Wu Yongqing, 91, lived in a rented cottage in Chongqing.
She moved there after her husband died in 1971£®The old woman,
who has children can get more than 500 yuan a month from the
government£®Her cottage is small but simple£®Her only comforts
are a breaking sofa and an electric ceiling fan, which were both
founded on the street£®She is good for cleaning and she can cook
every day£®She believes that she is old but not uselessly and she
can take better care of himself than any nurse£®She often walks in
the nearby park every morning and talks to each other there£®She
can get on well with her neighbor£®She likes this a kind of life
1. lived¸ÄΪlives
2. hasºóÃæ¼Óno
3. but¸ÄΪand
4. breaking¸ÄΪbroken
5. founded¸ÄΪfound
6. for¸ÄΪat
7. uselessly¸ÄΪuseless
8. himself¸ÄΪherself
9. neighbor¸ÄΪneighbors
10. È¥µôa