

请以A Respected Scientist为题,用英语写一篇记叙文。词数:120~150。


A Respected Scientist

  In 1932the great scientist Madam Curie was invited for a public meeting in her hometownWhen she entered the meeting halltwo girls came to her and presented fresh flowersThe crowd cheered and welcomeherSuddenly she saw an old white-haired woman in a wheel-chairShe went up to the old woman and put her armaround her neck and gave the flowers to her Then Madam Curie pushed the wheel-chair to the front row ofhall and introduced her to the peopleShe said,“ I'll always remember this old woman as one of my first teachers She led me through darkness to learn about the world.”⑤Those words won the praise of all the people thereMadam Curie was a great scientist,⑥she respected her first teacherThereforeMadam Curie herself is remembered by people all over the world

  修改:①forto 与invite连用的介词常用to

  welcomewelcomed cheeredwelcomed是两个并列的谓语动词,故用动词的一般过去式。

  armarms 根据上下文,此处最好用名词的复数形式。

  ofof the hall前应加定冠词,表特指。


  shebut she 加上连词but后,可使上下旬语意连接得更紧凑。

  评点:本篇习作语言通顺,生动地描写了一位伟大的科学家尊重教师的感人场景,很有教育意义。文中使用presented fresh flowersintroduced her to the people和被动语态等较高级的词汇和语法结构,是一篇好作文。


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