
Barack Obama made his victory speech in Chicago after a hard-fought campaign.

Democratic Senator Barack Obama has won the US presidential election, and will become the 44th President of the United States-the first African-American in the country's history to do so.

President-elect Obama marked his victory with a speech to a crowd of tens of thousands of people in his hometown of Chicago.

Obama described his election as a "defining moment' in the history of the United States, saying that "change has come to America".

The BBC's spokesman in Washington says that in electing Barack Obama, the American people have expressed their unhappiness with the present state and rejected their country's historical racial divisions.

The Australian Prime Minister summed up how many people felt when he congratulated President-elect Obama.

“Forty-five years ago Martin Luther King had a dream of an America where men and women would be judged not on the colour of their skin but on the content of their character. Today what America has done is turn that dream into a reality," said Prime Minister Kevin Rudd.

President-elect Obama will not take office until 20th January next year. However, when he does become president, he will face many serious challenges, including two foreign wars, climate change and what he has described as " the worst financial crisis (经济危机)in a century."

But the mood of the country is optimistic, according to most commentators, and Obama himself appears to enjoy the challenge.

"The road ahead will be long. Our climb will be difficult. We may not get there in one year or even in one term, but America--I have never been more hopeful than I am tonight that we will get there," said the next President of the United States.


41. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. It was not a difficult process for Obama to win the US presidential election.

B. The American people welcome the historical racial divisions.

C. What Martin Luther King dreamed about America has come true.

D. After the election Obama didn't say anything about his victory.

42. According to the passage, it seems that in the United States, _____________.

A. people may still be treated unequally because of their color of skin.

B. people are experiencing two civil wars.

C. Americans are enjoying the economy developing.

D. People are not satisfied with President-elect.

43. From the last two paragraphs, we can learn that________________.

A. the attitude of American people to their country's future is not clear.

B. Obama has confidence in American future and ready to face it.

C. the road to America will be long.

D. the change of America is not hard to achieve.

44. What is probably the best title to the passage?

A. Historical presidential election                          B. The first African-American President

C. Change has come                                           D. Comments about America

41.     解析:after a hard-fought campaign 奥巴马才获胜,所以A项错。美国人民欢迎历史上的种族划分(歧视),奥巴马就不可能获胜the American people have expressed their unhappiness with the present state and rejected (抛弃)their country's historical racial divisions.,B项错。获胜后什么也没有说,怎么可能? Obama described his election as a "defining moment' in the history of the United States, saying that "change has come to America". D项错误。 C项,马丁路德金的梦想成为现实,正确。

42.     解析:A项正确。B项,人们正在经历两次内战是显然错误的he will face many serious challenges, including two foreign wars(对外战争)。C项美国人名正享受经济的发展,也是错误的。美国人民正在遭受what he has described as " the worst financial crisis (经济危机)in a century." 百年一遇的经济危机。D项美国人名不满意总统选举。怎么可能?

43.     解析:A项错误。But the mood of the country is optimistic 国内的气氛是乐观的。

44.     C项,去美国的路会很长的。原文The road ahead will be long的意思是前方的路还很漫长。D项美国的改变不是很难实现的。Our climb will be difficult. We may not get there in one year or even in one term。说明D项错误。B项,奥巴马有信心面对美国的未来显然正确。I have never been more hopeful than I am tonight that we will get there。


US president Barack Obama is probably ______ most powerful person in the world. But what was his high school life _______? You can find answers to the question in his “Back to School” speech ______ (give) on September 13, 2010.

“I know some of you may be nervous about starting a new school year and worried about _______ that’ll be like. Here is what I tell you: nobody _____ (get) to write your destiny (命运) but you. Your future is in your hands. Your life is what you make of it. And nothing is beyond your reach. So long as you’re willing to dream big. So long as you’re willing to work hard. So long as you’re willing to stay _____ (focus) on your education. An education has never been more important. I’m sure there will be times _____ you’re staying up late for a test, or dragging (费力地拉起) yourselves out of bed on a rainy morning, and wondering _____ it’s all worth it. Let me tell you: Nothing is as _____ in life as your education. In other ______ (word), the farther you go in school, the farther you’ll go in life.

An unforgettable experience I recently had made me ______ (see) how important friendships are and the need to have a better understanding of friends. A friend is a person ______ is always there to encourage and support you whenever you’re in trouble. A friend is a person who’ll try to do what he or she can______ you. A friend is a person who’s overjoyed seeing you win and who will share your sorrow when you’re ________ (disappoint).

    For my part, friendship is like a ______(price) gift: It can’t be bought for any amount. It’s also a shining light of hope. If you have friendship, you’ll never feel_______(alone).

Exactly 10 years ago, 189 heads of state ______ (gather) in New York. They set a number of goals. These goals included helping poor people, educating children and protecting the environment. The leaders agreed to do their best to meet the goals _______ 2015.

    With only five years _______ (go), about 140 world leaders got together in New York on September 20. Their________ (三天的)meeting was to talk about their work on the goals.

The year was 1985. Ronald Reagan was president. Mikhail Gorbachev became leader of the USSR. Back to the Future was boffo at the box office. “Born in the USA” was climbing the charts. Philanthropy(慈善业) and pop culture combined with LiveAid and “We Are the World.” And “.com”, which few people outside of the military or universities knew, came into this world.
Looking back, few could have predicted “.com” would become one of the biggest cultural touchstones of the century. In March 1985, the Information Sciences Institute at the University of Southern California assigned the first .com domain address to symbolics.com. That seemingly nominal(象征性的) event set into motion forces that would change our world forever.
.com wasn’t the birth of the Internet, but it was the budding computer network’s coming-out party. It made it pretty and inviting. It did away with the need to have complex “maps” that were the equivalent of writing a phone number on your hand, and opened it up for a mainstream audience.
After 1985, all it takes is a simple .com name to get into business. “.com” became part of our daily lexicon and drove its own economic boom and depression. It helped create a whole new family of industries, facilitated global commerce and connected people around the world in ways never before possible.
It’s now 2010. Barack Obama is president, thanks in part to his smart use of the Internet. There is no USSR. A computer-generated Avatar has set new box office records. “TiK ToK” tops the charts. We’re sending robots to find water on Mars. And that once-obscure computer communications system is one of our civilization’s most prominent features.
61. This passage was written to mark _____.
A. the change of American presidency
B. the development of entertainment
C. the 25thanniversary of .com
D. the anniversary of the internet
62. What does the underlined word “boffo” probably mean?
A. Successful.     B. Changeable.     C. Tough.       D. Novel.
63. Which of the following can be the main contribution of “.com”?
A. It gave birth to the Internet.
B. It combined politics, entertainment and space science.
C. It made the Internet accessible to ordinary people.
D. It helped produce more domain addresses.
64. We can infer that before 1985, getting on-line was _____.
A. impossible     B. complex     C. expensive     D. popular
65. The first and last paragraphs were intended to _______.
A. make comparison             B. provide details
C. list arguments                D. stimulate readers’ interest

You might say that Barack Obama was elected President of the US because he knows how to give a good speech. In 2004, the little-known Obama gave a speech at the Democratic national Convention(民主党全国会议). It was a great speech---poetic, and inspiring. The people who heard it would remember it for a long time.

  Since 2004, Obama has written and delivered thousands of speeches. These are usually praised for two reasons: he treats the audiences like intelligent adults, and he is able to express difficult ideas in a straightforward, natural way.

  Before becoming President, Obama was a lawyer, a college professor, and a successful writer---his two memoirs have become best-sellers. The skills he needed to succeed in his previous jobs have also contributed to his success as a speechmaker.

  As a lawyer, Obama learned how to make strong, convincing arguments. As a professor, he learned how to explain complex subjects in ways that helped students understand without boring them. As a writer, he learned how to use language to have a powerful influence on his audience.

     Secret weapons of Obama 

     Writing team: Obama has a team of people who write his speeches. The writers chat with Obama for hours about what he wants to say. They listen to recordings of past presidential addresses and seek advice from advisers. Obama usually edits and rewrites the drafts several times.

     Make fun of the guests: Obama starts his speech by gently making fun of his guests. His opening lines attract the audiences’ attention while giving them an opportunity to relax and laugh at themselves and each other.

     Making fun of himself: Obama laughs at his past mistakes and is never afraid of showing them to the public.

     Obama delivers speeches to audiences large and small. He can make his audiences laugh or cry. His speeches are always thoughtful, well written, and just right for each occasion.

 1... The third and fourth paragraphs mainly talk about _____.

     A. why Obama’s speeches are praised       B. how Obama acquired his speaking ability     C. what subjects Obama’s speeches about    D. Obama’s success as a writer and a lawyer

  2.. When delivering a speech, Obama ______.

     A. usually starts with some famous sayings    B. sometimes turns his speech into a song

     C. sometimes shares a joke with the audience  D. is very strict most of the time

 3.. What is the main idea of the passage?

     A. Obama won the election campaign.       B. Obama is a brilliant speechmaker

     C. Obama had taken a couple of jobs.        D. Obama is good at writing.


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