
Bond had walked for only a few minutes when it suddenly occurred to him that he was being followed. There was no evidence for it except a slight headache and a little knowing the people near him but believed in his sixth sense and he at once stopped in front of the shop window he was passing and looked occasionally back along 46th Street. Nothing but a lot of miscellaneous people moving slowly on the sidewalks, mostly on the same side as himself, the side that was back from the sun. There was no sudden movement into a doorway, nobody wiping his face with a handkerchief to avoid recognition, nobody bending down to tie a shoelace.

He went on and turned into the Avenue of the Americans, stopping in the first doorway, the entrance to a woman’s underwear store where a man in a blue suit with his back to him was examining the black lace paints on a particularly realistic-dummy(模型).

And then something grasped his arm and a voice came, “All right, Limey. Take it easy unless you want lead for lunch,” and he felt something press into his back just above the kidney.

There was a tap as his fist was caught in the other man’s left hand, and at the same time as the contact telegraphed to Bond’s mind that there could have been no gun, there came the well remembered laugh and the lazy voice saying: “No good, James. The angles have got you.”

Bond straightened himself slowly and for a moment he could only gaze into the smiling face of Felix Leiter with blank dis-belief, his built-up tension(紧张)slowly relaxing.

“So you were doing a front tail, you bastard(赝品),” he finally said.

1. Bond realized that he was being followed by means of _____.

A. his common sense  B. his sense of humour C. his sight  D. his sixth sense

2. When Bond stopped and looked back along 46th Street, he observed all the following except _____.

A. most people on the sidewalks were on the same side as himself

B. no one suddenly turned into a doorway

C. a man was looking into the window of a store

D. no one wiped his face with a handkerchief

3. Why did Bond stop in the doorway to the underwear shop?

A. To see who was following him.      B. To look at the man in the blue suit.

C. To avoid the sunshine.        D. To look at the underwear.

4. What did the man mean by saying “Take it easy unless you want lead for lunch”?

A. Put up your hands.  

B. Don’t move or I’ll shoot you.

C. If you want to have lunch, you must listen to me.  

D. You go first slowly and we’ll have lunch together.

5. What is “a front tail”?

A. Pretending to be someone else.    B. Following somebody from in front.

C. Following someone from behind.    D. Standing in front of a shop window.


1. 细节题。根据There was no evidence for it except a slight headache and a little knowing the people near him but believed in his sixth sense可知,他是通过第六感觉觉察到自己被人跟踪了。

2. 细节题。当Bond停下来时,他观察到的情况有:mostly on the same side as himself... no sudden movement into a doorway...nobody wiping his face with a handkerchief ... nobody bending down to tie a shoelace.只有C项没有提及。

3. 推断题。根据he was being followed, ...believed in his sixth sense and he at once stopped in front of the shop window... looked occasionally back along 46th Street可以推断出,Bond停下来的目的是要弄清楚到底是谁在跟踪他。

4. 句意推测题。后面有句话:he felt something press into his back just above the kidney.他感觉到什么东西顶在他的腰部,他意识到可能遇上歹徒了。持枪歹徒通常会威胁受害人:Don’t move or I’ll shoot you.故B项最佳。

5. 词语猜测题。从前面部分我们了解到,当他往后面看的时候,并没有发现可疑的情况。后面有人跟踪的话,我们一般会说:“后面有尾巴。”而a front tail则是反过来说的,所以,a front tail,应该是“被人从前面跟踪了”。因为这是朋友搞的恶作剧。




  South Korean films

  Beijing audience can view five new South Korean films all with Chinese subtitles(中文字幕),until April 19 at the Tuixin Cinema in the National Library grounds.

  Two other South Korean films completed their full runs at the Tuixin Cinema earlier this month. Location: Tuixin Cinema, National Library,39 Baishiqao Bond. Haidian District, Beijing

  Telephone: 68415566

  “My Love, My Bride”

  April 15:9;00,13:30,15:15,17:30,19:30

  “Kim' s War”

  April 16 : 9:00. 13:30,18:15

  “Because You Are a Woman”

  April 17:13 ;30,18:15


  April 19: 9:00, 13:30. 15:30, 17:30, 19:30

  Leon' s Show

  Hong Kong pop star Leon Lai will give a personal performance at 7:30 p. m. from tomorrow through to September21 at the Shanghai Gymnasium. The show is to celebrate the opening of the ' 99 Huangpu Tourism Festival. Tickets : 60,90,120,180yuan, RMB, available (有票)at 66 Jiangning Road

  Address: Shanghai Gymnasium. 1111 Caoxi Road N

Tel: 29189188, 29171145, 49384952, 29197113

  Russian Concert

  The Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra will put on some excellent Russian choral(合唱的)works at 7:15p. m. on September 26 and 27 at the Shanghai Concert Hall. They will sing Russian folk songs with a mass under a Russian conductor who is very famous for conducting choirs and had given a successful choral concert in Beijing.

  Tickets: 6,8, 12yuan RMB, available at the hall's ticket office

  Address: 532 Yan'an Road M. , Shanghai

  Tel: 32275694

  Korean Songs

  The Song and Dance Troupe of the Republic of Korea will give a song and dance show at 7:30p. m. tonight at the Shanghai Centre Theatre.

  Tickets: 10,20,30yuan RMB, available at the theatre' s ticket office

  Address: 1376 Nanjing Road W. Shanghai

  Tel: 29798663

(1)________ will be on April 15. The cinema' s telephone number is ________.

[  ]

A.Kim's War 29798663

B.My Love, My Bride; 32275694

C.Because You Are a Woman; 29189188

D.Marriage Story ; 68415566

(2)________ will give a song and dance show at 7:30 p. m. tonight at Shanghai Centre Theatre.

[  ]

A.Leon Lai, a Hong Kong pop star

B.The Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra

C.The Song and Dance Troupe of the Republic of Korea

D.A Russian Philharmonic Orchestra

(3)The address of the Shanghai Centre Theatre is ________.

[  ]

A.1111 Caoxi RoadN

B.1376 Nanjing Read W

C.532 Yah'an Read M

D.66 Jianning Road

(4)According to the advertisement, a six yuan ticket is for ________.

[  ]

A.Russian Concert

B.Korean Songs

C.South Korean Films

D.Leon's Show




Tell the Truth


  Miss Enderby, the headmistress, stopped Anna one day in the passage(走廊).

  “Now,”she said,“I want you to tell me the truth, my dear.”“Naturally,”said Anna shortly, fearing something terrible had happened. What on earth had she done? Could that light pat(轻拍) on the side of Betty head have made her seriously ill? Had that tablet(药片)given to Johnny for his headache yesterday caused his death during the night?

  Miss Enderby explained before Anna could think of further worrying possibilities.

  “I have had a most serious accusation(遣责、非难) made against you by Mrs Bond.”

  “Mrs Bond?”repeated Anna, not understanding. Janet Bond was a quiet little mother of a child. As far as Anna could remember she had never had caused to say an angry word to the girl.

  “Mrs Bond,”went on Miss Enderby seriously,“tell me that you swore(咒骂) at her daughter yesterday afternoon.”

  “Swore?”cried Anna heatedly.“I don't swear. At least not in school,”she added honestly.

  “But never, never at Janet Bond. There's never been any need.”

  “Mrs Bond's story is that Janet was a little late back to school in the afternoon According to her, the child had to spend some time in the W.C, which meant she set out from home a little late.”

  “Just a minute,”said Anna, beginning to understand.“she did come late, very late. I'd called the roll and marked her absence, of course. Then she wandered in , when we'd started our papercutting , and I believe I said she was a nuisance(讨厌的家伙). She didn't appear to hear, and was certainly quite unmoved and cheerful.”

  “Ah, a nuisance.”Miss Enderby jumped on the word.“Yor're sure you only said a nuisance?”

  “Mrs Bond said that you called her child‘blasted(该死的) nuisance’. Is that true?”

  “Indeed it isn't.”said Anna,“The childor the motherhas made it up!”

  Miss Enderby's face softened and she patted Anna's shoulder.

  “As I doubted, my dear, but of course I had to make sure.”

1.Anna appears to be ________.

[  ]

A.a good pupil
B.an anxious pupil
C.A trusted teacher
D.a bad teacher

2.During this meeting, Anna ________.

[  ]

A.did not understand Mrs Bond

B.recognized that she swore at Mrs Bond

C.heard Mrs Bond's story

D.said that she respected Mrs Bond

3.What the headmistress did to Anna shows that she ________.

[  ]

A.is only trying to be fair

B.wanted to catch Anna out

C.doesn't give Anna time to defend herself

D.expects Anna to lie


  South Korean films

  Beijing audience can view five new South Korean films all with Chinese subtitles(中文字幕),until April 19 at the Tuixin Cinema in the National Library grounds.

  Two other South Korean films completed their full runs at the Tuixin Cinema earlier this month. Location: Tuixin Cinema, National Library,39 Baishiqao Bond. Haidian District, Beijing

  Telephone: 68415566

  “My Love, My Bride”

  April 15:9;00,13:30,15:15,17:30,19:30

  “Kim' s War”

  April 16 : 9:00. 13:30,18:15

  “Because You Are a Woman”

  April 17:13 ;30,18:15


  April 19: 9:00, 13:30. 15:30, 17:30, 19:30

  Leon' s Show

  Hong Kong pop star Leon Lai will give a personal performance at 7:30 p. m. from tomorrow through to September21 at the Shanghai Gymnasium. The show is to celebrate the opening of the ' 99 Huangpu Tourism Festival. Tickets : 60,90,120,180yuan, RMB, available (有票)at 66 Jiangning Road

  Address: Shanghai Gymnasium. 1111 Caoxi Road N

Tel: 29189188, 29171145, 49384952, 29197113

  Russian Concert

  The Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra will put on some excellent Russian choral(合唱的)works at 7:15p. m. on September 26 and 27 at the Shanghai Concert Hall. They will sing Russian folk songs with a mass under a Russian conductor who is very famous for conducting choirs and had given a successful choral concert in Beijing.

  Tickets: 6,8, 12yuan RMB, available at the hall's ticket office

  Address: 532 Yan'an Road M. , Shanghai

  Tel: 32275694

  Korean Songs

  The Song and Dance Troupe of the Republic of Korea will give a song and dance show at 7:30p. m. tonight at the Shanghai Centre Theatre.

  Tickets: 10,20,30yuan RMB, available at the theatre' s ticket office

  Address: 1376 Nanjing Road W. Shanghai

  Tel: 29798663

(1)________ will be on April 15. The cinema' s telephone number is ________.

[  ]

A.Kim's War 29798663

B.My Love, My Bride; 32275694

C.Because You Are a Woman; 29189188

D.Marriage Story ; 68415566

(2)________ will give a song and dance show at 7:30 p. m. tonight at Shanghai Centre Theatre.

[  ]

A.Leon Lai, a Hong Kong pop star

B.The Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra

C.The Song and Dance Troupe of the Republic of Korea

D.A Russian Philharmonic Orchestra

(3)The address of the Shanghai Centre Theatre is ________.

[  ]

A.1111 Caoxi RoadN

B.1376 Nanjing Read W

C.532 Yah'an Read M

D.66 Jianning Road

(4)According to the advertisement, a six yuan ticket is for ________.

[  ]

A.Russian Concert

B.Korean Songs

C.South Korean Films

D.Leon's Show


  The sometimes tense relationship between presidents and New York City mayors was seemingly set 30 years ago with the famous Daily News headline following President Gerald R.Ford's decision not to help the city out from a financial crisis.(“Ford to City:Drop Dead,” it read.)

  But yesterday provided something of a role of the opposite:President Bush came to promote strong national economic data and to do it in the glow of a New York City economy that he said was “booming with a bond rating(债券评级)at an all-time high, and unemployment near an all-time low.”

  The moment highlighted the unique relationship Mr.Bush has with New York City, to which he has been linked since the 2001 terrorist attacks, even though he is unpopular with many voters here.

  And as he spoke at the Federal Hall National Memorial on Wall Street for an event held by the Association for a Better New York, he addressed an audience that included not only business leaders but also three New York City mayors-one of them a Republican, two of them Democrats.

  There was Mayor Michael R.Bloomberg, a late-blooming Republican, who kept his distance from the president throughout the 2005 mayoral campaign in case the president's low poll(选举投票)ratings rub off on him.

  Mr.Bloomberg seemed to receive slightly louder applause than Mr.Bush did yesterday, though, to be fair, both were warmly received and many of Mr.Bloomberg's own officials were in the audience.

  But Mr.Bush did not seem to take offense either way.

  “Mr.Mayor, thanks for being here, I appreciate your coming,” Mr.Bush told Mr.Bloomberg.“You're doing what people want you to do, and that is to lead this city.”

  Then there was former Mayor David N.Dinkins, the liberal Democrat.“Mr.Mayor-David Dinkins, thank you for being here,” Mr.Bush said from the lectern.“Proud you're here.”

  His warmest words were for Mayor Edward I.Koch, the Democrat who crossed party lines to endorse Mr.Bush in 2004.

  “And it's good to see my buddy(密友), Mayor Ed Koch,” Mr.Bush said.“Mr.Mayor, thank you for coming.”

  One former mayor who was not there:Rudolph W.Giuliani, the man at or near the top of many polls of possible Republican presidential contenders(竞争者), who, according to an aide, was at tending a fund-raiser out of town.


How many New York City mayors are mentioned in the passage?

[  ]










According to the passage, what was the cause of the tense relationship between President Ford and New York City mayors?

[  ]


The misleading of the famous Daily News.


His decision not to help the city out from a financial crisis.


His refusal to promote strong national economic data.


His often attending fund-raisers.


What was the attitude of the New York voters towards Mr.Bush?

[  ]


They all supported him and voted for him.


All of them did not vote for him.


They received him as they had done to Mr.Ford.


He was unpopular with them.


Why did Mr.Bloomberg receive slightly louder applause than Mr.Bush at the Federal Hall National Memorial?

[  ]


Because Mr.Bush was not warmly received by the audience.


Because Mr.Bush had seldom visited City before.


Because Mr.Bloomberg was one of the possible Republican presidential contenders.


Because many of Mr.Bloomberg's own officials were in the audience.


What is the best title for the passage?

[  ]


Ford's Tragedy in City.


Mayors in New York.


Bush Has 3 Mayors to Thank in City.


Booming of City's Economy.

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