

Real Simple
First Issue: 2000
Published: Monthly
Real Simple is a lifestyle title owned by Time, Inc. This magazine covers topics from decorating and dieting to childcare and product guides. Like many lifestyle magazines, Real Simple is written with women in mind, but that doesn't mean men can't get something out of it! This one is especially good tor people who like to organize and simplify their lives. As the title implies, simple, authentic (真实的)living is the magazine's main theme.

Better Homes and Gardens
First Issue: 1922
Published: Bi-Monthly
Better Homes and Gardens is a household name when it comes to lifestyle magazines ten around since 1922, so the title has a long history of providing high quality, useful content. Decorating and gardening, as the title suggests, are common topics in the magazine, but it is also known for its excellent recipes.

Woman's Day
First Issue: 1937
Published: Monthly
If you're looking for a magazine that combines lifestyle and fashion content, Woman's Day might be a good choice. It has a readership of over 3 million women across the United States. Some of its unique characteristics include its focus on traditional values and its commitment to giving womenrealistic advice. Many magazines feature lifestyles that are out of reach for the major of American families, but Woman's Day tries to give practical advice and suggestions that its real-world readers can put into practice.

Taste of Home
First Issue: 1993
Published: Bi-Monthly
For people who want a magazine that's entirely about cooking, recipes, nutrition, and other food-related content, Taste of Home has been a popular choice all the time. It has an unusually rich history of giving its readers what they want. The magazine only started including advertisements in 2007, before which it was advertisement-free. Now the magazine is doing pretty well financially.

(1)Which of following magazines has the longest history?
A.Real Simple.
B.Better Homes and Gardens.
C.Woman's Day.
D.Taste of Home
(2)What do we know about Taste of Home?
A.It has been losing popularity in recent years.
B.It offers suggestions about childcare.
C.It is a purely food-related magazine.
D.Readers no longer find advertisements in it.
(3)Which of the following is TRUE about the four magazines?
A.Real Simple mainly serves women readers.
B.Woman's Day is out of reach for most families.
C.Readers could advertise in Taste of Home free.
D.Better Homes and Gardens is published quarterly.

(1)考查细节理解。根据第一栏中的“Real Simple First Issue: 2000”;第二栏中的“Better Homes and Gardens First Issue: 1922”;第三栏中的“Woman's Day First Issue: 1937”;以及第四栏中的“Taste of HomeFirst Issue: 1993”,可知Better Homes and Gardens. 杂志有最长的历史,选B。
(2)考查细节理解。根据第四栏中的“For people who want a magazine that's entirely about cooking, recipes, nutrition, and other food-related content”,可知Taste of Home完全是一本和食物有关的杂志,选C。
(3)考查细节理解。根据第一栏中的“Like many lifestyle magazines, Real Simple is written with women in mind, but that doesn't mean men can't get something out of it!”可知Real Simple的读者主要是妇女,选A。


【题目】Andy lived high in the Rocky Mountains. He hunted wild animals there and he also took other men to hunt, which was his work.

One day a letter brought Andy a new job. This job changed both his feeling about animals and his way of hunting. The letter said, “I want to write a story about bighorn sheep(大角羊). I need pictures to go with my story. Will you get pictures of the sheep for me?"

Andy's two sons wanted their father to take the job. "We will help you!” they said. Bighorn sheep are very wild. Andy knew it would be hard to get their pictures. “But why not try?" they said.

For days, Andy and his sons tried to get their pictures, They did not want the sheep to hear them or see them, so they walked softly. They hid behind rocks, but the sheep always ran away.

Then one day, Andy and his sons walked around a big rock. They met some sheep face to face, but they didn't run. "Now I know why the sheep run away," Andy said. "They run because we come up behind them. From now on, we will stay where they can see us."

The next day; Andy saw some sheep right out in the open. He and his sons walked toward them. They did not try to hide, and they did walk slowly. They knew that any fast move would frighten them away.

"Don't look direct at the sheep," Andy said. "Wild animals do not like to be looked at. They will run away. " They looked off to this side and to that side, and they walked closer and closer. And soon they were close enough to get good clear pictures.

They made good friends with the wild sheep—and sent many fine pictures to the writer for his story. Since then, they have never hunted the bighorn sheep again.

1What was the new job Andy got?

A. To hunt bighorn sheep.

B. To protect bighorn sheep.

C. To take pictures of bighorn sheep.

D. To write a story about bighorn sheep.

2What is the right way to get close to bighorn sheep?

A. Looking directly at them.

B. Walking slowly to their faces.

C. Running to them from one side.

D. Following them from behind.

3What did Andy gain from his new job?

A. He won respect from his children.

B. He was well paid by the story writer.

C. He knew better how to use a camera.

D. He learned more about bighorn sheep.

【题目】If you think that Internet shopping on a Sunday gets you the best deals, then think again. Tuesday is actually the best day of the week if you want to grab a bargain according to an exhaustive analysis of on-line shopping. Thursday is the second best day followed by Friday—but Sunday is when you are least likely to make a saving.

The study also looked at months and found that the pre-Christmas rush in November is when there are most bargains around on the web—and not the January sales. US retailer(零售商) reporting service Sum All examined 3,000 companies and halt a billion transactions(交易) as part of its report. It worked out the average discount(折扣) offered to consumers on each day of the week and over different times of the year.

The best day of the week was Tuesday where savings were 4.81 percent, followed by Thursday on 4.80 percent. In third place was Friday at 4.615 percent, then Wednesday at 4.13 percent and Monday at 4.11 percent. Only the foolish would shop on a Saturday where the discounts were typically 3.84 percent—and Sunday was the worst with 3.37 percent.

The analysis by month is even more surprising as most people think that waiting until the post-Christmas sales would yield the biggest discounts. In fact, November is when you will get the largest savings at 5.99 percent on average. January came in second at 4.95 percent, followed by May at 4.50 percent.

The worst month to buy online was March where you could expect to save just 2.76 percent. Consumers and experts have been speculating for years about the best time to shop online.

Booking a flight has almost become a science with some claiming that buying six weeks before you travel guarantees you the best price. However, a recent analysis by the US Airlines Reporting Commission found that was not actually the case.

Not only did the six-week window fail to pile up, in some cases the best fares were on sale as long as 24 weeks before departure. The ARC said that booking well in advance is best advised for busy routes or long haul flights(长途航班), as the price only tends to go up.

1If a buyer wants to buy cheap goods online, he'd better go to the shop on ________.

A. Tuesday B. Thursday C. Friday D. Sunday

2Most web sellers often provide bargain on the web ________.

A. after New Year's Day B. during Valentine's Day

C. on Mother's Day D. before Christmas

3Which of the following statements is True according to the third paragraph?

A. The best day of the week was Tuesday where savings were 4.8 percent.

B. In third place was Thursday where savings were 4.65 percent.

C. Sunday where the discounts were 3.37 percent was the worst.

D. Customers can get the best savings on Saturday.

4What is the meaning of the underlined word “speculating” in the fifth paragraph?

A. Quarrelling. B. Objecting. C. Searching. D. Considering.

Get a Better Night's Sleep
You're trying to get a good night's sleep, but why do you still find yourself staring at the ceiling? It's time to listen to what some unexpected experts have to say.
Get the Basic Equipment Right.
There's really good study on the basic equipment for sleep. Firstly, most people prefer a mattress (床垫)that is not too hard and not too soft. Secondly, if your mattress is eight to ten years old, you should get a new one. Seventy-two percent of people said they slept better on their new mattress than they did on their old one.

Watching TV at night may seem relaxing. However, it beams light into your eyes, which is a “warning” signal for the brain.Besides, the cooler white and blue light from a computer screen encourages brain activity and makes your brain difficult to calm down. Download the software at stereopsis.com /flux. It gradually makes your screen less bright at sunset, turning its colors a warmer red one.
Keep you Cool.
One of the best signals from the body to go to sleep is a decrease in body temperature. I suggest sleeping in a very cool environment, about 19℃. A hot bath will increase your skin temperature, which finally decreases your main body temperature.
Make Sleeping Pets Lie.
Sometimes your dogs might need the noise of machines. Many dogs are sensitive to noises outside, like other dogs barking or neighbors coming home late. A noisy machine will drown out the noises that are keeping your pet up, which keep your pet from waking you. If you keep them awake during the day, they're more likely to sleep at night.
A. Read a book before bed instead.
B. Take a bath a half-hour or so before bedtime.
C. You also learn dogs sleep when they're bored.
D. The dog is very loyal to his master.
E. It proved two theories.
F. You don't need a really beautiful mattress.
G. Switch off the Box.

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