
10.Emily's grandma ________poor health for several years,so she always takes care of her after school.(  )
A.joined inB.has got tired of
C.went throughD.has suffered from

分析 Emily的奶奶身体不好已经好几年了,所以她经常放学后去照顾奶奶.

解答 答案是D.考查词组suffer from,遭受….A 加入;B 厌烦;C 经受;D 承受,遭受.句中时间状语for several years与完成时态连用.句意是:Emily的奶奶身体不好已经好几年了,所以她经常放学后去照顾奶奶.故选D.

点评 解答此类问题首先需要理解每个选项的基本含义,并注意交叉含义间的区别,了解其特殊用法及习惯搭配等特点,然后结合语境选择正确答案.

10.A Guide to the Library's Facilities(设备)To use or reserve the facilities of the library,follow the procedures given at the circulation desk.
Group Study Rooms (2F)
Students and teaching staff can use these rooms for group study.Students are advised to use unlocked rooms (3rooms for 2people,2rooms for 4people) available for free.When you use locked rooms (2rooms for 4people,1room for 10people),you need to go through reservation procedures at the circulation desk.These rooms are available for group discussion.
Individual Reading Rooms (1-3F)
Thre are 4single rooms available for use by teaching staff and visiting scholars.Each room is equipped with a computer together 1printer and 6scanners.Reservation of these rooms is available for a period up to seven days on end.
Meeting Rooms and Seminar Rooms (1-3F)
Only teaching staff and graduate students can apply to use these rooms and reserve them one day in advance.The total number of seats is 40.They are available for workshops and small seminars.
Computer Rooms (4F)
These rooms are available for classes or seminars and so on.The total number of seats is 88.Only teaching staff can apply to use the computer rooms and reserve them one day in advance.
16.How many locked rooms can students and teaching staff use?C
17.If teachers want to print,they can go toD.
A.a seminar room 
B.a computer room
C.a group study room 
D.an individual reading room
18.Who can apply t use the computer rooms?A
B.Visiting scholars
C.Graduate students 
D.Teachers and students.
2.On the Spanish island of La Gomera,kids are allowed to whistle(吹口哨) in class.In fact,whistling is required.The students are learning an ancient language called Silbo Gomero that uses whistles instead of spoken words.It's used only on La Gomera,which is one of the Canary Islands.
The people of La Gonmera have used Silbo Gomero for centuries.For a long time,it was the best way to communicate across the island's rocky hills and valleys.An islander's whistles can be heard from about 2 miles away.
But in the late 20th century,Silbo Gomero was in danger of dying out.Many of the speakers had moved from the island,and Spanish had become the main language.Cell phones had made it easier for islanders to communicate over long distances.A valuable piece of the island's culture was in danger of being lost forever.
In 1999,to keep the language alive,the local government made it a mandatory subject(必修学科) in schools.Now nearly all of the island's 22,000 inhabitants use Silbo Gomero as well as Spanish.
Though Silbo Gomero has been brought back into use,many other little-known languages around the world face a different situation.
There are more than 7,100 languages in the world.About half of them are in danger of disappearing within the next century.A language disappears when the last person to speak it dies.Many languages disappear because most children learn only the most important one.This is tr ue even in the U.S,where Native American languages are dying because most kids are taught only English.
Many dying languages have never been written down.Some researchers are travelling the globe to record people speaking these languages in the hope of saving them from going silent.
25.On La Gomera,students are allowed to whistle in classC.
A.when they are in danger             
B.if they want to have some fun
C.because they are learning a language   
D.since they have difficulty in speaking
26.How did people on La Gomera mainly communicate over long distances in the late 20th century?A
A.They used cell phones.
B.They used Silbo Gomero.
C.They used body language.
D.They shouted at each other.
27.La Gomera successfully prevented Silbo Gomero from dying out mainly byB.
A.written it down                    
B.introducing it into classes
C.recording people speaking it          
D.protecting the last one who speaks it
28.What is the main idea of Paragraph 6?D
A.English shouldn't be the only language.
B.Researchers are saving dying languages.
C.A language disappears for various reasons.
D.Many languages are in danger of disappearing.

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