
A few years ago I received a postcard from a friend Jackson, who wrote, “I am skiing with abandon!” I believe he meant he was skiing skillfully, joyfully, peacefully and confidently. Although I have no hopes of ever skiing that way, I do dream of living with abandon. I believe that men and women through the ages who have led successful lives have captured these secrets of living life to the fullest.

1. Have a self you respect. This means having a deep sense of responsibility for your thoughts and actions. It means keeping your word, and being faithful to self, family and work. It means believing in what you do and working hard. It means setting your own standards, and not comparing yourself to others. It's not a question of being better than someone else; respect and integrity demand that you be better than you thought you could be.

2. Turn disappointments into strengths. Individuals who live with abandon have discovered that personal trials make them more sensitive and loving, while building character. They have learned that achievements worth remembering are stained (给...染色) with the blood of diligence and marked with the scars of disappointment.

The pages of history are filled with the heroic stories of men and women who overcame disabilities and difficulties to demonstrate victorious spirits. Raise him in extreme poverty, and you have an Abraham Lincoln. Make her blind and deaf, and you have a Helen Keller.

3. Enjoy life’s process, not just life’s rewards. We live in a goal-centered society that wants problems solved now. We want three-minute coffee, one-hour dry cleaning, and instant success. But to live with abandon, we must live one day at a time, enjoying the little victories, realizing that life is an endless journey in self-discovery and personal fulfillment.

4. Become involved in something bigger than yourself. I do not believe you will live happily if you set out to live life for yourself alone. Choose a cause bigger than you are and work at it in a spirit of excellence. It will become a part of you as you see your goals through to the end. Measure success not by what you've done, but what you could do.

Title:76.________ of enjoying life



77. _______ yourself

It means:

☆ being very 78. ________ for your thoughts and deeds;

☆ keeping your promise, and having faith in yourself, family and work;

☆ having 79.________ in what you do and working hard;

☆ setting your own standards instead of comparing yourself to others.

Turn disappointments into strengths

☆ People 80. ________ with abandon believe personal trials make them sensitive and loving and are good for 81. ________ character.

☆ Examples of Abraham Lincoln and Helen Keller in history show

82. ________ can be made through diligence.

Enjoy the 83. ________ of life

☆ People are eager to succeed 84. ________ in the present goal-centered society.

☆ What we have to do is to enjoy our life journey by discovering ourselves and fulfilling our personalities.

Set a goal bigger than yourself

☆ Living life for yourself alone won’t make you happy.

☆ Success is not 85. ________ by the things you have done but your abilities.














试题分析: Secrets 原词再现。根据第一段最后一句these secrets of living life

 Respect   原词再现。根据第二段第一句Have a self you respect.

 responsible   原词再现。根据第二段第一行of responsibility for your thoughts and actions.

 belief/faith 同义词转换。根据第二段第三行believing in what you do and working hard中的believe in, 这里所填为名词信任:belief/faith.

 living 词形转换。根据第三段第一行who live with abandon把定语从句转换成现在分词短语修饰名词。

 building/developing       原词再现。根据第三段第二行while building character.

 Achievements 推理题。根据第四段最后两行,用林肯和海伦凯勒的例子来说明成就是可以通过勤奋获得。

 process     原词再现。根据倒数第二段第一句Enjoy life’s process。

 instantly/quickly/immediately   词性转换。根据倒数第二段第二行We want three-minute coffee, one-hour dry cleaning, and instant success.说明很多人想快速成功,把这里的instant转换成副词Instantly.

 measured  句式转换。根据文章最后一句Measure success not by what you've done, but what you could do.把这个主动形式转换成被动语态。






第二节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


"Daddy" Bruce Randolph was around five-feet-eight and slightly built.At the age of sixty-one, he   36   Daddy Bruce's Barbecue Restaurant in the "Five Points" area, a   37   section of Denver.There is debate about   38   his ribs(排骨) were the best in town but no debate on the man himself.He fed people - not just his   39   , but the poor and the homeless.Every Thanksgiving, Daddy and his son began   40   for the crowds of the homeless.He wanted them to have a great    41   on the one day this country celebrates Thanksgiving.

In the   42   years of his project, he paid for everything out-of-pocket.But as time went by, the   43   sky-rocketed as the crowds grew.That's when Daddy's admirers, athletes, politicians, policemen   44   others stepped in to   45   .They donated tons of turkeys, potatoes and ribs and even donated their   46   to stand beside the old man and volunteered to cook and   47   .

It seemed there was an endless   48   of food to feed the crowds.No one ever walked away 

   49   from Daddy Bruce.It was Daddy who started the whole thing and managed it   50  

a few year ago when he edged toward ninety.He had become too   51   to work anymore.He was one of die few people who lived to see a city street   52   in his honor—“Bruce Randolph Boulevard".A couple of years later.Daddy Bruce died.When asked why he   53   to feed the thousands of poor and hungry people for over twenty-five years, his   54   was simple, "You can't beat love.If you give just one thing, you get more things   55   .That’s why I do it."

36.A.built B.opened       C.passed      D.sold

37.A.poor           B.rich    C.beautiful   D.lonely

38.A.what          B.why    C.where       D.whether

39.A.customers         B.admirers    C.friends      D.volunteers

40.A.cooking     B.looking       C.caring        D.waiting

41.A.holiday      B.surprise     C.dinner       D.thank

42.A.early          B.later  C.past D.recent

43.A.prices        B.foods C.customers         D.costs

44.A.as soon as B.as many as         C.as far as   D.as well as

45.A.pay       B.buy     C.interview D.help

46.A.money       B.time   C.dinner       D.food

47.A.serve         B.pay     C.eat    D.share

48.A.supply       B.hope  C.exchange           D.production

49.A.happy        B.angry C.thankful    D.hungry

50.A.before       B.after  C.until D.since

51.A.long B.old      C.hopeless   D.discouraged

52.A.named      B.remembered     C.built D.praised

53.A.helped       B.supported C.expected D.volunteered

54.A.question   B.love    C.reply          D.plan

55.A.away         B.back   C.out    D.down


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