

A proverb(谚语) is a short , well-known saying that expresses a common truth or belief. Proverbs are popular around the world. Many proverbs give advice on how to live. Some proverbs are hundreds of years old, but they are still used today.

For example, my son is just like his father in many ways. We often say the two of them prove the proverb that the apple does not far from the tree.

My daughter is very short. She would like to be taller. But I tell her that good things come in small packages. Some valuable things are very small, like diamonds and other jewels. But I also tell my children that all that glitters is not gold. Something may look valuable, but may not really be valuable. Also, I tell them do not judge a book by its cover. You should not judge something only by its appearance.

Sometimes I tell my children to cooperate to solve a problem. After all, two heads are better than one. But another proverb says too many cooks spoil the soup. If too many people try to do something, then the job will not be done well.

I also tell my children that two wrongs do not make a right. You should not do something bad just because someone did the same to you.

Some people are pessimists while other people are optimists. Pessimists always think about how bad things are or will be; optimists might say that every cloud has a silver lining and they always look on the bright side. Other people are both pessimists and optimists. They hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

Some people often worry about what they will do in a situation that might happen in the future. We could tell them do not cross that bridge until you come to it.

It is usually much better to prevent a problem from happening than it is to find ways to solve it. So we say an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

63. The author often comforts her daughter with the proverb that ____.

A. the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

B. good things come in small packages

C. too many cooks spoil the soup

D. two heads are better than one

64. If someone says “two heads are better than one”, he means____.

A. jobs will be done better if two work together

B. a problem will be solved easily by many people

C. jobs won’t be done well if there are too many people

D. you can’t do something bad even if someone else does it

65.The underlined word “pessimists” in the sixth paragraph refers to those people_____.

A. who always look on the bright side

B. who always expect bad things to happen

C. who are always full of hope for the future

D. who always make preparations for the worst

66. Which of the following are optimists likely to say?

A. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure

B. We hope for the best and prepare for the worst

C. Don’t cross the bridge until you come to it.

D. Every cloud has a silver lining


Proverbs(谚语) are quite common in spoken English. We do not normally put them in a composition or letter. Sometimes it is helpful if you know what common proverbs mean. Here are a few examples:

Once bitten, twice shy. If a dog bites me, I shall be twice as careful in future when I see it. This proverb is also used to apply to many things and not only to dogs. If you have been cheated at a shop, you will not go to the same shop again. 

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. If I am a hunter, trying to catch birds, it is better to catch one bird than to see two birds in a bush but not be able to catch them. Thus this means that what you have already got is better than the chance of being able to get something bigger in the future.   

Too many cooks spoil the broth(soup). When too many people do something together, they get in each other’s way and cannot do a good job.

To pour oil on troubled waters Is to try to calm things down. Oil is lighter than water. If a ship is in trouble at sea, another ship may come to help it. The second ship can send small boats to rescue people. However, it may first pour oil on the sea to make the sea less rough.

Don't be a dog in a manger(马槽). Means “ Don’t be selfish.” In a stable(马厩), the manger is the place where the horse’s food is put. Sometimes a dog will sleep in the manger and bard when a horse comes to get its food. The dog does not want to eat the hay in the manger but it will not let the horse eat it.

He’s sitting on the fence. Means that somebody will not say whether he is in favour of a plan or against it. He is sitting on a fence between two opposing sides, perhaps waiting to see which side will win.

He who pays the piper calls the tune. A piper is a musician . The man who employs or pays a musician can say what tunes the man will play. Thus this means that if a man provides the money for a plan, he can say how it will be carried out.

You can’t get blood out of a stone means that you can’t get something out of a person who has not got any of the things you want. For example, you cannot get a million dollars from a poor man.

Peter had a bicycle which was much too small for him but he did not want to let his younger brother ride on it. His mother was angry and said to him : “______”.

   A. You cannot get blood out of a stone         B. Don’t be a dog in a manger

   C. The early bird gets the worm              D. Don’t be a horse in the manger

Mr Wang paid for a new school. Some people did not like the design of the school but they did not argue with Mr Wang because ________.

   A. he was sitting on the fence                 B. once bitten, twice shy

   C. he who pays the piper calls the tune          D. a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush

Mrs Chen wanted to buy a new dress. Her husband suggested that she buy it from a shop near their home. Mrs Chen disagreed because she had been cheated by that shop. Then she said: “ I won’t go there again because___.”

   A. a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush     B. I am sitting on the fence

   C. Once bitten, twice shy                     D. too man cooks spoil the broth

Mr brown had quite a good job in Hong Kong but he thought that if he went to Singapore he might get a much better job with more money and a large house. His wife did not want him to leave his job in Hong Kong and she warned him that _____.

   A. a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush       B. too many cooks spoil the broth

   C.you cannot get blood out of a stone             D.he who pays the piper calls the tune     


A proverb(谚语) is a short , well-known saying that expresses a common truth or belief. Proverbs are popular around the world. Many proverbs give advice on how to live. Some proverbs are hundreds of years old, but they are still used today.

For example, my son is just like his father in many ways. We often say the two of them prove the proverb that the apple does not far from the tree.

My daughter is very short. She would like to be taller. But I tell her that good things come in small packages. Some valuable things are very small, like diamonds and other jewels. But I also tell my children that all that glitters is not gold. Something may look valuable, but may not really be valuable. Also, I tell them do not judge a book by its cover. You should not judge something only by its appearance.

Sometimes I tell my children to cooperate to solve a problem. After all, two heads are better than one. But another proverb says too many cooks spoil the soup. If too many people try to do something, then the job will not be done well.

I also tell my children that two wrongs do not make a right. You should not do something bad just because someone did the same to you.

Some people are pessimists while other people are optimists. Pessimists always think about how bad things are or will be; optimists might say that every cloud has a silver lining and they always look on the bright side. Other people are both pessimists and optimists. They hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

Some people often worry about what they will do in a situation that might happen in the future. We could tell them do not cross that bridge until you come to it.

It is usually much better to prevent a problem from happening than it is to find ways to solve it. So we say an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

63. The author often comforts her daughter with the proverb that ____.

A. the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

B. good things come in small packages

C. too many cooks spoil the soup

D. two heads are better than one

64. If someone says “two heads are better than one”, he means____.

A. jobs will be done better if two work together

B. a problem will be solved easily by many people

C. jobs won’t be done well if there are too many people

D. you can’t do something bad even if someone else does it

65.The underlined word “pessimists” in the sixth paragraph refers to those people_____.

A. who always look on the bright side

B. who always expect bad things to happen

C. who are always full of hope for the future

D. who always make preparations for the worst

66. Which of the following are optimists likely to say?

A. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure

B. We hope for the best and prepare for the worst

C. Don’t cross the bridge until you come to it.

D. Every cloud has a silver lining


I recall my mother’s voice which called me to order, and often ended with some strong proverb to express the gravity of the wrong done. It was common practice for my mother to send me off soul-searching with a proverb.

Of the many interactions I had with my mother those many years ago, one stands out with clarity. I remember the occasion when Mother sent me to the main road, about twenty yards away from the farmhouse, to invite a passing group of seasonal work-seekers home for a meal. She instructed me to take a container along and collect dry cow dung (牛粪) for making a fire. I was then to prepare the meal for the group of work-seekers.       

The thought of making an open fire outside at midday, cooking in a large three-legged pot in that high heat, was enough to upset even an angel. I did not manage to hide my feelings from my mother, and after serving the group, she called me to the balcony, where she usually sat to attend to her sewing (缝纫).

Looking straight into my eyes, she said, “Tsholofelo, why were you so unhappy when I requested you to prepare a meal for those poor people?” Despite my attempt to deny her allegation (断言), and using the heat of the fire and the sun as an excuse for my alleged behavior, Mother, giving me a firm look, said, “A foot has no nose.” It means, “You can’t detect what trouble may lie ahead of you.” Had I denied the group of people a meal, it may have happened that, in my travels some time in the future, I found myself at the mercy of those very individuals. As if that was not enough to shame me, Mother continued, “A person is a person because of another person.”   

1.We learn from the passage that Tsholofelo’s mother often _____.   

A. quoted proverbs when she was talking with others

B. asked Tsholofelo to read more proverbs

C. collected proverbs in her spare time                

D. used proverbs to teach Tsholofelo

2.What was Tsholofelo’s attitude towards the meal?

A. Unwilling.           B. Interested.      C. Critical.  D.Unconcerned.    

3.The atmosphere on the balcony was probably _____.

A. very strange         B. a bit tense           C. quite lively   D. pretty relaxed 

4.According to the passage, Tsholofelo’s mother seemed to hope Tsholofelo could be _____.    

A. flexible and creative    B. sincere and honest  

C. active and confident     D. sympathetic and helpful


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