

1. 我们应该充分利用每一分钟。

We should try to ______ ______ ______ ____ every minute.

2. 这是在两国交战的时期。

This was a time ______ the two countries _____ _____ _____.

3. 随着时间的推移,我们相信一切都会更美好。

_____ _____ ______ ______, we are sure that everything will be better .

4. 黄昏时我碰巧在楼上,窗户是开着的。

I ______ ______ ______ upstairs at dusk ______ the window was open.

5. 我们迫不及待地要见到他们。

We _______ ______ ______ to see them!

6. 说实在的,很多人把名和利看得很重。

To be honest, a lot of people ______ great _______ _____ becoming rich and famous.

7. 你们应该多关注我生活的热带雨林。

You should ______ more ______ _____ the rainforest _______ I live.

8. 跑步、游泳、划船和一些团队项目是在夏季运动会上进行的。

_____ ______ in the Summer Olympics _______ you have the running races, together _____ swimming, sailing and all the team sports.

1. make full use of   2. when; were at war   3. As time goes by/ With time going by

4. happened to be; when  5. can hardly wait    6. attach importance to

7. pay attention to; where   8. It is; that; with



Astronauts’ meals have come a long way from the free-dried powders and semi—liquid pastes of decades ago,now US scientists want to grow vegetables in mini—greenhouses on the moon.

   Scientists say they are looking forward to a time when residents of future lunar or even Martian outsteps will be able to dine on fresh vegetables.Paragon Space Development Corporation has unveiled what it called the first step toward growing flowers——and eventually food on the moon.

   This is a sealed greenhouse that looks like a bell jar encased in a 46-cm triangular aluminiumframe.It is designed to safely land a laboratory plant on the lunar surface,and protect it while it grows.

   The miniature greenhouse is to be launched into space by Odyssey Moon Ltd, a participant in the Google Lunar X Prize. This competition offers $21 million to any entrant who can launch, land and operate a rover on the lunar surface.

   Paragon officials say future testing of the “Lunar Oasis” will be driven by Odyssey’s flight Schedule, which will not happen until 2012 at the earliest.

   When it does lift off the greenhouse will contain the seeds of Brassica, a hardy plant related to Brussels sprouts and cabbage. Because Brassica goes from seed to flower in just 14 days, it can complete its life cycle in a single lunar night.

   “Colonizing the Moon or Mars seems so far away,but it is important that we do this research now. ”Paragon president Jane Poynter said.

   “It takes a long time to get a lot of research, and to get integrated, reliable efficient systems before colonists move in. ”she said.

The article is written mainly to__________.

    A. predict the astronauts’ meals in the future

    B. introduce an experiment “Lunar Oasis’’

    C. tell us the future development of astronomy

    D. focus on the human’s great progress

The article implies that__________.

    A. astronauts can grow flowers in space at present

    B. Paragon and NASA will carry out the test separately

    C. Lunar Oasis is a series of experiments carried out in space

    D. the earliest testing of the Lunar Oasis may be in 2012

The underlined word “colonists” in the last paragraph probably has the meaning of______.

    A. plants    B. wild beasts    C. human beings      D. scientists

The seeds of Brassica will be contained in the greenhouse mainly because _________.

    A. their life cycle is much shorter

    B. they are more nutritious than other food

    C. they are related to Brussels sprouts and cabbage

    D. they are very delicious

Gyber language is popular among Chinese netizens, who create English words to reflect novel phenomenon in society.

"Gelivable", combining pinyin of Chinese characters Geili (giving strength) with the English suffix for adjectives, literally means "giving power" or "cool". Similarly, "Hengelivable" means "very cool", and "ungelivable" means "dull, not cool at all". "Antizen" referred to the group of college graduates who, earning a meager salary and living in small rented apartments, are like the tiny and laborious ants.

David Tool, a professor with the Beijing International Studies University said it’s very interesting to combine Chinese with English to create new words. “English is no longer mysterious to the Chinese people. They can use the language in a flexible way according to their own experiences,” he said. Chinese words and expressions were created, as well, by netizens. One example was “Suan Ni Hen”. This three-charessions were created, as well, by netizens. One example was “Suan Ni Hen”. This three-character expression, which originally meant “you win” with the first character carrying the same pronunciation as garlic in Chinese, is used to satirize(讽刺)high garlic and food prices this winter.

Chinese people use the character “bei” before a verb to show a passive voice, and it is used by netizens to show the helplessness in front of false conclusions and fake media reports. For instance, “zisha” means “suicide” while “beizisha” means “be officially presumed to have committed suicide”, and xiaokang means “fairly comfortable life” while “beixiaokang” means “be said to be living a fairly comfortable life”.

Wu Zhongmin, a professor at the Party School of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, saw the phenomenon of word creation as a natural response of young people to social issues. “Cyber language is more vivid and it shortens people’s distances,” he said.

The passage mainly tells us that            .

    A.cyber language is popular among all people

    B.cyber language is of great fun

    C.cyber language needs to be taught at coolege

    D.cyber language in China is popular for it’s relation with society

Which of the following is NOT true?

    A.Ungeilivable means “dull, not cool at all”.

    B.Antizens live in small rented apartments with small salaries.   

    C.Suan Ni Hen refers to the highest food prices ever.

    D.Beixiaokang means “be said” to be living a comfortable life.

What can we infer from the phenomenon of word creation?

    A.It’s getting more difficult to understand cyber language.

    B.Young people are more likely to respond to nature.

    C.Social phenomena are more easily reflected in cyber language.

    D.The best way to create new cyber words is to combine Chinese and English.

Chinese netizens created English words by          .

    A.combining pinyin of Chinese characters with the English suffix

    B.using the character carrying the same pronunciaton

    C.combining Chinese characters with the English

    D.putting the character “bei” before an English word

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