A superhero is a fictional character with special powers. Since the first superman story was written in the USA in 1938, superheroes 1. (appear)in various comic books around the world. But more recently they have become better known 2. film characters.
Although superhero powers vary 3. (wide), superman strength and the ability to fly are common. Some superheroes do not have special powers 4. have developed some other important abilities. 5. (protect) friends and family, a superhero’s identity is normally kept secret, which often 6. (mean) superheroes have 7. complicated double life.
There have been 8. (success) superheroes in countries other than the USA. Examples include Cybersix from Argentina and the heroes of AK Comics from Egypt. Japan is the only country 9. has many superhero characters as the USA. However, most Japanese superheroes are short-lived. While American entertainment companies reinvent superheroes, 10. (hope) they will stay popular, Japanese companies frequently introduce new characters.