

American Idol is a TV show and annual American singing competition, which began its first season on June 11, 2002. It is based on the British show Pop Idol, in which thousands of young singers, aged 16-28, audition(试演)for the chance   1.  (choose) as the new singing idol. The program seeks to discover the  2.  (good) young singer in the country through  3.  series of nationwide auditions.              

Auditions  4.  (hold) in key cities around the country, with judges removing some contestants(选手),  5.  there are only 30 left. These 30 compete, on air, and the viewing public votes for  6.  three favorites each week, over the course of the next three weeks. Those nine contestants, along   7.  one “wild card” chosen by judges, continue on to the next stage of the competition,  8.  takes place over several weeks. The outcome of the latter stages of this competition is wholly determined by public voting. There are three judges assessing the contestants’    9.  (perform) in order to facilitate(推动) the voting.

Of these ten, two winners are chosen to appear in a live half-hour telecast(电视广播)the following evening to compete   10.  a top-dollar record deal.




1.to be chosen  



4.are held








试题分析:美国偶像是一个电视节目和年度美国的歌唱比赛,2002年6月11日开始它的第一个赛季。它是根据英国的流行偶像节目编排的,成千上万的年轻歌手通过一系列全国海选 产生30名选手,通过观众投票选出九位选手,还有一个裁判确定的“待定”进入下一阶段的竞争。最后结果完全由公众投票决定。为了推动投票,有三名裁判评价选手的表现。这十位选手中,选出两个获胜者参加第二天晚上的半小时电视现场直播争夺顶尖奖项。

1.它是根据英国表演秀流行偶像,节目中成千上万的年龄在16-28岁的歌手,参加被选为新偶像歌手的试演机会。to be chosen做定语修饰chance,表被动、将来。


3.通过一系列全国海选。a series of是固定短语:一系列的。故选a。

4.试演是在全国主要城市举行。全文是一般现在时,这里主语和谓语又是被动关系,故选are held。



7.九位选手,和裁判选出的一个“待定”,继续进入下一阶段的竞争。along with 和……在一起。

8.九位选手, 和裁判选出的一个“待定”,继续进入下一阶段的竞争,这需要在几个星期内进行。which代替先行词,引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词the next stage of the competition。


10.这十位选手中,将选出两名获胜者参加在第二天晚上半小时的电视现场直播,来争夺最高待遇。compete for 为……而竞争。






  Soccer is an extremely popular sport through most of the world.However,as with anything that people feel over interested in,strong feelings sometimes get out of hand.English fans have been known   1   quarreling endlessly and even fighting in the stands.Several violent actions in a game between Argentina and Chile in 1964   2   (动词词组) the death of 309 people.But up   3   now at least,there has been only one soccer war.

  That war took place between E1 Salvador and Honduras,two Central American countries.The year was 1969,and for many years the Salvador economy had been in a frightening condition:too many people with too little land and too   4   (little) jobs, created a situation of terrible poverty.As a result,many poor Salvadorans had been   5  (secret) crossing into Honduras looking for work,and later they formed a strong sense   6   (引导词) they were mistreated there.So unfriendly feelings were already very strong at the beginning of a World Cup match between the two countries.

  The first game of the three-game play off   7   (hold) in Honduras,and the home team got   8  1-0 win in the last minute of play.Fighting broke out afterward in the streets,and the stadium was set on fire.The second game was played in E1 Salvador,and the E1 Salvador team won.More violence and fires followed. 9 .By the time the third game was played in Mexico City,an actual War appeared certainly by all means(改正句中错误).And that is exactly   10   (引导词) happened.Immediately after E1 Salvador’s close victory,armies began marching along the border of the two countries.Then E1 Salvador attacked Honduras and bombed its airport.The war was over in less than a week,but ill feelings between the two countries lasted for years and years.

     In junior high school, one of my classmates, Ethan, was addicted to TV. This boy simply knew everything
about such pop shows as Who's the Boss?
     Then one day Ethan's mother made brim an offer in order to draw him back to his school subjects. She
promised that she would give him $200 if he could go a full month without watching any TV. None of us
thought Ethan could do it, but he did quite well. His mom paid him $200. He went out and bought a TV, the
biggest he could find.
     In recent years, hundreds of schools have carried out experiments with paying kids with each for showing
up or getting good grades. All school kids admire this trend. But it upsets adults. Teachers say that we are
rewarding kids for doing what they should be doing of their own will. Psychologists warn that money can
actually make kids perform worse by making the act of learning cheap. The debate has become a typical battle
over why our kids are not learning at the rate they should he despite decades of reforms and budget increases.
1. 以约30词概括上文的主要内容。
2. 以约120词对用金钱鼓励孩子学习的现象进行议论,内容包括:
   (1) 你对用金钱鼓励孩子学习的看法:
   (2) 你的父母(或其他亲人)是如何鼓励你学习的;
   (3) 你认为怎样才能更好地鼓励孩子学习
1. 作文中可以使用亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句
2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。


Soccer is an extremely popular sport through most of the world.However,as with anything that people feel over interested in,strong feelings sometimes get out of hand.English fans have been known __1____ quarreling endlessly and even fighting in the stands.Several violent actions in a game between Argentina and Chile in 1964 ____2_____ (动词词组) the death of 309 people.But up ___3___ now at least,there has been only one soccer war.

That war took place between E1 Salvador and Honduras,two Central American countries.The year was 1969,and for many years the Salvador economy had been in a frightening condition:too many people with too little land and too __4____ (little) jobs, created a situation of terrible poverty.As a result,many poor Salvadorans had been ___5____(secret) crossing into Honduras looking for work,and later they formed a strong sense ___6____ (引导词) they were mistreated there.So unfriendly feelings were already very strong at the beginning of a World Cup match between the two countries.

The first game of the three-game play off __7____ (hold) in Honduras,and the home team got __8____1-0 win in the last minute of play.Fighting broke out afterward in the streets,and the stadium was set on fire.The second game was played in E1 Salvador,and the E1 Salvador team won.More violence and fires followed. 9. By the time the third game was played in Mexico City,an actual War appeared certainly by all means(改正句中错误). And that is exactly___10____ (引导词) happened.Immediately after E1 Salvador’s close victory,armies began marching along the border of the two countries.Then E1 Salvador attacked Honduras and bombed its airport.The war was over in less than a week,but ill feelings between the two countries lasted for years and years.

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