A few years ago, I was with a close woman friend in a grocery store in California.As we walked along the aisle (过道), we saw a mother with a small boy moving in the opposite direction and met us head-on (正面的) in each aisle.The woman barely noticed us because she was so angry with her little boy, who wanted to pull items off the lower shelves.As the mother became more and more annoyed, she started to yell at the child and several aisles later had progressed to shaking him by the arm.k+s-5#u 

At this point my friend spoke up.A wonderful mother of three and founder of a progressive school, she had probably never once in her life treated any child so harshly(严厉地).I expected my friend would give this woman a solid mother-to-mother talk about controlling herself and about the effect this behavior has on a child.Instead, my friend said, “What a beautiful little boy.How old is he?” The woman answered cautiously, “He’s three.” My friend went on to comment on how curious he seemed and how her own three children were just like him in the grocery store, pulling things off shelves, so interested in all the wonderful colors and packages.“He seems so bright and intelligent,” my friend said.

The woman had the boy in her arms by now and a shy smile came upon her face.Gently brushing his hair out of his eyes, she said, “Yes, he’s very smart and curious, but sometimes he wears me out.” My friend responded sympathetically(表示同情地), “Yes, they can do that; they are so full of energy.”

As we walked away, I heard the mother speaking kindly to the boy about getting home and cooking his dinner.“We’ll have your favorite — macaroni(通心面) and cheese,” she told him.

The mother was angry with her baby because      

A.the mother was very tired k+s-5#u 

B.the baby asked for more things

C.the baby ran madly in the store

D.the baby was pulling the goods off the shelves

We can learn from the passage that the author’s friend       

A.treated her children well only     

B.was probably good to any child

C.liked the boy very much         

D.always wanted to help others

The author’s friend talked with the mother in that way to      

A.show her sympathy for the woman

B.know something about the boy first

C.show her anger with the woman k+s-5#u 

D.make the woman realize children’s natural quality

With the story, the author most probably intends to tell us that     

A.we should respect a child’s nature

B.we should never blame a child

C.mothers usually share the same interest

D.mothers should try to be gentle and polite k+s-5#u 

Below is adapted from a dictionary.
▲Noun 1(a)[U] liquid without color, smell or taste that falls as ran, in lakes, rivets and seas, and is used for drinking, washing, etc: Water is changed into steam by heat and into ice by cold. ○drinking water ○ mineral water. (b)[U]this liquid as supplied to homes, factories, etc in pipes: The water was turned off for several hours a day during the drought. ○ hot and cold running water ○ [attrib] water shortages (c)[sing]mass of this liquid, esp a lake, river or sea: She fell into the water and drowned. ○ The flood water cowered the whole area. (d)[sing]surface of a lake, river, sea, etc: float on the water ○ We could see fishes under the water
2[U](exp in compounds)preparation containing water or sth similar to water: rose-water ○ soda-water
3 waters[pl](a)mass of water(in lake, river, etc)the (head-)waters of the Nile, ic the lake from which it flows(b)sea near a particular country: British waters ○ in home/ foreign waters 4[U]state or level of the tide: (at)high/low water
▲idioms he in /get into hot water(in formal) be in/get into trouble or disgrace: A person who
breaks a law can be in hot water with the police.
·cast one’s bread upon the waters(formal) do good make him drink you can give a person the
opportunity to do something but he may still refuse to do it.
·Still waters run deep a quiet or apparently calm person can have strong emotions, much
knowledge or wisdom.
·Blood is thicker than water Family is more important than anyone or anything else.
·Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water When deeds without expecting anything in
·fish in troubled waters try to gain advantages for oneself from a disturbed state of affairs
·hold water(in formal)(of an argument, an excuse, etc)be capable of standing up to examination or
testing; be valid
·in smooth water(s) make even and easy progress: The business seems to be in smooth withers
there days.
·keep one’s head above water stay out of debt, difficulty etc: I’m managtag to keep my head
above water, though I am not earning much.
·pour oil on troubled waters (try to) calm a disagreement or violent dispute, etc
·water under the bridge event, mistake, etc that has already occurred and cannot be changed, so
there is no point in worrying about it.
verb [Tn] pour or sprinkle water on (sth): water a flowerbed, lawn, plant 2[Tn]give water to
(an animal) to drink 3[Tn] add water to (a drink )to dilute it: The owner of the pub was accused of
watering the beer.
Phrasal verb water sth down(a)make (a liquid)weaker by adding water(b)weaken the effect of
sth, eg by making the details less vivid: The criticisnts have been watered down so as not to offend
▲Saying You can take a horse to water, but you can’t you are making a change, save what
matters to you and dispose of the rest
·It is no safe to wading in an unknown water it is dangerous for one to be involved in an
uncertain adventure.
·Too much water drowned the miller much gaining is good, but too much goes the opposite.
45.Fill in the blank in the sentence “If you’re caught cheating in the exam, you will___________.”
A.pour oil in troubled waters        B.be in hot water
C.cast your bread upon the waters      D.have to hold water
46.When we say it is “water under the bridge” to a friend who is upset by a mistake he/she has made, we mean “___________.”
A.forget it    B.correct it   C.worry about it  D.avoid it
47.Choose a word to complete the sentence “They gave the press the___________description of what really had happened.”
A.watered-down  B.waters      C.water D.watered
48.Which of the following can be used to describe Jack, who has invested a lot of money in stocks without knowing anything about the stock market?
A.Still waters run deep.
B.Too much water drowned the miller.
C.It is no safe to wading in an unknown water.
D.You can take a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink.

WASHINGTON---Think you’re savvy about food safety? That you wash your hands well, scrub away germs, cook your meat properly?
Guess again.
Scientists put cameras in the kitchens of 100 families in Logan, Utah. What was caught on tape in this middle-class, well-educated college town suggests why food poisoning hits so many Americans.
People skipped soap when hand-washing. Used the same towel to wipe up raw meat juice as to dry their hands. Made a salad without washing the lettuce. Undercooked the meat loaf. One even tasted the marinade in which bacteria-ridden raw fish had soaked.
Not to mention the mom who handled raw chicken and then fixed her infant a bottle without washing her hands.
Or another mom who merely rinsed(冲洗) her baby’s juice bottle after it fell into raw eggs---no soap against the salmonella(沙门氏菌) that can lurk(潜伏) in eggs.
“Shocking,” was Utah State University nutritionist Janet Anderson’s reaction.
Specialists call this typical of the average U.S. household: Everybody commits at least some safety sins(罪恶) when they are hurried, distracted by fussy children or ringing phones, simply not thinking about germs. Even Anderson made changes in her kitchen after watching the tapes.
The Food and Drug Administration funded Anderson’s $50,000 study to detect how cooks slip up. The goal is to improve consumers’ knowledge of how to protect themselves from the food poisoning that strikes 76 million Americans each year.
“One of the great barriers in getting people to change is they think they’re doing such a good job already,” said FDA consumer research chief Alan Levy.
Surveys show most Americans blame restaurants for food-borne illnesses. Asked if they follow basic bacteria-fighting tips---listed on the Internet at www.fightbac.org---most insist they’re careful in their kitchens.
Levy says most food poisonings probably occur at home. The videotapes suggest why. People have no idea that they’re messing up, Anderson said. “You just go in the kitchen, and it’s something you don’t think about.”
She described preliminary(初步的) study results at a food meeting last week. Having promised the families anonymity, she didn’t show the tapes.
For $50 and free groceries, families agreed to be filmed. Their kitchens looked clean and presumably(perhaps) they were on their best behavior, but they didn’t know it was a safety study. Hoping to see real-life hygiene, scientists called the experiment “market research” on how people cooked a special recipe.
Scientists bought ingredients for a salad plus either Mexican meat loaf, marinaded halibut or herb-breaded chicken breasts with mustard sauce---recipes designed to catch safety slip-ups.
Cameras started rolling as the cooks put away the groceries.
There was mistake No. 1: Only a quarter stored raw meat and seafood on the refrigerator’s bottom shelf so other foods don’t get contaminated(污染) by dripping juices.
Mistake No. 2: Before starting to cook, only 45 percent washed their hands. Of those, 16 percent didn’t use soap. You’re supposed to wash hands often while cooking, especially after handling raw meat. But on average, each cook skipped seven times that Anderson said they should have washed. Only a third consistently used soap---many just rinsed and wiped their hands on a dish towel. That dish towel became Anderson’s nightmare. Using paper towels to clean up raw meat juice is safest. But dozens wiped the countertop(台面板) with that cloth dish towel---further spreading germs the next time they dried their hands.
Thirty percent didn’t wash the lettuce; others placed salad ingredients on meat-contaminated counters.
Scientists checked the finished meal with thermometers, and Anderson found “alarming” results: 35 percent who made the meat loaf undercooked it, 42 percent undercooked the chicken and 17 percent undercooked the fish.
Must you use a thermometer? Anderson says just because the meat isn’t pink doesn’t always mean it got hot enough to kill bacteria.
Anderson’s study found gaps in food-safety campaigns. FDA’s “Fight Bac” antibacterial program doesn’t stress washing vegetables. Levy calls those dirty dish towels troubling; expect more advice stressing paper towels.
Anderson’s main message: “If people would simply wash their hands and clean food surfaces after handling raw meat, so many of the errors would be taken care of.”
【小题1】Where did this article most likely come from?

A.The Internet. B.A newspaper.C.A Textbook.D.A brochure.
【小题2】 What is the purpose of Paragraphs 4 through 6?
A.To present the author’s opinion about the study.
B.To explain how the study was conducted.
C.To state the reason for the food safety study.
D.To describe things observed in the study.
【小题3】 What prevents many Americans practicing better food safety in their kitchen?
A.They don’t trust the Food and Drug Administration.
B.They’ve followed basic bacteria-fighting tips on the Internet.
C.They think they are being careful enough already.
D.They believe they are well-informed and well-educated enough.
【小题4】 Which of the following would prevent most cases of food poisoning in the home?
A.Washing hands and cleaning surfaces after handling raw meat.
B.Strictly following recipes and cooking meat long enough.
C.Storing raw meat on the bottom shelf in the refrigerator.
D.Using paper towels t clean up raw meat juice.
【小题5】 What is the main purpose of this article?
A.To discourage people from cooking so much meat at home.
B.To criticize the families who participated in the study.
C.To introduce the Food and Drug Administration’s food safety campaigns.
D.To report the results of a study about the causes of food poisoning.

When Mary Moore began her high school in 1951, her mother told her, "Be sure and take a typing course so when this show business thing doesn't work out, you'll have something to rely on. " Mary responded in typical teenage fashion. From that moment on, "the very last thing I ever thought about doing was taking a typing course," she recalls.

The show business thing worked out, of course. In her career, Mary won many awards. Only recently, when she began to write Growing Up Again, did she regret ignoring her morn," I don't know how to use a computer," she admits.

Unlike her 1995 autobiography, After All, her second book is less about life as an award-winning actress and more about living with diabetes (糖尿病). All the money from the book is intended for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF), an organization she serves as international chairman. "I felt there was a need for a book like this," she says. " I didn't want to lecture, but I wanted other diabetics to know that things get better when we're self-controlled and do our part in managing the disease. "

But she hasn't always practiced what she teaches. In her book, she describes that awful day, almost 40 years ago, when she received two pieces of life-changing news. First, she had lost the baby she was carrying, and second, tests showed that she had diabetes. In a childlike act, she left the hospital and treated herself to a box of doughnuts (甜甜圈). Years would pass before she realized she had to grow u p ---again---and take control of her diabetes, not let it control her. Only then did she kick her three-pack-a-day cigarette habit, overcome her addiction to alcohol, and begin to follow a balanced diet.

Although her disease has affected her eyesight and forced her to the sidelines of the dance floor, she refuses to fall into self-pity. "Everybody on earth can ask, 'why me?' about something or other," she insists. "It doesn't do any good. No one is immune (免疫的) to heartache, pain, and disappointments. Sometimes we can make things better by helping others. I've come to realize the importance of that as I've grown up this second time. I want to speak out and be as helpful as I can be. "

1.Why did Mary feel regretful?

A.She didn't achieve her ambition.            B.She didn't take care of her mother.

C.She didn't complete her high school.         D.She didn't follow her mother's advice.

2.When Mary received the life-changing news, she         .

A.lost control of herself                    B.began a balanced diet

C.need to get a treatment                   D.behaved in an adult way

3.What can we know from the last paragraph?

A.Mary feels pity for herself.

B.Mary has recovered from her disease.

C.Mary wants to help others as much as possible.

D.Mary determines to go back to the dance floor.




Babies are not just passing idle time when they stare goggle-eyed at the television—they are actually learning about the world, U.S. researchers said. Parents may want t limit what their babies see on television , based on the study, said Donna Mumme, assistant professor of psychology at Tufts University in Boston, who led the research. “Children as young as 12 months are making decisions based n the emotional(情感的)reactions of adults around them,” Mumme said in a statement. “It turns out they can also use emotional information they pick up from television. This means that adults might want to think twice before they speak in a loud and harsh voice or let a baby see television programs meant for information about the world. A mother urging her baby to eat some  “yummy” soup on a brother crying in fear when a dog approaches can influence a baby’s reaction. Mumme’s team tested babies to determine. If television has the same influence, showing actors reacting on a videotape to objects such as red spiral letter holder, a blue humpy ball, and a yellow garden hose attachment. Babies aged 10 months or 12 months were later given the same objects to play with. Ten-month-olds did not seem to e influenced by the video buy the 1-year-olds were. When the actors acted neutrally or positively to an object, the babies happily played with them. But if the actor had seemed afraid or disgusted, the babies would avoid the object.

72.Psychology is the study of             .

A.human’s society and its growth

B.human’s hopes had dreams

C.human’s mind and behaviors

D.human’s languages and cultures

73.Which of the following is Mumme’s conclusion?

A.Small babies should not be allowed to watch television programs.

B.Adults need to think twice before they act in front of small babies.

C.TV programs provide small babies with all the information they need.

D.One-year-olds can be emotionally influenced by TV programs.

74.Mumme reached his conclusion by            .

A.measuring the time babies spent in front of TV.

B.making TV programs and advertisements for kids.

C.showing actors how to react to blue bumpy balls

D.observing small babies’ reactions to TV programs

75.Which of the following may the study lead to according to the researchers?

A.Parents may want to limit what their babies see on television.

B.Actors may try to behave themselves well in front of babies.

C.Babies may be allowed to choose what they see on TV.

D.Scientists may stop ignoring babies’ emotional world.


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