
Geneva(日内瓦) Tourist Guide

Universal compact app for iPhone 6 / iPhone 6 Plus / iPhone 5 / iPhone / iPod / iPad GENEVA TOURIST GUIDE with attractions, museums, restaurants, bars, hotels, theatres and shops with traveler reviews and ratings, pictures, rich travel information, prices and opening hours.

Discover what's on and places to visit in Geneva with our new cool app. It will guide you to top attractions and shopping malls, and tell you directions to hotels, bars, and restaurants. This is an all-in-one app for all the local attractions. Our travel guide to Geneva features up-to-date information on attractions, hotels, restaurants, shopping, nightlife, travel tips and more.


◆ Geneva Information — Overview, climate, geography, history and travel

◆ Attractions — Ancient sites, beaches, botanical gardens, coffee farms, museums, scenic drives, towns, waterfalls, religious and historical sites, etc.

◆ Hotels — From luxury hotels to budget accommodations, including reviews, price comparison, address and more.

◆ Map — It is an interactive map and get turn-by-turn driving directions. Find traffic details, road conditions, street maps, multi map, satellite photos, and aerial maps. Allow you to easily search and find local businesses with directions.

◆ Gallery — Picture galleries of Geneva's most beautiful sights, interesting events, unusual occasions and more.

◆ POI Search — Search everything at Geneva.

Enter any keyword or name to search. Find Name, address, distance, route map, call, and directions to every business location.

◆ Translator — Supports 52 languages, Large text Translation.

◆ World Clock — All major cities of the world (1000 Cities).

1.What is Geneva Tourist Guide?

A. An appB. A bookC. A mapD. An advertisement

2.Geneva Tourist Guide provides tourists with all the following help except ______.

A. to discover what's on and places to visit in Geneva

B. to guide tourists to top attractions and shopping malls

C. to offer latest information on attractions in Geneva

D. to help tourists make friends with Geneva locals

3.Which of the following is not among highlights of Geneva Tourist Guide?

A. Information about both expensive and cheap hotels in Geneva.

B. Chances to visit Geneva galleries without paying any money.

C. A search system that can find everything at Geneva.

D. Being able to be used by tourists from all over the world.


Every year billions of pounds are spent on hair loss treatment. If we succeed in curing hair loss with 3D printed hair follicles(毛囊), it will be a huge revolution.

L’Oreal, the cosmetics firm is partnering with a French bio-printing company called Poietis, which has developed a form of laser(激光) printing for cell-based objects. Poietis’ technique begins with the creation of a digital map that determines where living cells and other tissue components should be placed to create the desired biological structure. This involves how the cells are expected to grow over time. The file based on the digital map is then turned into instructions for the printing equipment, so that it can lay down tiny droplets made out of the cell-based "bio ink" one layer at a time. The printing process involves bouncing a pulsing laser off a mirror and through a lens, so that when it hits a ribbon(色带) containing the bio ink, a droplet of the matter falls into place. About 10,000 of these micro-droplets are created every second.

It typically takes about 10 minutes to print a piece of skin 1cm wide by 0.5mm thick. However, since hair follicles are complex and consist of 15 different cells in a structure, they may take longer.

Poietis is not the only company working on bio-printing, but most others use another way, which involves pushing a bio-ink through a nozzle(喷嘴), rather than lasers to build their tissue. Poietis suggests its technique puts less stress on the biological matter, meaning there is less risk of causing it damage.

Alopecia UK—a charity that provides support and advice about hair loss—has mixed feelings about the development. “It is encouraging to know that companies such as L’Oreal are investing in technology that may help those with hair loss in the future,” said spokeswoman Amy Johnson.

“However, we would suggest it’s still very early to be getting excited about what this potentially could mean for those with medical hair loss. At this point it is unclear as to whether this technology could benefit those with all types of hair loss.”

“Also, if this new technology does lead to a treatment option, given the high costs of existing hair transplant procedures, how many people will be able to realistically afford any new technological advances that may become available? As with any other research and development into processes that may be able to help those with hair loss, we watch with great interest.”

1.What does Paragraph 2 mainly tell us?

A. How the printing process is carried out.

B. Where the living cells should be placed.

C. How long the cells are expected to grow.

D. What the printing equipment is made up of.

2.What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 4 refer to?

A. hair follicleB. biological matter

C. nozzleD. bio-ink

3.The passage implies that the new technology may ______.

A. meet some practical challenges

B. help people with hair loss at present

C. offer solutions to all problems of hair loss

D. cost a large sum of money to transplant hair

4.What is Amy Johnson’s attitude towards the new technology?

A. Disapproving.B. Optimistic.

C. Cautious.D. Negative.

Have you ever received a gift that was so dearly, not your taste that you wondered if perhaps it had been handed to you by mistake? Worse, have you ever given a present and watched your friend look as though she had opened the wrong box? Maybe she responded with a polite "Why, thank you," but you knew you had missed the mark. Why do presents sometimes go wrong? And what do your choices (good and bad) reflect about your personal qualities?

Choosing the right gift is an art, I believe. It calls for empathy — the ability to put yourself into someone else's head and heart. We're all able to do this; in fact, we're born with a kind of natural empathy. After the earliest period of childhood, however, it needs to be reinforced (加强) — by our parents, teachers, friends. When it isn't, we're not able to understand other people's feelings as sharply. This can show in the gifts we select, and so can many other emotional (情感的) qualities.

Think back to the presents you’ve given over the past year, the time and effort you put into your selection, how much you spent, your thoughts while you were shopping, and your feelings when the receiver opened the package. Keep in mind that what you choose displays your inner world. (Of course, you may express yourself differently with different friends, relatives, and other people you know.)

We live in a society where exchanging presents is an important part of communication. Ignoring the tradition won't make it go away. If you really dislike such a tradition, tell your friends ahead of time.

1.The underlined expression "you had missed the mark" means "you had failed to ________.

A. make her feel better

B. keep your friendship

C. get the expected effect

D. receive a present in return

2.Which of the following is the main idea of the second paragraph?

A. Natural empathy needs to be reinforced.

B. Emotional changes influence one's choice of gifts.

C. Selecting the right gift is an ability people are born with.

D. Choosing gifts requires one to understand the receivers.

3.In the third paragraph, the author tells us that ________.

A. the choice of gifts reflects one's emotional qualities

B. one learns from what he did in the past

C. attention should be paid to the receivers' responses

D. one should spend more time choosing gifts

4.The best possible title for this passage is “________”.

A. Ways of Choosing GiftsB. An Important Tradition

C. Exchanging PresentsD. Message in a Gift


As soon as I saw the cat in our yard, I knew he was a stray (流浪儿). He looked ________—a wounded warrior with a badly scarred body.

I started putting out food for him each day, but he wouldn’t come near me if other people were ________. Winter came, and he still wouldn’t ________ us. Then, one day, a car hit him so we took him to the vet’s.

After a week, we were eager to bring him home to ________ our family. But when we went to take the cat home, the vet told us we should put him to ________ immediately because the cat was so fierce and mean that he would ________ become tame, let alone a pet.

But I have always had ________ in love’s power to ________ even the wildest beasts. I told the vet, “I want to take him home.” We ________ him Paws.

Three days went by, and we only knew Paws was ________ the bed because when we walked past it we heard deep growling.

I wanted to somehow let him know he was ________ and loved. So I put on a hard hat and a pair of welding gloves. I ________ under the bed toward Paws, with my face to the ________ and only the top of my head facing him. I ________ out to stroke (抚摩) him gently over and over again.

He growled and tried to ________ and bite me. It was scary—but I knew he couldn’t ________ me, so I just kept going. Slowly, he began to ________. Then I slid out from under the bed and left the room.

Several hours later, I noticed a cat on the bed. It was Paws—all ________ on the pillows! I couldn’t believe it.

That dear cat became the ________ of our household. Although Paws finally died of cancer, his legacy(遗赠)—my ________ and firm belief in the power of love — lives on.

1.A. cuteB. strongC. fierceD. smart

2.A. aroundB. inC. outD. away

3.A. loveB. attackC. refuseD. trust

4.A. pleaseB. joinC. seeD. satisfy

5.A. deathB. sightC. observationD. sleep

6.A. simplyB. hardlyC. easilyD. gradually

7.A. senseB. interestC. faithD. feeling

8.A. comfortB. convinceC. protectD. tame

9.A. namedB. appointedC. acceptedD. made

10.A. onB. besideC. underD. inside

11.A. hopefulB. pitifulC. carefulD. safe

12.A. hidB. slidC. shelteredD. slept

13.A. bedB. skyC. floorD. feet

14.A. turnedB. pickedC. pulledD. reached

15.A. playB. scratchC. lickD. push

16.A. hurtB. botherC. avoidD. betray

17.A. get angryB. give upC. run awayD. calm down

18.A. stepped outB. stood out

C. stretched outD. stuck out

19.A. hopeB. loveC. supportD. comfort

20.A. normalB. nobleC. strangeD. continued

Computers have beaten human world champions at chess and, earlier this year, the board game Go. So far, though, they have struggled at the card table. So we challenged one AI to a game.

Why is poker(扑克) so difficult? Chess and Go are “information complete” games where all players can see all the relevant information. In poker, other players’ cards are hidden, making it an “information incomplete” game. Players have to guess opponents’ hands from their actions—tricky for computers. Poker has become a new benchmark for AI research. Solving poker could lead to many breakthroughs, from cyber security to driverless cars.

Scientists believe it is only a matter of time before AI once again vanquishes humans, hence our human-machine match comes up in a game of Texas Hold’s Em Limit Poker. The AI was developed by Johannes Heinrich, researcher studying machine learning at UCL. It combines two techniques: neural(神经的) networks and reinforcement learning(强化学习).

Neural networks, to some degree, copy the structure of human brains: their processors are highly interconnected and work at the same time to solve problems. They are good at spotting patterns in huge amounts of data. Reinforcement learning is when a machine, given a task, carries it out, learning from mistakes it makes. In this case, it means playing poker against itself billions of times to get better.

Mr Heinrich told Sky News: “Today we are presenting a new procedure that has learned in a different way, more similar to how humans learn. In particular, it is able to learn abstract patterns, represented by its neural network, which allow it to deal with new and unseen situations.”

After two hours of quite defensive play, from the computer at least, we called it a draw.

1.Why can’t the computer beat humans at the poker game?

A. Because humans are cleverer than the computer.

B. Because humans practice playing the poker game every day.

C. Because the computer can’t learn the regular rules of the poker game.

D. Because the computer can’t know the other players’ cards completely.

2.What does the underlined word “vanquishes” in Paragraph 3 mean?

A. Leaves.B. Defeats.C. Cheats.D. Serves.

3.What do we know about the reinforcement learning of AI?

A. It solves problems correctly every time.

B. It is the same as the learning of humans.

C. It learns from the mistakes appearing in a task.

D. It is more developed than the studying ways of humans.

4.What can be inferred from the text?

A. The new procedure of AI has some features of humans.

B. Computers are stronger than humans in every aspect.

C. Humans will beat computers at playing poker forever.

D. Scientists feel unhappy about the result of the poker game.


Once there was a king who received a gift of two magnificent falcons (猎鹰).They were the most beautiful birds he had ever seen.He gave the _____ birds to his head falconer to be ______.

Months passed, and one day the head falconer informed the king that ______ one of the falcons was flying high in the sky, the other bird had not _____ from its branch since the day it had arrived.

The king ordered healers from all the land to _____ the falcon, but no one could make the bird fly.He ____ the task to the members of his court, _____ the next day, the king saw _____ the palace window that the bird had still not moved from its branch.

Having ________ everything else, the king thought to himself, “Maybe I need someone more _____ the countryside to understand the nature of this problem.” So he cried out to his court, “Go and get a _____.”

In the morning, the king was ______ to see the falcon flying high above the palace garden.He said to his court, “_____ me the doer of this miracle.”

The court quickly located the farmer, who came and stood before the king.The king asked him, “______ did you make the falcon fly?”

With his head _____, the farmer said to the king, “It was very easy.I ______ cut the branch where the bird was sitting.”

We are all made to fly—to realize our ______ potential as human beings.But instead of doing that, we sit on our branches, hanging on to the things that are _____ to us.The possibilities are _____, but for most of us, they remain undiscovered.We _____ to the familiar, the comfortable, the boring.So for the most part, our lives are mediocre (平庸的) instead of exciting, thrilling and fulfilling.





5.A.tend toB.watch forC.drive awayD.pick up





10.A.beneficial toB.fit forC.friendly withD.familiar with











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