
15.The money       you were to buy dog food is gone.(  )
A.whyB.whichC.for whomD.with which

分析 你准备用来买狗粮的钱不见了.

解答 答案:D 题干在you were to buy dog food是修饰money的定语从句;buy sth with money用钱买东西.故选D.

点评 定语从句是用来修饰名词的形容词性从句,相当于一个形容词.连接定语从句的引导词分为关系代词和关系副词,关系代词在从句中要作主语或宾语;关系副词在从句中作状语.这也是选择关系词的一个判断方法.

3.EDGEWOOD-Every morning at Dixie Heights High School,customers pour into a special experiment:the district's first coffee shop run mostly by students with special learning needs.
  Well before classes start,students and teachers order Lattes,Cappuccinos and Hot Chocolates.Then,during the first period,teachers call in orders on their room phones,and students make deliveries.
  By closing time at 9.20a.m.,the shop usually sells 90 drinks.
"Whoever made the chi tea,Ms.Schatzman says it was good,"Christy McKinley,a second year student,announced recently,after hanging up with the teacher.
  The shop is called the Dixie PIT,which stands for Power in Transition.Although some of the students are not disabled,many are,and the PIT helps them prepare for life after high school.
   They learn not only how to run a coffee shop but also how to deal with their affairs.They keep a timecard and receive paychecks,which they keep in check registers.
Special-education teachers Kim Chevalier and Sue Casey introduced the Dixie PIT from a similar program at Kennesaw Mountain High School in Georgia.
  Not that it was easy.Chevalier's first problem to overcome was product-related.Should schools be selling coffee?What about sugar content?
  Kenton County Food Service Director Ginger Gray helped.She made sure all the drinks,which use non-fat milk,fell within nutrition (营养) guidelines.
  The whole school has joined in to help.
  Teachers agreed to give up their lounge (休息室) in the mornings.Art students painted the name of the shop on the wall.Business students designed the paychecks.The basketball team helped pay for cups.

59.What is the text mainly about?B
A.A best-selling coffee.
B.A special educational program.
C.Government support for schools.
D.A new type of teacher-student relationship.
60.The Dixie PIT program was introduced in order toC.
A.raise money for school affairs
B.do some research on nutrition
C.develop students'practical skills
D.supply teachers with drinks
61.How did Christy McKinley know Ms.Schatzman's opinion of the chi tea?C
A.She met her in the shop.
B.She heard her telling others.
C.She talked to her on the phone.
D.She went to her office to deliver the tea.
62.We know from the text that Ginger GrayB.
A.manages the Dixie P1T program in Kenton County
B.sees that the drinks meet health standards
C.teaches at Dixie Heights High School
D.owns the school's coffee shop.
8.About 30years ago,I left Cuba for the United States with my son.After getting settled finally in Brunswick,New Jersey,I enrolled(注册) my son in kindergarten.Several weeks later,my son's teacher asked me to meet him at his office.
In the teacher's office,and exchange of greetings was followed by his questions:"Is your son mentally retarded(弱智的)?Does he suffer from any kind of mental disability?"
Was he talking about my wonderful Scola?NO,no,it can't be.What a helpless,lonely moment!I told him that Scola was a quiet,sweet little boy,instead.I asked him why he was asking me all these questions.
My son could not follow the teacher's directions,he told me,and thus,Scola was disruptingthe class,Didn't he know my son did not speak English yet?
He was angry;"Why hasn't your son been taught to speak English?Don't you speak English at home?"
No,I didn't speak English at home,I replied.I was sure my son would learn English in a couple of months,and I didn't want him to forget his native language.Well,wrong answer!What kind of person would not speak in English to her son at home and at all time?"Are you one of those people who come to this country to save dollars and send them back to their country,never wanting to be a part of this society?"
Needless to say,I tried to tell him I was not one of"those people."Then he told me the meeting was over,and I left.
As I had expected,my son learned to speak English fluently before the school year was over.He went on to graduate from college and got a job,earning close to six figures.He travels widely and leads a well-adjusted,contented life.And he has benefited from being bilingual(双语的).
Speaking more than one language allows people to communicate with others;it teaches people about other cultures and other places-something very basic and obviously lacking in the"educator"I met in New Jersey.
57.The teacher asked the author to his officeA.
A to discuss Scola's in-class performance    B to get Scola enrolled in kindergarten
C to find a language partner for Scola     D to work out a study plan for Scola
58.What does the underlined word"disrupting"in Paragraph 4probably mean?D
A Breaking   B Following   C Attending    D Disturbing
59.The author's attitude towards being bilingual may best be described asC.
A critical    B casual     C positive    D passive
60.This text is likely to be selected from a book ofB.
A medicine   B education    C geography   D history.
9.How do you stay true to yourself when you're surrounded by friends and/or family that have an opinion on everything you do?It's not easy!(36)GHere are 4 tips which can help  you live a dynamic life.
Stay true to yourself by listening to the only opinions that really matter-your own and those from people who believe in and encourage you.Deep down you know yourself better than anybody else.
Don't fear people
    (38)EThe reason most people don't take risks,or live on the edge is the fear of what others might think of them.If you want to live the life you truly deserve,you must give up the need to be liked by everybody.
    Value yourself and your choices
When you do,others will too.Own the choices you make in your life.(39)DWhen you believe in yourself,in time,others will believe in you too.Show confidence in your choices,and what you stand for whether others agree or not.
    Focus on appreciation
No matter what the circumstances are,there is always something to be grateful for.All successful people ask,What am I grateful furl How can/improve my situation and use these tough times to inspire others(40)FThese steps,if applied,will help you transform your peace of mind,lifestyle,and

A.Focus on your own talents and strengths
B.Never let others'opinions guide your choices
C.Treat every person like they are important.
D.When you doubt yourself,others will doubt you.
E.Stay fearless in everything you will have to do.
F.Be thankful to life and be helpful to others,and you'I lead a successful life.
G However,there are great possibilities that you can lead the life you really want.

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