

71. Swap compositions with your partner and give each other _______________(评论).

72. I’ve no idea if these ________________(细菌) are helpful or harmful.

73. The air in the balloon _______________(膨胀) when heated.

74. I found it ______________(令人惊讶的) that the young actress was so kind.

75. He will r_______________ our class to take part in the meeting.

76. I won’t trust you until you give me the c__________ evidence to support what you say.

77. We are lucky that all our classrooms are very well e______________. We have computers, fans, air-conditioners etc.

78. Jim is so c_______________ that he always gets everything ready for the teacher before each lesson.

79. We are sure to o____________ all difficulties on our way to success if we are mentally strong.

80. Jack and Ben had a quarrel yesterday. But now they have found that the quarrel happened because of a m________________ and they have forgiven(原谅) each other.

 71.comments  72. bacteria   73. expands  74. astonishing/surprising/amazing 75.represent      76. convincing  77. equipped  78. considerate   79. overcome  

80. misunderstanding


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