
After going through a lot of things in my life, I decide to ______ my feelings on paper

  1. A.
    set down
  2. B.
    calm down
  3. C.
    pack up
  4. D.
    add up
试题分析:考查动词短语。set down “记下;放下”;calm down“使镇静”;pack up “将(东西)打包”。add up“合计”;句意:在经历了生活中诸多事情以后,我决定将我的感受写下来。选A。

Dear Cassy,

Thanks for reminding me by e-mail that you want to baby-sit our children. In spite of the fact that you are only 15 years old, my wife and I would be willing to consider your application if you can meet a few modest requirements:

1. Submit three letters from teachers who will prove that you have never failed to follow directions perfectly in class and never failed to hand in the homework on time.

2. Submit a note from two doctors which says that you are in perfect health, have never been sick, and never will be sick.

3. Submit a document (文件) from your physical education teacher or team coach that proves that you can do each of the following: Run two miles in less than nine minutes, climb an oily rope to a height of twenty feet in thirty seconds while balancing a glass of water on your nose, and walk in bare feet over hot coals and broken glass without complaint or injury.

4. Submit letters from at least two mental health experts saying that you have never had a bad thought towards any living being or not living object.

5. Play and defeat five expert chess players with your eyes covered after going without sleep for 48 hours.

6. Wait patiently for two years while we make sure that all your documents are true.

                                            Your loving and trusting friends,

                                                    The Smiths

From the letter we can know that ______.

   A. Cassy wrote to the Smiths twice               B. Cassy loves children very much

   C. Cassy will be in perfect health          D. Cassy does very well in her studies

Which of the following can most probably replace the underlined word “submit”?

   A. write            B. report            C. hand in       D. recommend (推荐)

What can we infer from this text?

   A. Their children are hard to baby-sit.        B. Their children are well educated.

   C. Cassy is good at doing many things.       D. Cassy won't get the job as a baby-sitter.

Which of the following words can best describe the Smiths?

   A. Humorous.     B. Patient.              C. Honest.        D. Kind-hearted.

I always think my spoken English is so poor that I can’t communicate with
native English speakers well. So after going to the college, I take as  36 English lessons as I can. 37  I am free, I go to English corners and  38  English lessons and lectures. To my surprise, I can understand most of  39 of the professors who come from Canada, and the USA. However, I haven’t had more  40  to talk to them in English.
Although I  41  English articles out aloud every day, I am not sure if I can make myself  42  by native English speakers. How I hope I can talk to  43  English speakers for  a while. I went to the English  44  as usual last night. Surprisingly, there were three foreigners sitting there. There , however, were several Chinese students around them, too. “I must not  45  this chance,” I said to myself.
“Hi, nice to meet you.” I  46  to one of them.
“Nice to meet you too.” He put out his hand. We  47  hands, what a warm hand! Then I  48 myself to him. When I told him that I had  49  English by myself for three years, he said that it was  50  and my English was so good. His words gave me a lot of 51  . At that time he hadn’t had dinner. He asked us if it was rude or 52  to talk to us while he was eating (a)  53  . We, said we didn’t 54  that, only
if he was  55  to talk to us. He smiled and began to eat his supper.

A.As long asB.As much asC.As far asD.As soon as
A.encouragementB.surpriseC. responsibilityD.glory

A dog who chewed off his owner’s infected toe(脚趾)while he was passed-out drunk has been called a lifesaver. Jerry Douthett had been out drinking when his dog Kiko bit off a large part if his big toe. His wife, Rosee, rushed him to hospital where tests showed the 48-year-old musician had dangerous high blood-sugar levels. Doctors told him his toe would have had to be cut off anyway.
Mr Douthett said he had refused to get medical advice despite his toe being swollen for months. “I was hiding it from people, Rosee included,” he said. “It smelled , and I look back now and realize every time we’d visit someone with a dog, their dog would smell all over my foot.”
The night before Mr Douthett had agreed to see a doctor, he passed out at home after going out drinking. He said, “I woke up and the dog was lying along side by foot. I said, ‘Ah, there’s blood everywhere.’ I ran to the bathroom and started to scream.”
However, he believes Kiko could sense the disease coming from his big toe. “He’s a hero,” Mr Douthett said. “It wasn’t an aggressive attack. He just ate the infection. He saved my life. He ate it. I mean, he must have eaten it, because we couldn’t find it anywhere else in the house. I look down. There’s blood all over, and my toe is gone.”
Before the operation, Mr Douthett asked a nurse, “Is there any chance I can get whatever’s left of my toe, so I can give it to Kiko as a treat?” Kiko is still with the family but is under observation by authorities.
【小题1】.Mr Douthett didn’t want to get medical treatment because ______ .

A.he didn’t know about his disease at all
B.he was unwilling to let others know about his disease
C.doctors had no good ways to treat his bad toe
D.his wife advised him not to do that
【小题2】.From Paragraph 3 we can infer that ______ .
A.Rosee managed to persuade her husband to go to hospital
B.Mr Douthett made his big toe worse by frequent drinking
C.Mr Douthett didn’t know his toe was chewed off at first
D.it is dangerous for people to let pet dogs sleep in the bedrooms
【小题3】.What did Mr Douthett think of his dog ?
A.It was clever and brave.
B.It never attacked healthy people.
C.It was a cruel but helpful dog.
D.It was a dangerous dog in fact.

Investors soon will be able to own shares of Facebook stock. The world’s biggest social media network presented documents to the Securities and Exchange Commission on Wednesday. The documents are required before the company can make its initial public offering(首次公开募股)or IPO. A date for the stock sale has yet to be announced.
Experts say Facebook could raise about five billion dollars. That would be one of the biggest IPO sales ever. And it would be much bigger than Google’s first public stock sale in 2004. At that time, the Internet search company raised almost two billion dollars.
Facebook has 800 million users around the world. It is the second most visited website after Google. Now, experts say the social media network is in a position to become one of the most valuable Internet companies.
Stock expert Anupam Palit at Greencrest Capital says that among social media sites, Facebook is in a class by itself.
“It is the biggest company in this space and we believe what makes it very unique from every other company that went public last year in this space is that it is very, very profitable.” said Anupam Palit.
Early estimates place the total value of the social network between 75 and 100 billion dollars. That includes earlier investments by other companies. David Kirkpatrick wrote the book The Facebook Effect. He says Facebook’s IPO will be historic.
The stock sale could also make Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg one of the world’s youngest billionaires. He is only 27.
Investment companies are likely to buy Facebook stock first. But investment manager Jim O’Shaugnessy says that is not so bad. He says the prices of some IPO stocks are too high and fall not long after they first go on sale.
Recently, share prices of some Internet businesses have fallen after their stocks were first offered. For example, stocks of Linkedln, Groupon and Zynga, dropped in price by as much as 25% after going public.
There were similar questions eight years ago when Google first sold stock to the public. Today, Google is one of the world’s most valuable technology companies.
【小题1】Which of the following is true about Google?

A.Google’s first public stock sale began in 2005.
B.Google is the world’s most valuable company.
C.Google’s share price rose after its stock was first offered.
D.Google raised almost two billion dollars from its first public stock sale.
【小题2】According to the passage, we can know Facebook ________.
A.has 800 million users in the USAB.has announced the date for its first stock sale
C.is the most visited website todayD.is the world’s biggest social media network
【小题3】We can infer from the passage that ________.
A.Facebook stock is being sold very well
B.Mark Zuckerberg will get much money from the stock sale
C.Mark Zuckerberg was only 27 when Facebook was founded
D.investment companies have bought many Facebook shares
【小题4】Which would be the best title for this passage?
A.Facebook and Its IPOB.The Difference Between Facebook and Google
C.The Founder of FacebookD.A Book Called The Facebook Effect

For the past year, the World Food Program has operated a project to prevent hunger in twenty-one countries in Africa. In the project, the United Nations agency works with small farmers to grow more and better produce.

The World Food Program buys the produce through local cooperative associations. Then it distributes the products within the country or area. The project works mainly with women. Sheila Sisulu from the World Food Program says the project aims to break a cycle that keeps people hungry. The situation is that farmers have to sell their produce at low prices after harvest, when supplies are greatest. Then they have to pay high prices to buy food for themselves during the "lean season," when supplies are limited.

But when farmers produce more food, they can sell more. And when they produce high-quality food, they can get higher prices. They can also store food for themselves, and have enough money to buy food if they need to during the lean season. Sheila Sisulu says the farmers are now starting to earn profits through the project.

The Food and Agriculture Organization and the International Fund for Agricultural Development help the farmers choose the best seeds and fertilizers. They also advise the farmers on the quality levels that the World Food Program requires to buy their produce.

Two other groups recently launched a separate effort to increase food security in Africa. The groups are the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa and the New Partnership for Africa's Development. They say African governments have to increase their investment in agriculture in order to fight problems related to climate change. The groups want the governments to develop programs in seeds, soil health, policy and markets.

Former United Nations chief Kofi Annan is the chairman of AGRA. The group's president, Namanga Ngongi, says many African governments are not meeting a target of spending ten percent of their national budgets on agriculture. But he says investment has risen from four percent of national budgets to probably five and a half percent today.

1. The underlined word “lean” in Paragraph 2 probably has the same meaning with ______.

A. He is a tall, lean and handsome boy, liked by many girls.

B. The changes made the company leaner and more competitive.

C. The company recovered well after going through several lean years.

D. The doctor told him that lean meat was healthier for his mother than fatty meat.

2. According to Sheila Sisulu, the project _____.

A. distributes the products within the whole world

B. has benefited few African farmers during the past year

C. enables the African farmers to sell their produce at low prices after harvest

D. can help the farmers to get away from the situation that keeps them hungry

3. The problem of hunger in Africa can possibly be relieved by ______.

A. United Nations chief

B. the World Food Program

C. African governments and farmers

D. the Food and Agriculture Organization

4. Which can be the best title?

A. Hunger, the most serious problem in Africa      

B. Two efforts seek to increase food security in Africa

C. A project to grow more and better produce in Africa

D. More investments in agriculture by African governments


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