
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

  Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi “Father of the nation”-Mahatma Gandhi Born October 2,1869 Porbandar, Gujarat, India Died January 30,1948 New Delhi, India Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi(October 2,1869-January 30,1948),(Devanagari), called Mahatma Gandhi, was the Charismatic(有魅力的;有吸引力的)leader who brought the cause of India’s independence from British colonial(殖民)rule to world attention.His philosophy(哲学)of non-violence, for which he has influenced(影响)both nationalist and international movements for peaceful change.

  By means of non-violent civil struggle(非暴力反抗), an idea he developed from the teachings of Leo Tolstoy and Henry David Thoreau, Gandhi helped bring about India’s independence from British rule.

  Early life Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born into a Hindu family in Porbandar, Gujarat, India.They were descendants(后代)of traders(the word “Gandhi”means grocer).

  Gandhi was an ordinary student in his youth at Porbandar and later Rajkot, and almost passed the exam for the University of Bombay in 1887, joining Samaldas College.

  At the age of 19, Gandhi went to University College, of the University of London, to train as a barrister.His time in London, was influenced by a vow(发誓)he had made to his mother on leaving India to observe the Hindu giving up meat and alcohol.Although Gandhi experimented with becoming “English”, taking dancing lessons for example, he couldn’t stomach his landlady’s mutton and cabbage.She pointed him towards one of London’s vegetarian restaurants.Rather than simply going along with his mother’s wishes, he read about, and became vegetarianism(素食主义).He joined the Vegetarian Society, was elected to its Executive Committee(执行委员会), and founded a local chapter(草案).He later treasured(珍惜)this with giving him valuable experience in organising and running institutions(协会).Some of the vegetarians he met were members of the Theosophical Society, which had been founded in 1875 by H.P.Blavatsky to further brotherhood.Although he hadn’t shown a particular interest in religion(宗教)before then, he began to read works of, and about, Hinduismand other religions.

[问题导入]How do you think of “father of the nation”?

A father’s view:“Father of the nation”must be given a person who has done lots of unusal things.

A leader’s view:The name is not for an ordinary person.

A journalist’s view:Sun Zhongshan is Chinese people’s “Father of the nation”.I admired him.

A teacher’s view:Sun Zhongshan can’t be considered as Gandhi who was an Indian person.

A worker’s view:I think their hard struggle and suffering is not worth the name “Father of the nation”.

My view:________


His life was paid for the nation and for the nation.


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