free£®£¨±¨Ãû·½Ê½ÒÔ¼°×¢ÒâÊÂÏ
Don't wait£®Join us now!Thank you!
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A£® | her strong spirit | B£® | because of her strong spirit | ||
C£® | she has strong spirit | D£® | because she has strong spirit |
A£® | that | B£® | whether | C£® | what | D£® | how |
The first two £¨36£©C there were for persons requiring help in taking care of themselves£®We sang £¨37£©D for them£®They loved our sweet songs and the flowers that we left with them£®
As we were £¨38£©D on the third floor for old people with Alzheimer £¨ÀÏÄê³Õ´ôÖ¢£©£¬most of them £¨39£©A off at the walls or floor£®However£¬one lady £¨40£©B my eye£®She was sitting by the door£¬in a wheelchair£¬singing songs to herself£®They weren't the songs that we were singing£¬at least they didn't £¨41£©C like that£®As we got £¨42£©A with each festive song£¬she did as well£®The louder we got£¬the louder she got£®£¨43£©B she was singing£¬she was also £¨44£©B out to us with her hands and body£®I knew that I should have gone over to her£¬but I thought that my £¨45£©D were to my students£®People who worked at the care center could £¨46£©C to her£¬I thought£®Just when I stopped feeling £¨47£©C about not giving her the attention she needed£¬one of my students£¬Justin£¬showed me what the holiday season is really about£®
Justin also £¨48£©D the same lady£®The difference between us is that he £¨49£©B on her needs£¬but I didn't£®During the last song£¬"Silent Night£¬"Justin walked over to her and held her hand£®He looked this aged lady in her £¨50£©C and with his actions said£¬"You are important£¬and I will take my £¨51£©A to let you know that£®"
This tired£¬elderly lady stopped singing and held his hand£®Then she touched his cheek with the other hand£®Tears began to fall down her face£®No £¨52£©A can completely describe that touching moment¡
It £¨53£©A a boy to teach me£¬a man£¬about kindness and love£®Justin's example of a complete£¬selfless attitude toward another was a £¨54£©B that I will never forget£®He was the teacher that day£¬and I consider myself £¨55£©D to have witnessed his lesson£®
36£®A£®rooms | B£®buildings | C£®floors | D£®groups |
37£®A£®bravely | B£®shyly | C£®madly | D£®beautifully |
38£®A£®dancing | B£®meeting | C£®gathering | D£®singing |
39£®A£®stared | B£®shut | C£®paid | D£®glared |
40£®A£®looked | B£®caught | C£®escaped | D£®hurt |
41£®A£®appear | B£®hear | C£®sound | D£®feel |
42£®A£®louder | B£®nearer | C£®faster | D£®higher |
43£®A£®Because | B£®As | C£®Since | D£®Though |
44£®A£®moving | B£®reaching | C£®coming | D£®spreading |
45£®A£®interests | B£®abilities | C£®feelings | D£®responsibilities |
46£®A£®speak | B£®object | C£®attend | D£®compare |
47£®A£®afraid | B£®sure | C£®guilty | D£®scary |
48£®A£®feared | B£®avoided | C£®helped | D£®noticed |
49£®A£®called | B£®acted | C£®insisted | D£®kept |
50£®A£®tears | B£®hands | C£®eyes | D£®face |
51£®A£®time | B£®flower | C£®body | D£®cheek |
52£®A£®words | B£®poems | C£®expressions | D£®songs |
53£®A£®took | B£®wasted | C£®caused | D£®made |
54£®A£®message | B£®lesson | C£®activity | D£®class |
55£®A£®clever | B£®foolish | C£®right | D£®lucky |
A£® | should | B£® | could | C£® | needn't | D£® | mustn't |