



Bird migration (迁徙)

The man reason for migration or movement is food; for example, some birds may choose not to migrate if they are fed through the cold months Changes in the day length are signals for migration and relate to the physical changes in the birds. Birds will also display restlessness and increase their fat deposition(沉积). During shorter days in the fall, birds will return to warmer areas where they find adequate food supply.

Many smaller insect-eating birds migrate large distances usually at night. They may feed for a new days before continuing their course of travel. An advantage for night migrating is that it minimizes the threat of predators(食肉动物), allowing the birds to feed during the day and avoid overheating.

The migration for these birds is based on a number of different senses. Many birds use the sun as a compass. The ability to detect magnetic field (磁场), use of visual landmarks, as well as their sense of smell are used to help travel during migration. Bird migration is a strong genetic factor in terms of timing and route, which can be influenced by temperature. Migratory birds may use two tools to find their destinations; innate capability(genetically programmed) and experience. A first-timer migrant(候鸟) flies according to the Earth’s magnetic field, but does not know how far it will take until it grows accustomed to the journey and is able to use its other capabilities. With experience it learns various landmarks often called “mapping”.

Migration is mainly seen in the Northern Hemisphere and less obvious in the Southern Hemisphere. This is due to the lack of significant weather changes and the continual supply of food for the birds. A common pattern in migration involves flying north in the spring to bread(繁殖)during the summer and traveling to the south in the fall into warmer regions. No two species follow the exact route from beginning to end. Migrations narrow into one or more preferred routes or often called “flyways”. Flyways mainly follow coasts, sometimes rives, or mountain ranges. There are four major North American flyways; the Atlantic, the Mississippi, the Central and the Pacific Flyways. The flyways are not defined in their boundaries and at times may be combined into one.

In fact, long distance migrants move away from each other as young birds and form attachments to potential breeding and wintering sites. Once the site attachment is made, birds show high site-faith, visiting the same sites year after year. You will want to ensure your nesting boxes are cleaned out and available when these birds return to keep the cycle going for these migrating species.

Bird migration

Passage outline

Supporting details

Why do birds migrate?

Besides1._____, migration has something to do with birds’ physical changes and day length changes.

What are the advantages of night migrating?

◇Night migrating helps minimize the 2._______ of being threatened by predators.

◇Night migrating allows birds to feed enough during the day with out overheating.

3.______do birds migrate?

◇The sun, magnetic field, visual landmarks and the sense of smell are all 4.____for birds to migrate.

◇Environmental changes are connected with birds’ timing and route.

◇Not only magnetic field but also some other capabilities and 5._____ relate to a first-timer migrant’s flying.

Where do birds migrate?

◇Migration mainly takes place in the 6._____ Hemisphere.

◇With four major flyways birds mainly fly 7.______ coasts, rivers, or mountain ranges.

What 8.________ can you draw from the bird migration?

◇Birds are 9._______ to their site attachment very much.

◇You must make sure the clean boxes are 10.______ before the birds come back.


根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

Have you ever been in a situation where you have done something just to make someone else happy?

You think that you are making yourself happy. 1. I have done that many times because I wanted to impress people or I thought that if I made someone else happy it would certainly make me happy. I understand that all of us want our close friends and family to be proud of us, so we work hard in school or in our careers to meet their expectations.2. But if you are trying to realize other people’s dreams without keeping yourself satisfied, you will never be happy.

So you have to be clear and honest with yourself about what you want in your life. If you are honest with yourself, you will be more optimistic.3.You feel like you won’t need to achieve something for someone else.

4.They fear to be rejected(排斥) by others. They think and say “If I choose this job or career path, that person will think I am out of my mind”, or “I really want to start this business but those people will think that I won’t make any money”. 5. Don’t think this way. If you follow other people’s wishes but cannot be true to yourself, you will have a hard time feeling great about yourself.

A. The truth is that you are really trying to make someone else happy.

B. So why don’t I follow what they say?

C. And you will develop a drive from your heart.

D. So we should try our best to realize our dreams.

E. But we sometimes have to meet expectations from others.

F. Why do so many people want to live their dreams for someone else?

G. There is nothing wrong with that.

For as long as they can remember Jynne Martin and April Surgent had both dreamed of going to Antarctica. This winter, they each made it to the icy continent as guests of the National Science Foundation (NSF).But they didn’t go as scientists. Martin is a poet and Surgent is an artist. They went to Antarctica as participants in the NSF’s Artists and Writers program. The NSF is the government agency that funds scientific research in Antarctica. But it also makes it possible for artists, including filmmakers and musicians, to experience Antarctica and contribute their own points of view to our understanding of the continent.

The mixing of science and art in Antarctica isn’t new. Some of the earliest explorers brought along painters and photographers. Edward Wilson was a British painter, doctor, and bird expert who journeyed with Robert Falcon Scott on two separate Antarctic expeditions more than 100 years ago. Herbert Ponting was a photographer who also accompanied Scott on one of those expeditions. In hundreds of photos, Ponting captured the beauty of the continent and recorded the daily lives and heroic struggles of the explorers.

Today’s scientists write articles for scientific journals. Unlike the early explorers’ journals, scientific papers can now be very difficult for non-scientists to understand. Writers in Antarctica work to explain the research to the public. Peter Rejcek is editor, writer, and photographer for the Antarctic Sun, an online magazine devoted to news about the U.S. Antarctic Program. Rejeck began his career in the Antarctic in 2003 by spending a year at the South Pole. He has returned every year since,interviewing, scientists about research at Palmer,McMurdo,and South Pole stations.

There are also scientists in Antarctica who work hard to explain their research to the public. Scientist Diane McKnight wrote The Lost Seal,a children’s book that explains the research she and others are doing in an unusual ice-free area in Antarctica called the Dry Valleys.

Antarctica is full of stories and wonders that are scientific, historic and personal. People such as Martin, Surgent, Rejcek, and Diane McKnight are devoted to bringing those stories to as many people as they can. “Some people are going to be scientists,some people are going to be journalists,some people are going to be artists,but we can all work together.” says Surgent, “to celebrate,this extraordinary place.”

1.What do we know about the NSF?

A. It is a government agency.

B. It only funds scientists in Antarctica.

C. It encourages the understanding of human nature.

D. It enables the mixing of science and art for the first time.

2.Why didn’t some earliest explorers bring writers along?

A. Writers were not funded at that time.

B. Writing can’t capture the beauty of the continent.

C. Writers were not interested in popularizing science.

D. Early explorers ’journals can be easily understood by the public.

3.By mentioning Diane McKnight, the author may try to suggest that_____.

A. scientists should explain their research to children

B. writers are not necessary since scientists can tell stories as well

C. telling stories to children is more important than knowing the truth

D. no matter what role we play, we can work together to appreciate Antarctica

4.What would be the best title for this article?

A. Antarctica: A Land for A11

B. The NSF: A Program for All

C. Antarctica: A Land of Beauty and Stories

D. The NSF: A Program for Artists and Scientists



Each week, I give my elderly neighbor a ride to the store when I am going. She keeps trying to_______ me for the ride, and I always _______refusing. I tell her that it doesn’t cost any more for her to _______ with me and it is_______for me to do this.

Last week ,she brought a(n) _______ and said happily, “I have something for you and you must accept it.” I said. “If there is money in it, I don’t want it.” But she _______ it o a stand. Later, I opened it to find a “thank you” card with _______ in it. That night, I stopped at her house to give a plate of _______ fried chicken that I had. I took an envelope and put the $ 10 _______ it along with a “ _______ ”card. When leaving, I felt it _______ in her door.

The next day, she paid a(n) _______ to my home to return my _______ , she said, “Look, I know you put that letter in my door this morning, didn’t you?” I had_______ forgotten about it, and I thought from the sincere _______ o my face, she believed me when I said that I hadn’t put any letter in her door that morning. Actually, it was the night before, _______ I thought I wasn’t lying. She went on to _______ the envelope and enclosed(装人)the “smile” _______ , and told me how she was blessed with so many good things lately. I told her that I was so _______ for her, and that I hope she _______ to be so blessed.

1.A. cost B. pay C. spend D. take

2.A. keep B. admit C. enjoy D. stop

3.A. climb B. walk C. ride D. run

4.A. important B. useful C. troublesome D. convenient

5.A. envelope B. choice C. basket D. chance

6.A. lied B. laid C. contributed D. expressed

7.A. $ 1 B. $ 10 C. $ 100 D. $ 20

8.A. dark B. bright C. extra D. familiar

9.A. off B. about C. from D. in

10.A. smile B. love C. flower D. hug

11.A. appeared B. drawn C. placed D. written

12.A. attention B. fine C. reward D. visit

13.A. bike B. pen C. coat D. plate

14.A. completely B. extremely C. roughly D. calmly

15.A. mark B. look C. impression D. wound

16.A. if B. because C. so D. otherwise

17.A. defend B. direct C. disturb D. describe

18.A. stamp B. card C. letter D. book

19.A. surprised B. sorry C. happy D. sad

20.A. continues B. challenges C. rejects D. expects

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