

When I was a kid, I got interested in astronomy.

I used to wonder how big the u______ might be and   __________

what are “behind” the stars. But as I grew up, I h______ __________

had any time to  ______ (发展) my hobby because of too __________

much work. Many times I would like to observe an object

in the night ______, but I was either too tired or busy working__________

or I had to look after my kids. So I ______(鼓励) them to  __________

observe the stars together ______me and I even read kids’__________

astronomy books to them. By having a ______(共同的) hobby we__________

spent time together and we all found it interesting.

   While reading astronomy books, I u______ how many  __________

interesting things there are outside of this ______(行星). __________I realized that the information opens a door to a h______ __________

world of interesting things.













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