
My 9-year-old daughter and I were flying from our home in Carolina to spend a week with my husband in Florida.We were__? _ about the trip because we hadn't seen him for five months, and __? her Dad terribly.

As usual on the Charlotte-to-Miami flight, the plane was totally__? . Because we did not get our boarding passes until we__? at the gate, Kallie and I could not get seats together and were __? by the aisle(过道). I asked two passengers in my row if they would switch places with Kallie and me, __? we could be together. They __? , saying they thought they should stay in their assigned seats.

Meanwhile, a mother and her three children were in a _? several rows ahead of us. There had been a mistake in their boarding passes, and _? the whole family had been split up. The passengers in her row_? refused to move elsewhere. She was very__? about the younger boy sitting with strangers. She was in tears, yet nobody__? to help her.

????????????? There were a troop of Boy Scouts(童子军) on __? . Suddenly the Scout leader stood up and said, "Ma’am, I think we can help you." He then __? five minutes rearranging his group so that adequate space was __? for the family. The boys followed his directions cheerfully and without _? , and the mother's relief was obvious.

Kallie, however, was beginning to panic at the _??? of not being next to me. I told her that there wasn’t anything I could do. __? , the man sitting next to the Scoutmaster, __? to me and asked, "Would you and your daughter like our seats?" __? to himself and the Scoutmaster. We traded seats and continued our trip, very much relieved to be together and watch the scenery from Kallie’s window seat.

1.A.worried?? ???? B.excited??????? C. anxious??????? D. eager

2.A.loved????????? B. considered ?? C. imagined ????? D. missed

3.A. full ????????? B. crowded ???? C. empty???????? D. overweight

4.A. reached ?????? B. arrived ?????? C. landed ?????? D. knocked

5.A. divided ?????? B. blocked ????? C. separated ????? D. connected

6.A. in case ??????? B. even if ?????? C. as if ????????? D. so that

7.A. prevented ???? B. refused ?????? C. agreed???????? D. promised

8.A. panic ???????? B. hurry????????? C. rush ???????? D. seat

9.A. however ????? B. otherwise ????? C. therefore ????? D. instead

10.A. too ????????? B. even ????????? C. ever ???????? D. also

11.A. concerned ???? B. curious ?????? C. particular ???? D. content

12.A. suggested????? B. offered ?????? C. provided ???? D. supplied

13.A. duty????????? B. watch ??????? C.board ?????? D. spot

14.A. took ????????? B. cost ???????? C.paid ???????? D. spent

15.A. convenient ???? B. available ???? C. probable ???? D. comfortable

16.A. permission ???? B. excuse?????? C.apology ????? D. complaint

17.A. thought ??????? B. end ???????? C. feeling ????? D. sense

18.A. Immediately ??? B. Puzzlingly ??? C.Clearly ????? D. Amazingly

19.A. turned up ???? B. turned around ? C. turned out ?? D. turned away

20.A. sticking ?????? B. keeping ????? C.waving ????? D.referring

























1.B形容词辨析。A.担忧的;B.兴奋的;C. 焦虑的; D. 渴望的。根据后面句的原因状语从句because we hadn't seen him for five months,可以推测在即将见到几个月未曾见面的丈夫(或者女儿的父亲)时,作者和女儿非常兴奋,答案选B

2.D动词辨析。 A.爱;B. 认为;C. 想象;D. 想念。从前句表示的原因because we hadn't seen him for five months,可以推测孩子会非常想念父亲,答案选D

3.A形容词辨析。A. 满的; B. 拥挤的;C. 空的; D. 超重的。根据下文作者的讲述可知从CharlotteMiami的航班是满载着乘客,而crowded则表达拥挤混乱之意,不符合飞机的实际状况,答案选A

4.B动词辨析。A. 到达 ;B. 到达; C. 着陆 ;D. 敲击。reach 是及物动词“到达”,不和介词搭配;land意思是“降落”,knock“撞、敲”均不符合语境,arrive in 是“到达”的意思,故答案选B

5.C动词辨析。A. 分离; B. 阻碍;C. 分开; D. 联系。根据and前面部分Kallie and I could not get seats together可知作者和女儿没有坐在一起,答案选C

6.D形容词辨析。A. 万一;B. 即使;C. 好像;D. 为的是。根据上文可知作者和女儿没有坐在一起,想和别人换座位为的是能坐在一起,方便照顾女儿,所以此处表示目的,选D

7.B动词辨析。A. 阻止; B. 拒绝;C. 同意;D. 许诺。根据两名乘客说的话they thought they should stay in their assigned seats.可知他们没有答应作者换座位的请求,答案选B

8.A动词辨析。A. 恐慌; B. 匆忙;C. 冲;D. 座位。从下文的叙述可知坐在作者前面的一个母亲和三个孩子都没有坐在一起,孩子们不能受到照顾,根据She was in tears,判断当时母亲和孩子们内心慌乱,答案选A

9.C副词辨析。A. 然而 ;B. 而且; C. 因此;D. 代替。由上句内容There had been a mistake in their boarding passes 和下句内容the whole family had been split up可知前后是因果关系,故答案选C

10.D副词辨析。A. 也; B. 甚至; C.曾经; D.也。根据上文内容可知作者想换座位遭到了别人的拒绝,此时的这位母亲同样也遭到了拒绝,答案选D

11.A形容词辨析。A. 担忧的; B. 好奇的;C. 特别的; D. 满意的。由情理判断母亲对于没在自己身边的孩子非常担心,答案选A,其余选项不合语境。

12.B动词辨析。A. 建议; B. 提供; C. 供应; D. 支持。从词的搭配可知offer 后可以跟不定式,表示“主动提供”,而其他动词没有此用法,故答案选B

13.C名词辨析。 A.责任 ;B. 观看; C.木板,甲板;D. 斑点。on duty“值日”;on watch “值班,监视”;on board“在飞机或轮船上”on the spot“当场”。根据文章内容可知这是在飞机上发生的事情,所以答案选C

14.D动词辨析。A. 花费 ;B. 花费; C.付款 ;D. 度过。spend time doing sth “花费时间做某事”,答案选D。句意:他用几分钟重新安排了一下他的队员……

15.B形容词辨析。A. 方便的;B. 有效的,可以使用的;C. 可能的; D. 舒服的。从语境可知童子军的队长重新安排队友的位置为的是能够给母子四人腾出足够的地方,答案选B

16.D名词辨析。A. 允许;B. 借口;C.道歉 ;D. 抱怨。根据and前面的形容词cheerfully可知他们欣然接受队长的安排,而没有丝毫勉强和抱怨,答案选D

17.A名词辨析。A. 想法;B. 结尾; C. 感觉 ;D. 情感。根据情理判断当孩子一想到不能挨着妈妈坐的时候,会感觉恐慌,短语:at the thought of“一想到……”,答案选A

18.D副词辨析。A.立刻;B. 迷惑地 ;C.清楚地;D. 惊讶地。从当时的情景可知在作者没有提出请求的情况下,一个陌生人主动帮助他们,让作者感到惊喜,答案选D

19.B动词形容词辨析。A. 开大; B.转身;C. 结果是;D. 避开。根据语境可知此处那个人转身对作者说话,其余不符合语境,答案选B

20.D动词辨析。A.插入;? B. 保持;C.挥动;D. 提及。由上文可知此处是对上文出现的our进行解释,refer to“指的是”,所以答案选D



Every year Chris Brogan posts his three words for a new year. many others and I have followed his lead for the past three or four years. They helped me a lot. My words for last year were “passion”, “focus” and “delegate” and I stayed true to them. This year, 2013, my goals are more personal and less professional.
Focus is making a repeat appearance on my list this year because I’m too much of a multitasker. The problem is that I have trouble finishing one thing with so many things calling me. When I was working as a writer, all my projects were handled via a schedule, I’m putting a fitness and housekeeping routine into my schedule.
I get so busy taking care of everyone else, and I forget to take care of myself and this has to change. My health suffers and my weight suffers. I have to get my health in check , not only for me but because I promised my 9-year-old son. I’ll make good food and lifestyle choices. I miss being thin, and it’s time to get it back.
What good is having it if I’m not taking time to enjoy it? I have a wonderful job, a happy family, and so much to be thankful for. So how come I spend all my time working? Last summer my family took our first vacation in four years, the best thing I’ve done for myself and my family in a long time. This year, I’m making sure to take time to enjoy life and celebrate its many blessings.
Do you have any words for 2013?
【小题1】The underlined word “multitasker” probably refers to a person who          .

A.makes a living by writing
B.always fails to finish a task on time
C.has several things to do at the same time
D.pays more attention to fitness and housekeeping
【小题2】Why does the writer have “HEALTH” as one of his three words?
A.He wants to take better care of others.
B.He’s gaining weight and feeling bad.
C.He did not take any exercise in the past.
D.He got the idea from his son.
【小题3】What can we learn from the passage?
A.The word “CELEBRATE” can remind the writer to enjoy life.
B.The writer has a vacation with his family every four years.
C.The word “FOCUS” can help the writer focus on his family.
D.The writer used to be overweight for lack of exercise.
【小题4】The best title for the passage might be      .
A.Three Words for 2013B.Health Should Go First
C.Keep OrganizedD.Goals for 2013

My father died in December. He had spent the last several years in hospital, and my mother spent a lot of her time        him. That is without doubt, a      situation for any family. And the       was a team of fairly frustrated family members.

My biggest frustration was trying to        why he didn’t make choices that would       him to be involved more fully in the lives of his grandchildren. Yet he      each and every one of them. Every morning he asked my mother which of his grandbabies was going to       that day. He had frequent visits from his collection of loving grandkids. Kids would have the place      up instantly—toys everywhere, cushions off the couches and the TV channel       to their station. Every visit was a kid invasion into his space. Interestingly, he was not at all bothered by the       or chaos at all. He was never       with them and he certainly never shouted at any child. Visits ended with       and kisses.

I felt that relationship wasn’t good enough because he didn’t actually do anything        my children. My dad didn’t read to the children, and certainly        played a board game or did a puzzle with them. He didn’t take them out for        or do any of the other things I saw active grandparents doing with their grandchildren. It made me sad that he was        to get on with the kids.

A couple of weeks after his death, my 9-year-old daughter turned up in my bedroom at midnight to share a

       of him done by herself. Included in the picture were several messages and        —one for each day since he had died. The most striking one to me was“I loved EVERYTHING about you, Grandpa”.

Apparently, I was       . All that time I thought he wasn’t doing anything with his grandchildren, but he was very actively doing the thing that was most        to them. He loved them. And it was all they needed.

1.A. preparing for               B. taking care of                  C. believing in                      D. looking forward to

2.A. personal                       B. boring                               C. difficult                   D. dangerous

3.A. result                                      B. solution                            C. reward                             D. review

4.A. explain                          B. describe                           C. accept                              D. understand  

5.A. expect                          B. allow                                 C. force                                 D. persuade

6.A. respected                    B. ignored                            C. loved                                D. blamed

7.A. leave                             B. cry                                     C. visit                                   D. perform

8.A. set                                 B. messed                   C. given                                 D. lit

9.A. introduced                            B. switched                          C. pointed                            D. checked

10.A. impression                 B. alarm                                C. expression                       D. noise

11.A. careful                        B. intelligent                        C. inconvenient                   D. impatient

12.A. tears                                     B. quarrels                          C. tricks                                 D. hugs

13.A. to                                 B. with                                   C. at                                  D. on

14.A. frequently                 B. always                               C. never                                D. occasionally

15.A. walks                           B. books                                C. jokes                                 D. interests

16.A. hoping                        B. offering                            C. failing                                D. promising

17.A. dream                         B. plan                                   C. story                                 D. drawing

18.A. statements                 B. photos                              C. suggestions                      D. problems

19.A. guilty                           B. rude                                  C. wrong                               D. firm

20.A. honest                        B. important                         C. normal                              D. equal


I took my 9-year-old daughter,Suzan and 5-year-old son,Robbie to the shopping centre.As we got there,we saw a big sign that said,“Petting Zoo”.The kids jumped up and asked,“Daddy,can we go?”

Both my wife and I were out of work.However,I said,“Sure”,giving them a quarter each. They went away, leaving only fifty cents left in my pocket.

A petting zoo is made up of a hundred of little baby animals of all kinds.Kids pay their money and stay in the enclosure(围场)pleased with the little animals while their parents shop.

A few minutes later,I saw Suzan walking along behind me.I was surprised and asked what was wrong.

She said sadly,“Well,Daddy,a ticket for Petting Zoo costs fifty cents.So I gave Robbie my quarter.” Then she said the most beautiful thing I ever heard.She repeated the family motto(座右铭),which is “Love is Action!”

I knew clearly no one loves little animals more than Suzan. She had watched both my wife and me do and say "Love is Action!” for years,and now she had put it into her lifestyle.It had become part of her,because she knew the whole family motto.It’s not only “Love is Action”;it’s “Love is SACRIFICAL(牺牲的)Action!" Love always pays a price.

I was moved.We went back to the Petting Zoo.Suzan stood with her hands and chin(下巴)resting on the fence and just watched Robbie go crazy petting and feeding the animals.I had fifty cents burning a hole in my pocket. I put my hand into my pocket and took out the money.Sure,I must do that !

1.What is the best title for this passage?

A.A Petting Zoo.                        B.Try Your Best to Help Others.

C.An Attractive Shopping Centre.           D.Love Is Sacrificial Action!

2.The underlined part “the most beautiful thing” in Paragraph 5 refers to .

A.the Petting Zoo                         B.the family motto

C.their lifestyle                           D.the ticket for Petting Zoo

3.Which of the following best describes Suzan?

A.Unselfish.        B.Healthy.         C.Childish.         D.Clever.

4.What might happen next according to the story?

A.The author would buy Suzan some candies.

B.The author would get angry with Robbie.

C.Suzan would play happily with the little animals.

D.The author would play together with Suzan.


Every year Chris Brogan posts his three words for a new year. many others and I have followed his lead for the past three or four years. They helped me a lot. My words for last year were “passion”, “focus” and “delegate” and I stayed true to them. This year, 2013, my goals are more personal and less professional.


Focus is making a repeat appearance on my list this year because I’m too much of a multitasker. The problem is that I have trouble finishing one thing with so many things calling me. When I was working as a writer, all my projects were handled via a schedule, I’m putting a fitness and housekeeping routine into my schedule.


I get so busy taking care of everyone else, and I forget to take care of myself and this has to change. My health suffers and my weight suffers. I have to get my health in check , not only for me but because I promised my 9-year-old son. I’ll make good food and lifestyle choices. I miss being thin, and it’s time to get it back.


What good is having it if I’m not taking time to enjoy it? I have a wonderful job, a happy family, and so much to be thankful for. So how come I spend all my time working? Last summer my family took our first vacation in four years, the best thing I’ve done for myself and my family in a long time. This year, I’m making sure to take time to enjoy life and celebrate its many blessings.

Do you have any words for 2013?

1.The underlined word “multitasker” probably refers to a person who          .

A.makes a living by writing

B.always fails to finish a task on time

C.has several things to do at the same time

D.pays more attention to fitness and housekeeping

2.Why does the writer have “HEALTH” as one of his three words?

A.He wants to take better care of others.

B.He’s gaining weight and feeling bad.

C.He did not take any exercise in the past.

D.He got the idea from his son.

3.What can we learn from the passage?

A.The word “CELEBRATE” can remind the writer to enjoy life.

B.The writer has a vacation with his family every four years.

C.The word “FOCUS” can help the writer focus on his family.

D.The writer used to be overweight for lack of exercise.

4.The best title for the passage might be      .

A.Three Words for 2013                   B.Health Should Go First

C.Keep Organized                        D.Goals for 2013


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