Odland remembers like it was yesterday working in an expensive French restaurant in Denver. The ice cream he was serving fell onto the white dress of a rich and important woman.

Thirty years have passed, but Odland can not get the memory out of his mind, nor the woman’s kind reaction. She was shocked, regained calmness and, in a kind voice, told the young Odland. “It is OK. It wasn’t your fault.” When she left the restaurant, she also left the future Fortune 500 CEO with a life lesson: You can tell a lot about a person by the way he or she treats the waiter.

Odland isn’t the only CEO to have made this discovery. Instead, it seems to be one of those few laws of the land that every CEO learns on the way up. It’s hard to get a dozen CEOs to agree about anything, but most agree with the Waiter Rule. They say how others treat the CEO says nothing. But how others treat the waiter is like a window into the soul.

Watch out for anyone who pulls out the power card to say something like, “I could buy this place and fire you,” or “I know the owner and I could have you fired.” Those who say such things have shown more about their character than about their wealth and power.

The CEO who came up with it, or at least first wrote it down, is Raytheon CEO Bill Swanson. He wrote a best-selling book called Swanson’s Unwritten Rules of Management. “A person who is nice to you but rude to the waiter, or to others, is not a nice person,” Swanson says. “I will never offer a job to the person who is sweet to the boss but turns rude to someone cleaning the tables.”

1.What happened after Odland dropped the ice cream onto the woman’s dress?

A. He was fired.

B. He was blamed.

C. The woman comforted him.

D. The woman left the restaurant at once.

2.Odland learned one of his life lessons from .

A. his experience as a waiter

B. the advice given by the CEOs

C. an article in Fortune

D. an interesting best-selling book

3.According to the text, most CEOs have the same opinion about ________.

A. Fortune 500 companies B. the Management Rules

C. Swanson’s book D. the Waiter Rule

4.From the text we can learn that ________.

A. one should be nicer to important people

B. CEOs often show their power before others

C. one should respect others no matter who they are

D. CEOs often have meals in expensive restaurants

Pacing and Pausing

Sara tried to befriend her old friend Steve’s new wife, but Betty never seemed to have anything to say. While Sara felt Betty didn’t hold up her end of the conversation, Betty complained to Steve that Sara never gave her a chance to talk. The problem had to do with expectations about pacing and pausing.

Conversation is a turn-taking game. When our habits are similar, there’s no problem. But if our habits are different, you may start to talk before I’m finished or fail to take your turn when I’m finished. That’s what was happening with Betty and Sara.

It may not be coincidental that Betty, who expected relatively longer pauses between turns, is British, and Sara, who expected relatively shorter pauses, is American. Betty often felt interrupted by Sara. But Betty herself became an interrupter and found herself doing most of the talking when she met a visitor from Finland. And Sara had a hard time cutting in on some speakers from Latin America or Israel.

The general phenomenon, then, is that the small conversation techniques, like pacing and pausing, lead people to draw conclusions not about conversational style but about personality and abilities. These habitual differences are often the basis for dangerous stereotyping (思维定势). And these social phenomena can have very personal consequences. For example, a woman from the southwestern part of the US went to live in an eastern city to take up a job in personnel. When the Personnel Department got together for meetings, she kept searching for the right time to break in — and never found it. Although back home she was considered outgoing and confident, in Washington she was viewed as shy and retiring. When she was evaluated at the end of the year, she was told to take a training course because of her inability to speak up.

That’s why slight differences in conversational style — tiny little things like microseconds of pause — can have a great effect on one’s life. The result in this cause was a judgment of psychological problems — even in the mind of the woman herself, who really wondered what was wrong with her and registered for assertiveness training.

1.What did Sara think of Betty when talking with her?

A. Betty was talkative.

B. Betty was an interrupter.

C. Betty did not take her turn.

D. Betty paid no attention to Sara.

2.According to the passage, who are likely to expect the shortest pauses between turns?

A. Americans. B. Israelis.

C. The British. D. The Finns.

3.We can learn from the passage that ________.

A. communication breakdown results from short pauses and fast pacing

B. women are unfavorably stereotyped in eastern cities of the US

C. one’s inability to speak up is culturally determined sometimes

D. one should receive training to build up one’s confidence

4.The underlined word “assertiveness” in the last paragraph probably means ________.

A. being willing to speak one’s mind

B. being able to increase one’s power

C. being ready to make one’s own judgment

D. being quick to express one’s ideas confidently

You may have heard of the American Dream, an ideal that has powered the hopes of Americans for generations.

It began as a belief that the US was a land of opportunity, and that anyone could achieve success through hard work. At times, the dream has referred to home ownership, a good job, retirement security or each generation doing better than the last.

Yet today, this concept seems to have greatly changed. As Time magazine pointed out, quite different from the older generation, many Millennials (the generation born after 1980) redefine(重新定义) the American Dream as “day-to-day control of your life”. They “prize job mobility, flexible schedules, any work that is more interesting than typing, and the ability to travel”, said the magazine.

Home ownership, once the cornerstone of the American Dream, is becoming a smaller priority for this generation. Meanwhile, nearly 40% of them choose travel as part of their dream. And entrepreneurship(创业) is a rising favorite, as nearly 26% of Millennials consider self-employment as part of their dream.

So what has led to this huge change?

Many point fingers at the poor economy. “Modern young Americans seem bound to face a world stamped by ever narrowing opportunity and social stagnation(停滞),”noted The Daily Beast.

“The rate of 16-to 24-year-olds out of school and out of work is unusually high at 15%. Many college graduates have taken jobs that don’t require a degree,” Time reported.

The magazine worries that these difficulties may lead to a lost generation who are “unable to ever truly find their feet on the corporation’s ladder”.

Dan Kadlec, a reporter of Time, sees Millennials as resetting their expectations. “This situation is different for young adults today,” he wrote. “A true American dream has to feel attainable, and many Millennias are feeling they can only attain a day-today lifestyle that suits them.”

1.What’s the passage mainly about?

A. Meaning of American Dream

B. Redefinition of American Dream

C. Value of Achieving American Dream

D. History of Changing American Dream

2.The underlined word “cornerstone” in Paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to “ ”.

A. growth B. balance C. purpose D. basis

3.According to the passage, what has changed Millennials’ view of the American Dream?

A. A lack of confidence in themselves

B. Fierce competition in the job market

C. The discouraging economy and unemployment

D. Their dissatisfaction with the government

4.Dan Kadlec thinks Millennials’ new definition of the American Dream is ______.

A. understandable B. beautiful

C. worrying D. Positive

Black has long been praised for its ability to better women’s figures and suit every occasion. But the color has a side-effect—it ages the face.

While black does give the appearance of a slimmer figure by making the shadows less visible, wearing it next to the face brings out a negative effect. Black clothing can highlight (突出) dark lines under the chin, shadows around the eyes and wrinkles on the face. The effect can be as serious as making women feel exhausted, self-conscious and upset. Wrinkles and sunken areas appear deeper and more pronounced, meaning the effect is more obvious in older women.

Dark scarves, hats and high-collared coats are apparently particularly likely to emphasize aging features of the face. But fear not. The effect can be tempered by a splash of color around the neck—in the form of a scarf or a piece of jewelry—or a low neckline.

Famous actress Joan Collins is among the few who can get away with the side-effect. But those who should consider changing their dresses include many European stars. The majority of women who have what is known as a “warm” skin tone, based on yellow and gold colors, will not look young and healthy with black against their faces. Warm skins do not match well with black against their faces as it takes away all the golden glow that they have as a basic skin tone. Black looks for dark things on the face and highlights them, particularly as women age.

The good news for those who like black dress is that a simple test can help determine whether they can wear black well: Hold the color up against your face, stand in front of the mirror and look for dark lines under the chin, shadows around the eyes or lines on the face that are highlighted. If there are no dark areas or shadows, you can probably wear black close to your face and look great. Otherwise, change your ways.

1.According to the passage, wearing black clothes probably ________________.

A. makes the wearer less energetic

B. gives away the wearer’s age

C. darkens the wearer’s skin tone

D. makes the wearer feel confident

2.The underlined word “tempered” in Paragraph 3 can be replaced by _______________.

A. observed B. ignored C. weakened D. measured

3.We can infer from the passage that _______________.

A. high-collared coats are not suitable for warm-skinned women

B. a woman from eastern Asia may not look young with black against her face

C. men with deep wrinkles would look unhealthy in black

D. Joan Collins has a warm skin tone

4.The black dress will be probably suitable for you on condition that there are no ___________.

A. wrinkles on your face

B. dark circles around your eyes

C. sunken areas that are highlighted

D. dark areas or shadows on the face


Mr. Jackson was blind from birth. He owned a fruit ____ on a very busy street. ____he was visually disabled, he ran his business pretty handsomely. He could see nothing and he could only ____ the things within his reach. ____, he was able to handle it and was content with everything he had.

One day his son came to him. He told Mr. Jackson in ____ that he read in the newspaper of a __46__ who could operate on his eyes and allow him to see. The father and the son traveled to the doctor and paid for the ____.

After the operation, the doctor asked Mr. Jackson, “What is the first thing you are ____ to see when I take the bandages off?” He replied, “I really want to see my beautiful ____ on my stand!”

The doctor and the son ____Mr. Jackson down to the busy street where his fruit stand had been located for so many years. The doctor ____ unwrapped the bandages ____ he could lay his eyes on the beautiful fruit! Mr. Jackson was so full of ____ that he could finally see his life’s work—taking care of his fruit! After a few hours of ____ his beautiful fruit stand, he looked down the street both ways and saw there were quite a few fruit stands in both directions. He looked ____ the street and saw many other fruit stands. He spent so much time looking at other people’s fruit stands and ____ the competition that soon his own business ____.

From Mr. Jackson’s failure, we should know that everyone is a ___ individual with different fingerprints, DNA and thinking. What we need to do is just be ourselves and ____everyone else to be who they are. Mind our own business and we should never be afraid of ____.

1.A. company B. stand C. store D. centre

2.A. Because B. as C. When D. Although

3.A. feel B. remember C. observe D. describe

4.A. However B. Therefore C. Otherwise D. Besides

5.A. pride B. doubt C. surprise D. excitement

6.A. nurse B. doctor C. chemist D. surprise

7.A. operation B. information C. medicine D. service

8.A. nervous B. lucky C. afraid D. eager

9.A. flowers B. fruit C. vegetable D. clothing

10.A. sent B. followed C. accompanied D. invited

11.A. carefully B. suddenly C. curiously D. firmly

12.A. in case B. so that C. even if D. if only

13.A. regret B. courage C. joy D. relief

14.A. selling B. judging C. enjoying D. making

15.A. above B. across C. within D. through

16.A. preparing for B. focusing on C. taking up D. worrying about

17.A. improved B. appeared C. expanded D. failed

18.A. unique B. reliable C. perfect D. simple

19.A. force B. require C. allow D. persuade

20.A. change B. difference C. competition D. disability

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