

Advice to “sleep on it” could be well founded, scientists say. After a good night’s sleep a problem that couldn’t be solved the night before can often appear more manageable, although the evidence(证据)until now has been personal experience. But researchers at the University of Luebek in Germany have designed an experiment that shows a good night’s sleep can improve insight(洞察力)and problem-solving.

“If you have some newly-got memories in your brain, sleep acts on these memories and rebuild them, so that after sleep the insight into problem which you could not solve before increases,” said Dr Jan Born, a neuroscientist(神经病学专家)at the university. To test the theory, they taught volunteers two simple rules to help them turn some numbers into a new order.There was also a third,hidden rule,which could help them increase their speed in solving the problem.The researchers divided the volunteers into two groups:half were allowed to sleep after the training while the rest were forced to stay awake.Dr Jan Born and his team noticed that the group that had slept after the training were twice as likely to figure out the third rule as the other group.“Sleep helped,”Born said in a telephone interview.“The important thing is that you have to have a memory representation in your brain of the problem you want to solve and then you sleep,so it can act on the problem.”But Born admitted that he and his team don’t know how rebuilding of memories occurs or what governs it.Pierre Maquet and Perrine Ruby of the University of Liege in Belgium said the experimental evidence supports the suggestions that sleep can help develop creative thinking.Although the role of sleep in human creativity will still be a mystery,the research gives people good reason to fully respect their periods of sleep,they added.

60.The underlined phrase“sleep on it”in Paragraph 1 probably means_________.

    A.to delay deciding something until the next day

    B.to get as much sleep as possible

    C.to go on sleeping without being disturbed

    D.to sleep till after the time you usually get up in the morning

61.Jan Born and his team carried out the experiment through________.

    A.comparison    B.interview        C.survey          D.imagination

62.It can be inferred from the passage that___________.

    A.people should sleep so long as they have time

    B.sleep is the only way to solve hard problems

    C.people have various periods of sleep   D.people know how sleep rebuilds memories

63.What would be the best title for the passage?

    A.How Sleep Works.               B.Sleep Helps Solve Problems.

    C.No Evidence,But Well Founded.   D.Born’s Discovery on Sleep.

60.A   61.A  62.C  63.B 


If it’s possible to see red(get angry) about not seeing red, that is what I was doing. We had  26    the timing of our autumn trip to see the changing   27   in the Great Lakes States, and I was really   28   . No matter how I strained my eyes I couldn’t spot red anywhere. Not   29   a bit of golden yellow broke through the dull greenery.

   This vacation was a complete   30   . I sat alone in the backseat of our rented car and got   31  as we drove north through the dull, dark green. In the   32   seat my brother and my father chatted merrily, obviously   33   .

   Then a motto came to mind: “Happiness is a decision.” It must have been something my mother said. She was always passing on words of   34   . When I was a child, she gave me a black book with   35   pages. On the flyleaf she had written, “Look for a beautiful thing and you’ll find it.” I was supposed to   36   a record of the most beautiful thing I saw each day.

   I remembered spending hours discussing what I’d   37   . A baby’s smile? A stone shining with fool’s gold? Pictures in the clouds, or tulips tipping their heads? I found so many beautiful things that it was   38   to pick just one.

   Now, on the road, I played Mother’s game again. I took in the all-green   39   . Thick forests lined both sides of the highway. The long hill pines and spruce were seen   40   . Maple leaves danced in the gentle wind. I felt like a little girl again—   41   by beautiful things.

   Later in the   42   , after we crossed the Upper Peninsula and drove into Canada, I found the bright   43   plants I had been looking for. But by then I’d already seen a million shades of __44   , the infinite variety and beauty that only our heavenly Father can   45   . And that we can always find—if we look closely enough.

26. A. kept    B. missed   C. misjudged    D. seized

27. A. situation    B. weather  C. plants   D. leaves

28. A. upset    B. excited  C. happy    D. sorry

29. A. yet  B. even C. still    D. ever

30. A. success  B. time C. waste    D. pleasure

31. A. sleepy   B. mad  C. patient  D. angry

32. A. front    B. back C. right    D. left

33.A. unconcerned   B. disappointed C. worried  D. surprised

34. A. order    B. advice   C. apology  D. help

35. A. nice B. common   C. missing  D. empty

36. A. set  B. break    C. keep D. put

37. A. brought in   B. written down C. got through  D. referred to

38. A. impossible   B. valuable C. necessary    D. strange

39. A. forests  B. leaves   C. hills    D. scenery

40. A. nowhere  B. anywhere C. everywhere   D. somewhere

41. A. wondered B. surrounded   C. waken    D. treated

42. A. trip B. autumn   C. course   D. game

43. A. leaf B. hill C. highway  D. fall

44. A. red  B. trees    C. green    D. plants

45. A. observe  B. produce  C. find D. provide

Pulling heavy suitcases all day in the summer is hard work, especially when you’re a thin 14-year-old. That was me in 1940―the youngest and smallest baggage boy at New York City’s Pennsyl­vania Railway Station.

After just a few days on the job, I began noticing that the other fellows were overcharging pas­sengers. I’d like to join them, thinking, “Everyone else is doing it.”

When I got home that night, I told my dad what I wanted to do. “You give an honest day’s work,” he said, looking at me straight in the eye. “They’re paying you. If they want to do that, you let them do that.”

I followed my dad's advice for the rest of that summer and have lived by his words ever since.

Of all the jobs I've had, it was my experience at Pennsylvania Railway Station that has stuck with me. Now I teach my players to have respect for other people and their possessions. Being a member of a team is a totally shared experience. If one person steals, it destroys trust and hurts everyone. I can put up with many things, but not with people who steal. If one of my players were caught stealing, he'd be gone.

Whether you’re on a sports team, in an office or a member of a family, if you can’t trust one another, there’s going to be trouble.

68. What can be inferred about the baggage boys?

A. They could earn much, but they had to work hard.

B. Many of them earned money in a dishonest way.

C. They were all from poor families.

D. They were all thin, young boys.

69. What does the father's advice imply?

A. It is wrong to give more pay to the passengers.

B. Don’t believe them if they are paying you more.

C. Don’t follow others to overcharge the passengers.

D. It is difficult to work hard and live as an honest boy.

70. The writer can't put up with stealing because he thinks that ______.

A. it is a totally shared experience

B. it is considered as the most dangerous

C. it does great harm to human relationship

D. it may lead to the loss of his sports team

71. It can be concluded from the text that ______.

A. his father's advice helped him to decide which job to take up

B. working in the sports team was his most important experience

C. he learnt much from his shared experience with his team members

D. his experience as a baggage boy had a great influence on his later life

Dear Michelle,
My mother is not a good example for me and my sister. She smokes, stays out late, and she curses(骂人).I love her but I am ashamed of her.I do not want to bring my friends home because she does not act like any of the other mothers. She says I am a loser because I sit at home and study. I wish I could live in another family that was normal,but it will be 5 years before I am 18 and legal. What am I supposed to do until then?
Prisoner of a Crazy House
Dear 7th Grader,
I am glad that you love your mother because the rest of your feeings about her may change as you get older and mature(成熟).
While it is true that your mother’s smoking, partying and cursing bring you shame, the fact that you want to stay separate from her doings is notable and very smart. It shows that you are a winner,not a loser.
I am guessing, therefore, that you do not bring shame to yourself, and that is a good thing, So,keep it that way and keep away from your mother’s habits.
At the same time,try to get the best grades and join clubs and school activities. Offer social service on weekends and visit your friends at their homes.
Unfortunately, you are not alone.Many teens live in homes with immature,misguided, selfish parents. Those kids often feel lonely and separate from the rest of their friends because of their parents’ terrible deeds.
But they develop good friendships with nice kids, do well in school,and often find a teacher or guidance advisor who makes all the difference!
Do it, Miss Winning 13 years old, and keep looking forward to your own fine future.Maybe by then your mother may even see the light and realize how surprising you really are.
Best luck!
64.The kid asks for advice on how to___________.
A.make her mother change                                B.deal with her situation
C.get along well with her mother                       D.start a new family
65.Michelle doesn’t address her letter receiver as“Prisoner of a Crazy House”possibly because she
A.tries to be polite                                       B.doesn’t write to the kid alone
C.knows that’s a girl in Grade 7                         D.wants to cheer the kid up
66.According to the passage, Michelle advises the girl to_________.
A.try talking to her mother for her future
B.stick to her attitude towards her mother’s some habits
C.understand her mother’s habits and get used to them
D.try to keep away from her mother
67.What does Michelle mainly express by writing the last four paragraphs?
A.Don’t worry too much about the problem.
B.Many parents act terribly.
C.Parents manners make little difference.
D.The girl is not speaking for herself.


阅读下面短文, 从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

A kindergarten teacher was helping one of her students put his snow boots on. He had asked for  36  and she could see why. With her pulling and him pushing ,they finally  37  .She had by now worked up a sweat,  38  the little boy said," They 're on the wrong feet." She almost  39  when hearing this.

She looked and,  40  enough, they were .It wasn't any easier pulling the boots  41  ,and then she had to  42  the difficult boots on again.

Just as she   43  lacing(系鞋带)them, he said," These aren't my boots." She

44  her tongue to keep from screaming(尖叫),"Why didn't you say so early?"

Once again she  45  to pull off the ill-fitting boots. He then  46  added.," They 're my brother's boots. My mom made me  47  them."

When they were finally  48  she said ,"Now ,where are your gloves?"

"I  49  them in the toes of my boots," he said .The teacher could say no words at hearing this, but had to  50  the course once again.

We often hear some teachers make comments about a particularly  51  child in their class," He is my worst-behaved child this year, and I almost can't  52  him any more."

Patience is a kind of ability. A Dutch proverb observes ,"A handful of  53  is worth more than a lot of brains." We may never have to worry about having a lot of  54  ,but sometimes what we  55  is a handful of patience. Hold back your scream, try to be patient, and that should be enough.

36. A. help                                   B. advice                       C. trouble                      D. leave

37. A .ended                                 B. won                          C. succeeded                  D. failed

38. A. so                                      B. since                         C. because                     D. but

39. A. laughed                              B. screamed                   C. cried                         D. jumped

40. A. strange                               B. sure                          C. lucky                        D. proper

41. A. up                                      B. on                             C. off                            D. away

42. A. carry                                  B. force                         C. keep                         D. struggle

43. A. tried                                   B. practiced                   C. meant                       D. finished

44. A. bit                                      B. moved                      C. showed                     D. rolled

45. A. decided                               B. fought                       C. wanted                      D. intended

46. A. angrily                               B. coldly                       C. calmly                      D. nervously

47. A. wear                                   B. clean                         C. mend                        D. drop

48. A. washed                               B. tied                           C. removed                    D. kicked

49. A. left                                     B. covered                     C. buried                       D. hid

50. A. discover                              B. guide                        C. repeat                       D. consider

51. A. difficult                              B. stupid                       C. clever                       D. perfect

52. A. worry                                 B. stand                         C. serve                         D. ignore

53. A .interest                               B. attention                    C. courage                     D. patience

54. A. chances                               B. desires                       C. brains                       D. gifts

55. A. need                                   B. value                         C. gain                          D. share



第二节  完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)


My parents passed away ten years ago and I miss them terribly. But I know they are with me every day in what they taught me and in the __36__ they gave me. Every morning my father’s message to me was: Remember that __37__ you walk out of this door, you carry responsibility, the good name of this family, the hopes and dreams of your mom and dad. My mother often urged me to __38__ the high standards she set for me.

When I was in high school, I played in a rock band with friends in my class. We were devoted and practiced constantly. We moved past the guys-in-a-garage stage and __39__ to be pretty good, doing getting-paid gigs (演奏会) most weekends, which made me __40__. At that time, though part of me was __41__ up in that band, another part of me was the oldest son in the Clark family, __42__ of my origin and a dedicated student busy applying to colleges. Without even telling my parents, I applied to Harvard. I didn’t think I had much chance of getting in, __43__ I wanted to try. So I was riding around being Mr Cool Rock Musician half of the time, and the other half I was focused on family and __44__ goals. I was running on parallel __45__.

When the group won a city wide Battle of the Bands, things heated up. My band mates had stars in their eyes —— we might be able to make it big. However, I began to feel __46__. I realized I was on quite different tracks: I __47__ was becoming two people, __48__ identities back and forth depending on who I was with. I had to make an option. As I considered my __49__, my parents’ words were right there, helping me to see that my dreams weren’t about signing a record deal, letting my hair grow, and living in a tour bus. So I __50__ out. My bandmasters were __51__. They thought I was crazy to withdraw __52__ the peak of real success. But however successful that band got, I knew it wasn’t in line with my __53__, with my feeling of what I was __54__ to do, with who I was —— it simply wasn’t me.

In that instant and in many others throughout my life, my parent’s advice has helped me recenter and __55__. I could remember who I was —— the hopes and dreams I carried.

36. A. property                            B. advice                              C. guide                               D. aid

37. A. when                                  B. before                             C. while                                D. since

38. A. come up with                   B. stand up to                    C. live up to                         D. keep pace with

39. A. got                                      B. failed                               C. hoped                              D. attempted

40. A. lost                                     B. disappointed                 C. confused                         D. thrilled

41. A. wrapped                           B. centred                           C. spent                               D. offered

42. A. scared                               B. proud                               C. guilty                               D. ashamed

43. A. if                                          B. unless                              C. until                                 D. yet

44. A. economic                          B. political                           C. academic                        D. literary

45. A. tracks                                B. ways                                C. processes                       D. directions

46. A. confident                          B. optimistic                       C. cheerful                          D. uncomfortable

47. A. exactly                               B. actually                           C. eventually                      D. fortunately

48. A. switching                          B. acting                              C. discovering                    D. seeking

49. A. conditions                         B. choices                            C. competence                            D. health

50. A. gave                                   B. looked                             C. called                               D. dropped

51. A. disturbed                          B. cool                                  C. shocked                          D. tolerant

52. A. in                                         B. to                                               C. by                                     D. at

53. A. goals                                  B. interests                         C. personality                     D. consideration

54. A. meant                                B. demanded                      C. forced                              D. aimed

55. A. recall                                  B. refocus                            C. rebuild                             D. reunite


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