
The days of glancing at a map or the screen of your smart phone when you’re lost will soon be over, thanks to new shoes that tell you which way to turn to. The shoes use a Bluetooth link to communicate with your mobile’s mapping system. The mobile works out which route you should be following and the shoes then produce a slight shaking in either foot telling you when and where to change direction.

The shoes will also count the number of steps you’ve taken and the calories you’ve burned, and they’ll even buzz to warn you you’ve left your phone behind, or to tell you when you’re travelling past an interesting landmark.

“They are as easy to use as a tap on the shoulder,” said Krispian Lawrence, 30, who developed the shoes with partner Anirudh Sharma, 28, in Hyderabad, India. “You can even communicate with them using hand gestures and finger snaps because the shoes have sensors that can pick up movement and sound.”

The Lechal shoes go on sale worldwide in June but Lawrence and Sharma’s company, Ducere Technologies, has already taken more than 3,000 pre-orders. Lawrence believes the shoes will also improve road safety. “If I’m on my bike or motorbike, I don’t want to stare at my phone ---it’s dangerous,” he says. “I’d rather be guided by my footwear.” He believes his invention will prove invaluable for the visually impaired and has promised that every mainstream pair sold by Ducere will subsidize(资助) a cheaper pair for a visually damaged person.

Footnav technology does not impress explorer Sir Ranulph Fiennes, however. “What’s wrong with a good old-fashioned map?” said the 70-year-old when told of the shoes. “If you rely too heavily on technology, you’re heading for trouble. Too many people have forgotten the basics: how to read a map and a compass.”

1.According to the passage, which of the following can smart shoes NOT do?

A. Guiding your road.

B. Warning of the loss of your wallet.

C. Counting your steps and calories.

D. Reminding you of landmarks.

2.Smart shoes can be used as a map mainly because .

A. they can talk to people

B. they can produce a slight shaking

C. they are guided by a remote control

D. they are linked to mobiles’ mapping system

3.What’s the possible meaning of the underlined word “impaired”?

A. Discouraged. B. Disabled.

C. Disappointed. D. Disliked.

4.What is Sir Ranulph’s attitude towards this invention?

A. Positive B. Negative.

C. Disturbing. D. Confused.


My husband and I are saving thousands of dollars every year by growing our own vegetables in our backyard. We learn something new every year and this website has been made to share tips with other people that would like to grow some of their own food.

It’s true that if you are starting from fresh, it will cost a little bit of money to get started. However, once everything is set up, the cost is very small and the rewards are huge. The size of your family and how many vegetables you eat determine exactly how much money you can save every year. We do a lot of juicing, so we are saving thousands of dollars by growing some carefully selected greens.

There is an amazing sense of accomplishment when you grow your own vegetables. Vegetables out of your vegetable garden don’t get any fresher, tastier or more satisfying. The whole family can get involved in this hobby and kids will learn where food comes from and appreciate nature even more.

Our approach to vegetable gardening is completely different from the normal one. We are doing it in the lazy way with zero digging and fertilizing(施肥). The way we grow our vegetables is to emulate natural ecosystems. No rows of carrots can be found in our garden beds. Rain forests seem to do just fine without human interference(干预) or having plants sown in rows, so we have applied the same principle to our vegetable garden and we care producing more vegetables than ever.

By copying nature we spend little time working in the vegetable garden but get a much better crop than previous years when we followed the rules. What can I say? We’re such rebels.(叛逆者)

1.What does the author think about people growing their own vegetables?

A. It is a rewarding activity. B. It is costly in the beginning.

C. People should devote many efforts. D. People should share their tips.

2.What does the underlined word “emulate” in paragraph 4 mean?

A. Create. B. Imitate(模仿).

C. Protect D. Improve.

3.Why does the author call her and her husband “rebels”?

A. They use unconventional ways to grow vegetables.

B. They don’t buy vegetables from the market.

C. They even try to grow vegetables in the rain forests.

D. They don’t grow ordinary vegetables.

4.Which of the following shows the structure of the text? (P: Paragraph)

A. B.

C. D.

Have you felt annoyed when a cell phone rings during the class? Something must be done to stop this. Now in New York City, USA, a rule is carried out in schools. Students can't even bring cell phones to school. Is it a good thing or not?

Anxious parents say that cell phones are an important tool in holding New York City's families together.

"I worry about it." said Elizabeth Lorris Ritter, a mother of a middle school kid. "It's necessary in our everyday life. We have a washing machine. We have running water, and we have cell phones."

Many American parents think cell phones connect them to their children on buses, getting out from subways, walking through unknown places.

"I have her call me when she gets out of school," said Lindsay Walt, a schoolgirl's mother. "No one in New York is going to let their child go to school without a cell phone."

What about the cell phone owners, the students? Most of the students said cell phones were essential and the cell phone was like an extra hand or foot for them.

"I feel so empty," said May Chom, 14. There is also no way to listen to music on the way to school without my phone. It will be a really, really boring trip."

1.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Many American parents don't think cell phones are necessary for the students.

B. Cell phones only bring troubles to the school life.

C. Cell phones connect children with their families when they are outside.

D. People cannot live without cell phones.

2.What does the underlined word "essential" mean in Chinese?

A. 时髦的 B. 必要的

C. 昂贵的 D. 受欢迎的

3.This article is about the ______ in carrying out the rule not to use a cell phone in school.

A. happiness B. interest

C. problem D. advantage

Good memories are usually thought to be connected with delicious food. It is really________for my experience. My grandmother’s spaghetti sauce was wonderful. On Sundays, our family would always gather around for dinner. The________of the sauce would fill the house and I’d breathe________with joy. My grandmother would slowly cook Italian sausages, potatoes, and pieces of chicken in the kitchen too. Then she’d boil enough spaghetti to_______a small army. When I ______sat down at the table, I could feel my taste buds(味蕾)jumping in ______in my mouth. _______the dinner was done, both my stomach and my heart would be full of happiness.

For years, I _______to copy my grandmother’s recipe, but was never able to get it exactly right. I would always _______out just the right amounts of garlic, salt, sugar, pepper and olive oil to add to the tomato sauce. I’d simmer(炖)it slowly and stir it with care, but it ______came out as good as hers. Finally one day it occurred to me that I was missing the ______ingredient that made hers so ______ : LOVE. You see, my grandmother always _______her spaghetti with a big smile, a gentle hug and the loving _____ : “Mangia! Mangia!”, which means “Eat! Eat!” I could always taste her_______for us in every bite.

Love is the secret ingredient in our ______too. The more you love, the sweeter your life will be. The more love you give to_______, the happier you will become.

I think I’ll try my hand at making my grandmother’s sauce again this week. It may never________as good as hers, _______it will bring back the memory of her love and laughter. And while I’m______stirring it, I may even imagine as if she was smiling at me.

1.A. awful B. true C. false D. imaginable

2.A. smell B. soup C. dishes D. food

3.A. briefly B. surprisedly C. accidently D. deeply

4.A. support B. feed C. reward D. serve

5.A. unwillingly B. immediately C. concern D. suddenly

6.A. wonder B. delight C. concern D. sadness

7.A. By the time B. The time C. Before the time D. The first time

8.A. managed B. pretended C. failed D. tried

9.A. measure B. find C. work D. make

10.A. usually B. ever C. never D. hardly

11.A. secret B. reasonable C. favorable D. forgettable

12.A. particular B. special C. beautiful D. creative

13.A. connected B. provided C. satisfied D. served

14.A. jokes B. names C. words D. songs

15.A. skill B. love C. kindness D. hope

16.A. life B. study C. dream D. career

17.A. others B. yourself C. grandmother D. grandchildren

18.A. look B. sound C. taste D. smell

19.A. and B. but C. so D. or

20.A. slowly B. quickly C. violently D. patiently

Smoking is harmful. But as soon as you quit the habit, everything will be OK, right?


New research has found that even if you give up smoking, the damage it has done to your genes (基因) will stay there for a much longer time.In the research, a team of US scientists studied the blood of 16,000 people. Among them, some were smokers, some used to smoke, and the rest were non-smokers. Scientists compared their genes and found that more than 7,000 genes of smokers had changed--a number that is one-third of known human genes.

According to NBC News, both heart disease and cancer are caused by genetic changes. Some people may have had the changes when they were born, but most people get them in their day-to-day lives while doing things like smoking.

When you stop smoking, a lot of these genes will return to normal within five years.

This means your body is trying to heal (治愈) itself of the harmful effects of smoking. But the changes in some of the genes stay for longer. They can stay for as long as 30 years, It’s almost like leaving a footprint on wet cement (水泥)----it will always be there, even when you’ve walked away and when the cement becomes dry.

Although the study results may make people unhappy, there is a bright side: the findings could help scientists invent medicine to treat genetic damage caused by smoking or find ways to tell which people have heart disease or cancer risks.

1.The function of Paragraph 1 is to_________ .

A. introduce the topic of the passage B. give an example

C. make an argument D. show the main idea of the passage

2.Most genetic changes happen because of___________ .

A. people’s condition at birth B. environmental pollution

C. people’s bad living habit D. heart disease and cancer

3.The underlined word “it” in Paragraph 6 refers to__________ .

A. the footprint B. the cement

C. the harmful effect D. the genetic change

4.Which of the following statements is true?

A. The findings are the fruit of more than three years’ research.

B. The findings have prevented more people from starting smoking

C. The findings offer evidence that a damaged gene can heal itself.

D. The findings help to find cures for genetic damage caused by smoking.

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