In the middle of the night, Peter's wife suddenly fell ill. She couldn’t help crying,“Oh, my stomach (胃)! Get the      !”

   Peter, awaking from a deep sleep, thought his wife was only having a       dream.

“Stop that noise.” he said to her. He turned over and tried to go to        again, but his wife still cried out, “Oh, help! Help! I'm sure I'm       !”

    Peter got out of bed and started       , but he could not find him any clothes.

   “Where is my shirt?” he asked. His wife was       ill to tell him, and she could only cry, “Oh, my        stomach!”

   As soon as he had put his clothes       , he said, “Now, my dear, are you quite 44that you need the doctor? Surely you can wait       morning, can't you?”

“No, I can't. Go, go, go.” his wife shouted,“       you will find me dead       the morning.”

   So Peter went out into the dark street. He had only gone a few meters      he heard his wife calling him again.

   “I'm       again now, and I shall not want the doctor.” she said softly.

   Hearing this, he started running as       as he could towards the doctor's. When he arrived there, he knocked at the door loudly enough to wake       around.

   The doctor put his sleepy head out of the bedroom window and said, “Er? Who's there?”

   “Oh, Doctor.”Peter said to him, “I've very       news for you. My wife       ill with a terrible stomachache (胃疼). I was on my way to bring you to her, but she called me back to say the trouble had suddenly       her. So you need not come. Go back to       now, and sleep well!”

1.A. driver   B. nurse        C. doctor         D. child

2.A. terrible   B. interesting    C. Surprising   D. wonderful

3.A. bed      B. sleep       C. dream        D. hospital

4.A. walking   B. dying      C. aching       D. sleeping

5.A. dressing   B. wearing    C. raising       D. working

6.A. very      B. so         C. too         D. quite

7.A. good      B. bad        C. wrong      D. poor

8.A. down     B. off        C. on         D. up

9.A. surprised   B. afraid     C. certain     D. worried

10.A. before     B. for        C. to        D. until

11.A. And      B. But        C. So        D. Or

12.A. after      B. in        C. before      D. until

13.A. after     B. when      C. before      D. while

14.A. good     B. wrong      C. all right    D. right

15.A. fast        B. slowly      C. hurriedly    D. happily

16.A. everyone   B. someone     C. no one     D. doctors

17.A. good      B. bad         C. necessary    D. ill

18.A. fell       B. stayed      C. grew        D. failed

19.A. gone     B. missed      C. disappeared   D. left

20.A. your home  B. your bedroom C. your dream         D. bed


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