

假设你是林华,福建某中学高三(8)的学生。本月是你们学校的英语月,全校开展了丰富多彩的活动。上周五你们有幸邀请厦门大学外籍教师Hudson教授给你们班开了一个题为“How to Improve English ”的英语讲座,请你根据提示和下面表格的内容,用英语为校报写一篇120词左右的报道。

Professor Hudson’s lecture

begin with an interesting story…,


students’ performance and evaluation

take an active part in …

think highly of…

lessons from his lecture




1. 报道的开头已经给出,不计入总词数;

2. 可根据内容要点适当发挥,使行文连贯;

3. 行文中不得提及考生所在学校;

4. evaluation评价。

This month is our school’s English month. We held all kinds of colorful English activities. And we had the honor of inviting Professor Hudson,                                          



                                               By Lin Hua, Class8, Grade 3



One possible version

         This month is our school’s English month. We held all kinds of colourful English activities. Last Friday we had the honor of inviting Professor Hudson, a foreign teacher from Xiamen University, to give an English lecture to the students of Class 8, Grade 3.All the students were deeply impressed by this unforgettable English lecture.

         The professor began the lecture with an interesting English story, which attracted the attention of all the students at once.He spoke so clearly that we could follow him well. Greatly inspired, every one of us took an active part in the activities in his lecture.After the lecture, many students interviewed thought highly of it.They said never before had they experienced so interesting a lecture.

         From his lecture, we realize that only if we are interested in English and put our hearts into it , can we improve our English.


                                                      By Lin Hua, Class8, Grade




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