

San Francisco is a big city which lies in the west of the United States very near the Pacific, where two earth's plates often meet and jump. So earthquake is a  1       word to hear there. It is recorded that at least  2        big earthquakes have happened in San Francisco since the beginning of the  _3        century. One happened in 1906, the other in 1989.

The second worst earthquake _4       San Francisco on the evening of October 17, 1989, when people were traveling to their  5     . A wide and busy overhead road fell onto the one    6     _.  Many people were killed in their cars. A few  7       ones were not hurt, but many thousands became   8     . A large number of weak buildings didn't _9        in the quake and the     10      electricity was cut off for several days, too. 

(    ) 1. A. terrible      B. sad     C. usual D. funny

(    ) 2. A. two    B. three   C. four    D. five   

(    ) 3. A. 17th   B.18th     C. 19th    D 20th

(    ) 4. A. shook        B. felt    C. discovered  D. moved

(    ) 5. A. offices       B. homes C. factories     D. schools

(    ) 6. A. above        B. nearby       C. below D. round

(    ) 7. A. young       B. tall     C. strong D. lucky

(    ) 8. A. homeless    B. jobless       C. friendless   D. childless

(    ) 9. A. put up B. go up        C. stay up       D. turn up

(    ) 10. A. company's       B. school's      C. country's    D. city's

1--5 CADAB  6--10 CDACD 


II. 语言知识及应用(共两节,满分35分)
A proud father has named his son after a computer software term. Jon Blake Cusack, from Michigan, told local newspapers the US traditional way of adding “Junior” after a boy’s name was too   21  .
So, when his son was born last week, he decided on the name Jon Blake Cusack 2.0, as if he were a __22__ upgrade. Mr. Cusack admitted that it took months to   23   his wife, Jamie, to accept the idea. Mrs. Cusack said she asked several friends whether they can accept this name or not. All the men, she said, felt the name was __24   . However, her women friends did not think so. “I think the women ___25__ like it,” she said.
Mr. Cusack told the local newspaper he got the   26   from a film called The Legend of l900, in which an abandoned baby is given the name 1900 to remember the year of its   27  . “I thought if they could do this. Why can’t we?” After little Jon 2.0 was born, Mr. Cusack even sent a celebratory e-mail to the family and friends designed to look as if he and his wife had   28   a new software.
“I wrote things like there are a lot of new features from Version 1.0 with   29   features from Jamie”, he said. And he is already planning for his son’s future. “If he has a   30  , he could name it 3.0,” he said.
21. A. ordinary                B. usual                  C. normal                    D. common
22. A. software                    B. program                  C. machine                   D. computer
23. A. advise                B. suggest           C. persuade                  D. ask
24. A. cool                          B. bad                   C. out-of-date           D. strange
25. A. take up                     B. add up                        C. end up                     D. get up
26. A. plan                      B. opinion             C. thought                 D. idea
27. A. growth               B. birth               C. name                   D. time
28. A. created              B. founded               C. discovered                  D. found
29. A. newer                B. common            C. additional            D. scarce
30. A. son                        B. child                    C. friend                   D. daughter

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从21-30 各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
The Obstacle in our Path
In ancient times, a king had a big rock placed on a roadway. Then he        21      himself and watched to see if anyone would   22        the huge rock.
Some of the king’s wealthiest merchants and courtiers came by and        23      walked around it. Many loudly   24        the king for not keeping the roads clear, but none did anything about getting the stone out of the way.
Then a peasant came along carrying a load of vegetables. Upon  25        near the rock, the peasant   26        his burden and tried to move the stone to the side of the road. After much pushing and pulling, he finally   27      . After the peasant picked up his load of vegetables, he noticed a   28          lying in the road where the rock had been. It contained many gold coins and a   29         from the king indicating that the gold for person who removed the rock from the roadway.
The peasant learned what many of us never understand —— ‘‘Every obstacle                    30          an opportunity to improve our condition. ’’
21. A. persuaded    B. raised                C. hid                   D. escaped
22. A. seat                    B. remove                    C. break                D. mark
23. A. mostly         B. hardly               C. simply              D. seldom
24. A. blamed        B. admired                   C. praised              D. respected
25. A. carrying             B. moving                    C. watching           D. approaching
26. A. threw away  B. laid down                 C. put away           D. took down
27. A. ended          B. worked                    C. succeeded   D. overcame
28. A. purse                  B. book                        C. pen                   D. ring
29. A. notice          B. secret                       C. donation            D. note
30. A. has                     B. contains                   C. presents             D. represents

第二部分语言知识及应用(共两节, 满分35分)



Secondhand smoke clearly kills people and the only way to control it is to ban smoking in all workplaces, US Surgeon-General Dr Richard Carmona said.

In 1964Surgeon General’s report first laid out the  21  of smoking. Years later, in another report Dr Richard Carmona  22  the effects of secondhand smoke and said no one should be forced to inhale it.

“Secondhand smoke causes early death and disease in children and in   23  who do not smoke,” the report reads. “Children   24  to secondhand smoke are at an increased risk for sudden infant death syndrome(综合症), acute respiratory(呼吸道) infections, and ear problems,” it adds.

Smoking by   25   causes respiratory symptoms and slows lung growth in their children. A 2005 report from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that 430  26  died every year in the United States from sudden infant death syndrome-all   27  by secondhand smoke.

States,  28  and other local authorities have battled over instituting(制定)smoking bans. Some   29  , especially bars and restaurants, have said they will lose business if smoking is completely banned. But the report said it is impossible to protect non-smokers even with designated smoking areas, and at least one report from California, which has strict bans, has shown no   30  on businesses.

21.A.advantages       B.dangers       C.poisons     D.elements



22.A.neglected     B.gained         C.detailed    D.conquered

23.A.gentlemen     B.mothers       C.youngstersD.adults

24.A.exposed       B.resisted        C.reported    D.invited

25.A.audiences     B.authorities     C.patients     D.parents

26.A.teenagers     B.elders          C.mothers    D.newborns

27.A.obtained      B.created        C.caused      D.abandoned

28.A.countries     B.cities         C.schools     D.businesses

29.A.stores          B.headquarters     C.businesses D.factories

30.A.comment     B.impact         C.attack       D.affect





    Exercise is often said to be good for everyone.But a new study has shown that exercise could be  _21   especially for people past middle age.The study was done with mice.It showed that although mild exercise  22    a good effect on the muscles of young mice, it 23_   the muscles of mice past middle age.

The three groups of mice in the experiment were _24__ in age at young, middle-aged, and elderly humans.The mice were __25_ on a thread-mill (踏车) 30 minutes a day for a five-week period.At the end of that time, the young mice’s leg muscles had increased almost 30 percent in weight, but those of the old mice were reduced by 25 percent.No_  26_   pattern showed for the middle-aged mice.

David Gershon, an expert who carried out the experiment, explained that the older mice’ muscles were probably already  _27_  down and that exercise worsened the _28_ .An earlier study by Gershon showed that middle-aged mice benefited from exercise if they started exercising young and continued it.

It’s clear that because the tests were done on mice, drawing conclusions about humans is too early.But the studies do not totally  _29_  the theory that exercise is good under any conditions.Let’s use the tests on mice as a _30__for other studies.

21.A.beneficial            B.friendly                    C.tiring          D.unhealthy

22.A.made                   B.took                     C.had                D.brought

23.A.harmed               B.helped                 C.improved       D.reduced

24.A.aimed        B.connected               C.indicated         D.represented

25.A.directed              B.driven                  C.hung               D.placed

26.A.clean         B.clear                 C.proper           D.visible

27.A.breaking      B.failing                 C.letting          D.slowing

28.A.body         B.condition     C.situation         D.circumstance

29.A.appreciate     B.assist              C.promote          D.support

30.A.bridge        B.means                          C.proposal              D.warning





Jenkins was a jeweller, who had made a large diamond ring worth £57,000 for the Silkstone Jewellery Shop. When it was ready, he made a copy of it which looked ___16__ like the first one but was worth only£2,000. This he took to the shop, which accepted it without a question.

  Jenkins gave the much more 17__ ring to his wife for her fortieth birthday. Then, the husband and wife __18__ to Paris for a weekend. As to the __19__ ring, the shop sold it for£60,000.

  Six months later the buyer __20__it back to Silkstone's office. "It's a faulty diamond,"he said. "It isn't worth the high __21__ I paid." Then he told them the __22__. His wife's car had caught fire in an __23__. She had escaped  ,__24__ the ring had fallen off and been damaged  in the great __25__ of the fire.

  The shop had to agree. They knew that no fire on earth can ever damage a perfect diamond. Someone had taken the __26__ diamond and put a faulty one in its place. The question was: who __27__ it?

  A picture of the ring appeared in the __28__. A reader thought he recognized the ring. The next day, another picture appeared in the papers which showed a famous dancer walking out to a plane for Paris. Behind the dancer there was a woman __29__ a large diamond ring."Do You know the __30__ with the lovely diamond ring?" the papers asked their readers. Several months later, Jenkins was sentenced to seven years in prison.

16. A. surely         B. only   C. nearly   D. exactly

17. A. real     B. worthy   C. modern      D. valuable

18.A. drove     B. flew        C. sailed    D. bicycled

19. A. last          B. first      C. second   D. next

20. A. sold     B. posted     C. brought    D. returned

21.A. money    B. price       C. cost       D. value

22. A. facts     B. questions     C. results       D. matters

23. A. accident      B. affair      C. incident    D. experience

24. A. so      B. but          C. or        D. and

25. A. pile     B. heat      C. pressure     D. power

26. A. real     B. pure      C. right      D. exact 

27.A. made    B. stole         C. copied     D. did

28.A. magazines   B. notices     C. newspapers   D. programmes

29. A. carrying  B. holding      C. dressing     D. wearing    

30. A. dancer    B. woman   C. jeweler       D. reader


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