
Kids' health: Four steps for fighting stress

Everybody gets stressed time to time.  71    Some ways of dealing with stress 一like screaming or hitting someone一don't solve (解决) much. But other ways, like talking to someone you trust, can lead you to solving your problem or at least feeling better.

Try taking these four steps the next time you are stressed:

(1) Get support. When you need help, reach out to the people who care about you. Talk to a trusted adult, such as a parent or other relatives.    72    They might have had similar problems, such as dealing with a test, or the death of a beloved pet.

(2) Don't take it out on yourself. Sometimes when kids are stressed and upset they take it out on themselves. Oh, dear, that's good idea. Remember that there are always people to help you. Don't take it out on yourself.     73   

(3) Try to solve the problem. After you're calm and you have support from adults and  friends, it's time to get down to business.        74    Even if you can't solve it all, you can solve a piece of it.

(4) Be positive. Most stress is temporary(暂时的).Remember stress does go away,especially when you figure out the problem and start working on solving it.

These steps aren't magic, but they do work. And if you can stay positive as you make your way through a tough time, you'll help yourself feel better even faster.      75    

A.Ask for a helping hand to get you through the tough situation.

B.Notice your friends' feelings and find a way to help them.

C.Different people feel stress in different ways

D.Ah, it feels so good when the stress is gone.

E. You need to figure out what the problem is.

F. And don't forget about your friends.

G. Then, find a way to calm down。

71    72     73     74      75    









试题分析: C 上句提及每个人都会有压力,接下来应该讲述不同的人感觉到压力的不同方法。

 F 本段谈论的是通过从别人那里获得帮助以对付压力的方法,提及到父母亲戚,接下来应该提及了朋友。

 A 本段谈论的不要自己独自承担压力,故A正确,在遇见困境的时候要向别人求助。

 E 上句提及当你冷静下来,也可以从大人和朋友那里去的帮助的时候,你们就要搞清楚问题是什么。

 D 最后当问题解决的时候,你会感觉非常好的。





A lot of grown-ups worry that spending too much time playing video games isn’t good for a kid’s health. Now some doctors have noticed that kids who bring their hand-held game players to the hospital seem less worried about being there. These patients also seem to experience less pain when they are concentrating on a superhero adventure or a car race. At the Johns Hopkins Children’s Center in Maryland, young patients are finding hospital visits easier to deal with, thanks to a test program called the Hospital-based On-line Pediatric Environment (HOPE). Patients in HOPE have a life-threatening condition where their kidneys(肾脏)no longer filter(过滤)wastes from their blood. To get their blood cleaned, these kids must be hooked up to dialysis(透析) machines at the hospital three times a week, for at least three hours each time. HOPE allows kids to play online sports, racing, and adventure games with each other. Eventually they will be able to connect with kids in other hospitals who are suffering from the same problem. "We want to use the power of the Internet to bring together kids who feel that they are separated by their illness, and let them know that they are not alone," said Arun Mathews, the doctor who heads the program. He loves video games himself and got the idea to connect kids all over the country. Many researchers elsewhere are testing video game programs that might help young patients. For example, nine-year-old Ben Duskin of San Francisco, who was struggling with cancer helped to design a video game where players get rid of cancer cells. That’s all great news, because doctors already know that reducing pain and worry helps patients heal faster.
【小题1】What’s the main idea of the passage?

A.Playing video games too much is bad for kids’health.
B.Playing video games seems to be beneficial to young patients’ recovery.
C.Doctors find that reducing pain helps patients recover faster.
D.Doctors invent a game to help kids in hospitals.
【小题2】How long will it take a patient to get his blood cleaned in a week?
A.About 3 hours.B.About 6 hours.C.About 9 hours.D.About 21 hours.
【小题3】According to Arun Mathews, the main purpose of HOPE is to _________.
A.encourage kids to play online games
B.teach kids how to design video games
C.help kids who are suffering from illness connect with each other
D.make parents worry less about their kids playing video games too much
【小题4】Which of the following plays the most important role in the HOPE project?
A.Music.B.The Internet.C.Novels.D.Films.
【小题5】What can we learn from the passage?
A.Nine-year-old Ben Duskin, who has a cancer, is very brave and clever.
B.Many parents want their children to play video games because it’s good for their health.
C.Doctors are not sure whether reducing pain and worry can help the patients recover faster.
D.HOPE allows kids to play online games only with the kids in the same hospital.

A new study by a Penn State College of Medicine research team found that honey is a better and safer treatment for children than cough medicines.   
Ian Paul, the study’s lead researcher, was motivated to test honey because treating coughs in children has recently become a sticky subject. Coughing is the body’s way of clearing irritated (受刺激的) airways to help you breathe. But too much coughing can irritate your lungs and throat even more. It can also make it tough to get the sleep your body needs to heal. Hoping to ease the suffering of their children, parents often give them cough medicines.  
But there have never been any good studies showing that they work. Cough and cold medicines may also cause serious side effects. Hundreds of kids die in the hospital each year after receiving too much cough medicine by mistake. Last October, the US Food and Drug Administration suggested that parents should not give cough medicines to children under 6.
In order to search for a different solution, Paul designed a study that involved 105 kids who were sick with coughs and other cold conditions. At bedtime, the kids took buckwheat (荞麦) honey, honey-flavored (蜂蜜味的) DM (one of the most common ingredients in cough medicines), or no treatment. Parents and kids in the no-
-treatment group knew they weren’t getting anything, but the other two groups weren’t told which treatment they were getting.
The surveys showed that kids who swallowed about 2 teaspoons of buckwheat honey before bedtime coughed less and slept better than kids in the other groups. “When parents want something for their kids to take,” Paul says, “honey seems like the best option”.
But what gives honey its healing power? Substances called antioxidants (抗氧化剂) may be part of the answer. All honey contains antioxidants that protect our cells from damage. Studies show that antioxidant levels in the body rise after someone swallows honey.
68. Which of the following can be the best title for this passage?
A. No cough medicines to children    
B. Sweet solution to kids’ coughing
C. Best treatment for your cold   
D. Cough medicines don’t work  
69. We can learn from Paragraph 2 that coughing ______.
A. sometimes does good to people 
B. can cure lung and throat diseases
C. is more harmful to children  
D. helps improve children’s diet   
70. During Paul’s experiment, the kids who received treatment ______.
A. seemed much worse than before 
B. knew they weren’t getting anything 
C. coughed less and slept better
D. had no idea what they swallowed

A. MATHEMATICS, English, Science & more. All ages. Ring Paul 9905-9995
B. MATHS tutoring in your home. All high school levels or above. Yr7--12, $50-60ph. Contact Andrew 041 8-4116-3 83, or email Andrew-bb@yahoo.com.au
C. MONA VALE Education Centre. All subjects, levels, abilities. Small groups/individual, esp. for young kids. Ph 9918-0011
D. NEWPORT Education Centre. Professional tutoring in Maths, English, Reading, Spelling. Years 1 to 12.Free assessment. Sharyn Whitton 9979 9421
E. Accelerated MIND BODY SOUL NATURAL HEALING.  Private Courses/ Programs Heal Yourself / Help Others REIKI 1 2 3 ORION/THETAHEALING *HELEN WENHAN 5591-6677*
F. Acrylic Nail Courses and Waxing Courses (including Brazilian) Day Course.  Begins FOR ACRYLIC NAILS Tuesday 31st Oct. Evening Course 6th November WAXING COURSE Starts every-Monday FULLY ACCREDITED Bookings Essential Limited Numbers! Ph.5596~7998
【小题1】John, a fourteen-year-old young boy, is poor at math and physics and has to improve them in order to pass the final exam at school.
【小题2】Mr. Black Smith, a labor worker on dock who would like to change to some technological job since he is already 43 and a bit too old for hard labor work. He has to work from Monday to Saturday but is free after 5:00 in the afternoon.
【小题3】Chen Hua, a Chinese middle school student who has just moved to the USA. She will have to finish the course all in English at school there but her English is not good enough.
【小题4】Tim, a graduated college student who wanted to quit his job and go on his study for M. A. He planned to take the MBA courses and would have to improve his math because he majored in Art at college.
【小题5】Mrs. Tumer, a working mother with two young kids. She thinks education is a race and it's better to prepare kids more and earlier. Her neighbors, several other families share the same opinion and they are all thinking about sending their young kids to some pre-school education program.


A. MATHEMATICS, English, Science & more. All ages. Ring Paul 9905-9995

B. MATHS tutoring in your home. All high school levels or above. Yr7--12, $50-60ph. Contact Andrew 041 8-4116-3 83, or email Andrew-bb@yahoo.com.au

C. MONA VALE Education Centre. All subjects, levels, abilities. Small groups/individual, esp. for young kids. Ph 9918-0011

D. NEWPORT Education Centre. Professional tutoring in Maths, English, Reading, Spelling. Years 1 to 12.Free assessment. Sharyn Whitton 9979 9421

E. Accelerated MIND BODY SOUL NATURAL HEALING.  Private Courses/ Programs Heal Yourself / Help Others REIKI 1 2 3 ORION/THETAHEALING *HELEN WENHAN 5591-6677*

F. Acrylic Nail Courses and Waxing Courses (including Brazilian) Day Course.  Begins FOR ACRYLIC NAILS Tuesday 31st Oct. Evening Course 6th November WAXING COURSE Starts every-Monday FULLY ACCREDITED Bookings Essential Limited Numbers! Ph.5596~7998


1.John, a fourteen-year-old young boy, is poor at math and physics and has to improve them in order to pass the final exam at school.

2.Mr. Black Smith, a labor worker on dock who would like to change to some technological job since he is already 43 and a bit too old for hard labor work. He has to work from Monday to Saturday but is free after 5:00 in the afternoon.

3.Chen Hua, a Chinese middle school student who has just moved to the USA. She will have to finish the course all in English at school there but her English is not good enough.

4.Tim, a graduated college student who wanted to quit his job and go on his study for M. A. He planned to take the MBA courses and would have to improve his math because he majored in Art at college.

5.Mrs. Tumer, a working mother with two young kids. She thinks education is a race and it's better to prepare kids more and earlier. Her neighbors, several other families share the same opinion and they are all thinking about sending their young kids to some pre-school education program.


A new study by Penn State College of Medicine research team found that honey is a better and safer treatment for children than cough medicines.

   Ian Paul, the study’s lead researcher, was motivated to test honey because treating coughs in children has recently become a sticky subject. Coughing is the body’s way of cleaning irritated (受刺激的) airways to help you breathe. But too much coughing can irritate your lungs and throat even more. It can also make it tough to get the sleep your body needs to heal. Hoping to ease the suffering of their children, parents often give them cough medicines.

But there have never been any good studies showing that they work. Cough and cold medicines may also cause serious side effects. Hundreds of kids die in the hospital each year after receiving too much cough medicine by mistake. Last October, the US Food and Drug Administration suggested that parents should not give cough medicines to children under 6.

In order to search for a different solution, Paul designed a study that involved 105 kids who were sick with coughs and other cold conditions. At bedtime, the kids took buckwheat(荞麦) honey, honey-flavored (蜜蜂味的) DM (one of the most common ingredients成分in cough medicine), or no treatment. Parents and kids in the no-treatment group knew they weren’t getting anything, but the other two groups weren’t told which treatment they were getting.

The surveys showed that kids who swallowed about 2 teaspoons of buckwheat

honey before bedtime coughed less and slept better than kids in other groups.

“When parents want something for their kids to take,” Paul says, “honey seems

 like the best option.”

But what gives honey its healing power? Substances called antioxidants(抗氧化剂) may be part of the answer. All honey contains antioxidants that protect our cells from damage. Studies show that antioxidant levels in the body rise after someone swallows honey.

1.Which of the following can be the best title for this passage?

A. Sweet solution to kids’ coughing

B. No cough medicines to children

   C. Best treatment for your cold

   D. Cough medicines don’t work

2.We can learn from Paragraph 2 that coughing ______.

   A. can cure lung and throat diseases

   B. is more harmful to children

C. sometimes does good to people 

   D. helps improve children’s die

3.During Paul’s experiment, the kids who received treatment __________.

   A. seemed much worse than before

B. had no idea what they swallowed

C. knew they weren’t getting anything

   D. coughed less and slept better

4. According to the passage, Paul’s experiment proved that ____.

A. honey may have real healing power

B. cough medicines may cause side effect

    C. cough medicines don’t really work

D. buckwheat honey contain more antioxidants


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