

Once there was a family of squirrels who lived in a large oak tree.They had lived there for many generations and it gave them all that they needed to ,so they never left its branches.Then the tree started to die and it stopped producing for them, so the family of squirrels had a to decide what they should do next.

The oldest son, Nifty, said,“ We need to .we will starve to death we stay here ,”Uncle Nutty answered,“We can't do that.We'll be for sure.The hawks,foxes and bears are just waiting for us to leave this .”After much discussion, the whole family decided to in the old oak tree except for Nifty, Nifty the tree and was never heard again.“See?” Uncle Nutty said to the of the family, “I told you that the hawks, foxes or bears would get him!”

However, the squirrel were , so one by one they left.Eventually, only Uncle Nutty was left in the old oak tree.You could 12 his ribs(肋骨) through his skin as it had been a long time since he had last13 .Meanwhile, just 100 meters away in the same ,the rest of the squirrel family were living 15 together in a lovely oak tree that was supplying all of their needs.

The world is always changing.Book publishers, DVD rental companies and car manufacturers might be a few years ago, but they are hurting now.Yet some people are hanging on, thinking that the to change is greater than that to stay where they are.They're ! Don’t be Uncle Nutty.Change now before it's too

1.A.hide B.produce C.grow D.live

2.A.protection B.clothes C.food D.apartment

3.A.performance B.class C.meeting D.plan

4.A.improve B.move C.try D.develop

5.A.if B.unless C.before D.though

6.A.met B.remembered C.killed D.discovered

7.A.mountain B.village C.family D.tree

8.A.jump B.stay C.lie D.sit

9.A.left B.cut C.planted D.watered

10.A.children B.member C.rest D.other

11.A.brave B.angry C.bored D.hungry

12.A.imagine B.see C.touch D.count

13.A.eaten B.rested C.fought D.walked

14.A.pool B.garden C.forest D.sea

15.A.worriedly B.carelessly C.fearlessly D.comfortably

16.A.upset B.popular C.grateful D.disappointed

17.A.even B.still C.always D.never

18.A.aim B.reaction C.answer D.risk

19.A.wrong B.smart C.dishonest D.proud

20.A.obvious B.worrying C.late D.far


Conquering Procrastination (拖延症)

Procrastination, the habit of putting tasks off to the last possible minute, can be a major problem in both your career and your personal life. 1. . Therefore, it takes deliberate strategies to avoid becoming our own worst enemy by procrastinating on our intended actions.

Don’t give in to feeling good. 2. . For example, a task at hand makes us feel anxious or overwhelmed, so we give in to feeling good, seeking immediate emotional relief, and we walk away, leaving the task for tomorrow. To cope with this, stay for a minute — don’t walk away. Acknowledge the negative emotions, but get started anyway. Progress on a goal provides the motivation for another step forward.

3. . We’re most likely to procrastinate on tasks that lack structure. This means that in addition to making your task specific, it’s important to reduce the uncertainty about how to continue — and, when it’s time to act, to reduce available distractions (分心的事物) as well. Shut off your e-mail, separate yourself from others as much as you can, and make sure the environment around you is working to strengthen your willpower and focus, not to weaken your efforts.

Make the most of the willpower muscle. A great deal of recent research clearly indicates that willpower is like a muscle. You can exhaust it more quickly than you might imagine and, when you do, you lose your ability to self-regulate your behavior. One immediate method to strengthen your resolve in order to keep you on task is to remind yourself of your values. 4. .

Beating procrastination isn’t rocket science, but it is psychology. Procrastinators can change their behavior — but doing so consumes a lot of mental energy. 5. . It can be done with highly organized cognitive (认知的) behavior treatment.

A. Its side effects include losing opportunities, rushed work, stress, anger, and guilt.

B. Do not perform several tasks at a time.

C. This process of self-recognition strengthens our weakening willpower.

D. When self-regulation fails, it’s often because short-term emotional repair comes before our long-term goals.

E. And it doesn’t necessarily mean one feels transformed internally.

F. It means doing more enjoyable things in place of less enjoyable ones.

G. Reduce uncertainty and distractions.

Hollywood is on the edge of a nervous breakdown. Worried about an industry wide writers’ strike, struck by a series of theater-chain bankruptcies(破产), burdened with unreasonable corporate profit, requirements and seemingly incapable of producing consistently creative movies, the American film industry is in a period of soul-searching. There’s little doubt it will survive this crisis. But most insiders agree there is disease at both ends of the business—where film are produced, and where they’re shown---that may take years to overcome.

While annual box-office income increases for nine straight years, largely due to increased ticket prices, the number of actual tickets sold declined for the second year in a row. The construction boom has added nearly 10,000 theaters(more than 200,000 more seats) in the last five years. But due to a static(静止的)audience base, eight major chains have gone into bankruptcy and several others are in terrible financial situations.

In fact, insiders say, Hollywood is now in a business it does not want to be in. “There’s a general problem in that the companies that have the most consistent output of material are least interested in what they’re making,” says former 20th Century Fox CEO, Bill. And, Bill adds, “We’re in a period where movies are getting bigger and more costly and less interesting and fulfilling to an audience.”

Today the studios are under the stress to increase profit margins(营业利润) for their corporate parents, and profit margins are hard to control in a business whose products are seen as impulse buys(即兴购买). Other business can increase profits by cutting costs—buying cheaper material, or making the candy bar smaller. Not Hollywood.

“What we’re cutting is risk,” says the head of one major studio, who asked not to be named, “And risk is what great film has always demanded.” While the studios are avoiding risky concepts, their competitors in the home entertainment business have been expanding the boundaries of the imagination. It was this pressure---in electronic games, the Internet, EVDs----that forced the movie theater chains into a self-destructive craze of expansion.

1.Which of NOT the worry of the American film industry according to the passage?

A. Theater-chain bankruptcy

B. Lack of the advertisement funds

C. The stress to increase corporate profit

D. Being unable to produce creative movies

2.What has directly caused major theater-chains in terrible financial situations?

A. Bigger movies

B. More costly movies

C. Increased ticket prices

D. More theaters but an unchangeable audience base

3.What do we know about the profit of the film industry?

A. It’s not easy to control the profit

B. The studios can shorten the material

C. Cutting the cost can increase the profit

D. The studios can buy cheap material to increase profits

4.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. Hollywood will survive financial crisis

B. Hollywood is on the edge of destruction

C. It’s hard to increase the profits of the studios

D. The construction boom leads to theater-chain bankruptcies

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