
As AH1N1 flu continues to spread, experts from the World Health
Organization are calling for everyone to practice smart flu prevention
techniques. Besides washing your hands and getting enough sleep,
here are the other 7 ways to keep your body strong and your immune
(免疫) system ready to fight infection.

Avoid Contact with Sick People

Flu virus is spread when particles (微粒) blown into the air through a cough or sneeze reach someone else’s nose. So if you’re coughing or sneezing, cover your mouth and then wash your hands, and if you have to be around someone who is sick, try to stay a few feet away from them and avoid physical contact.
Eat Immune – Boosting Foods
Keeping your body strong and ready to fight infection is important in flu prevention. Fatty foods can make you feel lazy, and make your immune system working in an inactive and compromised way. So stick with wholes grains, colorful vegetables, and vitamin – rich fruits.
Avoid Alcohol
In addition to being a mood calm and pleasant, alcohol is an immune restriction that can actually decrease your resistance to virus infections like AH1N1flu. So avoid alcohol to keep your immune system strong.
Drink Enough Water
Drink 8 – 10 glasses of water each day to wash out poisonous things from your system and maintain system in a good state,
Keep Physically Active
Adequate exercise – for example walking for 30 to 40 minutes 3 or 4 times a week – supports the immune system by increasing circulation, speeding the body’s oxygen – taking – in, taking away poisonous things through sweat, and releasing tension and stress. So get moving!
Be Careful of Surfaces
This is as much a mindfulness exercise as anything else. Be aware of what public surfaces you touch, when you’ve shaken hands with someone, or when you’re using something like a pen that others have recently used – and don’t touch your face until you’ve had a chance to wash your hands.
Know When to Get Help
AH1N1 flu can look like regular flu, so don’t feel like you necessarily are infected if you’re exhibiting flu – like symptoms. But do consult your doctor if your symptoms are severe.


64.Which of the following pictures is talked about in the passage?       

65.How can fatty foods affect a person?           .
A.They cause human’s immune system inactive
B.They help to keep one’s body strong
C.They are good for fighting infection
D.They are favorable for a calm mood
66.Drinking water and having enough exercise play the similar role in        .
A.increasing circulation                                     B.taking in  more oxygen
C.cleaning your system                                     D.reducing your pressure
67.What does the author strongly suggest in the last paragraph?         
A.Don’t touch your face!                                  B.Avoid using others’ pen!
C.Don’t fear getting infected!                         D.See a doctor if you’re seriously ill!

There is no doubt that watching television and can influence the way that people behave. Moreover, it seems that people are spending more and more time watching some sort of visual entertainment, whether it is television, a video tape or a DVD. Therefore, the effects of visual media cannot be ignored.
One obvious effect of the these media is that watching them induces people to buy certain products. television advertising is widespread and, nowadays, even movie theaters permit advertisements. Another way TV and the movies affect people is that they give people either a broader view of the world or a distorted(扭曲的) one, depending on what type of program they watch. Those who watch news and educational program can learn many new things while those who watch primarily entertainment shows may come to believe that most people in the world possess great wealth and good looks. It may make them become dissatisfied with their own lives. Finally, perhaps the most susceptible(易受影响的)viewers are children, who may be unable to tell fact from fiction and may try to imitate acts that they see on TV or in the movies.
With the every-increasing popularity of video entertainment, society must pay attention to these effects. Television and movies, while entertaining and informative, cannot take the place of real experience.
10.From the passage, we know that watching television and movies can ________.
A. make people live better                                        B. make people feel pleased
C. make people change their way of life                           D. make people live worse
11 The writer holds the view that _______.
A.people may take no notice of the effects of the visual media
B.people must pay attention to the effects of the visual media
C.the effects of the visual media make the world changed greatly
D.the visual media only affect young people
12. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Those who watch news and educational programs can earn a lot of money and become very pretty.
B. The reason why most people possess great wealth and good looks is that they often watch television advertising.
C. People buy products only when they are induced by television advertising.
D. People who watch primarily entertainment shows may come to believe that most people in the world are rich and beautiful.
13.What would be the best title for the text?
A. The Influence of Television and Movies
B. The Reason Why People Watch Television and Movies
C. Television and Movies Induce People
D. The Importance of Television and Movies.
Interpersonal Distance
With the outbreak of SARS,everyone tried to avoid coming into close contact with each other.In those days,interpersonal distance increased,“close contact” almost became synonymous with “danger”,and even children couldn’t have close contact with their mothers.Now SARS has disappeared,and we return back to normal living again.Then,how can we do handle interpersonal distance in our everyday lives?
Studies show that interpersonal distance can be divided into 4 different types:intimate distance,personal distance,social distance,and public distance.
Intimate distance is the interpersonal distance of a person with the people closest to him or her.It ranges from 0 to 45 cm.When a stranger comes within this distance,a person will have strong negative reaction.In crowded buses,strangers usually maintain rigid poses and try to avoid body contact,but couples,lovers,children and their mothers usually lean close to each other.Intimates who aren’t able to live close together for a long time can become alienated.Also,touching is also very important.A contrast test shows that the nervous systems of babies who are often caressed by their mothers develop much faster and their weight increases faster,by 47%,than that of other babies.
Personal distance ranges from 45 cm to 1 m.People can converse genially at this distance without invading each other’s personal space.When friends and acquaintances meet on the street,they usually greet and converse at this distance.
Social distance generally ranges from 1 m to 3 m.Among this range,1-2 m is usually the distance in which people deal with private affairs in social activities.For example,when you get money from banks,in order to protect your privacy,other customers are required to stand at least 1 m away from you.2-3.5 m is a farther social distance.Business talks usually occur at this distance.Besides talking,proper eye contact is also indispensable.Otherwise,each side will feel disrespected.
Public distance is usually used in public gatherings.It generally ranges from 3.5 m to about 7 m.Beyond this range,people can’t communicate using a normal voice.In classrooms,experienced teachers usually leave their lecture platforms to enhance their teaching.
Under different cultural contexts,the interpersonal distance differs slightly,but its basic laws are the same.When conversing,people in love lean very close to each other,acquaintances lean closer than strangers,females lean closer than males,and extraverts lean closer than introverts.In life,harmonious interpersonal relationships are set upon proper interpersonal distances,and some conflicts start from improper interpersonal distances.
小题1:According to the text,the strangers standing close to each other in a crowded bus may_________.
A.try to keep a distance awayB.feel uneasy
C.feel nervousD.be rude to each other
小题2:The distance between a teacher and students in class belongs to _________.
A.intimate distance                                           C.personal distance
C.social distance                                               D.public distance
小题3:The interpersonal distance between two people is mainly determined by _________.
A.how familiar they are with each otherB.their relationship in a special activity
C.their charactersD.their cultural background
小题4:To keep proper interpersonal distance is important because _________.
A.it makes people feel respected or loved
B.it helps to protect privacy
C.wrong interpersonal distance may result in misunderstanding
D.improper interpersonal distance may hurt others

It’s been claimed that playing a musical instrument makes you smarter.
New research suggests that regularly playing a musical instrument changes the shape and power of the brain, and may be used in therapy (疗法) to improve cognitive (认知) skills.
Experts say there is growing evidence that musicians have brains that are structurally and functionally different from those of non-musicians, especially in the areas of the brain used in processing (处理信息)
The parts of the brain that control motor skills, the storage of audio information, hearing and memory become larger and more active when a person learns how to play an instrument and can apparently improve the alertness (警觉) and planning.
Lutz Jancke, a psychologist at the University of Zurich, said, “Leaning to play a musical instrument has great benefits and can increase IQ by seven points in both children and adults.We found that even people over the age of 65, after four or five months of playing an instrument for an hour a week, had strong changes in the brain.” The parts of the brain that control hearing and memory, and the part that controls the hands, among others, all become more active.
“Of course music isn’t the only answer, but I do believe that it should be used in addition to other things.”
Mr.Jancke also said that learning a musical instrument could also make it easier to learn foreign languages and make one more sensitive to understanding the emotions of others.“So not only does this make it easier to pick up other languages and have a better memory of one’s own, we have also seen musicians are able to pick out exactly what others are feeling just by the tones of their voices—sympathy, disappointment, that kind of things.”
He added, “Several studies indeed show that playing music increases memory and language skills, but more research is needed.”
1.What is the passage mainly about?
A.How to use musical instruments.
B.How music affects the brain.
C.How playing music makes people smarter.
D.The development of research into music.
2.Compared with non-musicians, __________.
A.musicians are better at foreign languages
B.musicians are more active in sports
C.musicians have stronger emotions
D.musicians’ brains work differently in processing
3.Which of the following is NOT a benefit of playing an instrument?
A.It makes it easier for one to pick up foreign languages.
B.It allows one to show his feelings more exactly to others.
C.It gives one a better memory in one’s own language.
D.it makes one understand others’ feelings better.
4.From Luz Jancke we lean that _________.
A.playing an instrument benefits children more than adults
B.playing an instrument has no benefits for people over 65
C.some studies show playing music can increase memory
D.he will do more research into brain development and music
At a young age, her doctor told Patti Wilson she was an epileptic(羊癫疯患者). Her father was a morning jogger. One day she   31   and said, “Daddy, what I’d really love to do is run with you every day, but I’m afraid I can’t do it.” Her father   32    her to start running.
That’s just what they did every   33  . It was a   34   experience for them. After a few weeks, Patti said, still smiling, “Daddy, what I’d really love to do is break the world’s long-distance running record for  35   .”
Her father   36    The Guinness Book of World Records and found that the farthest distance any woman had run was 80 miles. As a freshman(新生) in high school, Patti    37   , “I’m going to run from Orange County up to San Francisco(about 400 miles).” “As a sophomore(二年级学生),” she went   38   , “I’m going to run to Portland, Oregon(about 1,500 miles). As a junior I’ll run to St. Louis(about 2,000 miles). As a senior I’ll run to the White House (about 3,000 miles).”
In   39   of her disease, Patti was as ambitious(有野心的) as she was enthusiastic. She looked at being an epileptic as simply “an   40  ”. She focused not on what she had   41   , but on what she had left.
That year, together with her father, she completed her   42   to San Francisco wearing a T-shirt that   43  , “I love Epileptics.”
In her sophomore year, Patti’s classmates got behind her. They made a huge poster that read, “Run, Patti, Run!” This has since   44   her motto and the title of a book she has written. During this marathon, she broke a bone in her foot. A doctor told her that she had to   45     her run. But Patti said she wasn’t running for herself; she was   46   to break the chains on the brains that limited so many others. She asked the doctor   47    or not there was a way she could keep running. He said he could wrap it in adhesive(粘合剂)  48   putting it in a cast(石膏), but he   49   her that it would be extremely painful. She told the doctor to wrap it up.
Later, after four months of running from the West Coast to the East Coast, Patti arrived in Washington and shook the hand of the President of the United States. She told him, “I wanted people to know that epileptics are normal human beings with   50   lives.”
31. A. smiled  B. cried   C. laughed      D. wept
32. A. agreed  B. suggested   C. encouraged D. promised
33. A. afternoon     B. morning     C. night   D. evening
34. A. terrible B. fortunate    C. dangerous       D. wonderful
35. A. women B. men    C. students      D. patients
36. A. questioned   B. checked      C. inspected    D. interviewed
37.A. broadcasted   B. told    C. informed        D. announced
38. A. up B. forward      C. on      D. upon
39. A. honor B. view       C. favor  D. charge
40. A. accident       B. coincidence       C. influence    D. inconvenience
41. A. lost      B. dropped     C. improved   D. received
42. A. distance       B. task    C. run     D. study
43. A. showed B. said    C. wrote  D. read
44. A. come    B. become      C. gone       D. went
45. A. continue      B. stop    C. keep      D. struggle
46. A. working       B. jogging      C. walking   D. running
47. A. whether       B. when  C. if D. where
48. A. in addition to      B. in spite of   C. instead of   D. regardless of
49. A. asked    B. warned       C. advised      D. comforted
50. A. common      B. unique       C. special       D. normal

Although we already know a great deal about flu, and although the World Health Organization is constantly collecting detailed information from its chain of flu reference laboratories throughout the world, it is extremely difficult for epidemiologists, who study infectious diseases, to predict when and where the next flu epidemic will occur, and how serious it will be. 
There are three kinds of flu virus, known as A, B and C. Flu C virus is relatively stable and causes mild infections that do not spread far through the population. The A and B types are unstable, and are responsible for the epidemics that cause frequent concern. Following any virus attack, the human body builds up antibodies (抗体) which can be changed into immunity to that type of virus but a virus with the ability to change its character is able to bypass this protection. Variability(可变性) is less developed in the flu B virus, which affects only human beings. Flu B virus may cause a widespread epidemic but will have little effect if introduced into the same community soon afterwards, since nearly everyone will have built up antibodies and will be immune. The flu A virus, which affects animals also, is extremely unstable and is responsible for some of the worst outbreaks of the disease, such as the world epidemic, of 1918 and 1919, when about half the world’s population were infected and about twenty million people died, some from pneumonia caused by the virus itself and some from secondary complication caused by bacteria. Accurate prediction is difficult because of the complication of the factors. A particular virus may be related to one to which some of the population have partial involved immunity. The extent to which it will spread will depend on factors such as its own strength, or virulence (病毒性), the ease with which it can be transmitted and the strength of the opposition it encounters (遇到). Scientists, however, have a reliable general picture of the world situation. 
72. Which of the following is the most appropriate title for the passage? 
A. Symptoms of Flu                                                       B. Man VS Flu Virus 
C. WHO: The Major Organization against Flu Virus       D. Variability of Flu Virus 
73. What does the author say about the flu B virus? 
A. B Virus is relatively stable and causes mild infections that do not spread far through the population. 
B. B Virus is unstable, and is responsible for the epidemics that cause frequent concern. 
C. B virus is extremely unstable and is responsible for some of the worst outbreaks of the disease. 
D. B virus has a very developed variability, and it affects only human beings. 
74. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a factor contributing to the extent to which a virus spreads?
A. The strength of the virus.               B.The ease with which the virus can be transmitted.
C. The strength of the opposition. D.The immunity the virus can bring about.
75. This article is quite probably ________.
A. a piece of news                                    B. a special science report
C. an introduction to a disease             D. a scientific fiction 

Patients and doctors alike have long believed in the healing (治疗) power of humor. It is claimed that humor not only affects patients’ moods, but can actually help them recover faster.
Several studies seem to support this. Patients in better spirits are known to have higher immune cell counts. Some have even claimed to have healed themselves of serious illnesses by reading comics and watching comedies.
Despite all this, many researchers are not convinced. They point out the fact that many sufferings have been known to disappear naturally, with or without a daily dose of laughter. They also say that while optimism in general does seem to be related to better health, it is hard to tell which comes first.
Humor in times of stress, however, clearly makes us feel better. On one level, it takes our minds off our troubles and relaxes us. On another, it releases powerful endorphins, a chemical produced by your body that reduces pain.
There are cases where the appreciation of a good joke is indeed directly related to a person’s health. It can show, for example, whether a person has suffered damage to one particular area of the brain: the right frontal lobe (额叶).
Scientists confirmed this by having people read jokes and asking them to choose the funniest endings from a list. Subjects with normal brains usually chose endings that were based on a relatively complex synthesis (综合) of ideas. Subjects with specifically located brain damage, however, responded only to slapstick (闹剧) endings, which did not depend on a particular context. When pressed, the brain-damaged subjects saw the logic in the correct endings. They simply did not find them funny.
Of course, humor is largely an individual matter. Next time your friend does not get one of your jokes, there is no need to accuse him of being a lamebrain. However, you might suggest that he lighten up—for the health of it.
63. We can infer from the passage that ________.
A. all researchers have agreed on the healing power of humor
B. people seldom accuse their friends of not understanding jokes
C. the author holds a positive attitude to the healing power of humor
D. reading comics will surely become a popular way of treating diseases
64. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. Many researchers are not convinced of the healing power of humor.
B. Patients in bad moods are known to have higher immune cell counts.
C. Optimism in general does seem to be related to better health.
D. People should try their best to cheer up for their good health.
65. Scientists had some people read jokes and asked them to choose the funniest endings from a list to confirm that ________.
A. the brain-damaged people are different from those with normal brains
B. a person with a normal brain usually responds to slapstick endings
C. a person suffering certain brain damage doesn’t appreciate a good joke
D. humor takes our minds off our troubles by releasing powerful endorphins
66. Which would be the best title for the passage?
A. Which comes first, humor or health?             B. Humor can cure different illnesses
C. People need humor in times of stress        D. Humor contributes to good health
A study published Monday found that people who sleep less tend to be fat, and experts said it’s time to find out if more sleep will fight fatness.
“We’ve put so much emphasis on diet and exercise that we've failed to recognize the value of good sleep,” said Fred Turek, a physician at Northwestern University.
Monday’s study from Eastern Virginia Medical School in Norfolk covered 1,000 people and found that total sleep time decreased as body mass index - a measure of weight based on height - increased.
Men slept an average of 27 minutes less than women and overweight and fat patients slept less than patients with normal weights, it said. In general the fatter subjects slept about 1.8 hours a week less than those with normal weights.
“Americans experience insufficient sleep and fat bodies. Clinicians are aware of the burden of fatness on patients,” the study said.
“Our findings suggest that major extensions of sleep time may not be necessary, as an extra 20 minutes of sleep per night seems to be associated with a lower body mass index,” it added.
“We caution that this study does not establish a cause-and-effect relationship between restricted sleep and fatness (but) investigations indicating success in weight loss via extensions of sleep would help greatly to set up such a relationship.”
The study was published in the Archives of Internal Medicine along with an editorial by Turek and Northwestern colleague Joseph Bass commenting on it and related research.
In an interview, Turek said some studies have shown sleep causes declines in an appetite suppressing protein hormone, and increases in another hormone that causes a longing for food. In addition neuropathies(神经疗法)in the brain governing sleep and fatness appear to overlap(重叠), he said.
Patness has been rising dramatically in developed countries and reached epidemic(流行病) levels in the United States, it added, leading to a variety of health problems.
66. What’s the passage mainly about?
A. People who sleep less tend to get fat.
B. Fat people need lots of sleep to lose weight.
C. Sleeping has nothing to do with fatness.
D. Fatness has been rising dramatically in developed countries.
67. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?
A. Lack of sleep causes declines in a desire limiting protein hormone.
B. Americans experience sufficient sleep and fat bodies.
C. The findings suggest that major extensions of sleep time may be necessary.
D. Fatness has been rising dramatically in America.
68. Which of the following is NOT close to the underlined word suppress?
A. limit          B. restrict       C. accept         D. control
69. According to the passage, which of the following people is the lowest possible one to get fatness?
A. Americans      B. Chinese        C. Japanese       D. English
70. We can conclude the attitude of the author is           according to the passage.
A. worried        B. uninterested   C. critical       D. optimistic

The rising costs of health care have become a problem for many countries in the world. To deal with this problem, it is recommended that a big part of the government's health budget be used for health education and disease prevention instead of treatment. Actually, many kinds of diseases are preventable in many ways and preventing a disease is usually much cheaper than treating it. For example, people could avoid catching a cold if they dressed warmly when the weather starts getting cold. But many people get sick because they fail to do so, and have to spend money seeing a doctor.
Daily habits like eating more healthy food would have kept millions of families from becoming bankrupt if the patients had taken measures for early prevention. For instance, keeping a balanced diet, such as not consuming too much animal fat and insuring a steady intake of vegetables and fruits, seems to be quite important.
One very effective and costless way of prevention is regular exercise, which is necessary for a healthy mind and body. Regular exercise, such as running, walking, and playing sports is a good way to make people feel better or reduce stress.
In addition, health education plays a key role in improving people's health. By giving people more information about health, countries could help people understand the importance of disease prevention and ways to achieve it. For example, knowing one's family medical history is an effective way to help keep healthy. Information about health problems among close relatives will make them aware of what they should do to prevent certain diseases through lifestyle changes, which will work before it is too late.
However, stressing disease prevention does not mean medical treatment is unimportant. After all, prevention and treatment are just two different means toward the same effect. In conclusion, we could save money on health care and treat patients more successfully if our country spends more money on health prevention and education.
67.What’s the best title of the passage?
A.Prevention or Education?    B.Prevention or Treatment?
C.Health or Illness?            D.Exercise or Illness?
68.Which of the following can replace the underlined word “bankrupt’’?
A.Unable to be cured        B.Unable to pay one’s debts
C.Stronger than ever before  D.More successful than ever before
69.We learn from the passage that       .
A.dressing warmly can prevent diseases
B.a balanced diet is cheaper than regular exercise
C.the more health education, the better
D.the government’s health budget should be increased
70.Which of the following shows the structure of the passage?

CP (Central Point)  P (Point)        Sp (Sub-point次要点)          C (Conclusion)

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