
It was an early morning in summer. In the streets, sleepy-eyed people were moving quickly, heading towards their  36  .This was the beginning of another  37  day in New York City.   38  this day was to be different.

Waiting  39  the crowded streets, on top of a   40  110 stories high, was Philippe Pettit.This daring Frenchman was about to  41  a tightrope(绷索)between the two towers of the World Trade Center.

Philippe took his first  42  with great care.The wire held. Now he was 43  he could do it.  44  only a balancing Polar, Philippe walked his way across, a  45  of 131 feet.

Soon the rush-hour  46  began to notice. What a   47  !There, 1350 feet above the street, a  48  figure was walking on air.

Philippe made seven  49  , back and forth(来回).He wasn't satisfied with just  50  .At times,he would turn,sit down,and  51  go on his knees.Once,he had the astonishing  52  to lie down on the thin thread. And thousands of  53  watchers stared with their hearts beating fast.

After the forty-five-minute  54  ,Philippe was taken to the police station. He was asked  55  he did it.Philippe shrugged(耸肩)and said,“When I see two tall buildings, I walk.”

36.A. homes                 B. jobs                     C.buses                          D.offices

37.A.working               B.hot                        C. ordinary                   D. same

38.A.And                    B.So                                   C.But                           D.Thus

39.A.for                       B.in                             C.by                                D.above

40.A.roof                            B.position                     C.wall                          D.building

41.A.throw                   B.walk                         C.climb                        D.fix

42.A.act                     B.landing                         C.step                          D.trip

43.A.sure                            B.uncertain                   C.glad                          D.nervous

44.A.Through               B.Against                     C.With                         D.On

45.A.distance                B.height                       C.space                        D.rope

46.A.streets                  B.crowds                   C.passengers                 D.city

47.A.height                  B.pleasure                    C.wonder                         D.danger

48.A.great                    B.strange                   C.public                       D.tiny

49.A.experiments       B.circles                       C.trips                    D.movements

50.A.walking             B.staying                   C.acting                       D.showing

51.A.almost                  B.even                         C.often                         D.rather

52.A.spirit                    B.result                        C.strength                     D.courage

53.A.patient                  B.terrified                    C.pleased                D.enjoyable

54.A.show                    B.trick                         C.try                            D.program

55.A.how                            B.why                          C.whether                     D.when

36-40BCCDD  41-45BCACA  46-50BCDCA  51-55BDBAB


36. 此题考查生活常识。人们正在上班的路上,但上班的人并不是都坐办公室。heading towards的意思是“(向特定的方向)出发;动身”。

37.  纽约城的又一个普通的一天开始了。根据下文,故事情节与天气没有关系。

38.  But表示转折关系。但是这一天将与往日不同。

39.  根据下文,Philippe既不是等待某人或某物的出现,也不是在街上等待,而是正在拥挤的街道上空等待。

40.  Philippe正站在一座一百一十层高的大楼顶上。

41.  此处意为“走绷索”。walk在此为及物动词,意为“在……上走”。

42.  take one's step意为“迈步”。

43. Philippe十分小心地在绷索上迈出第一步,绷索吃得住。这时他确信可以走绷索了。

44.  他手里只拿着一根保持平衡的杆子。

45. 他在绷索上走了一百三十英尺的距离。

46. 很快处在交通拥挤时间的人群开始注意到街道上空发生的一切。

47. 真是一大奇观。

48. 从地面上看,在一千三百五十英尺高的空中行走的人,当然是极小的隐约可见的人影。

49. trip在此意为“一次来回;往返”。

50.  根据上下文,他来回走了七趟后,已不仅仅满足于走了,他要在绷索上做出难度更高的动作。

51. 他时而转身,坐下,甚至跪在绷索上向前移动。

52. 敢于躺在细细的线上,的确需要惊人的勇气,而不是力量。

53. 看到这么惊险的动作,大饱眼福的观众心跳加速,十分害怕,都为表演者捏着一把汗。

54.  四十五分钟的空中表演后,他被带到了警察局。

55.  Philippe在上班高峰时间在繁忙的街道上空进行表演,严重干扰了正常的交通秩序,所以警察问他这样做的原因。


Childhood was an illusion (错觉)and the illusion was this: everything was bigger. No, I mean everything, not just houses and shops and grown-ups, but colors and flowers and journeys, especially journeys which seemed endless. “Are we there yet, Daddy?”

Funfairs (游乐场) were huge things that spread for miles around you with noise and lights and exciting danger. Rainy days at home when you were ill seemed to last for ever. Being a grown-up yourself was an unthinkable distant possibility. Every sound was louder, every game was grander, every pain unbearable.

     As I’ve grown old, life has become smaller. Tastes have dulled. Surprises have turned into shocks. Days go by unnoticed. How can I regain childhood when it was an illusion?

     I have only one repeatable and wonderful way and even in this way I can regain only part of that larger world. I can play upon the stage like a child and make the crowd laugh and laugh with them, sometimes helplessly like a child, and then, even though I’m a sixty-one-year-old man, I can almost catch the colors and sounds and stillness of those bigger years when I was little.

1.How does the author feel about his childhood?

A. It was endless.                   B. It was unpleasant.

C. He is glad that it is over.         D. He misses it as a grown-up

2.The author thinks that everything was bigger in childhood because ________

A. children could not make proper judgments.

B. children were curious and eager about life

C. things appeared really big in children’s eyes

D. to grow up seemed so long for children

3.The world seems to have become smaller to the author because _______.

A. life is disappointing               B. time goes by too fast

C. he has had too many surprises      D. foods no longer taste delicious

4.The author enjoys playing on the stage so as to _______.

A. act like a child            B. live an unusual life

C. make the crowd laugh     D. regain his childhood


On October 19,1959,the first Special English program was broadcast on the Voice of America.It was an experiment.The goal was to communicate by radio in clear and simple English with people whose native language was not English.Experts said the goal was admirable,but the method would not work.However,____________________.The Special English programs quickly became some of the most popular on VOA.And they still are.

  Forty years later,Special English continues to communicate with people who are not fluent in English.But during the years its role has expanded.It also helps people learn American-English.It succeeds in helping people learn English in a non-traditional way.And it provides listeners, even those who are native English speakers, with information they cannot find elsewhere.

Today,Special English broadcasts around the world seven days a week,five times a day.Each half-hourly broadcast begins with ten minutes of the latest news followed by 20minutes of feature(特写报道)programming.There is a different short feature every weekday about science,development,agriculture,and environment,and on the weekend about news events and American idioms.These programs are followed by in-depth(深入的)15 minutes features about American culture,history,science,medicine,space,important people or short stories.

1.What is the best title of the passage? (Please answer within 10 words)


2.Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following sentence?

(Special English has played a more important part in many areas over the years.)


3.Please fill in the blank in the first paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence.(Please answer within 10 words.)


4.What do you think about Special English?(Please answer within 30 words.)


5.Translate the underlined sentence in the second paragraph into Chinese.



Theodor Seuss Geisel was born in Springfield, Massachusetts in 1904. He was famous because of the books he wrote for children. They combine funny words, pictures, and social opinions.

Dr Seuss wrote his first book for children in 1937. It is called And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street. A number of publishers refused to publish it. They said it was too different. A friend finally published it. Soon other successful books followed. Over the years, he wrote more than forty children’s books. They were fun to read. Yet his books sometimes dealt with serious subjects.

By the middle 1940s, Dr Seuss had become one of the best-loved and most successful writers of children’s books. He liked helping children. In 1954, Life magazine published a report about school children who could not read. The report said that many children’s books weren’t interesting. Dr Seuss decided to write books that were interesting and easy to read.

In 1957, Dr Seuss wrote The Cat in the Hat. He used less than 225 words to write the book. This was about the number of words a six-year-old should be able to read.

The story is about a cat who tries to entertain two children on a rainy day while their mother is away from home. The cat is not like normal cats. It talks. The book was an immediate success. It was an interesting story and was easy to read. Children loved it. Their parents loved it, too. Today many adults say it is still one of the stories they like best.

1.What’s the best title for this passage?

A. Some of Dr Seuss’ books for children.

B. What are Dr Seuss’s books mainly about?

C. Dr Seuss — a famous writer of children’s books.

D. Why are Dr Seuss’ books different?

2.What do we know about Dr Seuss’s first book for children?

A. It was Dr Seuss’ worst book.

B. It dealt with a very serious subject.

C. Neither children nor adults like it.

D. Many publishers didn’t accept his book at first.

3.How did Dr Seuss help children according to Paragraph 3?

A. By asking others to help them in magazines.

B. By writing interesting and simple books.

C. By changing his old books into simpler ones.

D. By giving them books for free.

4.Adults most probably think that Dr Seuss’ The Cat in the Hat is _________

A. interesting        B. serious       C. difficult       D. boring




One day a young man called Jim was told to take the  21  examination the next day. He was   22   so much that he couldn’t get to sleep. He wouldn’t join the army because he was in love with a beautiful girl. “If only I could find a   23   to make the doctor believe there is something    24  with my body,” he thought and thought. Suddenly, a good idea crossed his mind.

The next morning Jim got to the   25   on time and was led into a large room. He hurriedly found a seat to sit down and took out an out-of-date newspaper,   26   to read it. Soon it was his turn to be examined. When he came up to the doctor, the old man took a quick and sharp look at him. Then in a   27   he ordered Jim to take off his clothes, go straight to a corner and sit down on a chair there. No sooner had he seated himself on the chair than he heard the doctor murmuring to his assistant: “Finished! The boy is  28   up to the standard.”

“How can you draw such a   29   like that before you give me a  30  check? Jim shouted at the doctor.

“Don’t be impetuous(冲动), young man! Put on your clothes, and then I’ll  31   it to you,” the doctor said   32  .“You said we didn’t examine you carefully, but I don’t think it

33   for us to do that. When I told you in a low voice to take off your clothes, you did it as I told you. It shows you have good  34  . When you were asked to go and sit on the chair, you did so, too. It shows you can see any subject within a certain distance.   35  , you were found reading the newspaper just now, and we are certain you are a man of intelligence.

36 , you’re perfect in mind and body.” 

Half a year later, Jim was killed on the battlefield. At the news his girlfriend nearly went

37  . She kept weeping. “Don’t be like that, my dear.” It was an old man’s  38   voice. “Your Jim died a real man. He   39  his life to the people all over the world. It is right that we should be proud of him…” Saying this, the old man, her father, was choked(哽咽). His only   40   was that he had never had Jim know who he was. This old man was the medical officer who had given Jim the health check.  





















A. blood

A. excited

A. way

A. new

A. hospital

A. beginning

A. hurry

A. hardly

A. information

A. quick

A. give

A. calmly

A. necessary

A. eyes

A. So

A. In short

A. angry

A. kind

A. spent

A. dream

B. intelligent

B. troubled

B. person

B. good

B. camp

B. pretending

B. breath

B. never

B. suggestion

B. slow

B. explain

B. coldly

B. honest

B. ears

B. Therefore

B. In word

B. bad

B. loud

B. saved

B. regret

C. physical

C. frightened

C. problem

C. right

C. office

C. deciding

C. whisper

C. not

C. decision

C. careful

C. say

C. happily

C. good

C. head

C. Besides

C. In the end

C. excited

C. low

C. devoted

C. hope

D. ability

D. delighted

D. question

D. wrong

D. army

D. wanting

D. flash

D. quite  

D. conclusion

D. careless

D. bring

D. quietly

D. right

D. body

D. However

D. In total

D. mad

D. sad

D. killed

D. wish



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