
As rain begins to fall from the clouds, it is very pure. However, as it falls through the air it dissolves some of the gases in the air ,It also collects bits of dust and microbes(微生物)that are floating in the air, When the rain reaches the ground it begins to pick up more dust and dirt, Many kinds of mineral substances dissolve in the water ,Sand and nud cannot dissolve in water.

Since water is so important to us, it is very important that the water we use should be clean , Otherwise, we might get some of the diseases that are carried by water Many microbes are harmful ,They are so small that we cannot see them ,These microbes must be removed or killed before the water is not clean, people who drink this water may get these diseases, Thus , to provide people with clean water, the government purifies the water.

Purification is a long process and consists of three stages: storing ,purifying and distributing ,The first stage is storing , Man-made lakes called reservoirs are used for this purpose ,Water from the rains ,other lakes, streams and rivers is collected in the reservoirs ,This water is usually dirty and muddy.

In the second stage shich is purifying , water from the reservoirs is filtered in a special pond, Stones, sand and other unwanted tiny things are caught in it, After that, tiny microbes are still present in the water ,These microbes are removed by “airing ”the water and by adding a chemical substance called chloring(氯)to the water ,This kills all the microbes in the water ,A fter this the water can be safely used for drinking.

The third stage is the distribution of the purified water to homes ,hospitals, offices ,factories and other places, This is done through a network of pipes of various sizes, These pipes must be make of a suitable material.

1.From Paragraph 1, we can learn that           

A、Rain has contained gases when it forms in the clouds

B、Dust and microbes are dissolved in rain when rain falls on the ground

C、The closer rain is to the ground, the more impure things it contains

D、Sand and mud are things rain collects when it falls through the air

2.According to Paragraph 2 ,the following statements are wrong except that        

A、All the microbes in water are harmful so water must be purified

B、some diseases can spread through drinking water if it is not clean

C、Water is safe to drink if only harmful microbes are removed from it

D、it is the govrnment’s responsibility to make drinking water clean

3.What can we know about man-made lakes?

A、It is used through the whole process of purification

B、Only rain water can be collected and stored in it

C、Water collected can be stored and filtered in it

D、Water from them contains a lot of impure substances

4.What is the function of the chemical substance chlorine?

A、to air the water            B、to catch tiny things

C、to kill microbes             D、to remove harmful gases

5.What is probably this passage?

A、A news report     B、A book review     C、A magazine article       D、A school paper











1.C 推理题。根据文章第一段as it falls through the air it dissolves some of the gases in the air ,It also collects bits of dust and microbes(微生物)that are floating in the air, When the rain reaches the ground it begins to pick up more dust and dirt, Many kinds of mineral substances dissolve in the water ,Sand and nud cannot dissolve in water.可知在下落的过程中,雨水溶解了很多有害的物质在里面,所以雨水越靠近地面,越脏。故C正确。

2.B 细节题。根据文章第二段3,4行,These microbes must be removed or killed before the water is not clean, people who drink this water may get these diseases可知这样的水里含有很多有害的物质,喝了会让我们生病,影响我们的健康。故B正确。

3.D 细节题。根据文章第三段最后2行Man-made lakes called reservoirs are used for this purpose ,Water from the rains ,other lakes, streams and rivers is collected in the reservoirs ,This water is usually dirty and muddy.可知在这样的人工湖里的水是很脏的。故D正确。

4..C 推理题。根据文章倒数第二段,These microbes are removed by “airing ”the water and by adding a chemical substance called chloring(氯)to the water ,This kills all the microbes in the water ,A fter this the water can be safely used for drinking.可知加入氯是为了杀死水里的病菌。故C正确。

5.C 推理题。本文主要讲述的是净化水的过程,属于科普类的文章,最可能出现在科普类短文杂志里。故C正确。




Stepping into a pool of water is common enough, but who could ever imagine stepping into a pool of fish? In February of 1974, Bill Tapp, an Australian farmer, saw a rain of fish that covered his farm. How surprised he must have been when he heard many fish hitting against his roof!

   What caused this strange occurrence? This is a question that had long puzzled people who study fish. The answer turned out to be a combination of wind and storm.

  When it is spring in the northern part of the world, it is fall in Australia. Throughout the autumn season, terrible storms arise and rains flood the land. The strong winds sweep over Australia like huge vacuum cleaners, collecting seaweed, pieces of wood, and even schools of fish. Strong winds may carry these bits of nature for many miles before dropping them on fields, houses, and astonished people.

  Although they seem unusual, fish-falls occur quite frequently in Australia. When Bill Tapp was asked to describe the scene of fish, he remarked, “They look like millions of dead birds falling down.” His statement is not surprising. The wonders of the natural world are as common as rain. Nature, with its infinite wonders, can create waterfalls that flow upward and fish that fall out of the sky.

  56. What is this passage about?

  A. A sad story.             B. A rain of fish.

  C. Australia’s northern part.     D. The damage done by floods.

  57. Fish-falls occur in Australia_________ .

  A. quite often       B. on large farms

  C. only in winter     D. when the air is calm

  58. It is a known fact that ________.

  A. one should watch where one steps

  B. Bill Tapp is a scientist who studies farming

  C. the natural world can never create waterfalls that fall upward

  D. the seasons in the southern part are different from those in the northern part

  59. The word “infinite” is closest in meaning to _________.

  A. easy    B. difficult    C. countless    D. dangerous

Stepping into a pool of water is common enough, but who could ever imagine stepping into a pool of fish? In February of 1974, Bill Tapp, an Australian farmer, saw a rain of fish that covered his farm.How surprised he must have been!

    What caused this strange occurrence? This is a question that had long puzzled people who study fish. The answer turned out to be a combination of wind and storm.   

    When it is spring in the northern part of the world, it is fall in Australia. Throughout the autumn season, terrible storms arise and rains flood the land. The strong winds sweep over Australia like huge vacuum cleaners (吸尘器), collecting seaweed, pieces of wood, and even schools of fish. Strong winds may carry these bits of nature for many miles before vacuum dropping them on fields, houses, and astonished people.

    Although they seem unusual, fish-falls occur frequently in Australia. When Bill Tapp was asked to describe the scene of fish, he remarked, “They look like millions of dead birds falling down. ” His statement is not surprising. The wonders of the natural world are as common as rain. Nature, with its infinite wonders, can create waterfalls that flow upward and fish that fall out of the sky.

What could be the feelings of Bill Tapp the moment he saw the rain of fish?

A. excited    B. scared    C. calm      D. amazed

Fish-falls occur in Australia ________.

A. quite often  B. on large farms C. only in winter  D  when the air is calm

The word “infinite” is closest in meaning to _________.

   A. easy     B. difficult    C. countless   D. dangerous

What might be the reasons of the rain of fish?

A. Vacuum cleaners        B. Strong wind

  C. Wind and storm         D. It is still a puzzle

What is this passage about?

A.A sad story.           B. Australia's northern part.

C.A rain of fish.         D. The damage done by floods.

Most rain forests lie close to the equator(赤道),where the climate is often mild and there are long hours of sunshine.The warmth of the land heats the air above,causing it to rise and tiny drops of water to fall as rain.The rainfall can reach at least 98 inches a year.This wet,warm world with plenty of sunlight is perfect for plants to grow,so the trees grow fast with green leaves all the year round.The trees themselves also have an effect on the climate.They gather water from the soil and pass it out into the air through their leaves.The wet air then forms clouds,which hang over the treetops like smoke.These clouds protect the forest from the daytime heat and night-time cold of nearby deserts,keeping temperatures fit for plant growth.
Rain forests slightly farther away from the equator remain just as warm,but they have a dry season of three months or more when little rain falls.Tree leaves fall during this dry season and new leaves grow when the wet season or monsoon(雨季) begins.Thus these areas are known as the “monsoon forest”.
Another type of rain forest grows on tropical mountains.It is often called the “cloud forest” because clouds often hang over the trees like fog.
The rain forest is the ideal place for the growth of many different trees.Most of them depend on animals to eat their fruits and spread their seeds.When the fruits are eaten,the seeds inside them go undamaged through animals’ stomachs and are passed out in their droppings.The seeds lying on the forest floor then grow into new trees.
【小题1】The climate of the rain forests near the equator is _______.

A.mild,wet and windyB.hot,rainy and foggy
C.hot,wet and cloudyD.warm,wet and sunny
【小题2】We can learn from the passage that _______.
A.tree leaves are green all the time in the monsoon forest
B.there is a dry season in the cloud forest on tropical mountains
C.clouds help the plants in the rain forest near the deserts to grow
D.the formation of climate in the rain forest has little to do with the trees
【小题3】According to the passage,_______ play the most important role in the spreading of seeds.
【小题4】This passage is most likely to be found in _______.
A.a travel guideB.a story book
C.a technical reportD.a geography book


Most rain forests lie close to the equator(赤道),where the climate is often mild and there are long hours of sunshine.The warmth of the land heats the air above,causing it to rise and tiny drops of water to fall as rain.The rainfall can reach at least 98 inches a year.This wet,warm world with plenty of sunlight is perfect for plants to grow,so the trees grow fast with green leaves all the year round.The trees themselves also have an effect on the climate.They gather water from the soil and pass it out into the air through their leaves.The wet air then forms clouds,which hang over the treetops like smoke.These clouds protect the forest from the daytime heat and night-time cold of nearby deserts,keeping temperatures fit for plant growth.

Rain forests slightly farther away from the equator remain just as warm,but they have a dry season of three months or more when little rain falls.Tree leaves fall during this dry season and new leaves grow when the wet season or monsoon(雨季) begins.Thus these areas are known as the “monsoon forest”.

Another type of rain forest grows on tropical mountains.It is often called the “cloud forest” because clouds often hang over the trees like fog.

The rain forest is the ideal place for the growth of many different trees.Most of them depend on animals to eat their fruits and spread their seeds.When the fruits are eaten,the seeds inside them go undamaged through animals’ stomachs and are passed out in their droppings.The seeds lying on the forest floor then grow into new trees.

1.The climate of the rain forests near the equator is _______.

A.mild,wet and windy                        B.hot,rainy and foggy

C.hot,wet and cloudy                        D.warm,wet and sunny

2.We can learn from the passage that _______.

A.tree leaves are green all the time in the monsoon forest

B.there is a dry season in the cloud forest on tropical mountains

C.clouds help the plants in the rain forest near the deserts to grow

D.the formation of climate in the rain forest has little to do with the trees

3.According to the passage,_______ play the most important role in the spreading of seeds.

A.animals           B.droppings         C.fruits                D.winds

4.This passage is most likely to be found in _______.

A.a travel guide                            B.a story book

C.a technical report                            D.a geography book


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