


Yaster, an international student, first met Steve in their chemistry class at an American university ________ . Steve seemed very friendly. He always ________Yaser warmly before class. Sometimes he ________ to study with him. He________ invited Yaser to eat lunch with him. But after the term was over, Steve seemed ________ and the two former classmates didn't see each other very much at school. One day Yaser decided to call Steve, but Steve didn't seem very interested in ________ to him. Yaser was ________ by Steve’s change of attitude. Yaster complained, “I thought friends were friends forever.”

As a ________ , he doesn’t understand the way Americans view friendship. American use the word “friend” in a very ________ way. They may call both casual acquaintances and close ________ “friends”. These friends are ___________ common interests. When the ___________ activity ends, the friendship may fade. Now as Steve and Yaster are no longer classmates, their “friendship” has ________.In some cultures friendship means a strong life-long 54 between two people. In these cultures friendships develop slowly, since they are built to ________ . But American society is one of rapid change. Studies show that one out of five American families moves every year, and thus American friendships may change just ________ quickly. People from the United States may at first seem friendly and they often ________ easily with strangers. But America n friendliness is not________ an offer of true friendship. After an experience ________ Yaster’s, people who’ve been in this country for only a few months may consider Americans to be unreliable.

Learning how Americans________ friendship can help non-Americans avoid misunderstandings. It can also help them make friends the American way.

1.A. As usual B. At first C. In fact D. In short

2.A. invited B. helped C. guided D. greeted

3.A. agreed B. promised C. offered D. expected

4.A. even B. again C. suddenly D. still

5.A. special B. distant C. upset D. rude

6.A. explaining B. returning C. turning D. talking

7.A. frightened B. misled C. hurt D. controlled

8.A. stranger B. foreigner C. friend D. student

9.A. quick B. complex C. general D. formal

10.A. companions B. families C. relatives D. passers-by

11.A. developed into B. aimed at C. based on D. meant for

12.A. varied B. planned C. prepared D. shared

13.A. started B. changed C. separated D. developed

14.A. bond B. happiness C. duty D. influence

15.A. last B. fade C. help D. match

16.A. so B. for C. more D. as

17.A. meet B. break C. chat D. live

18.A. only B. just C. indeed D. always

19.A. with B. like C. on D. from

20.A. view B. start C. end D. keep


Because I will be away for a few days after Spring Break, I am writing this during the actual holiday, when I can use time to catch up on a number of purely administrative (管理的) items.

First of all, you should have received the letter I sent out on April 2 advising of the transition (过渡) arrangements to new leadership at ISM (International School of Moscow). In that letter I pointed out that Dr. Paul Malone will be arriving in Moscow on Monday, May 4th, and that I will work with him during that week to ensure smooth transition. My last day at ISM will be Friday, May 8th.

Several people have asked me why I required Dr. Malone to come early. There are many problems facing ISM at the moment which have major implications (影响) for the future, and it makes sense for the new director to come aboard before the end of the school year. This will give him the chance to play a major role in the planning process for 2014—2015 and beyond. The fact that Paul Malone is able to arrive in early May is good for the school. I have been working closely with him, and will do everything possible to see that he can move in easily when I leave. From here I will go to Hong Kong for a couple of weeks to spend time in my new situation, and then I will return to the United States for a few weeks’ vacation.

In the most recent edition of the Compass(a kind of paper of ISM), I wrote briefly what I consider to be the major challenge for ISM in the future. I am sure that the new leadership of the school will be able to face those challenges in an active manner, which will ensure a strong future for the school. I shall certainly watch the progress of the school with interest. The results of the school for the past few years have been quite outstanding, and I fully expect that level of performance to continue.

1. We can infer from the text that the writer was the ________ of ISM.

A. director B. employee

C. teacher D. student

2. Why should Dr. Malone come to ISM early?

A. To work closely with the author.

B. To do everything possible for the school.

C. To move in easily when the author returns.

D. To work with the author for a few days and make a future plan.

3. From the text, we learn that ________.

A. Paul Malone is a capable man

B. the writer is a best friend of Paul Malone’s

C. Paul Malone will work with the writer for several years

D. the writer will do his best to help Paul Malone to work well at ISM



Love in a Box

When I was a little girl, I found love in a box all because of a class assignment (课堂作业). On a Friday night I ____________ at dinner table, “My teacher said we have to bring a box, a special box, for our valentines (情人节礼物) on Monday”.

Mother said, “We'll see,” and she continued eating.

What did “We'll see” mean? I had to have that box __________ my second grade Valentine's Day would be a disaster. Maybe they didn't love me enough to help me with my __________.

All Saturday I waited _________ and with Sunday arriving, my concern increased, but I ___________ an enquiry about the box might ___________ anger or loud voice, for in my house children only asked once. More than that_________ trouble.

Late Sunday afternoon, my father called me into the kitchen. The table was covered with colorful ________of different kinds. A(n) ___________ shoebox rested on top of it. _________ flooded through me when Daddy said, “Let's start to work _________ your project.”

In the next hour my father __________ the shoebox into impressive valentine box. Colorful paper covered the ugly cardboard with red hearts ___________ to what I considered all the right places. He sang while he worked. When he finished, he was so delighted that a________smile spread over his face. “What do you think of that?” he asked.

I answered him with a hug.

But inside, __________ danced all the way to my heart. It was the first time that my father devoted so much _________ to me, for his world consisted of work only.

The holiday party arrived, and my classmates put cards, and presents into the valentine boxes. Laughter filled our classroom until dismissal (放学) time ___________.

On the way home, I held out my valentine box for the world to __________. The love that filled it meant more to me than all the valentines inside.

The valentine box became a symbol of his love that __________ through decades of other Valentine's Days. He gave me other gifts through the years, but none ____________ compared with the love I felt within the limits of the old, empty shoebox.

1.A. sat B. appeared C. served D. announced

2.A. and B. or C. however D. so

3.A. project B. plan C. idea D. design

4.A. sadly B. disappointedly C. anxiously D. patiently

5.A. found B. knew C. realized D. imagined

6.A. start B. produce C. mark D. cause

7.A. saved B. took C. invited D. had

8.A. boxes B. gifts C. food D. paper

9.A. new B. empty C. attractive D. big.

10.A. Relief B. Excitement C. Cheer D. Calm

11.A. by B. off C. in D. on

12.A. folded B. changed C. packed. D. pressed

13.A. joined B. attached C. linked D. connected

14.A. broad B. brief C. slight D. confident

15.A. fun B. joy C. interest D. amusement

16.A. money B. hope C. support D. time

17.A. reached B. set C. spent D. came

18.A. accept B. respect C. admire D. recognize

19.A. carried B. lasted C. spread D. kept

20.A. yet B. even C. ever D. still

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